"You must be out of pocket! Otherwise, how could Yi Lao win money? Pay back the money quickly!"

Pay back the money?

Those strange green and red eyes suddenly became sharp.

Another muffled response came from beneath the mask.

"In my dictionary, paying back money never exists."

"Damn it! You want to deny it!"

"Repudiation? There is no denying the money I earned with my own hands."


The gambler who lost the red eye grabbed a dice Gu and smashed it.

At this moment, the blond woman in a black suit with flat chest and sunglasses, who was actually Tsunade in disguise, narrowed her eyes.

She felt a strong killing intent.

But the killing intent was fleeting.

He raised one hand and firmly grasped the dice Gu that was thrown at him.

"Hey, bosses here, there's a red-eyed guy here making trouble, why don't you come and take care of it."

Finally, two strong-looking men seemed to have received the order and went over to catch the gambler who was desperate to lose. The gambler was still struggling unwillingly, shouting as he struggled.

"He must have cheated! Why are you guys watching the casino?! Let me go! If you want to catch him, you should catch him! He cheated, he broke the rules! Catch him!!! Okay! I will do it later Report you to the security company! Say you are gambling here!"

The expressions of many theatergoers present changed suddenly, and Tsunade's expression also changed. All the gamblers present looked at this yelling guy with disgust.

Things are different now. In the past, casinos often had strong backgrounds. There was no such thing as reporting on gambling, and the casinos were open and open.

But now in the security area led by the security company, the casinos really live in the cracks and open secretly.

If this guy really went to report, he would be sure to report every time.

What a bastard! It’s hard for me, but I want to make it hard for others too!

Soon, the person in charge here came out and whispered a few words to the two strong men who caught him. The two strong men nodded.

Tsunade heard it, and the steward in charge was saying: "Teach him a lesson."

He probably didn't want to kill this gambler who couldn't afford to lose. There was no real murderous intention in the steward's words.

This is normal. It is true that today is different from the past. If you kill this guy, it will be bad if this guy disappears and attracts the attention of the security personnel and investigates the casino.

So the most sensible thing to do is to teach him a lesson. Gamblers like this who are irrational and lose money are generally not tough people. After being taught a lesson, they will become afraid and generally they will not dare to report easily.

If you let someone keep a close eye on you and give you a warning from time to time, you can usually control him with fear so that he doesn't dare to act recklessly.

Soon, the gambler was taken down, probably to a certain room, to be treated well.

On the other hand, another party involved in this farce also withdrew his attention and continued to participate in gambling.

It can be seen that he is very invested in gambling. Every time he wins, his brows relax and his eyes are calm when he loses... Tsunade silently followed his gambling and found that although he lost and lost, he still tended to win on the whole.

Near this person, there were people sent by the casino observing him. After observing him for a while, the person left.

Tsunade looked back.

She guessed that this should be a gambling consultant invited by the casino, who was usually a gambling expert, to see if others had cheated.

The person involved in the previous farce must have used tricks in gambling. He should have won a lot in a row before. Now, although he is still using tricks, at least he is not winning too wildly.

For casinos, it is acceptable for one person to pay a thousand, as long as the winnings are not too rampant. After all, as a banker, you can make money by drawing money, and you are playing with probability.

What really matters is that if there are customers who gamble regularly, then you can make some money.

User experience is very important, so we must crack down on cheaters...especially those who can be seen by others.

This is to ensure the fairness of the user experience, or to make users feel fair.

Therefore, casino dealers usually ensure the fairness of gambling, and they will never use tricks to harvest gamblers... There is no need to make such short-sighted quick money.

From this point of view, the founder of this dark casino should be experienced and well versed in the survival rules of the casino.

Of course, the reason why we tolerate this guy who is not too aggressive in giving out thousands of winnings now is probably because we can see that this person is not easy to mess with.

In this world where powerful ninjas exist, the more you survive in the dark and gray areas, the more you need to see.

Especially now that in the security zone, the black and gray areas are severely squeezed and are even more shady, so they dare not easily conflict with ruthless people. As long as the ruthless person accepts the favor and gives you face, he will usually give you face in return.

Also, the same is true for this ruthless character. He had clearly had murderous intentions before, but in the end he restrained his murderous intentions. He probably didn't want to make the matter worse and attract the attention of the security company, especially Konoha.

After Tsunade observed for a while.

Then she turned around and headed to other gambling tables to start her gambling journey tonight...

Soon, many people gathered around Tsunade.

There is no way, anyone who loses will attract attention in the casino! This person who keeps losing money doesn’t even blink an eye, and he takes out the money very generously.

So attractive!

"Why do I smell a familiar smell?" said an old gambler who was watching.

"I smell it too, the breath of fat sheep..." The voice was slightly quieter.

"I heard that the legendary fat sheep, Lady Tsunade, came to our city today..."

"You mean..."

"But hasn't Tsunade-sama given up gambling?"

"Yes, not only do you want to stop gambling, but you are also said to be firmly advocating a ban on gambling!"

"...even if gambling is banned, wouldn't we still be here?"

"Then, did she say..."

The eyes focused on Tsunade suddenly became subtle.

Tsunade clicked her tongue inwardly.

She knew that as long as she was on the gambling table, she couldn't hide it with her style.

"But her place is too small."

"You're stupid, I'm a ninja."

"That's right. As for the legendary fat sheep, as long as such conspicuous features are covered up, it will be difficult to recognize him."

"I really want to gamble with the fat sheep."

"Who wouldn't want to? It's just that there's no room for it now."

Tsunade raised her eyes and looked around the gambling table. At a certain position, the man with the green and red eye mask who inserted himself into this position in time.

As if aware of Tsunade's gaze, the man who was looking at the cards also looked up, with a 'kind' smile in his strange eyes.

Later, after the man won money from Tsunade, he looked at Tsunade more kindly.

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