I originally planned to stay for two months to clean up the entire garden, and then open the door when everything is ready.

I can fly a helicopter because I have a memory of a pilot in my mind, but it is a civil aviation pilot, but this is not a big problem.

The problem is, even if both planes have pilots, they can carry up to 26 people at a time, and a maximum of [-] people can be squeezed, and [-] people can't get out at all.

How to do……

Do you want to fly a few more times?

But the two helicopter pilots didn't recruit!

Now I can't find anyone who can drive... that's right!Shaohe!

she will!

Just thinking of this, suddenly, there was a roar in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, at the position of the gate, a group of people suddenly walked in, pushed the gate open, and then, there were three tanks and three armored vehicles.

The first time I reacted, I knew that this was someone from the military region.

In our country, apart from the military area, I can't think of any other places with tanks.

Three tanks cleared the way. Immediately afterwards, another army green off-road vehicle came in. From the off-road vehicle, a man dressed as an officer stepped down, and at the same time, there was... Shaohe.

Immediately afterwards, three more tanks came in from behind, and then, behind them were a large number of military trucks, heading straight from the fields in the direction of Shengjing.

This is probably the army used to block Shengjing.

But what I expected is... Shaohe didn't come alone, but came with a stand.

And her position is this officer who got off the military vehicle?

Frowning slightly, he glanced at the captain on his military uniform, with a green background, a gold star...with ears of wheat.

"Major General? Unexpectedly, Shao He could talk to such a great official."

At this time, Rena also noticed the situation and hurried over.

At this moment, we are on the third floor of the main building. A brief renovation has been carried out here, but the roof has not been sealed yet.

The main building has four floors, and each floor occupies about [-] square meters. It was originally used to rent to some merchants to sell things.

Now, it is useless.

I just moved all my things here, and I settled accounts with the workers here.

Major general... The rank of major general is at least a division commander level, so in other words, the Eastern Military Region has already started to move, right?

The entire area is estimated to be sealed off now.

And Shaohe was able to bring this person to me, probably because this situation was connected with me?

Chapter 59 Xiaolu Yishou (104/120)

No... Shaohe doesn't know what I'm doing, so what's the purpose of her coming?

There was a flash in my mind, and it became clear in an instant.

Half a month ago, the incident of the plane crash should have been investigated clearly. Coupled with the sudden situation, this kind of weird thing can only be solved by even weirder people.

So Shao He and this young man came to me.

I took a closer look at the major general, he looked quite resolute, and he looked a bit handsome like a middle-aged uncle, but there was always a hint of doubt on his face.

"Lina, let's make some tea and welcome the guests."

"Yes, Miss."

Linnai nodded, she would not say anything at this time, but went to make tea very quietly.

Back on the seat, Shaohe had already looked at me just now, even if I didn't go down to pick her up, she would still be able to find her.

After sitting on the sofa for about 5 minutes, there was a knock on the door following a burst of footsteps.

'Boom ~ boom boom'

"Please come in."

Without getting up, she continued to sit on the sofa with her eyes closed, took a sip of the tea that Reina handed over, and at the same time, the door opened.

With the sound of footsteps, several people walked in.

Looking around, the first to walk in were two soldiers with live ammunition, followed by the major general, then Shao He, and then two more soldiers, who were directly at the door.

Are these four pro-guards?


Seeing that I didn't even get up, Shaohe showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Since you're here, please sit down."

Since he is a person with a military region, it is not a big problem to get a military helicopter. The rest is how to solve the current situation.

The major general, without any hesitation, strode over and sat across from me.

"Shaohe, since you brought someone here, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Looking at Shaohe who was a little embarrassed, I smiled and said hello indifferently. To me, this situation really doesn't matter, but how to solve it is a trouble.

"Hello, I'm Hu Jianjun, commander of the 79th Division of the 149th Group Army in the Eastern Theater Command, are you Liu Yunyan?"

This person spoke a little bluntly, but it wasn't in a harsh tone, it just seemed to be straightforward.

"Yes, I am Liu Yunyan, what's the matter?"

The teacher frowned slightly: "That's it. About half a month ago, a civil aviation airliner had to make an emergency landing due to an emergency. I think you should already know about it."

"Yes, I know."

I didn't intend to hide anything anymore, so I confessed it directly.

Seeing my confession so straightforwardly, the major general was not too surprised, the topic became straightforward.

"Since you admit it, I'll just say it bluntly, were you on the plane that day?"

"Yes, I am here."

