【Ding!Congratulations to Zhang Chengan, the lower-level deity, for successfully building the Dragon Killing Tribal Spectacle—the Dragon Killing Tree of Life! 】

【Ding!The Divine Tree of Life was infested by the gods and spirits, and it jumped up...]

【Ding!Congratulations to Zhang Chengan, the lower-level deity, for successfully completing the leaping spectacle—the sacred tree Golden Dragon Tree! 】

In front of Zhang Chengan, Simon and the others, a pagoda tree like an umbrella slowly took shape.

This locust tree is lush and lush, with undulating trunks and branches, like dragons clinging to it one after another.The golden stripes spread from the root to the tip of the leaf, mysterious, solemn and gorgeous.

Jinsi Longhuai, this is the first time Zhang Chengan has heard of this name.Although I don't know it, I can tell from the name that this sacred tree is definitely not simple, at least it is at the same level as Yuegui and Fusang.

Zhang Chengan stretched out his hand to caress the black iron tree trunk, and Jinsi Longhuai trembled slightly, as if enjoying it very much.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chengan gave it the order to breed Dragon Slaying Guards.

Soon, the golden dragon locust tree was like the other two sacred trees, the trunk of the tree was full of unique fruits.A large amount of nutrients are injected into the new fruits along the trunk.

Everyone can feel that these fruits contain new life, and they are very strong.

Not surprisingly, the problem of the number of races of the Dragon Guards will be alleviated.

The Golden Silk Dragon Tree has just taken shape here, and the Dragon Slaying Guards over there have also begun to change.

Invisibly, countless golden silk threads hang down in the air and wrap around their bodies.The aura of Simon and others continued to skyrocket, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the intensity second only to Umer.

Zhang Chengan's eyes widened, and then the system's notification sound told him what happened.

【Ding!Your family, the Dragon Slaughtering Guards, was nourished by the miracle divine tree, the Golden Dragon Locust tree, and experienced a leap...]

【Ding!The mutation of your family, the Dragon Slayer Guard, has been completed, forming a new race.The system detected its data and racial characteristics, and named it—Golden Armored Dragon Slayer Guard. 】

Sure enough, a burst of golden light dissipated, and the scales of Simon's men were covered with golden threads of various patterns and shapes.Although it's not enough to be fully gilded, but this kind of surplus and deficiency is more majestic, more mysterious, and more heroic and powerful.

"Not bad!"

"Holy Lord is above!"

Simon immediately brought his clansmen to kneel down, and in less than a day, his race value rose two levels in a row like riding a rocket!

Don't be too cool!

Their family now has the ability to compete with those ancient species, holy spirit species, and divine grace species.

You know, they used to be nothing more than some lizardmen with a little bit of dragon blood.

Thanks to the grace of the Holy Lord, he has come to this step.

They wouldn't even dare to think about going back in time!

"In the future, work hard and work hard. Remember, hard work will not lie!"

"Holy Master is right! We have to work harder!"

"Uh... just be crazy! Ordinary efforts are fine!"

Simon's eyes widened: "How can that be possible! Holy Master, you said it in the "Dagon Canon"! Hard work is only worthy of passing, and hard work is the only way to succeed!

We just want to carry forward the spirit of the Holy Lord!

Work hard!Crazy effort!

If you are not crazy, you cannot live!

Praise be to my lord, Dagon Gabanrus! "

"Okay, okay, I'll shout the slogan later."

Looking at Long Huai who was like an umbrella, Zhang Chengan always felt that something was missing.He looked back to the other end of the space-time tunnel, and happened to see the Palace of Heaven floating above the sky, and immediately clapped his hands.

"I see, it's a palace! We always say that this is the Holy Land of Dragons, but there is not even a temple for everyone to worship. How can this work?"

"Holy Lord, let's build a palace right now."

"There is a specialization in the art industry. If you are not good at architecture, it is better to let others come." Zhang Chengan raised his finger: "You know, if you work hard and choose the wrong direction, then you might as well be lazy."

"What the Holy Master said is too reasonable!"


Looking at Simon's people who had fallen into absolute frenzy, Zhang Chengan lost the desire to communicate.This kind of feeling that every time I sneezed, I have to jump out to praise and analyze from the bottom of my heart, which is quite strange.

