Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 673: Black magic stick

Although the five new wild Ultramans seem to be novices, and the light in their bodies is pitifully weak, but both righteous fighters, Cerro and Gauss did not underestimate them. After a friendly eye contact, the two sides reached an agreement. Consistent.

Cerro: "Together?"

Victory team: "Good!"

This is not what they said, but it is almost exactly what they mean when translated.

Seven Ultraman surrounded them aggressively, and the three Flame Gore immediately huddled together, whispering to signal that he was dangerous, he was useless, and he was beaten.

On the other side, the Tiga that Ye Rui was talking about, that is, Dagu, encountered the biggest crisis after becoming Ultraman.

Using urine as an excuse, Da Gu looked for an inconspicuous bush cat after leaving everyone's sight. He took out the magic light stick from his arms and was about to transform into Tiga, when a sharp laugh came from his ear.

Dagu turned his head, his breathing suddenly stagnated, a thin and a strong man with two suits and ties walked out from behind the tree, looking like he had been waiting here for a long time. If they were in downtown Tokyo not far away, the two men dressed normally, but they would be too abrupt in this mountain forest.

"Hahaha! Tiga, my best friend, thanks to you, we have slept for a full 30 million years!" Durham smiled on his face, a smile full of hatred.

"Hitra... Durham... is it you?" Looking at the two men in front of him, Da Gu subconsciously called out unfamiliar names.

"Tiga, you still remember us!" The tall and thin Hitler smiled treacherously, looking like a treacherous villain.

"Impossible, how could you..." More and more unfamiliar memories came to my mind, Da Gu became a little at a loss, because he seemed to belong to the evil camp in his memory.

"How can we be free from the seal, right?"

Another strange and familiar figure walked out, looking at the face sleeping deep in memory, Dagu's face changed drastically: "Camilla, even you have escaped the seal!"

"Diga, the evil **** that rules the darkness is about to wake up, and the world will eventually be ruled by it. Everything is over. The fate between us will come to an end here." Camilla said slowly.

Da Gu gently clenched his fist and raised the Shenguang rod high. He knew the power of the three dark giants in front of him, and he had no chance of winning without changing his body.

Hitler screamed, and his tall and thin figure turned into an afterimage. Before Da Gu could react, he kicked it out and kicked Da Gu's chest. Camille stretched his hand and threw a light whip, whipped it on Dagu's wrist, and the magic light rod fell.

Under the crisis, Da Gu turned over and picked up the light stick, ignoring the burning pain in his wrist. As a result, he stepped on his back with a big foot, and the huge force made him unable to move.

It was Durham, the three dark giants joined forces and disarmed Dagu in a few strokes, making him completely lost the opportunity to transform.

"Is this how you got the power from us? It just so happened that the thing returned to the original owner!" Hitler smiled yinly, picked up the light stick and put it in his arms.

"Hitla, give me the light stick quickly!" In desperation, Dagu struggled to break free from the Durham who was stepping on him, and rushed towards Hitler.

Hitler laughed, and his body moved quickly and continuously, playing tricks with Dagu to prevent him from getting close. Daram snorted coldly, and Da Gu broke free under his care. He stepped forward and hit Da Gu's abdomen with a punch, knocking him to the ground heavily.

Camilla watched all this quietly, until Dagu was brought down, she walked to him and squatted down, stretched out her hand and stroked his face: "30 million years ago, you believed that woman's rhetoric and turned to the light. Camp, took away our power and sealed us in the dark..."

Camilla said softly, her tone was not the slightest wave, as if it were all trivial things.

"No one can stop the darkness, and I can forget your faults, as long as you are willing to return to us and return to the darkness."

Under Dagu's shocked gaze, Camilla took out a dark magic stick and placed it in front of him. Unlike the previous shining divine light rod, the black divine light rod in front of you outlines a faint silver pattern on the surface, and it contains extremely rich dark energy.

"Diga, what are you still hesitating about, this is the real you." Camilla said affectionately, with a sense of bewilderment in it.

