Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 711: Retreat in order to advance forward

After the court meeting ended, Ye Qingyuan returned to the inner palace.

Luo Qingyue and the other girls had been waiting for a long time. When they saw him coming in, they rushed over to hug him.

"Brother! We have been worried to death these past few days when you were away!" My sister's eyes turned red and she hugged him tightly.

"You dead man, I've never made anyone worry-free since I followed you!" A pair of delicate hands pinched his waist several times. Needless to say, they belonged to Luo Qingyue.

"It's good to be back. I have to watch you more closely from now on and not let you go out easily!" Yun Xun'er bit his ear and said.

Leng Zhuo and Su Lili sat next to him with smiles on their faces, as if watching the fun, but they couldn't hide the concern in their eyes.

After hanging around with the other girls for a while, I went to my mother's place to chat with her, had dinner together, and then returned to the palace.

"Which one of you will be waiting for you tonight?" He looked at the girls surrounding him and asked with a smile after drinking a few more drinks.

The faces of the women were blushing, and no one spoke.

Ye Qingyuan said bewilderedly: "Since you don't say anything like this, then I will make the decision! Let's sleep together tonight! How happy it is to sleep together!"

"How shameless! You drank too much!"

The girls cursed in unison, but no one left, as if they had roots under their feet.

"No one objects? That means you agree!" The girls were half pushed and half pulled into the palace by him.

The gorgeous and heavy door slowly closed behind him, the room was filled with spring light, and the jackals were shaking all night long. It goes without saying that it was romantic and happy.

In the imperial capital, in the queen's palace.

Fang Yuqing wore a bright yellow nightgown with gold-threaded jackals and brocade patterns. The uneven and undulating lines harmonized her extremely seductive figure.

She was currently tossing and turning on the large royal bed, sitting up and lying down from time to time, her face extremely anxious!

She hasn't had a good night's sleep since she learned about Ye Qingyuan's accident.

She had already had a premonition about the ghost race's actions. If the inheritance of the Yuangu Base fell into his hands, those volleyballs would definitely not give up and would definitely try their best to trace it!

She reminded Ye Ye Qingyuan before, but he didn't seem to care too much. This time something finally happened!

After learning the detailed situation, the young queen couldn't help but hesitate!

If you want to snatch people from the two Youhuang God Kings and a large number of high-star powerhouses, you must use all the high-end supernatural force of the entire empire to do it! However, can she do this?

Since sitting in this position, all her words and deeds must be based on the interests of the empire, whether she wants it or not! This is a responsibility that a king cannot avoid!

Although she felt very uncomfortable, she also knew that Manager Yan’s objection was justified! Ye Qingyuan's value is not worth the huge price the empire has to pay, at least it doesn't seem worth it at the moment!

Therefore, all she can do now is to pray that her man can turn danger into good luck and be safe!

"Your Majesty! Li Mace has something urgent to ask for!" A female official came in quietly. Seeing that the Queen was still asleep, she took a breath and reported quickly.

Fang Yuqing, who was extremely annoyed, thought about refusing, but when she heard it was him, she hesitated and said, "Okay! Let him wait outside!"

She stood up and asked the two palace maids to take off her nightgown, hurriedly put on a palace skirt, and left for a while.

After a while, she came back with a happy face!

"This damn thing has made me worry in vain!"

"Hmm! The new batch of various warships from the factory haven't been shipped yet, right? Ask Li Maci to add some more to the price, which will make him feel distressed!"

Negotiating with the envoys of the three forces soon led to a satisfactory result! In other words, the current direct power is completely in the hands of Daomang Principality, and they don't have much room for bargaining!

On the third day, the principality fleets were dispatched to take over the territories that had been divided by the three forces one by one. The territorial scope of the new ruling power was thus officially expanded to more than double, reaching forty-nine cosmic regions!

Regarding the control, coordination and development of newly acquired land, the Principality has developed a relatively mature and feasible model, making some reasonable adjustments based on the actual local situation, and supplemented by an absolute number of administrative coordinators who are familiar with this model. , a stable and effective new order was quickly established on these ecological planets!

The economic level of these twenty-five cosmic regions is not too high. After all, they used to be the territories of some small forces. Later, after they were briefly occupied by three forces, they did not receive additional care. Instead, they intensified their plundering. plunder! This makes life very difficult for ordinary people in these cosmic areas!

