Sasuke cultivated for a whole afternoon, and finally recovered the chakra and spiritual power he had consumed.

"Let's talk about it, you should have your own habitat in the stable area, right? I don't plan to let myself stay in this place tonight."

Sasuke looked at Tsukiyama Kai mercilessly, and Tsukiyama Kai's eyes once again showed the unique brilliance belonging to Sharingan, it was very obvious that Tsukiyama Kai was once again controlled by Sasuke.

"In a low-end bachelor apartment a few streets away from the Anding Cafe, my last prey target lives there. I've been living there since I started investigating the Anding Cafe .”

Sasuke groped around on Yue Shanhao for a while, and sure enough, he found a key on the other party's body, which seemed to be the key to the single apartment where Yue Shanhao temporarily lived.

Sasuke put the key into his pocket with peace of mind, and his residence was already secured tonight.

Sasuke took out his kunai, and the sharp triangular blade allowed Sasuke to easily pierce Tsukiyama Kai's neck.

The foul-smelling blood kept flowing from Tsukiyama Kai's neck, and Sasuke was very sure that he had just pierced the aorta of the opponent's neck.Even if Yue Shanyu is a ghoul, he may still die here if he loses too much blood.

Sasuke saw more and more blood flowing out of Yue Shanhao's neck, and it didn't seem to stop the bleeding, and finally determined that Yue Shanhao was hopeless.


Yue Shanyu's trachea was blocked by the surging blood, and he could only make a gurgling sound similar to that before spitting.

Sasuke knew that Tsukiyama Kai had woken up from his control, but what did it matter?Yue Shanfen is hopeless now, and no matter what, it is impossible to turn the tide.

But even so, Sasuke still watched Tsukiyama Kai die, and then chopped off Tsukiyama Kai's head to prevent future troubles.

Moreover, with the help of "Biography", Sasuke successfully pulled out a blood-red organ from the part of Yue Shankai's body that resembled a human kidney.


Chapter 40 Neighbors, a chance to join CCG

"This is a Hebao? It's quite a Q-bomb, but just now Yue Shanhao used this unremarkable thing to use a Hezi? It's really ugly!"

Sasuke pinched the round, blood-red organ in his hand, and the feeling was a bit beyond Sasuke's expectations.

Sasuke originally thought that the Hebao loaded with Kazuko was a particularly hard substance, but the reality made Sasuke further understand the wonder of Kazuko as a substance.Although Hezi showed a very hard character, in fact, the bag containing Hezi is very soft.

In the following time, Sasuke cleaned up the body left by Yue Shanhao, and found an opaque bag to pack Yue Shanhao's hex, and then swaggered towards Yue Shanhao's shelter.

Sasuke was rampant in the Anding District, and he didn't spend too much time to come to the bachelor's apartment that Yueshan Yuzui mentioned.

Yue Shanhao's place of residence is on the third floor of the single apartment, Sasuke walked to the door step by step, and then prepared to open the door.

"Hey, where did Mr. Yueshan go? I remember that this should be Mr. Yueshan's bachelor apartment?"

Behind Sasuke came a crisp voice like Ye Yuan's singing, with a little bit of surprise in his tone.

Sasuke turned his head very calmly and looked behind him.

A delicate and handsome girl who looked about [-] years old looked at Sasuke in surprise at the door opposite to the residence of Tsukiyama Kai.

Sasuke smiled:

"Is it Mr. Yueshan's neighbor? Mr. Yueshan ran away from home before, but now he has changed his mind and returned to his home, and then transferred the house here to me."

Sasuke's excuse was actually not particularly appropriate, but it was the best that Sasuke could think of in a short time.

Fortunately, the woman in front of Sasuke was obviously not interested in Tsukiyama Kai, and after a simple hum, she opened the door and went in.

Sasuke didn't think too much, and opened the bachelor apartment in front of him with the key he got from Tsukiyama Kai.

Going in and turning on the light, Sasuke was surprised to find that the bachelor apartment felt better than he had imagined.

Although it is just a simple one room and one living room, it does not look empty and narrow at all, but looks very careful.

Sasuke simply cleaned himself up, and then slept with his clothes on to avoid unnecessary accidents.

At the same time, in the bachelor apartment opposite Sasuke, the young woman did not fall asleep like Sasuke, but wrote and drew on a table in the room.

If Sasuke could read what this young woman wrote, then it is absolutely impossible for Sasuke to sleep so soundly.

Missing Persons: Noo Nishikyo

Age: 25 years old

Place of residence: 20rd Floor, No. [-], Single Apartment, Anding District

Missing time: two weeks ago

Place of Disappearance: Unknown

Suspect: Yue Shanhao

Reason for suspicion: On the second day after Noo Xijing disappeared, Yue Shanhao appeared in Noo Xijing's single apartment without a trace.Moreover, Yue Shanfen didn't have any identity certificate, only the name Yue Shanfen was used as proof.Yue Shanyu does not own the bachelor apartment, but only has the right to use it, but the right to use it still belongs to Xijing Noo in theory.

Direction of suspicion: Hunted by ghouls

Conjecture: Xijing Noo may be hunted and killed by Tsukiyama Kai who is a ghoul, and Yueshan Kai replaced the right to use Xijing Noo's bachelor apartment by Li Daimomo.

Misfortune: The user of the bachelor apartment, Tsukiyama Kai, like the previous user of the bachelor apartment, Nishikyo Noo, suddenly disappeared inexplicably and was replaced by a boy who looked about ten years old.

In the other party's hand was pulling an opaque bag, which contained something with a bloody smell, which was tentatively guessed to be the bag in the ghoul's body.

Conjecture: The ghoul Yueshan met a more powerful ten-year-old boy-like ghoul on the way to hunt, because the new ghouls have a common tendency, so the ghoul Yueshan died from the new ghoul Ghost's mouth.

"Alas! What an eventful time!"

The young woman complained in her clear voice like a nightingale, and then continued to write.

"I don't deny the possibility that the new user of the bachelor apartment may not be a ghoul, but further confirmation is still needed before a conclusion can be drawn.

Human food can be used to test the new owner of the bachelor pad.

Ugh. "

The young woman who wrote this began to sigh.

"Staying up late is the natural enemy of women! Why do I have to record these things here? I am obviously a CCG combatant, but why do I still need to write these things?"


At dawn the next day, Sasuke just woke up and washed himself. Before he had time to prepare food, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.


Sasuke asked.

"Neighbor, we just greeted each other last night!"

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