Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 657: Tom and Jerry

Duke knew what Batman was worried about, and he also knew that Batman's worries were unnecessary, because Duke could guarantee that the Saiyans would definitely come before the earth started fighting.

The follow-up script Duke has been compiled, the lineup of Kakarot + Broly + Vegeta is too luxurious, and the three appear together, and the earth can't be covered. When Broly was brought onto the stage, it was said that there was a traffic jam on the road, and Kakarot and Vegeta only arrived two years later.

After Brolyche, Kakarot and Vegeta came to the earth to make a fuss. If there are too many strong people on the earth, Kakarot will be transformed into Super Game 2.

After going back and forth three or five times, Kakarot and Vegeta led a lunch box with chicken legs, and their son would play again in two years. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, everything will be there, and not only the mysterious Gohan, but also the combination skills will appear one by one.

After this, King Vegeta led the Saiyan army to crush the land, the universe king family, the android Sharu, the Majin Buu one after another... If the earth has survived this, it would be great, Batman worried War is even more impossible, because the earth is too small to accommodate human beings who can conquer the universe!

For the sake of world peace, Duke broke his heart. He did everything that God hadn't done, and he couldn't ask for anything more.

"Your worries are purely redundant, hurry home and wash and sleep with women! Compared to Tony Stark, you are so unprofessional!" Duke heard Batman's request and asked him to go out directly.

Batman wants Duke's help to create his ideal **** armor to deal with a possible civil war on Earth. Duke was helpless about this, thinking it was Batman's temptation, and asked him to go back to his colleagues in the Justice League for help.

"Who is Tony Stark?" Batman frowned, inexplicably unhappy.

"A playboy, I don't know you even after I said it." Duke said it, and continued: "Although I can't help you, there is a patient on my side who will give it to you. You stay by your side to be a helper."

"Patient...helper!?" Batman frowned further, but he didn't refuse.

Batman happened to be thinking about training an assistant recently. He had fought with Saiyans, and Vegeta could abuse him half-dead, let alone two more fierce ones. There are too many people and powerful, and if you can't beat them, you will use them to push them. Batman can't do a good job against Saiyan.

"Well, it was sent by Mayor Kadu! It is said that it was his son-in-law named Baine. Kadu didn't like him, so he sent it to me and kept him locked up."

"Hat?" Batman was stunned. In other words, he was also the mayor's son-in-law. Even if you didn't arrange the job, you actually locked people up.

Kadu is a ninja master. Although he wanted to destroy Gotham before, he was instilled in a mess of things by Duke. Now he has changed his mind and re-behaves. Batman admits this teacher. Since Baine is the son-in-law of the Master Ninja, he is more or less intimate with him, Batman can't just sit idly by.

"No way, that Bain is a terrorist. There is a muscle in his mind. If you don't shut it up, it will definitely cause trouble." Duke glanced at Batman and said to his heart what are you excited about. If it weren't for me, there would be a relationship between you and him. After the fight, you will bend.

Oh, I’m so sorry that you didn’t sleep with Master Ninja’s daughter!

After hearing Duke's words, Batman nodded. Master Ninja was a lunatic before he met Duke. It is not surprising that there is such a son-in-law.

"But I think that Bain's middle-aged man has a flattened, five big and three rough, and a horrible face. He must be very foolish... Bah, he must be able to reform and become a hero who saves the world. So I gave him a chance to be a new man. Your personality was implanted in him."

When Batman heard it, his eggs were so painful, what the **** was this, and he complained: "Why do I always squeeze my personality into strange people and replace it with something else..."

"No way, I have never seen other heroes, and your personality is easy to use." Duke took it for granted.

"It's easy to use..."

"By the way, have you ever thought of giving your new assistant a resounding nickname?"

"As for the middle-aged Xieding assistant, I have to think about it!"

"OK, just call Robin!"



The tranquil darkness is full of mysteries that people can find out. The passage that exudes a faint brilliance leads straight into the distance, and Duke, who punches the Superman world, strode to the end of the road. He left in a hurry. He was supposed to be on duty tonight, but he was delayed for two hours because of something. If he didn't go quickly, he would lose out if he missed the newcomer.

