Apparently, Yura still didn't understand what massage was all about.


This situation is more or less embarrassing.

Fortunately, Ji Fan has a thick skin.

He coughed lightly and said softly:

"Cough, that."

"Yura, what are you doing here?"

Yura's fluctuating mood was still unable to calm down, and she tried to take a deep breath.

But it can't slow down the crazy beating speed of the heart.

The impact of the picture just now is too strong!

At this moment, Yura couldn't say the words of thanks that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time no matter what.

Every time I look up and see Ji Fan.

His naked upper body always comes to mind...

Yura's face turned even redder.

Yura, who is extremely powerful on the battlefield and admired by others, is now like a little girl who has just experienced human affairs.

She grasped the corners of her clothes helplessly with both hands, and said in her mouth:

"No... nothing."

"I went wrong!"

After saying that, Yura left the prayer room as if fleeing.

Ji Fan was left with a confused face.

Rosalin chuckled lightly, with a frivolous tone.

"This Spray Knight is very cute~"

Chapter 197 Get comfortable with Ji Fan

Mond, the Knights of the West Wind.

Head Office.

"Jin, I'm telling you!"

"Ji Fan..."

"Ji Fan and Rosalin, the two of them!"

"Ahem... Ji Fan and the others are in the room, and he hasn't got any clothes on!"

Qin, who was full of concern, froze for a moment when she heard what Yura said.

Her pupils were wide open, eyes full of disbelief.

His body trembled and he almost couldn't stand still.

Fortunately, Qin has a strong heart, and she has adjusted her mentality after taking a deep breath.

She forcibly suppressed the urge to rush to the prayer room immediately, and said:

"What's going on? Calm down and talk to yourself."

Although Qin's tone was very flat, Yura could feel it.

Under this calm tone, there is a terrifying energy.

Back in time a few minutes ago.

After finishing the work at hand, Qin was preparing to go home from get off work.

There is also Barbara's concert tonight, as a sister, she doesn't want to miss it.

This was also the last time she attended Barbara's concert before heading to Whale Abyss.

If it was changed to before, Qin would not have time to attend any concerts at all.

The huge daily affairs are enough to overwhelm Qin.

Fortunately, the implementation of the new system has been very successful.

The new department is full of vitality and ability, which directly reduces Qin's work by more than [-]%!

Now Qin doesn't need to ask about those daily chores at all.

All she needs to deal with are things related to the general direction of Mond's future.

Qin made a decision, and then the departments under him broke it down in turn.

This not only improves efficiency, but also gives Qin more time to think.

Today's Mond can be said to be thriving, and the future will surely be a prosperous scene.

Qin was overjoyed at the thought of the success of the new policy.

All this is thanks to that man.

Ji Fan!

Now, Ji Fan's figure has been deeply planted in Qin's heart.

The girl blushed slightly, muttering to herself:

"I haven't seen Mr. Ji Fan since that meeting..."

"I don't know, what is he doing now?"

While talking, Qin opened the drawer.

Inside lay two bills bearing the name of Barbara, Mond's well-known idol.

It's a ticket to Barbara's concert.


Qin's tone was full of expectation.

I fantasize about attending my sister's concert with Ji Fan.

What a beautiful picture that is!

Unconsciously, Qin's cheeks flushed slightly.

At this moment, Yura with a panic-stricken face directly broke into the door.

Yura's condition surprised Qin.

Yura, who used to pay the most attention to etiquette, broke in so rudely.

Did something important happen?

Qin hurried forward and asked with concern:

"Yura, what happened?"

Thus, the scene just happened.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

However, Yura, who had experienced everything just now, could not calm down no matter what.

In a panic, she tried her best to describe what she had just seen.

"The wishing room...inside the wishing room!"

"Ji Fan is lying on the bed with no clothes on..."

Yura blushed more and more as she spoke, and continued to hem and haw for a while:

"Ma'am, ma'am"

"And then reached out to touch him!"


Qin seemed to be struck by lightning and felt powerless.

Unsteady, he took a few steps back and slumped on the chair.

Her mind was in a mess, and Yula's words kept echoing in her mind, piecing together pictures.

"Then Ji Fan... what did he say?"

Qin's voice seemed to be several years old, she couldn't accept this kind of thing!

But if Ji Fan really made this choice.

She will also send her own blessings, after all Ji Fan has done too much for Mond.

At this moment, the girl only felt dry mouth and mixed feelings in her heart.

Yura's body trembled when she heard that, recalling the scene at that time.

She blushed and said:

"Ji Fan, he is very comfortable!"

"It's still screaming!"


Hearing this, Qin's blood surged directly.

It was pitch black in front of my eyes, and I almost fainted intuitively!

Although Qin has never experienced such a thing, she has received an elite education since she was a child.

No stranger to this sort of thing!

In elite education, nobles protect their children.

Gender education will be included in the textbooks. Only by understanding these correctly will they be able to keep themselves clean.

At this moment, I heard Yura's description.

Qin took it for granted that Ji Fan and the lady were doing that kind of thing!


Qin slammed the drawer shut.

At this moment, she no longer has any mood to go to watch Barbara's concert!

The girl leaned on the chair, looking at the afterglow by the window.

Dusk has come, and the setting sun is like blood.

The sun was red and dark for a few days, and Qin's mood at this moment was extremely painful.

The two were silent for a long time, and the office fell into silence again.

There were tears in the corners of Qin's eyes, and there were mixed emotions in her heart.

Unexpectedly, my first relationship ended like this.

"Obviously... it hasn't started yet."

I don't know when it started, but Ji Fan's figure was deeply embedded in Qin's heart.

As time went on, his proportion increased.

Jean didn't find out until that meeting.

It turned out that he had fallen in love with him.

However, all this is meaningless now.

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