The two looked at each other, and immediately laughed together. The recording studio was filled with a joyful atmosphere because of the continuous persecution of a certain air guest.

Chapter 130 We are in the same period and have a very good relationship

The happy hour continues.

"Then without further ado, let's take a look at the active letters from the listeners." Hidaka Mana took one from the table, opened it, and read aloud, "A letter from the broadcast name 'Takizawa's Ex-Boyfriend in Austria'. Hello, Mr. Takizawa, the host, and Ms. Hidaka, the assistant. I have been following for many episodes. I am a ten-year-old fan of the two of you. What kind of life plan do you have? I want to refer to it, please let us become representatives of high EQ together!"

"Why the ex-boyfriend?" Sakura Mio was puzzled.

"Because he's a male fan." Hidaka Mana shook her head regretfully, "Although he posted a message on the website beforehand, he probably didn't know the sad fact that the original host has left. This letter has to be temporarily stored here , Waiting for Takizawa-kun to answer the question when he returns from Dark Reincarnation next time."

"The second letter, the broadcast name is 'Golden Pickup's F1ve' letter. Hello, new host and assistant! Ms. Hidaka has regained the power of lust after many days. Congratulations, but there is no dependents who can control it. At the end of the main and deputy war, there is only emptiness and great sorrow. The performance of the new assistant in the animation is very good, and the voice is really cute. Judging from the news of the new announcement, the two are also friends, and the one who can succeed Mr. Takizawa must be related Not bad, may I ask if the relationship between the voice actors is as harmonious as you?"

After Hidaka Mana finished reading, she began to answer: "Actually, the circle of voice actors is quite small, because there are only a few recording locations in Tokyo. On the way back and forth, I often meet colleagues."

"I don't think I've met before." Sakura Mio pondered.

"Maybe we met each other, but you don't quite recognize it. After all, we are also behind-the-scenes people, and we don't often show our faces." Hidaka Mana said.

"However, I think most of the people are pretty good, and it's not difficult to get in touch with. The acting teachers I met in the past were very kind and caring. People in the industry, like you and other guys, are also very good people." Sakura Mio sounded a silly smile.

"Actually, there are types that can't be dealt with. After all, we are just ordinary people. Of course, there are joys, sorrows, sorrows, and those who can't get along from the beginning to the end. There are also those who are very compatible from the very beginning. Well, let me give you an example. , When I first met the original host, I thought he was really a weird guy." Hidaka Mana laughed to herself as she spoke.

"What happened?" Sakura Mio asked subconsciously.

"He wanted to arrive early, but he got up very early in the morning, half asleep and half awake, and finally found that I arrived earlier than him, so he thought I should be nervous, and thought it was the same newcomer, so he came over to talk to me with a smile like a breeze , communicated with girls without unfamiliarity at all, talked vividly, and even sent hot coffee to keep out the cold. At that time, he still had a very literary braid. My first impression was that this person was a bit frivolous."

"hot coffee?"

"Um, yes, what's the matter?"

"It was the first time I met him on the set, and he also gave me hot coffee." Sakura Mio replied.

"Ah? Is it possible that this guy is concerned that others have their own set of standards and are familiar with the process?" Hidaka Aina was a little shocked when she heard this, "It seems that my intuition at the beginning was completely correct!"

"He is indeed a bit familiar, sometimes he is even too enthusiastic, maybe even troublesome, but he is a kind person after all." Sakura Mio couldn't help but think of the previous steak incident.Wearing a well-fitting waiter uniform, the man took the initiative to comfort himself who had been forgotten and abandoned by the collective.

"There are indeed merits. At the time, the first impression was a bit bad, but when it was recorded, I was positively surprised by him again. This person is indeed very special." Hidaka Mana said in a heavy voice, "He recited the lines, The kind that even memorized other people's lines. I was really scared at the time, it was the first time I saw such a hardworking person, you must know that he was just a trick in that drama."

"Yes, I was also scared at first." Sakura Mio felt the same way, "But now I'm used to it."

"I thought it was because of the first battle of my career, so I worked so hard, but I have been working so hard all the time, and now I recite it all. I also asked him why he always memorized it completely, and he said in a very strange tone." I remembered it after reading it a few times, how annoying!" Hidaka Mana was indignant.

"After all, he is a student of that Tokyo University. It's not surprising that he has a good memory."

"But he's really bad at math."

"how do you know?"

"When he helped me solve the problem, there were five questions in total, and four of them were wrong! Fortunately, I believed it at the time, and was invited to the office by the teacher."

At this moment, Sakura Mioyin suddenly remembered an interesting story, and she was eager to share it, and her speech speed became faster: "Speaking of which, I saw him in the interview program of the entrance ceremony of Dongda University on TV, and the other interviewees They were all expressing their feelings and talking about the future, only when he answered what he wanted to do, he said he wanted to eat beef rice."