He was lucky. As soon as he stepped into the unknown space, he saw three new rookies sitting around Duke, who was admiring the world of Marvel. After all, it is the big man who beat the purple sweet potato. To Mengxin, it is like a brave who just came out of Novice Village when he meets the **** of creation and must sit down and chat.

"Hey, someone is here again. Are you new like us?"

"No, it's me who punched the world... in my memory."

It is not difficult to judge from the conversations of the newcomers that they have exchanged memories, and Duke, who punches the world, rushes up and exchanges memories one by one.

First of all, the first one. The newcomer Duke prefers a cartoon style and is dressed up as an urban office worker. He is in his thirties and looks ugly, but the world he lives in is nothing ordinary.

When Duke Soul passed through, the unlucky original body just died and died watching the excitement. It was still hot when he took over this body.

I originally lived in an ordinary town on the edge of the city, but since the genetic engineer Professor You moved to this town, the ordinary town has become lively and has become the focus of worldwide attention.

In a scientific accident, Professor You mixed honey with spices and various sweet materials, and accidentally knocked over a test tube containing the chemical element'X'. After mixing, he created three bears...three almost invincible bear kids , Named Huahua, Pao and Mao Mao!

That's right, it's a bear kid!

Even if they are cute, hateful and hateful, and are born to fight crime, it can't change the fact that they are bear children. If there is any difference between them and ordinary bear children, it is probably that their destructive power is more powerful, one can hold a hundred.

The cause of the original body's death was to watch the three bear children beat up the evil villain. Seeing that the villain was defeated, the original body clapped and cheered. As a result, he choked to death with a mint stuck in his throat. It's all the bear children's fault, if it weren't for these three bear children, the original body would not choke to death!

Really love life, stay away from bear children!

Accepting the memory of the original body, the first thing Duke did was to move. The town couldn't stay in this town. He still knew the little policewoman.

Countless tragic onlookers used the cost of their lives to explain the fact that where there are superheroes, there must be supervillains. On the contrary, where there are no superheroes, life and property are absolutely guaranteed. Superheroes are like a beacon in the night, attracting waves of evil villains to come closer to them. If the evil villains are killed, everyone will be happy, but if they are put in prison, then sorry, the villains will be stronger after escape Also crazier.

Without a superhero, the villain is a robber with a gun at best. With a superhero, the villain immediately drives a spaceship. So Superheroes are the root of all evil, this is the truth of the ages, and will never change.

Moving away from the original dangerous town, Duke changed to a small town with beautiful scenery and a slow pace of life, suitable for the elderly. His requirements were not high, and he could live a long life.

In fact, it is true, far away from the source of all evil, his life is very comfortable. The neighbor next door is an ordinary family of five, the Simpsons and their three children, as well as two pets, a yellow dog and a black cat.

Well, after the appraisal is completed, I am now 80 years old!

Mr. Simpson is a simple-minded and grumpy typical character. Like most Americans, he is an alcoholic and loves to watch football games. Because of his low IQ, Duke quickly became friends with him. Mr. Simpson often brought beer to Duke's home to watch football games.

The daily life in the town is very ordinary. Duke opened a private clinic with a high degree of freedom in work and life. The only thing that gave him a headache was that he recruited a mouse at home. If you really want to say, the mouse is the aboriginal, he is later.

This is not the point. The point is that when he bought a blue-gray and white domestic cat back online, his peaceful life was gone forever. The pet shop insisted that the house cat named Tom was a little mouse-catcher, but in Duke's opinion, they were clearly bragging in order to sell them as soon as possible.

Tom is a genius, he knows everything, but he doesn't know how to catch mice, and he is so lazy that he is comparable to Mr. Simpson next door.

Don't think about it, Duke also knows the name of the mouse at home!

That's great, this way, it will be a problem for Gou to be 60 years old!

(End of this chapter)

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