Liu Man wrote the phrase All within the four seas are brothers on three pieces of paper, and the three fonts were spread out on the table. The contrast is very obvious, even for Jason and Bang who have no knowledge of Chinese characters and calligraphy. A clear difference can also be seen.

She introduced the two at the same time, The one on the far left is Xiaozhuan written in my video. Xiaozhuan has been a common character in China since the Qin Dynasty. It has a history of more than 2,000 years, so its writing method is more complicated. The curve is the main one, and now even the Chinese are not easy to identify...

In the middle is the official script, which was developed from the seal script and was popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is similar to the simplified script of the seal script, and the curves and arcs gradually become straight lines and corners...

The one on the far right is Kai, which gradually evolved from the official script. It was the most popular font in the Tang Dynasty in China. It is more simplified, the font is correct, horizontal and vertical, and it is closer to the calligraphy of modern Chinese characters...

Liu Man's explanation was very detailed and unreserved, which is equivalent to giving a popular science class on Chinese calligraphy to the two crooked nuts. Now she is qualified for the profession of calligraphy teacher.

Professor Su once said that calligraphy should not be an art category that ordinary people feel superior to. He hopes that calligraphy can bring the taste of fireworks in the world and be accepted and appreciated by the public. The title of the so-called calligrapher is a false name. A single-minded study of writing cannot become a means for businessmen to turn calligraphy into money. Therefore, after the auction, Liu Man seldom sells her own works. She follows Professor Su's instructions and strives to be a teacher of calligraphy elective courses in school. She founded Xuewen Tumo to spread calligraphy culture to the public.

After listening to Liu Man's teaching, the two of them looked at her calligraphy, which was an eye-opener and a feeling of gaining insight.

Chinese culture is simply unimaginably wonderful! Bang couldn't restrain his excitement. Just when he was watching Liu Man writing, he wanted to express such emotion, but he was afraid of disturbing her. Witnessing the artist's artistic creation with his own eyes will also give him a sense of accomplishment. No wonder Liu Man became popular on YouTube, it is really extraordinary.

Jason also felt the same way, but he had already seen the extraordinaryness of Liu Man, and he didn't make such a fuss like Bang, he said to Bang, You should listen to the music she played again, you will feel that the door to a new world has opened.

I heard it on YouTube.

The effect of the live version is different, but unfortunately the recording is over, Jason said, I will call you when I shoot the MV next time.

Bang couldn't wish for it, he laughed, and put his hands on Jason's shoulders, You're really a brother, I'll give you a free charge for this purchase.

Jason glanced at him, didn't bother to answer, he wasn't short of the tattoo money.

Have you decided which font to choose? Liu Man asked Jason.

Jason stared at the three fonts on the table for a long time, and was entangled again just like choosing a sentence before, he turned back and said to Bang, Come and help me refer.

The two men frowned together, thinking hard,

Bang said, I think it's all very good.

I think so too. The seal script looks very retro, and the official script is very cute. The regular script allows me to see exactly how Chinese characters are written.

No wonder you want to vote. When you have a lot of good things in front of you, it really makes you a headache.

I've never been so sad, Liu Man did it.


Jason and Bang were whispering there, and it is estimated that they will discuss for a while. Only then did Liu Man have time to turn on the phone to see if there are any important news and missed calls. That's it.

There is no phone call. At this time, it is already four o'clock in the morning in China, which is the time when most people are in deep sleep. However, she has a few unread WeChat messages from Yu Zhan and He Lushen.

Yu Zhan asked her if she saw Jason, whether the recording went well, and what she had for lunch. These were some daily concerns. The last question was three hours ago, and he is probably asleep now.

He Lushen also asked her if she had lunch. He probably wanted to treat her to dinner, but she didn't reply. He then asked her what her plans were for the afternoon. This question was sent half an hour ago.

Liu Man replied, I'm in a tattoo studio, so I shouldn't be free in the afternoon.

He Lushen has been waiting for news from Liu Man. When he saw this reply, he quickly thought of the Chinese character picture Jason posted on his ins, and he knew that every big incident that Jason caused was related to Liu Man, Okay , you go ahead, I will go directly to Yu Zhan's apartment to find you later at night.

Liu Man was surprised, and couldn't understand why He Lushen was so anxious to see her. Even though Zhang Xinyi's live broadcast room exposed Cai Henian's background, it had only been a few hours. Even if there was any feedback on interests, at least it would have to wait until daytime, when everyone got up Yes.

She opened Weibo again, and only then did she know what a big event her friends had caused. The top ten topics on Weibo's most searched list were all related to this storm, Zhang Xinyi and Lu Lu tear Cai Henian; Jiang Lin tear Cai Henian Crane, supported by Wang Xiangqin; Tang Tu helped Chuyu tear Cai Henian...

Liu Man was very surprised that Tang Tu actually intervened in this matter. It is undeniable that he did help Chu Yu a lot, but she couldn't figure out what drove Tang Tu to put herself in the center of public opinion for Chu Yu. Don't tell her, Tang Tu also fell in love with Chuyu... Could it be that He Lushen wanted to see her for this? That was bloody.

And after Tang Tu’s microblog was released in the early morning, two 18-line actresses who probably read the news, were emotional and couldn’t fall asleep followed suit on Weibo, saying that they had also been sneaked by Cai Henian, and explained in detail Through the whole process, the crew, location, and timeline are very clear and conclusive.

Some netizens asked Cai Henian angrily, how many girls did he spoil? However, Cai Henian's Weibo has turned off the reply function, and he also deleted the two sophistry Weibo. Liu Man thought that Cai Henian must not be able to sleep at night, and he may be contacting various parties to eliminate the influence.

Liu Man reposted all of his friends' Weibo posts, and wrote on his own Weibo, Justice must prevail!

As soon as she sent it, Jason said to her over there, I have chosen it, and I still stick to my original idea, the characters in seal script.

Bang went on to say, This is our decision after careful consideration, but it doesn't mean we don't like your other two fonts. On the contrary, we can't put it down. J and I want to collect these three fonts of yours separately.

No problem, just treat it as a meeting gift from me to you, Liu Man hurriedly came to the United States without preparing any gifts, a little rude, and just took this opportunity to complete the ceremony.

You are so generous. Since Liu Man is so easy-going, Bang didn't lay the groundwork and said his thoughts directly, I also want to ask you to do me a favor.

The second is more done~

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