There are more than 700 ecological planets in total, but the population is less than 80 billion. Even by the standards of the interstellar era, it is a vast and sparsely populated place! Fortunately, the principality's resource survey fleet has discovered many planets containing rare resource veins in these cosmic areas. As long as the early investment is in place, the economy can develop quickly! Without the destruction of war and the oppression and exploitation of warlord forces, the population will increase rapidly!

Among the tens of billions of civilians newly incorporated into the principality's household registration, about 70% of the population have never undergone first-class DNA awakening surgery, and only 3% of the population has undergone second-class DNA awakening! There are even fewer people who have awakened DNA of level three or above!

The policy of Daomang Principality treats everyone equally. Anyone who pays 5,000 credit points or works for free for three months for the official organization of the new ruling power can get the opportunity to awaken first-grade DNA; the price of second-grade DNA awakening reagent is 29,000 Credit points can be paid in installments.

However, regarding the third-grade DNA awakening reagent, the price is 3 million credit points, and the fifth-grade reagent is 30 million credit points! Compared with the general market conditions in the Star Sea countries, it can be said to be an extremely favorable discount! Of course, young people who are willing to serve the strategic command for a long time can get the opportunity to have free surgery!

After these measures are launched, I believe that the population quality of the citizens will be effectively improved soon, and at the same time, the prestige and cohesion of the new ruling power will be increased! It can be said to be a win-win situation!

The Principality's large-scale genetic reagent production base has already started construction. It will be able to fully meet the Principality's needs and there will no longer be a need for large-scale outsourcing!

The principality, which has an absolute economic foundation, can now be considered to have established some large-scale heavy industry bases and used this as a framework to establish a complete and advanced large-scale industrial system!

It is estimated that the conditions required to become a big country and a powerful country are multi-faceted and multi-level! There are always several hard indicators that cannot be avoided: such as the number of people awakened by second-grade DNA or above, as a proportion of the total population; the quantity and quality of awakened people; the number of people with higher education; industrial manufacturing capabilities; military development Levels and more!

It is impossible for any powerful country to not have its own complete and sound industrial manufacturing system, and the ability to independently manufacture large-scale main warships of various types is a concentrated expression of the country's industrial advanced level!

The Principality of Daomang estimates that if it wants to go further and develop into a large and powerful country with complete independence, it must start to solve this key issue from now on!

The Clone Commando Organization provided unremitting support for this. Countless large-scale transport fleets loaded with various high-tech equipment departed from numerous secret bases in various countries in the star sea and rushed to the Hell Soul Star Sea. of this new country.

He has decided to relocate some of the many factories and enterprises that Yuntianqian originally transferred to him to the Principality! Including those high-quality technical personnel and their families, they all moved together!

The only thing that can be considered is the issue of talent. The Clone Commando Organization has mobilized all its strength, offered extremely generous treatment, and poached people from all over the Star Sea countries. So far, it seems that the results are good, and there are already millions of people from all walks of life. Excellent talents bring their families to the principality! Received great courtesy from the senior officials of the principality!

The current principality is not short of money, equipment and technology. As long as it has a sufficient number of high-quality talents, it will soon develop into an independent and powerful country! Find a place in the star sea world!

In the newly built Principality Security Department building, in Office No. 1 on the top floor, Ziyuan Lan was handling official business.

The government has just been established. I guess there will be many people or forces taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble and fish in troubled waters! Those groups whose vested interests have been harmed will never be willing to take advantage of the situation. However, they will not let go of any hope of a possible comeback!

Especially whenever the principality expands externally and acquires a large amount of new territory, this problem is particularly prominent! Seriously threatening the stability and security of the regime!

At this time, it depends on the performance of the security department! Ziyuan Lan has been responsible for this aspect of affairs since she followed Ye Qingyuan to this starry sky!

The intelligence work was initially handled by him and Luo Qingyue. After the founding of the country, Ye Qingyuan split the intelligence department into two. Luo Qingyue was responsible for the collection and analysis of intelligence for the royal family, while the intelligence and security of the principality and strategic command headquarters The affairs are in charge of Ziyuan Lan!

This department, to put it bluntly, is where the dirty work is done! No matter which country, the reputation of intelligence agencies is not very good! It can even be said to be infamous!

And the leaders in charge of official affairs are often called "smiling tigers", "devils in human skin", "venomous snakes in the shadows" and so on! No normal person wants to deal with them!