"Hahahaha, really, is that guy an idiot?"

Hidaka Mana probably imagined the nonsensical appearance of someone's serious answer, clapped her hands and laughed along with it, but she quickly put on a straight face with her excellent expression management experience.

"No, why are you praising the disqualified original host? Obviously because of his relationship, the expectations of a letter from the audience have been disappointed."

"That's right." Sakura Mio also restrained her smile, deeply agreeing.

Hiroshi Mori looked at the two of them, and couldn't help but tilt his head strangely.

I always feel that this flow has become so confusing.

"Let's take a look at the third letter immediately, the letter from the broadcast name 'Kong Ming of Heisei'. Ms. Hidaka, Ms. Sakura, and Mr. Takizawa who does not exist in that space now, hello. Although it is a loyal viewer of the series , but this is the first time I have contributed. Since the first time, I have been enjoying the happiness brought by the Nightmare broadcast. I am very grateful to the producers for their hard work. Excuse me, I have a question here to ask Sakura mulberry."

"Huh? Are you asking me?" Sakura Mio sound pointed at herself in surprise.

"Last month at the Crimson Roses store in Shinjuku, there was a collaboration with the "Nightmare Girl" animation, and they launched a themed set meal and limited merchandise, so I went to eat it." Hidaka Mana continued to read, "It was almost full at the time, so I After ordering, I was actively looking for a place, and soon after, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face."

Hidaka Mana habitually glanced at the following content ahead of time, and couldn't help but pause.

"...Because I often browsed a certain gentleman's personal encyclopedia before, and looked at the handsome formula too many times, so I almost recognized it at first sight. It seems to be Mr. Takizawa Satoru! And I didn't come to eat alone, He has a companion. Since I have seen the BD of the promotional activity of "The Forest of Fireflies", that companion is also somewhat familiar. It should be Sakura-san who was on the guest broadcast today. The glimpse that day made me so concerned that I couldn't sleep , I will be entangled in the next few days. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you the details if possible!" Hidaka Mana finished reading in one breath.

Sakura Mio didn't expect to be brought up here, and she felt a little embarrassed for a while, so she imitated the uncle's weird tone and said: "It was discovered~ oh hehe."

"And this thing?" Hidaka Mana opened her eyes wide, very curious.

"You were there too, the day we went to the video game city." Sakura Mio explained, "I noticed that there was a joint event in a nearby restaurant that day, and I wanted to invite you to go, but you have courses, so In the end I went with him."

"Ah, it was that day." Hidaka Mana suddenly remembered, and said regretfully, "So there was an event, and I asked for leave if I knew about it. How about it, who paid the money in the end?"

"it's me."

"It's not a gentleman! That guy!"

"No, no, I insisted on treating guests, because he was the one who invited me most of the time, such as ramen, barbecue, and beef rice." Sakura Mio said shyly.

"Speaking of which, your relationship is indeed very good, and you have known each other relatively early." Hidaka Mana nodded suddenly.

"Yeah, Takizawa-san and I are in the same period, and we have a very good relationship, so this Mr. Kong Ming is not mistaken, it is indeed the two of us. The character set meal that we each ordered at that time, the fly in the ointment is why there is no meal for the character of Ichimatsu A product? There are only male and female protagonists, and there are so many characters appearing."

After Sakura Mio complained, she regained her spirits.

"There is one more thing to say, Takizawa-san, Takizawa-kun... because the character set meals are all curry, and it's not Japanese, it's quite pure Thai and Indian. I'm eating the curry for the first time I feel bad at times, and I can bear it if the spiciness is lighter, such as kimchi and mustard, but I can't bear that level of attack power at all. But I can't waste food, so I have to hold on."

Sakura Mio said solemnly.

"In the end, it was Takizawa-san who helped me kill that difficult enemy. He was extremely powerful. Originally, he was dealing with opponents of the same level, but when he saw that I couldn't do it, he directly extended his helping hand and dragged my share to solve it. I am really grateful to him, the figure at that moment is so handsome, and the stomach is so strong."

"How to put it, it feels like his behavior." Hidaka Mana thought for a while and said with a wry smile.

The Staff laughed kindly again when they heard such an interesting daily event.

But the producer is gone.

Hiroshi Mori stood there with his hands folded, he was unexpectedly calm, his temperament was extremely sharp, and an indescribable light flashed in his eyes again and again.

Chapter 130 The Two-Faced Man

Hiroshi Tsuchiya knew that it was time for him to update.

The empty room is filled with the languid red light at dusk outside the window. The broad figure on the chair drags a long, distorted shadow behind the oblique rear of the single bedroom, deeply imprinted on the wall and bed with support posters superior.The air is full of loneliness and stillness, and the silence covers up the passionate and fiery heart. It seems that there has been a snow in the heart without temperature.

