Ye pointed to the officers below who were thinking and asked Smith: "Are there any officers in charge of engineering construction among the people below?"

Smith nodded and pointed to a lieutenant sitting next to the captain who made a fool of himself. "Lieutenant Rafael Scott is responsible for engineering construction. He has a platoon of engineers under him. He is the only one in our base." Engineering Corps.”

"Okay, thank you." After Ye thanked him, he turned and walked towards the lieutenant, leaving behind Smith and Richard who looked confused.

"Lieutenant Lafleur." Ye came to Lieutenant Lafleur and said with a smile, "Excuse me, are you in charge of the only engineering force in our base?"

"Sir." The lieutenant who looked to be in his twenties and had messy brown hair immediately stood up and saluted, "Yes, I am in charge of the engineering unit. Do you need my help with anything? I will do my best to help you within the scope of my ability, sir."

Ye returned the salute, patted the lieutenant's shoulder and told him to sit down, and then said, "I need you to build three more defensive turrets and three watchtowers in the base within one day. Can you complete it?"

The lieutenant said without thinking, "No way, sir."

After hearing the negative answer, Ye frowned and asked, "Is it difficult, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, sir. Although we have ample resources at the moment, my soldiers lack heavy construction machinery. It seems that we can complete a turret in one day. Thank God." The lieutenant did not want to offend the young man in front of him. He is a human being, but his duty dictates that he must tell the truth.

"Understood, Lieutenant." Ye knew the situation of the 209 base. The only construction equipment in the base was a small truck crane. This equipment was okay for moving mecha ammunition, but it was used to build turret. It seemed like it couldn't even lift a barrel.

"But, sir." The lieutenant finally plucked up the courage to whisper after seeing the disappointed look on Ye Man's face. "If we can get the help of the mecha troops, it will be three turrets. I can build them too. It's just..."

In the military, pilots are generally reluctant to use mechas to carry things. Most pilots consider it an insult to their closest comrades, the mechas. It was precisely for this reason that Lieutenant Raffl was hesitant. The night in front of him was the strongest pilot, and in his opinion, he was the leader of the pilots.

But to Ravel's surprise, there was no trace of sullen expression on Ye's face. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said: "Can we build three turrets? Why didn't you tell me earlier, haha. It's no problem to ask for mecha assistance, Lieutenant, I will make arrangements for you immediately. If they don't agree, I will Kick their butts." After saying that, Lafleur, who looked in disbelief, turned and walked towards the podium in the briefing room.

Standing on the podium, Ye clapped his hands, focused everyone's attention and said: "Everyone present, I heard many people complaining about the orders of the headquarters, haha. I can understand this feeling. But I want to What I am saying is that since things have happened now, the order of the headquarters has been issued and implemented. There is no need for us to argue here whether the order is correct or not. What we need to consider now is how to We must hold our base until our military returns to combat capability."

Hearing Ye's words, the group of officers below nodded like chickens pecking at rice. The officers of some combat units have an almost blind trust in Ye, while the officers of some logistics units must rely on Ye.

"Sir, we support your decision." Captain Mikey and Lieutenant Sen expressed their stance on behalf of all combatants, and then Captain Brista and Captain Guy also expressed their support for Ye.

"Okay, I'll give the order now." Ye glanced at the pilots sitting on the left side of the briefing room and said, "All mecha units will start from now on. Cooperate with Lieutenant Raffl to build defensive turrets. .”

Ye's order immediately aroused a commotion among the pilots. Then Captain Mikey was elected by the pilots and came to Ye's face. Said: "Sir, this is not good. As you know, the defensive turret actually plays a very small role in the real battle. It is better not to build it."

The captain avoided the topic of pilots not wanting to use mechas to carry things, because using that as an excuse was tantamount to denying the previous words of support for Ye, which was something all pilots did not want to see. So the clever captain turned to describe the shortcomings of defensive turrets, trying to persuade Ye to give up the idea of ​​building turrets.

But to his disappointment, Ye said to him in a very firm tone: "Captain, our troops cannot be mobilized at the moment, and the imperial troops on the front line are eyeing us. Our situation is very dangerous, so I must In this base, we must use all resources to build as many defenses as possible. I know that a defensive turret may not be as useful as a commando or even a mecha, but we can get mecha reinforcements now. No? No, we can't even get reinforcements from a Mammoth. And in the warehouse of this base, apart from a lot of Imperial mecha parts that we don't need, there are only six 280mm howitzer barrels. Because of this, I'm the one who wants to build the turret. But we don't have the equipment here to hoist the gun barrel at all. The giant crane used by the empire has been completely destroyed by us and cannot be repaired. In our base, the only ones who can move the gun barrel are mechas. , that’s why I ask you to help Lieutenant Raffl, do you understand?”

Ye's words made many pilots shaken, but they still remained silent. No one was willing to be the first to support Ye's behavior that almost subverted all pilots' creeds. Suddenly, there was an eerie silence in the entire briefing room.

Richard, who was standing behind Ye, suddenly took a deep breath, walked up to Ye, and said, "Sir, on behalf of myself, I support your idea and am willing to cooperate with Lieutenant Raffl's actions."

Richard's words made Joe and Smith unhappy. The three people immediately rushed to Richard. Joe said loudly: "Captain, how could you do that."

Richard smiled bitterly and said to Joe: "Didn't I just express my position on my own behalf? I didn't agree to the commander's request in the name of the commando."

"That's why we said how could you do that." Smith winked at Richard and said, "When we formed the commando team, we said we would never leave. How could you abandon me and Joe? If you want to agree, you need a commando team to agree."

After speaking, Joe and Smith also saluted Ye and said: "Snowy Night Duke Commando is willing to cooperate with Lieutenant Raffl to complete the turret construction task."