The public may not be able to admit it because of public opinion and troubles, but in the face of state agencies, if the other party has investigated clear evidence, then it is useless to deny it. Although I hid my body that day, as long as I have the heart, I can still find mine.

I am sure that the person in front of me is convinced that I was on the plane at that time.

"Very well, it seems that you don't intend to deny it, so I have another question."

"Excuse me."

"The crash of that plane...was related to you?"

Regarding this question, I didn't deny anything, just nodded.


However, seeing me being so straightforward, the other party was stunned for a moment, probably because he thought I would deny it?

Hu Jianjun hesitated for a moment, his face full of doubts and disbelief.

"So...excuse me, how did you do it?"

"What do you want me to prove?"

Facing my question, Hu Jianjun was taken aback for a moment, and then he frowned.

"I just don't believe that someone can fly to an altitude of several thousand meters, and then knock the plane out of a big hole!"

Hearing him say that, I laughed and shook my head.

"No, you're wrong. I didn't hit the plane, but the plane hit me. You have to figure it out. It's a vehicle. This is obviously a traffic accident! I'm the victim!!"


Hu Jianjun never thought that I would say that, and he was stunned.

And the two soldiers at the door are now looking at me with surprise.

"Then...then you..."

Hu Jianjun didn't know what to say for a while, but I stretched out my hand and flicked the hair around my neck to the side.

"Okay, I don't care about it, and I don't need compensation. Are there any other questions?"

"This... wait a minute! As far as I know, you returned to Shengjing before New Year's Eve, and you didn't drive, let alone take a car or fly. How did you get from Shengjing to City A? , the most important thing is...how did you fly to an altitude of 7000 meters? Do you have any special equipment? If so, please show it, and I can represent the country and conduct purchase transactions with you. "

It seems that this teacher is a staunch atheist?

At this point, what he actually doubted was whether I had the equipment to fly.

"The purpose of your coming here is simply to know how I fly?"

Shao He next to me couldn't talk to me, so I just looked at Hu Jianjun, and he... hesitated a little, then nodded.


Hmm... So far, he hasn't asked the most important point. Also, this kind of thing is too difficult for atheists to understand.

It should be said... I really don't want to understand.

Hmm...should I let my specialness show?

At this time, I have to make a decision, whether to reveal the evil spirit body, or...

If it doesn't show up, I'm afraid I won't be able to borrow a helicopter, but if it shows up, then... I will be completely under jurisdiction in the future. After all, the military and the country will not allow such a dangerous existence to move freely.

Of course, this is relatively speaking, although they want to govern, but I have the ability to break free at any time.

After a moment of contemplation, I raised my head and glanced at the guard at the door.

"That guard, can you lend me your gun?"

The guard who was greeted by me was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately turned to look at Hu Jianjun.

Hu Jianjian hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and then the soldier was about to come over.

"No need to come here, just lend me the gun."

"Gun... But, if I don't go over, how can I hand you the gun?"

Before he could finish speaking, a strange force instantly picked up the gun from his hand. He couldn't even resist, and the rifle in his hand... just floated in the air.

The two soldiers in the room, Shao He and Hu Jianjun, all froze in place.

Shaohe is somewhat better, at least she is mentally prepared, knowing that I am different from ordinary people, but the expressions of the other three people are amazing, they are all stunned, obviously all three views have collapsed.

Chapter 60 The Deadly Anchor

Soon, Rena and I were left in the room again.

For Linnai, she has not experienced so many weird things, so all this is still a bit too unbelievable for her.

But in general, her luck is still very good, because she is by my side.

On the other hand, her luck is also very bad, because she is by my side.

"Miss, are you really going to rescue Mr. Lu?"


It's been almost a year and a half since I became Liu Yunyan, and my body has already adapted to this body. I can't even remember what it feels like to be self-conscious. When I recall the past, I really have the feeling of being human in two lifetimes.

Hearing Linnai's voice, I nodded. If I were in that situation, Lu Haochen should come back to save me. Although I regard Lu Haochen as a tool, in fact this relationship is more like a comrade-in-arms.

It's just that this guy would subconsciously let me avoid danger many times, but this also brought some troubles, just like last time, he was in danger, but he didn't want me to find out.

"Miss, please forgive me for talking too much. Although I haven't been in contact with Mr. Lu for a long time, I think I know this person well. He likes Miss. Miss should know this, and such a man , I won’t let the woman I like take risks easily, miss... Have you ever thought that this might be a trap?"


After repeating these two words, a smile unconsciously formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Lina, at this time, even if I know it's a trap, I still have to go."

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