As for Gong Lianyu, seeing the communication between her husband and daughter, she covered her mouth and sniggered beside her.

As for Yuncheng Yunyu... I can talk at the dinner table, but the children here can't. If they really dare to talk, Liu Wanqian can really fight.

Perhaps Liu Wanqian didn't want these two children to grow up to look like "Liu Yunyan" in the future?

The meal was finished quickly, because it was dinner, so it was not particularly rich, and the two policewomen and several others did not leave the main building, because until now, the police guard had not been lifted, so this There are many police forces in the vicinity at any time to conduct a blanket search.

And the notification also appeared on the mobile phone notification, it only said that a wounding beast was found in the urban area of ​​H city, please witnesses to call the police, do not touch and other warnings.

As for what kind of beast it is, until now, there is no specific news.

Therefore, many people around here are a little panicked.

On Weixin, you can see some messages sent by people nearby.

However, this has nothing to do with me, no matter what, I will make a move tonight!

Thinking of this, I sat on the sofa and glanced at Ling Nai and Shao He who were sitting not far away.

These two people can't enter the bedroom tonight, I want to make sure that I must not be distracted, any distraction may cause Gong Lianyu or Liu Wanqian to fall into the trap.

Suddenly inheriting tens of billions of assets is not the life I want.

Just thinking of this, suddenly, the phone rang, and when I took it out to look, the caller ID showed the word 'tool man'.

Subconsciously frowned slightly, what is Lu Haochen calling me at this time?

Should I pick it up?

After pondering for a moment, he was just about to answer the phone when he suddenly realized...that he was surrounded by a black shadow, and he couldn't help feeling cold!

That weirdness... Did it come silently behind me again! !

Thinking of this, just as I was about to turn around, I suddenly heard Liu Wanqian's voice behind me.

"This is that kid?"

Hearing this voice, I couldn't help being taken aback. When I turned around subconsciously, I saw Liu Wanqian, Gong Lianyu, Shao He, Ling Nai, Aunt Liu, Yuncheng Yunyu, all standing behind me. Looking curiously at the three words displayed on the screen.

"Yes, sir."

Seeing the uniform and curious expressions of the seven people in front of me, I couldn't help being stunned, and at the moment I was stunned, Ling Nai suddenly responded, and Liu Wanqian suddenly reached out and snatched my phone .

Without waiting for me to stop him, he directly connected the phone.

However, he didn't speak first. Seeing his expression, I instantly despaired. I didn't even need to think about what that rascal Lu Haochen would say in his first sentence.

"Yunyan, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

Sure enough, Lu Haochen's voice came from the phone. As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes flashed!Shoot at me like a laser!

Covering my forehead with a 'snap', I was really powerless to resist the sight of the fourteen eyes of these seven people.

"Why don't you talk? Are you in some trouble? Yun Yan... Yun Yan!?"

Fuck! !Lu Haochen, don't reveal your secrets! !

Thinking of this, I was about to get up and grab the phone, but Liu Wanqian turned around and said in a deep voice:

"I'm her father."

The other side of the phone fell into silence for an instant. For about five breaths, the whole living room fell into a strange silence. Everyone looked at the phone, as if waiting for Lu Haochen's next words.

"It turned out to be Uncle. Hello Uncle, this is the first time we have spoken on the phone. How are you?"

It has to be said that Lu Haochen is the kind of person with top-notch EQ and IQ. After a pause, his voice suddenly became serious, with a trace of the elegance of a scholar, and he greeted Liu Wanqian cordially.

"not good."

Compared with Lu Haochen's kind voice, Liu Wanqian's voice was extremely cold and blunt, two words, it would be difficult for an ordinary person to answer.

"How can I do that! Uncle, is it that Yunyan is mad at you again? In this way, I will visit you after the Chinese New Year. Yunyan is also young, and sometimes she doesn't know how to speak. Don't worry about her like her. Uncle, you must Pay attention to your body."

Damn... I have to say that Lu Haochen's face is indeed as thick as a city wall. Even Liu Wanqian, a big businessman, was stunned for a moment when he heard this sentence, as if he hadn't thought of it at all. His own coldness was actually exchanged for Lu Haochen's words that were neither humble nor overbearing, and even expressed concern.