Someone took the lead, and it was Red Cloud's most famous ace commando. The pilots below also expressed their willingness to help Lafleur complete the construction task. This made Raffl feel quite touched, after all, in normal times. It is almost impossible to kneel down and ask these pilots to help transport something.

"Okay, the first task is to build turrets and watchtowers. We will try to complete the construction of three turrets and three watchtowers in one day. However, all mechas participating in the construction must carry a certain amount of ammunition. Just in case. During the construction period, the security tasks outside the base will be handed over to Captain Brista and Lieutenant Sen." Ye said with relief. He was originally worried that the pilots inside would not be able to turn around, but now he felt relieved. .

"Understood. Sir." The three people named immediately stood up and took the order.

"As for the logistics department, haha, just don't let our people suffer from heat stroke." Ye said to the logistics officers who seemed to have nothing to do.

"Understood, sir. I guarantee with my life that no soldier will fall because of our negligence." Seeing Ye talking to him, Captain Guy immediately promised loudly.

"Then I'll trouble you. Okay, everyone in charge, please give me a plan for base defense before eight o'clock tonight. Let's start working now. The empire guys won't wait for us to get everything done. They came to attack us only after they arrived. They may appear on the horizon at any time and anywhere." After Ye pointed to the west, he called on everyone to go back and organize manpower.

"Thank you, Richard." After seeing everyone leave. Ye turned around and said to the German standing behind him. If he hadn't come forward to support Ye in the front, it seems that the cold scene at that time would have continued forever, in that case. Ye Ke can't get off the stage.

"Nothing. Your decision is right. There is no need for us to put our lives on the edge of the cliff for some inexplicable creed." Richard curled his lips slightly and waved his hands to indicate that this was what he should do. of.

"But the captain is not kind." Joe smiled and put his arm on Richard's shoulder, "He actually left Smith and me and flattered the commander alone."

Smith also smiled and put his arm on Richard's other shoulder and said: "Captain, your behavior deeply broke the hearts of me and Joe, so next time we return to Tris..." Smith paused deliberately here. He winked at Joe, who also blinked to show that he received it.

"Please let us go to the Federation Star once." The three of them said in unison. This is probably the first time that the three of them are so united.

"What? I'm very poor." When he heard that his men were blackmailing him to go to the Federation Star, Richard's face immediately dropped. He cast a look at Ye for help.

Ye's heart has always been soft, and he immediately came to Richard's rescue and said, "I'll try my best to let General Qiao Jia treat you to a big meal when I get back."

"Long live, sir, you can't default on your debt." Joe and Smith immediately changed their targets, and Richard's eyes also lit up. General Joe was his idol, a real idol!

The 209 base is in full swing right now, and all the soldiers are mobilized to work hard for a more solid defense of the base. Of course, except for those guys who are assigned to the night shift, because they have to force themselves to fall asleep at this time, so that they can be full of energy at night to replace their colleagues who have been working for twelve hours and invest in the construction of the base. Work.

As the temporary commander, Ye Ye also began to inspect the base and supervise the progress of the engineering troops inside. This guy hides in the shadow of the building and walks towards the first turret site.

Soldiers wear hats, protective goggles and masks when traveling in the desert in the morning. Otherwise, the sand and dust thrown up by the movement of war machines would be enough for the soldiers to suffocate to death due to inhalation of too much dust. This is a disgraceful way to die. . In addition to the intense heat and sand dust in the desert, there is another non-fatal injury that can cause a large number of non-combat attrition, and that is sunlight. In new colonies, people on the ground usually call their stars the sun, which is a nostalgic reminder of their birthplace, although in the universe, people still call stars by their original names. Sunlight can bring vitality to all things, but in the Red Cloud Desert, sunlight brings the pain of blindness. The soldiers' eyes are not like the monitor device of the mecha, which can automatically adjust the brightness of the image. Therefore, when soldiers go out, they must wear light black protective goggles. Otherwise, their fragile eyes will be stung by the reflection of the desert. If they raise their necks and let the sunlight penetrate their eyes, then the unlucky people will suffer. Temporary blindness may occur due to strong light, and lucky people may also experience temporary dizziness. As for the ratio of good luck to bad luck, it is about one to two. Three guys without protective glasses went to Shuyuan www. At least three of them were sent to the medical room and were later teased as fools by their colleagues around them.

Ye, who has always worn a pilot's helmet, is wearing protective goggles for the first time. Compared with the expensive and lightweight pilot's helmet, these desert protective goggles are a bit large and quite inconvenient. You have to use them manually when in the dark. Lifting up the sunglasses, it is much different than the pilot's helmet that automatically recognizes the intensity of external light and selects the brightness of the protective glasses. However, if the Federation could equip all soldiers with equipment similar to pilot helmets, the money spent would probably not be enough even if all the members were sold for ten times their worth.

"Huh, I should go back to the hangar and get the helmet once." Ye muttered as he put down his sunglasses. However, when Ye arrived at the turret construction site, he was immediately attracted by the scene in front of him.

I have to admit that mechas have great advantages over ordinary construction tools in terms of construction. Compared with ordinary cranes, mechas are more flexible and precise, and are less affected by the environment. I watched the turret being built at Base 177 at night. At that time, a crane required at least nearly ten ground crew members to assist on the ground to put the gun barrel into position. Because of the stability of the crane's steel cable, the heavy gun barrel is very susceptible to the influence of desert winds in the air. As a result, when there is a strong wind, the ground engineering commander can only suspend the operation. A group of people immediately moved away from the scene, watching the cannon barrel swinging back and forth in the air, fearing that the steel cable would break under the force and smash such a large steel column to the ground. (To be continued)

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