It has been almost a month and a half since he posted a high-profile announcement on his blog that he would be doing a 100% ultra-ultimate perfect legend strategy topic on "Silver Comes into the World".

During this period, he completely cleared the game, and under the pressure of the nightmare difficulty, he unlocked all the processes, contents, achievements and easter eggs. The first public play has been analyzed, and now it is short of writing a complete article.

Hiroshi Tsuchiya's original intention was to rest for a few days after finishing these irritating preparatory stages, to relax and recharge himself, to watch shows, to visit exhibitions, and then to come back to fill his stomach with energy drinks, until he was bleeding from chicken blood, and finally wrote The game strategy with the highest quality in China.

According to prior calculations, the entire topic should now be coming to an end.It should be like this... If I didn't go to Crimson Roses in Shinjuku to eat linkage curry on a whim.

Tsuchiya Hongliang put all his weight on the ergonomic chair under his buttocks, staring lifelessly at the blank document with no progress like a puppet whose soul has been extracted.There are dark circles under his eyes, and he looks very haggard. There is still a chocolate bar between his fingers, and he puts it in his mouth from time to time and bites it lightly, exhaling and sighing melancholy.

Xiong Xian is actually a person who cares a lot about his appearance. The word otaku has a certain negative meaning in today's social evaluation, and it accounts for a relatively large proportion.As a big hand with hundreds of thousands of fans, spanning multiple fields such as tasting, miscellaneous talks, analysis, and popular science, he feels that he has the responsibility to represent his brothers to show the extraordinary qualities and handsome demeanor of the otaku, so he attaches great importance to it. Manner and behavior.She frequently cuts her hair, trims her eyebrows and shaves her shave. Most of her clothes are bright and flawless white. She looks neat everywhere she walks, stands, sits and sleeps. She also has a correct attitude when shooting exhibitions. The article never pushes, doesn't fan the flames, doesn't create something out of nothing, and all evaluations are based on data, and professionalism is paramount.

It is precisely because of such action, noble sentiments, no nonsense marketing, and focus on works that he can be recognized by compatriots in the circle and honored as "Two-dimensional without permission", "Grandmaster of animation", "Paper man bosom brother" ", "Heroes from other worlds qualified"...

But now everything has changed.

Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi, who was named Hiroshi Abe, stopped burning, his professionalism dissipated, and even the management of his proud appearance went wrong. His hair became very greasy from not washing for many days, and the chest of his white sleeves was dyed. Greasy stains from drink and food, and whiskers clinging to the jaws like weeds.

The computer screen entered the standby interface after a long period of stillness. He silently shook the mouse to cancel the standby mode, and then remained still for a long time before entering the standby interface, repeating the cycle.

He knew it was time for him to write.The materials are also on the side, everything is ready, just need to do it.But I always write and delete, and finally there is nothing.

Ah Liang has heard people say that any creator will have a blank mind. I wonder if he is too optimistic. He always thought that Yoshihiro and Kentaro would soon draw materials and delay the update, but who knew that the fastest postponement was actually himself.

A Liang waited from early morning to sunset, and in the one minute before 9:29, he wrote a preface that was so bad that it hit the street. It's a fact, he can't change it, he will remember this 1 minute, but he didn't take it seriously.

When the dusk ended, Ah Liang knew that the inspiration would not come.

I'm starting to procrastinate, can't I?

Every time Xiong Xian closes his eyes and contemplates, the memory of the crowded restaurant full of noisy voices will pop up by itself. In the corner of Chuo Chuo sits a man who fascinates him. He is talking and laughing with a girl. laugh.

In the summer in Tokyo, why did the time go by so fast, the people around him changed, and who was gone?

Tsuchiya Hiroshi crushed the chocolate bar in the ashtray.

In fact, he doesn't smoke at all, and he buys ashtrays to put on the table, and he just thinks it will look like a poet.

Liangzi opened the webpage habitually, logged into Yinquan's website, and saw the push, which was published 1 minute and 24 seconds ago.

His eyes came alive, stars were rising.

Tsuchiya Hongliang put on the earphones, and leaned back in the chair with a smile on his face unconsciously. The decadence was swept away, and the spring returned to the earth, and the fresh and tender tree buds were breaking through the ground, and the rhizomes of hundreds of flowers climbed up the body , as if bathed in the old green forest shadows, petite elves are flying around, playing the crisp harp.

He hasn't delivered letters for a long time, and he hasn't tried to think about food and drink for a long time. Although he knows that the road is not very far, and he knows that he will get off the bus soon, but the 10 minutes of the broadcast makes people feel good. warm.

