Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3066: Holy city of the north

Unlike Amhara, the atmosphere in Tigray is even more tense.

Since the tripartite joint exploratory team has crossed the state boundary, everyone has seen a lot of heavily armed soldiers on the road, as well as a large number of military vehicles, including armored vehicles and tanks, as well as heavy artillery and so on.

The area of ​​Tigray State is small. Except for a few national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as steep mountains, other places seem to have become huge military camps.

The troops of these people's formations are moving in an organized way, and many of them are gathering at the state borders, obviously in preparation for war.

On this bumpy road, there are many military checkpoints. Most of the checkpoints and some key places are heavily guarded.

As previously understood, the Tiren Front is actively preparing for the war, and is ready to smash the face with the Ethiopian government at any time and start a direct fight.

During the driving of the convoy, everyone also saw many Orthodox believers in white robes.

Compared with other places in Ethiopia, the Orthodox Church occupies an absolute dominant position in Tigray State and is the religion with the largest number of believers.

The ethnic group here is relatively single, with Tigray people as the mainstay, with a proportion of about 97%, and the population of other ethnic groups is very small.

The Tigray people account for less than 6% of Ethiopia.

It is these 6% of Tigray people who have ruled Ethiopia for a long time, and it was not until the most recent presidential election that they lost the Ethiopian presidency.

Naturally, the Tigray people and the Tiren Front were not reconciled, and wanted to regain power at all times.

Because of this, there are conflicts between the Ethiopian government and Tigray State.

Moreover, this kind of contradiction is almost irreconcilable, which has also caused the current situation that is on the verge of breaking out.

During the course of the convoy, almost every Orthodox believer encountered glared at the tripartite joint exploration convoy, and even shouted angrily.

However, due to the protection of a large number of soldiers from the People's Front, no one attacked the joint exploration convoy.

Not long after entering Tigray State, twilight had fallen.

For safety, the tripartite joint exploratory team decided to rest in a city passing by on the way, and rush to the holy city of Axum tomorrow.

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove into this city in Tigray State, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the city.

The people living here rushed out of their homes like a tide, standing on the street outside, watching the huge motorcade that crashed past.

In the process, almost everyone was yelling and many people were throwing stones at the convoy.

When the convoy passed through the rain of stones, these people did not let it go and chased up.

The people rushed to the hotel where the tripartite joint exploratory team was going to stay, seeming to be asking for an explanation.

Seeing this scene, everyone was somewhat worried.

"These Tigray people are really crazy, Steven, do you think these angry Tigray people will attack the tripartite joint exploration team?"

David asked worriedly.

Ye Tian looked at the situation outside the car window, then shook his head with a chuckle.

"The Tigre and the Tigray people are almost one body, and their interests are highly related. Regardless of each other, if the Tigre State and the Tigre State want to contend or go to war with the Ethiopian government, they need a lot of weapons and money.

They have limited access to weapons and money. Now the tripartite joint exploratory team and the Israelis have sent them to the door. They will refuse, and they will never turn away the Israelis’ weapons and money.

Because of this, they will not allow people to attack the joint exploratory team, which may undermine their plans, religion and power. For the top ranks of the People's Front, this choice is actually not difficult."

"It's true. If the People's Front wants to regain the rule of Ethiopia, they must rely on external forces, and preparation for war also requires a lot of money, weapons and ammunition."

"But we still have to be cautious, no one is sure, whether there will be some fanatical religious extremists launching small attacks or lone wolf attacks."

While talking, the convoy drove into the hotel where it was going to stay.

This so-called hotel is the largest in the city. There are not many rooms in total, and it looks rather dilapidated on the outside.

The Israeli agents who rushed to the front station first had already booked the hotel.

Before the tripartite joint exploratory team leaves, no other guests will be accepted here.

As soon as the convoy arrived here, Ye Tian quickly scanned the surrounding situation and nearby buildings, and looked through all these places.

After confirming safety, he and David got out of the car and walked to the hotel.

At this moment, the Tigray people who followed the tripartite joint exploration convoy had also rushed to the door of this hotel.

Fortunately, they were all stopped by the soldiers carrying live ammunition. They could not get close to the convoy and the three-party joint exploratory team. They could only stay outside the cordon to protest and yell.

"Go to hell! You **** bastards, get out of Tigray State, you are not welcome here!"

"The Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of St. Mary in Aksum. You are a bunch of **** liars and robbers, get out of Tigray!"

