Tan Lin fulfilled Yu Zhan's mission brilliantly and supernaturally, and performed the whole story very realistically.

Yu Zhan and Tan Lin connected to confirm that he was safe and sound, and then transferred him 100,000 yuan in spiritual comfort money, and expanded and revised the script he modified without authorization.

Then, Yu Zhan drove to the XX Lake Village Police Station to help Liu Chengyu settle the matter.

The police from the XX Lake Village Police Station called up Liu Chengyu's personal information, and also saw the note of there is a difference in spirit, please pay more attention. The police were surprised, and several people discussed with each other.

A policeman also called the XX Street Police Station to ask what was going on with the man. It was the young policeman who answered the phone. When he heard that Liu Chengyu actually pushed him into the water for a fishing spot! On the phone, he said firmly:

He really has a mental problem.

The young policeman explained the dispute between Liu Chengyu, his ex-wife and foreign friends to his colleagues in the brother unit.

After hearing all this, all the policemen felt that Liu Chengyu's character had serious flaws. Normal people tend to be mild-tempered when they reach the retirement age of 50 years old, because they have seen too many storms and waves, and they will not make trouble if they disagree with each other. , except for those few top-notch old people. What's more, Liu Chengyu has received higher education and used to be a civil servant. His consciousness should be higher than that of ordinary people. What about in the water?

At the same time, the police station received a call from the hospital, informing them that the victim had been discharged and was fine.

Whether the victim was injured or not is directly related to the nature of Liu Chengyu's incident and the priority of the police's handling method-whether it should be punished by law or order or filed for investigation. If no one is injured, there is no need to file a case for investigation. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less. So should he be detained for a few days to give Liu Chengyu a long memory?

The arrival of Yu Zhan solved this problem.

The victim took the initiative to express that he was fine anyway, and he was at fault, so he would not pursue the matter, and agreed to pay the money to settle the matter. The money, of course, was paid by Yu Zhan!

Although Liu Chengyu was not punished, the police added an extra line to his remarks: Extreme thinking and radical behavior.

There was nothing wrong with Liu Chengyu, he swaggered out of the police station with a very arrogant demeanor, complaining to Yu Zhan endlessly, he was not wrong to push someone, that person deserves what he deserves, a poor guy just wants to extort money...

Yu Zhan patiently listened to his so-called explanation with a smile on his face, and said confidently, It's okay, next time you encounter this kind of thing, just call me.

With Yu Zhan's words, Liu Chengyu was determined!

Therefore, after Liu Chengyu dragged Wang Zhihua away, he also called Yu Zhan immediately, asking him to come and exonerate him.

Yu Zhan said on the phone, OK.

But Liu Chengyu stayed in the detention center for two days, and he didn't even see Yu Zhan's people. He was a little anxious. His mobile phone was confiscated after he was arrested. He couldn't contact Yu Zhan again. He didn't understand Yu Zhan. Why did Zhan delay for so long? It was obviously no different from the last time he pushed someone into the water.

Liu Chengyu begged the police to let him make a phone call, but the police refused. He, paralyzed by money, finally became suspicious of Yu Zhan.

While he was squatting in the small cell, panicked, the police were interrogating Liu Man and Zhang Pei about Liu Chengyu's mental condition. The mother and daughter were interrogated separately.

Fortunately, Yu Zhan had the foresight and tactfully asked them to make up their excuses. Their words were exactly the same as what Yu Zhan told the police at the beginning-Liu Chengyu had a mental problem because of a car accident.

It was only at this moment that the two of them realized that Liu Chengyu had committed such a serious crime four days ago. The police saw the Oh, my God expressions on the faces of the two, and they didn't seem to be pretending. They thought it was true that they said that they no longer contacted Liu Chengyu. That being the case, they have nothing to do with the case of Wang Zhihua being dragged away.

Liu Man asked the police, Will my father be sentenced this time?

The police thought Liu Man's tone was a bit strange, as if they wished Liu Chengyu would be sentenced, but according to their exact information, Liu Chengyu's first car accident escape was indeed facilitated by his wife and daughter.

It's hard to say. If it is confirmed that he is mentally ill, he won't be, the policeman said implicitly.

How can you be sure?

His mental condition must be assessed by a professional institution designated by the judiciary and an authoritative report will be issued.


After some cautious and calm questions and answers, Liu Man and Zhang Pei came out of their respective interrogation rooms. The mother and daughter looked at each other and knew that they had passed the test. The police told them that Wang Zhihua's injuries were serious. He needed a huge amount of medical expenses, and Liu Chengyu's work unit temporarily helped him pay a sum of money, but Liu Chengyu has now been fired by the work unit, and it is impossible for the work unit to continue to pay for him.

The police obviously wanted to ask whether Zhang Pei's mother and daughter could pay for Wang Zhihua's medical expenses. The Wang family spent all the 3.1 million yuan and could not afford to treat their son’s illness. Liu Chengyu’s own bank account only had 5,000 yuan. Splurge--money is easy to come by and easy to spend. He bought a lot of luxury goods and often went to high-consumption places.

Zhang Pei replied without hesitation, Liu Chengyu and I have divorced long ago, his affairs have nothing to do with me, and I have no obligation to help him take responsibility.

After thinking for a while, Liu Man said, My company just signed a big contract not long ago, and all the money in my hand was sent to the partner, and I have no money in my pocket.

Mother and daughter, one is heartless, the other is poor, the police have nothing to say, he just asked out of morality, he has no right or basis to force them to give money. The police just thought, how failed Liu Chengyu was as a husband and father, so that his relatives were so indifferent to him?

After sending away Zhang Pei's mother and daughter, the police interrogated Liu Chengyu again and told him concisely that Wang Zhihua needed money for medical treatment. If he had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes and cooperated with the police - he voluntarily paid the medical expenses - he could be given a lighter punishment.

I won't give him a dime! Liu Chengyu almost blurted out this sentence. He was extremely resentful towards Wang Zhihua and his family. In turn blackmailing him, killing him like this, losing his job, and the previous car accident may have to be retried.

Let him give money to Wang Zhihua now, don't even think about it!

But in front of the police, he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He really didn't want to go to jail. He pleaded, I don't have any money. Can you let me make a phone call and find someone to lend money to Wang Zhihua for medical treatment?

The third one is done~

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