"I have nothing, and I don't need you to come and see me. What can you do with my daughter?"

At this time, Liu Wanqian's voice was somewhat soft. After all, Youdao would not hit a smiling person with his hand. Liu Wanqian was tough at the beginning, but he just wanted to test it out.

"Uncle, look at you, isn't it the Chinese New Year? I just made a phone call, and I want Yun Yan to convey it to me. I wish you and your aunt a happy new year."

Liu Wanqian's complexion couldn't be tense this time, and it was difficult for him to get angry when the other party greeted him with a smile again and again. If Lu Haochen chose to fight as soon as he came up, then there would be no fun. What's rare is that as a young People, being treated with such cold words, still have no complaints, which makes Liu Wanqian look a little different.

However, just relying on this point is not enough to make Liu Wanqian let go of her daughter-controlling nature.

"Well, you're also praying this year. If there's nothing else to do, just hang up. Our family will enjoy family happiness together."

What you said was really not polite at all. If you were a young man with a little blood, you would probably resist, let alone just a kid.

However, Lu Haochen on the other side of the phone said with a smile:

"That's fine, Uncle, you can ask Yun Yan for me, I don't know how to do a question..."

"What question? Tell me, I'll tell you."


I've been waiting for a long time (>﹏<)

Chapter 39 Let’s talk when we’re full (??ω`?)

It was obvious that Liu Wanqian didn't want Lu Haochen to talk to me, but when the study problem came up, Liu Wanqian hung up immediately, what if it was true?But he gave me the phone just like that, and he couldn't save face, so he just bit the bullet, and couldn't help recalling in his mind the process of his own study that he had almost forgotten.

"To make the function ...continuous at ..., it is necessary to add the definition f(0)=...A...B...C...D..."

Lu Haochen was not ambiguous at all, just opened his mouth to ask a question, how many years has Liu Wanqian graduated?How many years have you been in the mall?Basically, more than 90.00% of the things I learned have been completely forgotten. Immediately, the whole person froze there, four options, one of four choices, if this is wrong... How much shame would it be?And this embarrassing object can't do it!

If this happened, Liu Wanqian would be Lu Haochen's father-in-law. How could he live if he was humiliated in front of his son-in-law?

Even if it fails, he can't be wrong!

However, he tried his best to recall his study memory in high school, but he couldn't solve this problem no matter what.

This is also normal, because what Lu Haochen was talking about was not high school questions at all, but the types of university exam questions.

Let alone Liu Wanqian, no one in this room can answer this question except me.

Because of the game, I discussed a lot with Lu Haochen. The most important thing is not to delay our studies. Therefore, both of us are studying forward. In fact, Lu Haochen has already started to study university knowledge.

And many times, Lu Haochen would also ask me, after all, I have the knowledge of hundreds of people in my mind.

For this question, let alone Liu Wanqian, even Linnai, who had been self-taught, was dumbfounded.

"This... doesn't seem like a high school subject, does it?"

Lingna muttered something in a low voice, and as soon as Linna said this, Zhao Lingling next to her was puzzled, and then she thought about it carefully, and suddenly said in shock: "This is really not a high school question, this is obviously a college exam question paper! "

As soon as she finished speaking, all the people around turned their eyes on me, and I could only helplessly cover my forehead to avoid their eyes.

At this moment, Liu Wanqian suddenly handed the phone to me. I glanced at him subconsciously, but saw the threatening expression on his face, which seemed to say, "You answer, If you can't answer, you can see how I deal with this kid! ' look.

Reluctantly taking the phone, I picked it up and glanced at the phone, but it was still on the phone. Obviously, Lu Haochen was sure that Liu Wanqian would not know this question, so he asked this question.

"Hey! The answer to this question is..."

After answering the phone, I gave the answer, while Liu Wanqian frowned, and suddenly turned to look at Zhao Lingling, and Zhao Lingling was startled by this look, and immediately reacted, hastily frowning memories .

And on my side, I was still talking to Lu Haochen.

"There is nothing on my side, everything is normal, let's put it down if there is nothing to do."

There was some suspicion in Lu Haochen's voice, but he didn't say much.

"Well, be careful yourself, don't freeze, that's it, see you after the new year."

"Well, see you after the new year."

