Tang Tu's microblog was posted relatively late, but it did not prevent it from being viewed by tens of thousands of people in a short period of time. He pushed the popularity of this X war to its peak. Obviously, the identity of that director is Cai Henian, but because Tang Tu is very popular and has a good relationship with many older actresses, netizens did not guess who one sister was at first, and aimed at the identity of one sister, Everyone had a heated discussion in the middle of the night.

After peeling and comparing, they finally determined that Chu Yu was the heroine of this incident.

Chu Yu is now called the most late bloomer among actresses by netizens. Before this year, who knew her? Even though she has seen the role of vase played by her in film and television dramas, after all, she is very beautiful and can leave a certain impression on the audience, but who remembers her name?

As a result, she became popular all of a sudden. Recently, her name and photos can always be seen in the entertainment news. From being unknown to acting in two highly topical movies in a row. Gossip, gossip with the handsome and talented Tang Tu, counting all the female stars in the entertainment industry, no one has been more in the limelight than Chu Yu in the past six months.

There are mixed reviews about Chu Yu on the Internet. Some people sneer at her past and firmly believe in the fact that she was adopted. Chu Yu’s former friends and even people who claim to be her neighbors and relatives see her popularity. She went to the Internet to expose her black material, saying that her life style has serious problems, and her parents don't recognize her as a daughter anymore. They thought that Chu Yu used shady means to curry favor with the ladies and sisters by hugging her thighs, while Liu Man and the girls were young and innocent, and were deceived by the mature Chu Yu.

But this does not prevent more and more people from becoming Chu Yu's fans. Fans like her face value and her smile. They think that when she smiles, her eyes are clear and starry. How can such a woman be like the one described on the Internet? So bad?

Tang Tu's Weibo undoubtedly helped Chu Yu's reputation. Netizens believed everything Tang Tu said, because normal male stars would not intervene in the disgraceful affairs of the director and a group of female stars at such a sensitive time. His revelations were false. Didn't he just pour sewage on himself? Tang Tu did this only when he was full. His traffic was high enough. After Late Ming Dynasty was released, his Weibo followers skyrocketed to 3000w+. He didn't need to use other people's enthusiasm to hype himself. So he posted on Weibo just to speak out for justice.

I knew that Chu Yu was not the kind of actress uploaded on the Internet. The 'ladies and sisters' are innocent and not fools. How could they be so easily deceived.

It's terrible. Twenty-year-old Zhang Xinyi and Lu Lu, thirty-year-old Chu Yu, forty-year-old Jiang Lin, how many female celebrities have been killed by Cai Henian's claws?

Looking at Tang Tu's tone, there is a sister on the left and a sister on the right. He respects Chu Yu very much. They should be just ordinary friends. I admire him a lot. He uses himself as a target for his friends, and is not afraid of being blackmailed. Most people are afraid that this kind of thing will set them on fire.


Liu Man finished recording in the recording studio, and it was already past noon. She was tired and hungry. If Jason's character is moody and unpredictable, then his album producer, Cohen, is simply picky. The realm of endurance.

Liu Man is not a professional composer, but she thinks that there is no major problem with the harmony part of the songs she adapted. She has the memory of the previous owner. She is good at Chinese classical music theory and also understands Western music, but Cohen is If you want to talk about her ignorance, first she said that she changed the rhythm of the song incorrectly, adjusted the rhythm, and said that the timbre is not full. Liu Man patiently explained that the timbre of the Chinese guqin is like this, and finally said that Liu Man's harmony is too thin , Not enough singing skills, lacking a little feeling? ? ?

Liu Man couldn't bear it anymore when she heard such comments. She realized that Cohen was deliberately picking on the thorns, but she suppressed her temper and asked him humbly, What kind of feeling do you need?

As soon as Cohen was about to speak, Jason said first, Liu Man is only in charge of harmony, and it's my embellishment and foil. Let her sing so well, is she trying to steal my limelight? His words blocked Cohen from saying anything.

It seems that Jason is arrogant, but in fact, he is trying to save Liu Man. He insists on protecting Liu Man, but Cohen can't help it. He is just a producer and a subordinate of Scott.

He could only say unwillingly, Okay, that's it.

After the work was finished, Liu Man came out of the recording studio, but Cohen was nowhere to be seen.

Jason sat on a chair with headphones in his ears, listening to the newly recorded harmony and accompaniment, and reading comments from fans online. A few hours passed, enough for foreign netizens to figure out what those Chinese sentences Jason posted Meaning, everyone was arguing about which sentence he tattooed, and some people were very excited, wishing to send it across the network cable and fight with each other.

Among them, the most popular option is All within the four seas are brothers. This sentence is the most straightforward, and it is easy to understand when translated into English. The second is A confidant in the sea is like a neighbor at the end of the world. This is the main point of contention among netizens. A couple of sentences.

Jason rubbed his chin, looking deep in thought. In the earphones, Liu Man's voice Guan Guan Jujiu, in the River Island singing sounded again. Seeing Liu Man approaching, he snapped his fingers and finally made up his mind. Idea, took the piece of paper written by Liu Man, pointed to All brothers in the world and said to her, OK, I'll just tattoo this sentence!

Liu Man smiled, As long as you like it.

No no, I thought it through, first of all most of my fans like it, I follow the trend, and this sentence is the same as the harmony lyrics you sang for me in 4 notes, more rhythmic, Common beats in music are generally 4 notes as a measure, and then subdivided by each measure, such as 2/4, 3/4...Jason is sensitive to rhythm and has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. Maybe he will never be able to realize how beautiful Chinese five-character quatrains and seven-character verses are, unless he learns Chinese from scratch.

He is a man of action, and he will implement it immediately after making a decision. He first invited Liu Man to have a takeaway meal. The takeaway was ordered by Amanda and it was placed outside. Playing the piano and singing were all physical work. Liu Man was very hungry and ate a big hamburger, even though the taste was... indescribable , she frowned and finished eating. Jason and Amanda ate the same food as her. They ate with gusto and chatted about music. Amanda's attitude towards Jason was not cold at all. She watched Jason's There seems to be a cautious look in the eyes, no matter how cool or flirtatious the appearance is, the reaction to idols is the same.

Liu Man noticed that there was a hamburger on the table, which should belong to Cohen, so he left without eating.

The first update~The second update is at night~

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