Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 81 Encountering Karp By Chance, Anticlimactic

"One Piece World is trouble.

"Not to mention the messy magnetic field, there is no advanced GPS electronic map navigation yet."

"Why didn't I think of asking Lei Li or Xia Qi for a record pointer before?" Fischer sat on the head of a sea king with all kinds of strange things on the sea, with his arms crossed, muttering helplessly.

Because I didn't expect this before, so now I can only float on the sea.

And because he didn't know the direction, Fischer directly broke into the calm zone, the lair of sea kings.

Drifting there for several days did not find a small island.

If things go on like this, Fischer will not even go to the New World to find experts to learn from, and even his plan to go to the navy before going back will be ruined.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Thinking of this, Fischer became a little annoyed, and punched the Sea King who was carrying him bitterly, and a "nine-five-zero" wailing resounded across the sea area.

"Well, forget it, I know you didn't mean it, so I'll let you off this time."

"I don't know where Robin is now."

"I still miscalculated. Even if I upgrade, my magic power is not enough for me to teleport directly to Luo Bao's side."

"And Hancock's side too, did I run to that sea area?"

"Why do you feel that you are getting farther and farther away from Hancock and Robin?" Looking at the vast and endless sea, Fischer's eyes were slightly dull, and his expression was a little dull

He could feel where Hancock and Robin were, but the distance was too far, and even the upgraded magic power was not enough to teleport him there.

"Well, is it my illusion?"

"Why does it feel like a warship is approaching in front?" Suddenly, a small black dot appeared in Fischer's field of vision, which made Fischer squint his eyes and muttered about speeding up.

Immediately, Fischer put his fingers into a circle and placed it in front of his eyes, using his thoughts to look around.

This look really made Fischer find hope in this vast sea.

Thousands of nautical miles away, there is a warship sailing slowly at this time.

"There is no limit to the road." Looking at the black spots in the distance, Fischer had a smile on his eyes.

Patting the sea kings under him, Shell said goodbye to them.

"Big man, you are free."

After speaking, Fischer turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed out.

However, within a few seconds of rushing out, Fischer stopped in mid-air, unexpectedly looking at the warship in the distance and at the dog-headed prow.

"Are you meeting this guy?"

"Looks like it's time to fight." Fischer murmured in a low voice, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

On the other side, on the watchtower of the warship that Fischer saw just now, there was an extremely burly man in a black suit with a scar at the corner of his eye. Bubbles popped out, big and small.

If Fischer were here, he would definitely recognize this guy's identity immediately.

Naval hero, elite lieutenant general Monkey D. Karp.

When Fischer's murmur fell, the bubble on Garp's nose suddenly shattered, and Garp quickly opened his eyes.

"What a strong breath." Jumping up, Garp came to the window of the watchtower and looked out, muttering in a low voice.

Immediately, Garp ignored the blocking of the window, punched the window directly, left the warship on moon steps, and rushed towards the direction where Fischer was.

"Lieutenant Admiral Garp?" The adjutant on the deck below frowned slightly when he saw this scene, but he didn't make a fuss, as did the other sailors.

After all, my family knows their own affairs, and they are no exception to whatever Garp will do suddenly.

However, most of the idle sailors still turned their attention to the direction Karp left.

"There is a powerful presence in that place." Looking over, the adjutant also sensed Fischer's presence, and his eyes under the hat suddenly froze.

"Lean over to Lieutenant General Garp." Immediately, the adjutant waved his hand and issued an order.

At this time, on the sea, Fischer's calm combat power was in midair, quietly waiting for Garp's arrival.

Just now, Fischer has released a fleeting aura, and Fischer believes that Garp can definitely feel it from such a small distance.

As soon as the thought was over, Fischer felt a violent breath coming in an instant.

Accompanied by the sound of a sonic boom, Garp's voice appeared in front of Fischer violently, stepping on one foot in front of Fischer.

"Huh? I didn't expect it to be your kid."

"Haha, boy, you dare to attract this old man here on purpose, you really are not afraid of death!!!" After arriving here, Garp suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then burst out laughing.

"Why not?"

"Warring States, I dare to prove that I will fight against you. Is there anything special about you Karp?" Fischer asked with a smile.

"That's right, even the Warring States Period can't take you down. You do have some skills, and you have the qualifications to be so arrogant."

"Boy, I really admire the fact that you attacked Mary Gioia."

"Without O'Hara and Mary Joa, the old man thinks we can be very good friends.

"However, it's a pity that our positions are too clear." Garp nodded in admiration, but then shook his head regretfully.

If it wasn't because of these two things, he really wanted to make friends with Fischer. After all, Fischer's character who dared to directly hurt Mary Gioia was very suitable for him, and he could definitely become friends.

"That's right, it's an honor to be praised so much by the naval hero card." Fischer smiled, not taking it seriously.

"Since I let the old man see it, then the old man can't pretend it didn't happen, boy, let the horse come here." Garp grinned and said with a smile, and he didn't mean to regard Fischer as an enemy at all in his words, but he did It's for Fischer to do it.

"I also want to experience the strength of the naval hero Garp." Fischer said lightly when he heard the words, and then violent thunder and lightning began to emerge from his body, and the terrifying momentum erupted instantly. Dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

"Hey, the weather is actually affected to such an extent, boy, your thunder fruit must have awakened! 0.3!!" Seeing this scene, Garp was extremely surprised

"Not yet..." Fischer shook his head lightly, and began to speak, but in the middle of speaking, Fischer stopped.

The thunder and lightning on his body disappeared in an instant, and the sky was also clear in an instant, as if nothing happened just now.

"Huh? What's the matter with you kid?" Seeing this, Karp frowned, very puzzled.

He had already started to charge up and was ready to attack, but Fischer stopped suddenly, which made his charge come to an end without a problem. It felt like he had punched cotton, which was very depressing.

However, Fischer ignored him, looked deeply at Garp, shook his head, and then disappeared from Garp's sight in a flash.

"Fight again when you have time, I'm leaving."



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