I was also a little scared. After all, Liu Wanqian was almost glued to the back of my phone and listening, while staring at Zhao Lingling all the time. However, until I put down the phone, Zhao Lingling still recalled the answer to that question with a sad face.

After putting down the phone, Liu Wanqian immediately straightened up, then coughed twice with clenched fists, and suddenly glanced at me.

"When did you change your mobile phone? Do you have my phone number on this mobile phone?"

"Uh... yes."

I glanced at my phone. It was a Samsung phone. I basically wouldn't use this phone to contact my family.


Liu Wanqian glanced at me, but didn't say anything more.

Just like that, our family went back to the TV and watched the boring soap opera. After watching it for a while, I also got a little sleepy, so I said goodnight to Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu, and went upstairs.

Zhao Lingling and Yang Li, two policewomen, hurriedly followed, and Shao He and Ling Nai also followed, of course, the one who followed was the silly one.

As for Dumplings... This little guy stood on my shoulders the whole time, without saying a word, like a toy on my shoulders.

If it weren't for the little guy blinking his eyes from time to time and looking left and right nimbly, no one would think it was alive.

"Linnai, Shaohe, you are not allowed to sleep in the bedroom today!"



The two of them suddenly showed surprise. Seeing their expressions like this, I felt helpless for a while.

"What did you two do last night, don't you have any points in your mind?!"

As soon as I said this, Lingnai and Shaohe couldn't help but glanced at each other, their faces were a little shy, while Zhao Lingling and Yang Li, who were behind them, suddenly had their eyes lit up, as if they were watching some gossip news, their faces were full of shame. curious.

I noticed it too, and of course I understood that it was probably because of a flaw in the speech that these two people misunderstood.

But now I can't explain anything, so I just didn't say anything, turned my head, took Shaha back to the room, didn't talk nonsense to them, turned around and went back to the bedroom, and locked the door behind me.

After all, something might happen tonight, I can't let Ling Nai and Shao He sleep with me, or there will be problems at that time, not to mention, I can't let them find out that I spy on my parents in the middle of the night!

Go to the bed, pick up a gimbal stabilizer, put the phone on the bed, then turn off the light, take the tablet, put the phone and the tablet together, so that I can watch the movie while observing to the situation in the room.

The door is still fluctuating, but I noticed that the fluctuation of this door is obviously much stronger than that during the day. It seems that the weirdness still follows the habit of night action.

They like to kill at night, and the reason is nothing more than because it is easier to be scared at night.

But... even if it is killing people during the day, normal humans can't resist it?

So, I'm still a little skeptical.

But now is not the time to think about these things. Looking at the screen of the phone, I can't help but recall what happened during the day.

During the day... Gong Lianyu's attitude, no matter how you look at it, seems to have noticed something. With Gong Lianyu's ability, it is not difficult to find something, but the key is that I don't know what she has found. step?

Such passivity made me feel a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing I could do. I was so worried that I could only take the potato chips on the table and eat them bite by bite.

There is a saying that once you are full, you will relieve your worries. When you are full, you will naturally relax.

As for the troubles... let's talk about it!

Chapter 40 Could it be this! ? (36/120)

The important thing now is that no matter what happens to Gong Lianyu tonight, nothing will happen to Gong Lianyu!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but took a deep breath, closed my eyes, pulled myself together, and looked at the phone screen.

The image remains.

The wooden door in the screen still has a little fluctuation, this fluctuation makes me feel very strange, it is not the transition of the world between acquaintances, it does not look like anything else, it is more like a switch.

Of course, this only refers to my feeling about the fluctuation of this wooden door. As for the specific situation, I can only take one step at a time.

But it seems that I can't sleep tonight, and I haven't slept all day. Although this is not a big problem for me, the consumption will increase exponentially, so I took potato chips and ate them one bite at a time. with.

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed, and I don't know how long it has passed. Finally, a figure appeared in the camera.

Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu brought their children back to the room from the living room.

At this time, it was getting late, and it was almost ten o'clock, and the two children walked directly to the bathroom.

Seeing this, the alarm bells rang in my mind instantly, and the evil spirit body broke away from the physical body in an instant, and then went directly through several walls to the large bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as I came in, I saw Yun Cheng and Yun Yu reaching out to open the bathroom door, and at this moment, I was ready to pounce on them at any time! !

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