
Misaki Amano watched Tatami walk into the back kitchen, sighed faintly, and raised her gloved arm.

Boss...it's not that I don't want to watch the fireworks with you, it's just that if I wear a yukata, then my arm...

Under Amano Misaki's glove, there is a sharp claw that looks like blood, and the hideous skin seems to be the arm of a hell ghost.

If I could... I really want to go with you...

ps: Is the mourning girl not good-looking...I think it looks better than kissing my sister. I said that I watched Kissing my sister with my brother last year...but I didn't plan to write a kissing sister. The next one will be When I want to write about a mourning girl, I always feel that Kuroki Tomoko and Kuroki Tomoki will come together. Is it an illusion?But it’s not just a bereaved girl, there are also my sister and Yushao. From the name, it can be seen that "My sister cannot be a bereaved girl". I originally wanted to write a story with Tomoko Kuroki as the protagonist, but after thinking about it, I still chose Tomoki Kuroki, because Tomoki Kuroki looks strong, and there should not be many people who like the articles with women as the protagonist except for the transformation articles?

In addition, a book friend said that I deleted his book review. What I want to say is that you really misunderstood me. I didn’t delete it, but I was overwhelmed by other people’s book reviews... In the end, I still like to see it Ask for votes, ask for votes and ask for votes, spoilers for the next chapter.

Underwear is also clothes, do, although Misaka despised the guy in front of him whose IQ obviously has no lower limit, but still patiently explained to him.

Chapter 180 Six Sister Misaka's Blue and White Stripes

There was no one in the back kitchen, which made Tatami a little strange. Even though there were fewer people in Keqiwu at this time, Fei Renjing and Wang Xi would often stay here because of Mo Ruochen, but today it was quiet It's a little weird.

Without thinking too much, Tatami went straight to the outside of her room, wanting to get the key.


What puzzled him was that when he took out the key, he accidentally touched the door, and the door rang and slowly opened.

"Fuck...why is this scene so familiar..."

For some reason, Tatami remembered his favorite encounter with Juanqi when he opened the door of his room a few days ago.

"It shouldn't be her coming... Otherwise, why didn't Amano tell me..."

Tatami hesitated outside the door, and finally pushed the door open.Anyway, this is his own room, and this time he is not wearing armor, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, Tatami pushed open the door.


Tatami let out a strange cry and assumed a defensive posture.

There were no enemies in the room, and there was no little loli waiting on the bed. The reason why he reacted so strongly was entirely because of the girl in front of him.

Tan shoulder-length short hair, familiar back, if it weren't for the blue and white strips she was wearing, Tatami would really have taken her for Misaka Mikoto.

But apparently she wasn't, because Misaka Mikoto wouldn't stand in front of Tatami wearing only blue and white stripes...

"Huh?" The girl obviously heard Tatami's strange cry. She turned around, glanced at Tatami with empty pupils, and completely showed her not very predictable breasts to Tatami. In front of rice.

"At this time, shouldn't Misaka call a pervert, do?" Misaka looked curiously at this strange croak in front of him and said.

Well, Tatami finally understands, it seems that she is indeed the Misaka girl he brought back.

"Before you call me a pervert, shouldn't you put on your clothes first?" Tatami was not too excited about Misaka's sister's frank meeting. After all, it's not like he hasn't seen Misaka Mikoto's naked body before. There's nothing new about seeing you again.

But... since there is no novelty, why are you covering your nose?

"Misaka has clothes on, do, Misaka retorted loudly"

Although she said that she refuted loudly, her voice did not fluctuate.

"Is there... But I don't remember that my evil king's true eyes have the ability to see through..." The evil king's true eyes are Tatami's golden pupils, but his eyes are not the same as Liuhua's. It has nothing to do with that eye, he chose such a name purely for the sake of being handsome...

"Underwear is also clothes, do, although Misaka despises the guy in front of him whose IQ obviously has no lower limit, but still patiently explained to him."

Being despised...and still being despised by sister paper, Tatami suffered an unprecedented blow.

"Okay... Excuse me, Ms. Misaka, what are you doing in my room wearing so few clothes?" Tatami specially emphasized the word "less".

"Misaka is just here to get back what belongs to me, do, Misaka explained while holding up the military night vision goggles in his hand."

Seeing the military night vision goggles in the girl's hands, Tatami was relieved. Because of the defective power of level 2, it is impossible to visually see electromagnetic waves, so the "sisters" often wear military night vision goggles that visualize electromagnetic waves.

However, what made Tatami more concerned was how the girl in front of her broke through the basement door and entered here through the door of her own room.

As if seeing what Tatami was thinking, Miss Misaka spoke.

"It's very easy for Misaka to invade here, let's not talk about whether the electronic lock in the basement can trap Misaka, for an old door lock like Mr. Guta, Misaka can easily open it with a wire, do, Misaka said so .”

It feels so professional... If Yaxiong Tianjing considers taking Misaka sister to become a thief, he will become the richest man in the world within a year...

Forcibly suppressing the desire to train the Misaka girl in front of her to be a thief, Tatami took off her guata coat, stepped forward and put it on Misaka sister, "Before I get back the clothes for you, put them on first. It’s not good for me to be naked after all.”

"Mr. Guata is actually a human, do, Misaka is very surprised that the Guata in front of him suddenly turned into a human being."

I can't see that you're surprised at all... Sure enough, compared to you, that kid Nineteen is cuter.

Maybe it's because Black Nineteen has experienced more things. Although he sometimes looks as emotionless as Misaka, his expression is far richer than Misaka's.

"You wait here first, I'll help you get the clothes."

Sister Misaka's clothes are still in the basement, maybe she was eager to get back her night vision goggles, she just ran out in a hurry wearing a blue and white strip.

Mo Ruochen was not in the basement, and the electronic lock in the basement was also open, just as Misaka sister said.

Entering the basement, there is something that looks like a nutrition warehouse standing on the side. Obviously, that is probably the instrument Misaka sister uses to adjust her body.

As soon as he got close to the instrument, Tatami found that his feet were sticky, as if there was something.

Looking down, the ground was full of water stains, and there was a smell that Tatami couldn't describe. There was no doubt that this was probably the medicine Misaka sister used to adjust her body.

"It's such a waste..." He glanced at the water stains on the ground with some heartache. You must know that the expenses for these instruments and medicines will undoubtedly be deducted from Tatami's salary.

Tatami can hardly remember how many times he has been deducted. From the first heartache to the current numbness, Tatami found that he seemed to be less serious about money... No wonder!

Shaking her head to dispel the distracting thoughts in her mind, Tatami began to find sister Misaka's Tokiwadai uniform.

To Tatami's surprise, Tokiwadai's uniform should stand out in this white room, but Tatami searched all over the basement, but couldn't find it.

This may be the reason why Misaka sister ran into her room without clothes on, but where can the clothes go?Could it be that someone kindly washed it?

Although there are countless guesses in his heart, Tatami still can't confirm where the clothes are. He has no choice but to go back and find his Tokiwadai school uniform for her.

But just after taking a few steps, Tatami felt that she had stepped on something again. She looked down and saw a bunch of dirty-looking rags, but as rags, it was a bit big.

And...Tatami felt that this rag looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Could it be..." Tatami bent down to pick up the rag, lifted it up, and a wet Tokiwadai school uniform appeared in front of Tatami's eyes.

"Have you used your own clothes as towels?" Tatami looked at the wet and dirty Tokiwadai school uniform in front of him, and came to a conclusion in his mind.

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