
A loud noise was like thunder!

As the huge stone tablet crashed down, countless rubbles within a hundred meters of radius trembled violently. A rising column of smoke suddenly emerged from the billowing dust, and countless broken bricks and tiles flew in all directions with howling ghosts. !

The power of one blow is so powerful!

Dead silence...

It was still the moment of deathly silence...

The huge Chengshan Port once again returned to deathly silence. Looking at the shocking and terrifying scene, everyone's eyes tightened almost at the same time, and a terrifying thought also echoed in everyone's mind -

How could this be the power that a human being can unleash?

This giant spirit king...

Are they really gods in heaven?


Seeing the huge plume of smoke rising, seeing the last hope suddenly shattered, the bearded man suddenly burst out with a heart-rending scream, and the tiger eyes that were just filled with hope finally turned into ashes!


At the same moment, in a dark corner, Xu Shucheng, covered in blood and lying in the ruins, lowered his head tremblingly with tears in his eyes, but he could only hit the rubble on the ground with his forehead like a madman. , the collision caused blood to flow out...

"Idiot...why are you so stupid..."

"Second brother! You can't go! You absolutely can't go!"

"Second brother! Calm down... If you dare to go, I will tear off your pants immediately!"

At this moment, Yue Hong, who had been watching the battle on the roof of a house, was staring at his eyes full of tears, digging at the eaves of the house and trying to do something, but Han Yan was dragging him to the ground and unable to move. …

"Brother kidnapper... Big brother, he..."

It was still at this moment, listening to the loud noise like an earthquake, Dai Anyang under the bed struggled to open the bed board, trembling and looked at the equally pale kid by the window, but next to her, Zhang Yu was still so indifferent. , still taking advantage of the lightning flashing from time to time outside the window, carefully wiping the sharp scissors in his thin hands!


The shrill cold wind blew through the deathly silent Chengshan Port, slowly blowing away the billowing dust;

As the dust dissipated, only a charred black stone tablet that was broken into two pieces was left in the ruins that looked like a directional explosion... and there were still pools of blood, flesh, and mud that were still emitting a faint heat. Bones, debris...

"Hum hum!"

"He is indeed a country bumpkin who can't stand up to the stage!"

"You can't even take one of my moves. How dare you challenge me with this little skill? It's really ridiculous;"

Looking at the blood-stained ruins, Chen Bao gently landed on a villa with only half of it left. Then he shook his windbreaker and sneered like a reincarnated master. Then he never looked at the ruins again. He lifted up the hem of his windbreaker, pulled out a heavy iron ruler from his waist, then turned his huge head, looked disdainfully in one direction, and said with a ferocious laugh:

"Yue Hong, are you going to tear off your clothes and raise your buttocks yourself, or are you going to let me use this ruler to make you raise your buttocks bit by bit?"

"You bastard!"

Looking at the figure standing in the wind, looking at the gently swinging iron ruler, and listening to the extremely shameful voice, Yue Hong once again had veins popping up on his forehead, and suddenly smashed the concrete eaves under his hands... but could only let out a desperate rant;

"Oh? Bastard? Is this a term of endearment?"

Listening to Yue Hong's scolding, Chen Bao not only didn't get angry, but became even more excited. He patted the iron ruler in his hand gently as if he were watching a desperate prey in a cage, and then burst into laughter;

"you you……"

"Hey, hey, hey! You want to get my aunt... you want to get me? Then you can try!"

Looking at that face full of flesh and contempt, Yue Hong twitched his cheek again... but suddenly burst into a nervous sneer, and then with a flick of his tongue, a sharp special blade appeared between his teeth. Suddenly, appeared in his hand, then aimed at his carotid artery like lightning, and at the same time reached out to pick up the crying Han Yan and Jin Yutang one by one, and threw them into the darkness behind them;

"Oh? What a strong temper, I like it;"

"But you can try to see which one is faster, yours or mine." Looking at the blade in Yue Hong's hand, Chen Bao didn't care at all and said with a smile on his face as before;

"Humph! Then give it a try?"

After throwing out the struggling Han Yan, Yue Hong trembled all over and burst into a nervous sneer. Then he took one last look at the broken stone tablet in the distance, then took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the blade like lightning. The ground is drawn in the direction——


what sound? !

However, at this moment, just as the blade in Yue Hong's hand was about to scratch the slender neck, a faint sound of rolling earth and rocks came like thunder in the distance, and Yue Hong's trembling hand suddenly stopped, Then he suddenly looked back with eyes wide open in surprise;

"Huh? Still alive?"

At the same time, Chen Bao, who was leisurely watching the play, also frowned and looked away in the same way;

what happened?

At this same moment, Xu Shucheng, who was watching his only relative about to commit suicide but unable to stop it, suddenly saw Yue Hong stop his hands for some reason and turned his head blankly to look somewhere. Xu Shucheng also followed suit. He raised his bloody head and stared;



Just when the three of them turned their heads, the second faint sound of rolling earth and rocks also sounded, followed by the second, third, and third sounds... each one was louder and clearer than the other, and It gets bigger, louder, and louder...until everyone's eyes are focused on one place again, and then——


A thunder and a flash of lightning!

Crash-! ! !

Just when the white lightning flashed across the sky again, a deafening sound of flying earth and rocks suddenly exploded, and then a huge column of smoke rose again from the collapsed ruins, looking for the book garden www. zhaoshuyuan. com But it was so late and so fast, at the moment when the smoke column was rising——


call--! !

I heard two shrill sounds of breaking through the air one after another, and then in the horrified eyes of countless people, I saw the two broken stone tablets suddenly rising smoke columns, with the shrill sound of breaking through the air, against the huge wind pressure. , flying straight towards Chenbao like two meteorites!

"Hmph! A child's trick;"

"Do you think I can't hide?"

Looking at the two broken monuments flying straight towards him, Chen Bao only raised his eyebrows slightly, and then let out a disdainful sneer. Then he lightly kicked one leg on the roof, and his iron tower-like body instantly He quickly dodged to the side, and the moment his body just left the roof——



Accompanied by two shrill sounds of breaking through the air, the two broken stone tablets also hit quickly——



Two loud noises, the ground trembled slightly, and accompanied by two explosion-like loud noises, and two thick plumes of smoke mixed with flying earth and rocks rising up, the walls of the villa where Chen Bao had just stood fell down instantly. Bricks and bricks flew everywhere, and there were faintly heard a few heart-piercing screams, but at this moment——

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