Zhang Chengan immediately issued an order, and the rat people in the natal domain immediately dispatched. They brought a large amount of materials and built giant magic equipment, and began to break ground at the place designated by Zhang Chengan.

This gang of rats is the best in architecture. Ratmen from six different clans used their respective advantages to quickly build magnificent buildings like chopping melons and vegetables.

In the blink of an eye, the great palace of Shenlong Holy Land was completed like this.

Zhang Chengan looked at the magnificent and magnificent hall, and suddenly had a sudden impulse, and blurted out directly.

"It's decided, this place will be called the True Dragon Palace from now on!"


Chapter 270 Completion of Zhenlong Division

Zhang Chengan was still in a trance after speaking, it felt very mysterious.It was as if the name suddenly jumped out, and then slipped out of his mouth.

Then, something shocking happened.

On the plaque of this huge temple, the three characters [True Dragon Palace] unexpectedly appeared.

Moreover, these three characters are like [Wu Lian] behind the founding decree, they are not from this world, but from Zhang Chengan's former hometown.

"How is this going?"

Before Zhang Chengan could react, the system notification sound came from his ear again.

【Ding!Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Chengan, the lower-level deity, for successfully exercising the sovereignty of <Dragon> and completing the completion of the Dragon Temple <True Dragon Hall>. 】

After hearing the system's late reminder, Zhang Cheng'an realized that it was the sovereign of the <Dragon> who was playing tricks.

I have the sovereignty of <Dragon> in this world, but it is obvious that this right is not as I thought, it can be at my mercy.

He seems to have his own spirituality, and sometimes he will suddenly jump out to influence his behavior.

This is not a good sign.

Zhang Chengan thought over and over again, and then waved his hand.

"Rats, build a side hall next to this main hall! Then, in the courtyard of the side hall, erect a thick iron pillar for me. It must be covered with chains and nailed to the ground."

"Yes! Lord Savior!"

The Savior's command is absolute, and even though they don't know what's going on, the rats don't need to think about it at all, just execute it and it's over.

Not long after, another side hall stood next to the True Dragon Hall.

After Zhang Cheng'an and the other side halls were completed, they jumped straight up, using their hands as sword fingers, and wrote three large characters on the side hall's plaque.

Three, also from the big characters in my hometown-Zhenlongsi!

After the completion of the three characters, the mysterious aura that seemed to be absent in the True Dragon Hall next to it was condensed and became much lower.

After Zhang Chengan landed on the ground, he strode into the courtyard again, and wrote three big characters on the iron pillar again - Suolongzhu.

After this move, the flustered feeling just now disappeared.

The breath of the True Dragon Hall lingered and returned, and finally fell silent.As the so-called Shenhua is restrained, the front is hidden in the sheath.

The real character hangs iron, which is a town character.

Zhang Chengan used this side hall to suppress the True Dragon Holy Land.Otherwise, let it continue to act recklessly, and it will definitely become him.

This is what Zhang Chengan does not want to see.

A precious sword should have a sheath, and a horse should have a saddle.Only in this way can the knife be cut immediately and benefit the world.

In this world, naturally there will not be so many particulars and taboos.

However, things that have something to do with yourself will more or less have some hometown accents, so you have to guard against them.

After Zhang Chengan finished all this, he walked out of the gate of Zhenlong Division, and called Simon and others over.

"From today onwards, this Zhenlong Division will be your residence. You should rest and recuperate here, constantly sharpen yourself and improve yourself.

In this world, false dragons are everywhere, and there will be great chaos in the future.

Putting things right and suppressing the rebels, this burden falls on your shoulders.

Do you know? "

【Ding!Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Chengan, the lower-level deity, for successfully exercising the sovereignty of <Dragon> and completing the completion of the Dragon Temple <Zhenlong Division>.A member of Zhenlong Division, has a 200% special attack bonus against pseudo-dragons]

"Really? This is okay?"

Zhang Chengan didn't expect that this could be regarded as an exercise of sovereignty, but the result was not bad.

However, things didn't end there.