Listening to these deafening and angry protests and shouts, Ye Tian couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

He turned his head and looked back, then said to the people around him:

"Gentlemen, it seems that we are going to start exploration operations in Axum, which is much more difficult than expected. The situation in this city is already like this, and the situation in Axum will only be more exaggerated!"

Joshua and the Bishop of Kent also looked back, both with very serious expressions.

Afterwards, the bishop of Kent said in a low voice solemnly:

"It is true, Steven. Although there are many Orthodox believers in this city, it is relatively mild. When we arrive at Aksum, we will face the most devout and fanatical Orthodox believers in Ethiopia.

It can be said that it is the stronghold of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has formed its own system. We, the Vatican and other sects of the Orthodox Church, have very limited influence on them and cannot be restrained! "

Upon hearing this, Joshua immediately said:

"Steven, Bishop of Kent, you can rest assured that we have reached an agreement with the Timan Front and the Tigray State Government, as well as related parties in Axum, to ensure everyone's safety and ensure the smooth progress of the joint exploratory operation."

While talking, the group of them has entered the hotel.

The deafening protests and screams outside the hotel continued to be heard, and they continued to be heard in everyone's ears.

In a short while, Ye Tian and David had entered a suite above the hotel.

After entering the room, Ye Tian took a quick glance at the situation here, and then said to his opponent's security staff:

"Cole, you take someone to thoroughly inspect this suite and all other rooms to prevent surveillance or eavesdropping. Although we only stay here for one night, we still have to be careful.

Just like in Gondar, for safety's sake, from drinking water to food, we only use what is prepared by our own people, not what is provided by the hotel, so as to avoid unnecessary accidents."

"Understood, Steven, leave these things to us, I'll take someone to check!"

Cole nodded in response, and then acted.

After a while, they found two pinhole cameras and a bug in this suite.

In other rooms, they also found some monitoring and monitoring equipment one after another.

After inspecting all the rooms, Ye Tian asked his security personnel to pack the monitoring and monitoring equipment found out and gave them all to the representatives of the People's Front.

When receiving these things, the face of the representative of the people's front is very wonderful.

In the busy schedule, the sky is completely dark, and darkness has completely enveloped this small northern Ethiopian city.

For safety reasons, the Tigray people who were staying outside and around the hotel to protest and demonstrating were all dispersed by the Tigray police and the Tigray soldiers.

Everyone's ears are finally quiet, and they can have a good rest.

The night was fairly peaceful, and there were no accidents.


It's another day.

As soon as the sky lighted up, the tripartite joint exploration convoy set out and left the city for Axum, the religious holy city in the north.

The reason why I set off so early was to avoid the fanatical and angry Tigray people in the city and the Orthodox believers.

The city is not far from Aksum, only over a hundred kilometers away.

If you set off early, the joint exploratory team can rush to the holy city of Aksum before most of the Tigray and Orthodox believers get up along the way.

In this way, it is bound to reduce a lot of trouble!

The fact is exactly the same!

In the following journey, the tripartite joint exploration team did not encounter much trouble.

About two hours later, this huge convoy was bathed in the morning sun and drove into the most important religious holy city in Ethiopia, Axum.

Axum is a historic city located in northern Ethiopia, with an altitude of more than two thousand meters.

This city was built around one thousand years BC, and has a very long history. It was once the capital of the Axum Empire.

In this ancient city, there are many Orthodox monasteries, churches, monasteries, etc., and ancient buildings and cultural relics such as carvings, inscriptions and granite obelisks can be seen everywhere.

Among the most famous buildings are Endasión Cathedral, the Church of Santa Maria on Mount Zion, and the Obelisk.

Many kings’ crowns and imperial costumes, as well as Coptic Christian scriptures, are treasured in the Cathedral of Endacion. In ancient times, several kings held coronation ceremonies in this church.

In the Church of St. Mary on Mount Zion, it is said that the most holy thing of Christianity and Judaism, the Ark of the Covenant, has the title of ‘head of the monastery’.

It is the highest-ranked church in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, a religious holy place, and it has the highest status in the hearts of the Ethiopian Orthodox believers.

As for the granite obelisk, it is a symbol of the ancient civilization of Ethiopia.

According to historical records, the tallest obelisk in Aksum, which can reach 33 meters in height, is thirteen-story, and is the tallest stele erected by humans in the world.

Before the 13th century, Aksum had always been the political and religious center of Ethiopia, as well as one of the political, economic and cultural centers of Africa.