Looking at the magic light stick lying quietly in front of him, Dagu struggled in his eyes, raised his hand and hesitated for a while, holding the black magic light stick tightly in his hand.

"Yes, that's it, Tiga, use it quickly to release your powerful dark power once again." Camilla flashed a flash of madness in his eyes, lowering his voice and excitement.


There was a huge shock, and the interrupted Da Gu was all in a cold sweat. By luck, he almost complied with his instinct and turned into Dark Tiga. Looking along the source of the vibration, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a question mark appeared on his forehead.

The five Ultramans of the winning team appeared on the stage. From the appearance, they were three men and two women. After nodding with Siro and Gauss, they joined the ranks of beating the little monsters. The strength of the five Ultramans is slightly inferior, and the two can work together to fight against a flame Golzan. As a fledgling novice, their experience points are constantly +1, +1, +1...

The Ultraman transformed into the Victory Team has only a single red leather case. The reason for their poor strength is that the Ultraman transformed into them was at a level 30 million years ago, unlike Tiga who belonged to the strongest echelon. Secondly, they The power of light in the body is very scarce, not enough to provide them with powerful power. As for whether Duke did anything to them, it's hard to say...

After a fierce, tragic, heroic, and nasty unilateral beating, seven Ultraman stood in a row while placing their arms in an'L' shape.

Seven Ultramans simultaneously illuminate the concave shape, the scene and its magnificence, the cross firepower net can be called 360 degrees without dead ends, the three-headed flame Golzan was directly blasted into powder.

The fighting power is so strong and the speed is so fast that the waves of crushing to take away the victory, so that Gauss has no time to use the light of his brain.

Watching Ultraman's victory, Dagu held the black magic light stick tightly, and the unyielding faith in his eyes revived: "Camilla, don't confuse me with you, whether it was 30 million years ago or now, I The choice will not change!"

Hearing Dagu's words, Hitler and Durham sneered and laughed at him for not knowing good or bad, Camilla shook his head: "You will change your choices after all, when you experience despair..."

"What do you mean, are you planning something?" Da Gu frowned, realizing that there was something in Camilla's words.

The faint ripples in the air waved away, and a space channel appeared. Camilla and the three walked into the channel, and the ripples gradually gathered.

Camilla gave Dagu a meaningful look: "Diga, come back soon, you have no chance of winning! Everything is in his calculations, you and your companions, and the six giants who have reborn... …"

The space passage closed, and the three Camilla disappeared, and they couldn't finish the second half of the sentence.

Da Gu struggled to get up and shouted at the place where the space channel disappeared: "Come back, speak clearly, what does it mean?"

No one responded, the mountains and forests were terribly Da Gu looked at the black magic wand in his hand, recalled Camilla's words, and fear shrouded like a cloud in his heart for a long time.

Gritting his teeth, Da Gu suppressed his doubts, put away the light stick and ran towards the victory team. The battle was over, Gorzan was completely destroyed, Siro and Goss flew away, and the five unknown Ultraman also turned into brilliance and disappeared. He had to go back quickly, otherwise it would be suspicious over time.

On the side of the falling Feiyan, the victorious team members looked at me and I looked at you, all with constipation. They are not idiots, Lenovo's previous bad acting skills, then do you know the truth.

"Hehe, everyone is..."

"Horii, I didn't expect to become an Ultraman, you are still so fat!" Xincheng said proudly, feeling that among the five Ultramans, his transformed look is the most handsome, just like him, with several looks. The floor is so high.

"You're not much better, the Ultraman's head turned into is so big, it's out of proportion at all." Horii retorted with anger.

After the two had finished speaking, they laughed, and Ji Mahui, Lina, and Zongfang also laughed, or shook their heads and chuckled, or lowered their heads to cover their mouths. Their previous crappy acting skills became their common secret.

"Unexpectedly everyone is Ultraman, I thought I was the only one... No wonder everyone's catapult was broken, so we thought of going together!"

"Except for the three of Dagu, Duke and Ye Rui, we can all transform. Then can the winning team be renamed'Ultraman Team'?"

"Yes, this is probably the choice of fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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