Out of the belief of taking care of his old colleagues, Ye Qingyuan originally did not intend to let him take this job. After all, after staying here for a long time, he has seen too many bloody, dirty, and dirty things! Even the mind will inevitably be affected!

However, Ziyuan Lan insisted on this. He once said to Ye Qingyuan: Although the reputation is unpleasant and jealous, for the stability and security of the regime, no country can do without this kind of department that specializes in handling dirty work! No matter what you don't like, someone has to do these "son of a bitch" things!

As a successful king, he cannot bear a bad reputation. Although there are hundreds of millions of corpses lying under the throne of any king, as the king himself, it is better not to get too much blood on his hands! Everything should be done by the subordinates as much as possible. Let me do this offending job for you!

Yu Ming understood that this position naturally fell into his hands. Within a few days of taking office, this little boy with a handsome face and a slightly shy smile had already solved several major cases in a row! These are all activities of some small and medium-sized families who secretly communicate with foreign enemies and wait for opportunities to cause trouble!

There is no humane thing to say about these races who don’t know life or death! Just one word: kill! Under his orders, dozens of ethnic groups have been wiped out, entire families have been beheaded, and all properties have been confiscated to benefit the national treasury!

This ruthless and decisive method had an immediate effect! Some small races who were still waiting and hesitating suddenly became much more at ease! Don’t dare to have any strange thoughts again!

Who am I not following anyway? He sold his life to the outside forces for some unfulfilled profits, but ended up losing his head just because of this. Why doesn't it look like a good deal!

This time, twenty-five new universe areas have been collected, and the Security Department has more and more things to deal with! All ecological planets and all cities must be cleaned up in detail! Lest there are people from hostile forces mingling among the civilians, waiting for opportunities to cause trouble, spreading rumors and causing trouble!

Then it is to extend the principality’s intelligence system to every corner of these cosmic areas in an attempt to better control the indigenous people above! Avoid rumors and provocations. Every city has a dedicated person in charge! And their identities are always kept secret from each other!

In the green marble corridor outside the door, a commander wearing a black uniform unique to the Ministry of Security and carrying the rank of second lieutenant on his shoulder came over with a briefcase under his arm. She has a slim figure, skin as good as snow, and a beautiful face with dark eyes like a deep pool, with a faint smile.

The commander walked slowly and slowly, the thick soles of his polished high leather boots hitting the smooth floor tiles, making a crisp sound. Even the guards standing as straight as guns on both sides of the corridor couldn't help but glance sideways, and looked at the commander a few more times out of the corners of their eyes!

"She's a pretty pretty beauty! It's a pity that she's a bit flat! Somewhat unpleasant! However, with the current level of genetic technology, it's easy to solve this problem! Why doesn't she go? In other words, Ziyuan Lan Is this the kind of person you like?" People who see her will have this kind of estimation in their minds.

The second lieutenant commander walked all the way and passed several strict security checks before he was able to enter the office door of his immediate boss!

"Sir! What you ordered has been completed!" After the commander saluted, he took out two large-capacity chips and several paper documents from his briefcase and placed them on Ziyuan Lan's desk.

Ziyuan Lan took the document and looked at it, looking for Shuyuan She nodded gently and showed a satisfied smile: "Second Lieutenant Yuhuang Xingyan, you did a good job! It seems that you have begun to adapt to yourself. A new role!"

"It is my duty to serve His Highness and the Principality!" Yuhuang Xingyan responded humbly.

"By the way, have you investigated the situation of those restless little races in Thoreau's universe?" Ziyuan Lan asked again.

Yuhuang Xingyan said: "The detailed situation has been identified! The eight family races have absolute influence in the local area! This is not the first time that they have secretly contacted the intelligence department of the Principality of Baloyat! I will wait there The news about the newly established military industrial base in Bian is because their family’s ethnicity was leaked and they left for a while!”

"In that case, there is nothing more to say!" Ziyuan Lan snorted coldly, "Notify the superpowers that there is work to do again! Get ready immediately and set off in an hour. Also inform the strategic command department. Ask them to mobilize a fleet to assist in the operation!"

"You go too this time! See the blood! From now on, you will always have to go on missions alone!"

Yuhuang Xingyan looked stern and responded in a low voice: "Understood, sir!" (To be continued.)

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