The already formed Hall of the True Dragon and the aura of Zhenlongsi merged together, and they became a seamless one, as if it should be like this from the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the entire hall began to tremble, and the same tremor occurred in the palace of heaven in the natal domain.

Then, a ray of white light shot out from the Palace of Heaven, passed through the space-time tunnel, and crashed into the Hall of the True Dragon.

Zhang Chengan also felt his whole body tense, the "Zi Ji Emperor Kung Fu" spontaneously began to operate, and his godhead also flew out from between his eyebrows, flying around the True Dragon Hall.

With such a vision, the Dragon Killing Guards and the Ratmen who were present all knelt on the ground in fright, praying to Zhang Chengan continuously.

Finally, after turning dozens of times in the godhead, all the visions disappeared.

【Ding!Congratulations to the lower-level god Zhang Chengan for awakening the wisdom of the ancestors and obtaining the "Qimen Dunjia"]

【Ding!Congratulations to Chengan, the leader of the Kingdom of God, for completing the upgrade of the plug-in database]

【Ding!Congratulations to Chengan, the advocate of the Kingdom of God, the mapping of the soul has been completed, the internal deduction of the data has been successful, and the new data "Eighteen Palms of Zhenlong" has been obtained]

The godhead flew back into Zhang Chengan's eyebrows, and a lot of information appeared in his mind.

"This is……"

It is also a miracle under Zhang Chengan's command. The Hall of the True Dragon and the Palace of Heaven have completed an interaction with Zhang Chengan as the connection point.

It was as if Zhang Cheng'an had two capable men, right and left, and then formed a wine bureau, allowing the two to get to know each other.

But in the process, something amazing happened.

Zhang Cheng'an's soul mutated again, and obtained the ancient divine book "Qi Men Dun Jia" from it.

When "Qi Men Dun Jia" was completed, there were 320 and [-] rounds in total, and everything in the world is omnipresent and all-encompassing!

In the inheritance, it was first reduced to 72 rounds by Feng Hou, and then changed to [-] rounds after Jiang Shang's method.After falling into Zhang Liang's hands, it was directly condensed into eighteen rounds.

Jiang Ziya in the 800th year of Xingzhou, and Zhang Zifang in the 400th year of Wanghan.No one knows how much credit "Qi Men Dun Jia" contributed to such great achievements.

This method fell into the hands of Zhang Cheng'an, and it was integrated with Zhenlongsi's ideas. With the power of [Martial Arts] Divine Kingdom, he was guided by the Godhead, and finally deduced the new martial arts "Eighteen Palms of Zhenlong".

After Zhang Chengan got this exercise, he didn't think too much about it. He only had one worry - should he carry a stereo when he went out to fight by himself in the future?

But soon, Zhang Chengan discovered something that interested him.

Zhenlong's Eighteen Palms actually have a 500% special attack against pseudo-dragons!

You know, the special attack of [Dragon Hunting] halo is only 300%!

If a dragon-slaying guard of Zhenlong Division attacks a pseudo-dragon with the eighteen palms of Zhenlong, it will directly pull the buff of racial suppression to 1000% with one click.

Zhang Chengan rubbed his chin: "Tsk, it's really insane! Do you want to get out the Dragon Slaying Saber again? Hehehe...

Ma De, three thousand dragon-killing guards swept Xingyu, let me see which pseudo-dragon dares to stalk me! "

Zhang Chengan looked at the True Dragon Hall triumphantly, smiling from ear to ear.

At this moment, an application for a video call popped up in front of him.Zhang Chengan took a closer look, and it turned out to be Leon.

"Brother Leon, why did you suddenly send a video call?" Zhang Chengan asked excitedly after connecting, "Is there any news from Franster?"

"Almost..." Leon looked distressed: "Is it convenient for you now? People from the Ingster family have something to do, and suddenly initiated a genealogical meeting to decide the right to operate the miracle card at the conference."

"Then Farland..."

"We just started contacting, and we haven't reached an agreement yet. Now Ingster's side has taken the lead and disrupted the steps. It seems that they don't want to hand over the right to operate politely."

Zhang Cheng'an sneered: "The soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, where is this? I want to see what tricks they can play!

Wait for me, I'll pass right away! "

Chapter 271 Damn Double Faced

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