When he opened his eyes again, Xiong Xingnan stood up and stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the bright neon lights. He was bathed in the night fire. Solving the doubts, it seemed that he had survived a cold and desolate winter, and what greeted him was a world full of vitality and revival of all things.

"I understand."

Tsuchiya Hongliang muttered to himself, and sat back again.Now I just feel that my thoughts are clear, my mind is in line, and my thoughts are flowing like a spring. At the beginning of this large-scale topic, I might as well start with the story of Ai Huani and the first Yeluan Sword King.

...But before the official start, there is still a small thing to do.

Xiong Xinan clicked on the URL in the favorites, automatically went to a certain Twitter page, browsed carefully, then clicked on the chat software, pondered for a few seconds, and then entered key words. Soon, a bunch of group chats were searched.

"Takizawa Satoru fan group (harmonious communication)"

"Elredo Blasting Club Online Running Group No. 1"

"Panice Tool Man Training Range Online Running Group No. 2"

"Prepare in advance for Takizawa Wuxia to join the BL fan group (male fans are not allowed)"

"9527 Collection of Photo Resource Groups for Foolish People and Foolish Things (Good People Have a Safe Life)"


I can feel the heavy love from netizens.

But these are not what Kong Ming of Heisei wants.

Hope is indifferent to existence and non-existence.This is just like the roads on the ground. In fact, there are no roads on the ground. When many people pass by, the road becomes a road.

Hiroshi Tsuchiya nodded, and clicked to create a group chat. In the name line, he thought for a long time, and finally entered "Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fellow Group". When introducing this line, his fingers paused on the keyboard for a long time, and finally he was only half-joking. Yes, like a spy matching a slogan, he entered characters with no beginning and no end like "@日高爱菜".

Click the mouse to confirm, the creation is successful.

After doing this, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden, Xiong Xiong heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to put this aside for the time being, and when he was doing serious work, the words that woke him up resurfaced and lingered in his ears.

——'Takizawa-san and I are at the same time, and we have a very good relationship, so this Mr. Kong Ming is not mistaken, it is indeed the two of us. '

Hiroshi Tsuchiya looked hesitantly at the bookshelf full of collectibles. There was a box of BD of "The Forest of Fireflies", which was the only public event so far. It was also a precious video of someone's debut Event. It was acquired together with the promotional BD of "Silver Comes into the World".

After watching it so many times, some important interactions are naturally unforgettable.

'This time we used the pre-recording method.After all, the construction period is not tight.Even though they seem to be very close now.Although it is true that they are very close, the two did not communicate at first.The seats are far apart, and there is obviously no one in the middle.I think this is pretty good. My own work tells the story of two people who are only on a small stage, cultivating precious treasure-like memories.Later, the distance between the two gradually shortened, which really fits these. As the coordinator, I am very happy.And it's worth mentioning that, both in and out of the play, Yingying is the one who takes the initiative. '

'It's not because this guy is too rude, he doesn't take others seriously, he doesn't respect people at all, I'm going to remind him to be polite! '

'As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other.Now we have a very good relationship, she often supervises me to give up my seat to the elderly in the car, donate money, protect the environment, respect teachers... Uh, this event should be recorded as a special prize for later sales, so be reserved. '

'Snapped! 'It was a slapping arm attack in embarrassment, Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi remembered it very well.

Xiong Xian hesitated, with a tangled and struggling expression on his face, he scratched his greasy hair silently, his eyes were filled with dark and unpredictable thoughts, the atmosphere in the room froze again, and Haruhi was covered by dark clouds.

Ah Liang suddenly remembered a movie. The district prosecutor who was walking in the light had the left half of his face burned off by fire, half of which was intact and the other half was flesh and blood. Suffering from physical and mental pain, he finally understood how to survive in the hospital. To choose between good and evil is to flip a coin.

Tsuchiya Hongliang took out a game coin from the drawer, and spent a little time in his mind to make a distribution: the front side is to maintain the original intention, and the back side is to go to another path.

After hesitating for a moment, he tossed it upwards lightly. The coin swirled in mid-air, landed on the table, and landed on the keyboard while bouncing.

Xiong Xian froze.

Coins are embedded in the keycaps.

Not heads, not tails.

is the middle.

Tsuchiya Hongliang temporarily forgot a lot, and the noise of the night city outside the window also disappeared suddenly. The heart under the layer of fat seemed to be split in two. The fork stirs the fragile nerves.

A terrible, bold, absurd idea that deviates from the bottom line of one's own loyalty principles, spreading like a virus, and burrowing into the heart and brain like a parasite.

Xiong Xiong stretched out his hand tremblingly, retracted it, stretched it out again, and did the previous process again.

Create a group chat, enter a name, consider a profile, OK.

The speed of each step is getting faster and faster, just like his psychology, from resisting panic to subsiding trembling.Is this a fall from the clouds, or a return to the true path covered in mud?

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