In history, Aksum has always been known as the ‘cornerstone’, the ‘mother of the city’ and the ‘cradle of ancient civilization’ of Ethiopia. The early kingdoms of Ethiopia are basically set here!

Even in modern times, it is still the most important religious shrine and cultural center in Ethiopia.

At the same time, it is also a distribution center for coffee, grains, animal products, honey and other substances and products. It is famous for producing exquisite woven products, leather and metal products.

Before the tripartite joint exploratory team arrived in Axum and entered the city, they notified relevant parties in advance.

The reason for this is that this city is very special and we must be careful.

Because of this, when the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove into Axum, everyone saw such a shocking scene.

On every street that the joint exploration convoy passed, apart from the Tigray State Police and the Tiffany Army soldiers who were armed with live ammunition to maintain law and order, there were countless Orthodox monks and believers in white robes.

Among them are some monks wearing golden, red or black robes. These Orthodox monks have a higher status and are like stars holding the moon, and they have great influence.

All these Orthodox monks and believers stood on both sides of every street passed by the joint exploration convoy, watching this huge convoy.

Without exception, these Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers are full of anger, even hatred!

In the eyes of those high-ranking monks, apart from anger and hatred, there were deep worries.

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove through these streets, the religious or fanatical Orthodox monks and believers on both sides of the street protested loudly and even shouted curses.

However, no one rushed out to block or attack the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

Obviously, these Orthodox monks and believers are organized, and someone is directing them behind their backs.

The person in charge of them is obviously the highest leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Although this is the site of the Trinity Front, the Trinity Front cannot command these fanatical Orthodox monks and believers at all. They can only do their best to protect the safety of the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

Looking at this situation in Axum City, everyone in the three-party joint exploration team felt a kind of creepy feeling.

The fanatical performance of these Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers on the streets also made everyone doubt the success of this exploration in Axum.

"This scene is too exaggerated, Steven, compared with these fanatical Orthodox monks and believers, the Tigray people we met before, who protested and demonstrated, are much gentler!

If we really find Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, can we really take away the Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? I don’t think there is much hope, or even hope!

These fanatical Orthodox monks and believers can absolutely drown us in an instant. In this case, if you want to take away the ark, there is only one possibility, that is, to kill Axum! "

David said anxiously, even a little bit of fear in his eyes.

Ye Tian looked at the situation outside the car window, thought about it for a moment, and then said with a smile:

"If we can really find the remaining Solomon treasures and the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, how to take them away is a question for Israel and the Vatican to consider.

The first thing I consider is the personal safety of each of us, how can we withdraw from Aksum and Tigray State as soon as possible in the shortest possible time!

Only when the safety of my life is guaranteed, I will consider how to take away the remaining Solomon’s treasure and ensure the company’s interests to the utmost extent.”

"Yes, in such a fanatical religious sacred place, and with the world's enemies, the first thing we must consider is how to get out of here alive instead of making a fortune."

David continued.

While talking, the two police cars driving in front suddenly stopped.

The three-party joint exploration convoy that followed, also had to stop.

On both sides of the street where the convoy was located, there were enthusiastic Orthodox monks and believers, and everyone's eyes were very unfriendly and even full of maliciousness.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation outside, then picked up the intercom and asked:

"What happened before? Seaman, wouldn't it be an attack? Or something accident happened?"

The next moment, Seaman's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, there are several high-ranking Ethiopian Orthodox monks blocking the way. I want to talk to us and discuss the actions of the tripartite joint exploratory team in Axum!"

Without hesitation, Ye Tian immediately responded:

"Let Joshua and the Bishop of Kent come forward to communicate with each issues and discussions related to religion, I myself and Brave Fearless Exploration will not participate. This has been clear before!"

"Understood, Steven, I will tell Joshua to them"

Seaman responded and ended the call.

After a while, a diplomat representing the Israeli government and a senior monk from the Vatican got out of their respective cars!

Next, they walked forward, accompanied by representatives of the People's Front and the Ethiopian religious circles, preparing to communicate with the high-ranking Orthodox monks who were blocking the way.

The Orthodox monks and believers standing on both sides of the street were slowly moving forward, slowly rushing towards the convoy.

With their actions, the atmosphere on the street suddenly became more tense.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Sitting in the car, Ye Tian grabbed the G36C short assault rifle beside him, ready to deal with emergencies at any time!


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