Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 986: All Lost Contact

In the past two days, the news that dominated the top domestic search topics and headlines was originally the national withdrawal of Cangyun Sword. You must know that the publicity before the release of Cangyun Sword did not reach such a popularity.

After the joint operation of Liu Man, He Lushen, Yu Zhan, and Tao Zhiyao, Cai Henian was completely out of favor. The wave of refunds for Cangyun Sword was soaring. Movie theater companies all over the country took care of Cai Henian's face at the beginning and reduced the number of movies by reducing the number of films. Lost, with little effect, and finally had to follow Huaguang Studios' practice and collectively remove Cangyun Sword.

Looking back at the history of domestic films, in the past, even if there were tainted actors or misbehaving creatives in the film, if the producer was powerful enough to save them, they would try their best to delete clips or cutouts of relevant personnel at most; if there was no other way If public opinion is suppressed, the film will be blocked by the relevant department directly from the very beginning and will not be released.

There has never been a situation like Cangyun Sword-halfway through the release, it was urgently withdrawn. This is like climbing half a mountain and being pulled down from behind. It is embarrassing and unprecedented.

The box office of Cang Yun Sword will always stay at the figure of 1.4 billion.

Therefore, 1.4 billion has become the referent to Cang Yun Sword by the media. When I open today's Weibo hot search, there is a 1.4 billion every few posts, which is very ironic.

The results were refreshed again, and all the hot searches became #想着见义健为,刘諚 was injured by Hollywood actor Richard Houston in the United States, and the injury is unknown#, #party双热火,每晚普拿大电影的地方#, #又开感感,Jason Harmer英雄救美#, #绿色鹅身任义世英雄,打打RichardHouston#, #开始美国奥该Miller Family and Its Heiress’s Conventional Birthday Banquet#.......

These contents are like a huge wave, sweeping in. Whether it is a news client, Weibo, Douyin or other forums, the comment areas of all social software have exploded. This news content is not ordinary fantasy, it is enough to subvert ordinary people Three Views.

In the impression of domestic netizens, the latest news about Liu Man is the calligraphy tattoo she designed for Jason, and the music video she and Li Xiaoru filmed in New York. They could not accept the fact that Liu Man was injured without warning and went to the emergency room overnight.

Friends of Liu Man, no matter whether they are eating lunch, working, or attending class at this moment, they all immediately stop what they are doing and call Liu Man's number, but naturally they cannot get through - Liu Man's mobile phone and handbag are both It was left at the banquet scene. After everyone left, it was picked up by the nightclub cleaning staff and handed over to the nightclub owner.

She couldn't get through on the phone, and she couldn't get through to He Lushen... Then she tried to contact Yu Zhan, but she couldn't get through either! ! !

Everyone was dying of anxiety, they didn't care about the specific reason why the American actor beat Liu Man, they only knew that their friend was probably seriously injured! Sun Weiwei asked in the group, What's the situation with them? Why did Yu Zhan lose contact?

Yu Zhan decided to go to the United States on a temporary basis. He was in a hurry and did not announce it widely. In addition, he recently returned to his main business and no longer managed the business of Xinghe Film and Television. Therefore, Tao Zhiyao, who had frequent contact with him, also expressed his concern for him. Nothing is known about his whereabouts. But at this moment, Yu Zhan had already left China and was flying over the Pacific Ocean, so of course he couldn't get through the phone.

Sun Weiwei asked again, Does anyone have Jason Harmer's contact information?

Shen Mozhen wrote, Lina should know, I'll ask her.

At this time, it was morning in France time, Lina just woke up and received a message from Shen Mozhen without even washing her face. She was shocked and quickly opened the social software abroad. The situation on the external network was only more exaggerated than in China. In the bullying video, Lina was in a bad mood.


The one who cared the most about Liu Man was of course her mother. She was so anxious that she also called Liu Man and Yu Zhan, but it was useless. Listening to the busy tone on the phone and the notification that she was not in the service area, her mind was dizzy and she couldn't stand still. She was almost as disoriented as when Liu Chengyu had an accident, but soon she regained her sense and calmness.

At this time, panic cannot solve the problem and is of no use. She only has a passport and no US visa, so she cannot go to the United States immediately, so she can only ask others for help.

Zhang Pei made two more phone calls. On the first call, she called Song Junzhe. Compared with He Lushen, she was more familiar with Song Junzhe. The capital investment center of Songtai Real Estate was opposite to their company. Zhang Pei often met Song Junzhe , the two will always chat a few words. Recently their first commercial building has been topped out. On the day of topping out, Song Junzhe invited Zhang Pei to a wedding banquet.

Zhang Pei thinks that Song Junzhe has such a good relationship with Yu and He, so he must know something.

In fact, Song Junzhe didn't know anything. However, before Yu Zhan went on a business trip to Shanghai, he had entrusted him to go to his apartment every two days, feed two dogs and two cats, clean up the poop, and walk the dog. The hard-working Song Junzhe just went to the apartment last night, and took a photo with Yu Zhan to prove that he and Liu Man's pets were taken care of properly.

Now he can't contact Yu Zhan...

Song Junzhe is more worried about He Lushen. Liu Man's friends only care about Liu Man, so they don't think about He Lushen beating someone in the United States. No matter whether that person is a Hollywood star or not, he will have to bear the terrible legal responsibility . Song Junzhe knew the consequences, He Lushen was his good friend, how could he not be in a hurry!

But he comforted Zhang Pei on the phone, I will strive to go to the United States today, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and they will be fine. He must not let He Lushen be imprisoned in the United States!

Song Junzhe's determined tone seemed confident, with a kind of calming power, Zhang Pei was able to calm down a little bit, You should also pay attention to safety!

Understood, Auntie, I will give you news when I arrive in America.

After hanging up Song Junzhe, Zhang Pei made a second call to Peter. Even though she knew the time, it was early in the morning in the United States, and Peter was probably resting. It was impolite for her to do so; even if she knew what was going on between her and him, The details are unclear, but Zhang Pei still insists on making this call. The etiquette and ambiguity are not as good as her daughter's safety.

Unexpectedly, the phone was connected after only half a ring - Peter didn't sleep!

How could Peter be able to sleep when such a big event happened!

Peter first went to New York on this business trip, and the day before Liu Man arrived in New York, he flew to Los Angeles. At this time, he was in the suburb of Ontario, 60 kilometers away from Los Angeles, where the headquarters of Cats'Garden's American agency company is located. This company not only acts as an agent for their brand of pet food, but also has its own brand, which mainly sells various pet cans and accessories, so the location of the company's headquarters is so remote.

The second is more done~

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