"...It's almost ten years." Yin Ze leaned his whole body on the soft sofa and looked up at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"It's really precocious, at least I learned programming and production by myself when I was in college." Yoshida Tomoki smiled, and then sighed with emotion, savoring the weight of that time unit carefully, "Yeah, ten years, how many decades are there in life? During this journey, how many times have I wanted to give up, or because of family, or because of rich or poor, or because of illness and low self-esteem. But in the end I survived. Overcoming those dark nights, why did we arrive here?"

"Someone must do this to continue this fantasy dream. I am full of love for the free world where dragons fly in the sky, and I don't want to betray it, let alone escape."

Yoshida Tomoki continued.

"I know that I am not the only one in the world who thinks this way. Players who are still logged into the game are always waiting for hope. When I first came to the project team to announce the restart, the audience was silent, and one person stood up and rushed to the project team. Come here, raise my hand, shouting 'Then let's go!' At that moment, I knew that all this is not impossible, since there is no darkness without tomorrow, there will be a moment of dawn."

"You are amazing." Yin Ze said softly.

"Is Mr. Yin studying in college?"


"Because of the complete failure of the 14th generation, the project has become notorious in the industry. The developers in the team don't even have the courage to change jobs, and they can't write their resumes. I don't know what the future will be like, but this is such a gloomy and hopeless situation. I know very well. This is embarrassing, but I personally have an unfeeling request." Yoshida Satoki propped his hands on his knees and bowed on the sofa, "——after graduation, can I invite you to join us?"

"Thank you very much for your invitation, but I have already joined the company." Yin Ze was stunned for a moment.

"Uh, no, aren't you a college student? May I ask which company is it? Kelemei, Capcon, Shijia, Bandai, Nintendo?" Yoshida Satomi asked.

"EmEnterpris voice actor agency, I am an active voice actor."

No one responded.

The producer's movements seemed to be frozen.

"Brother Yoshida?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the sudden jump in the field is a bit big, so I can't accept it for a while... But, the voice actors. It just so happens that the game also needs voice actors, so we can continue to cooperate." Yoshida Satomi said.

"I'm just a rookie who hasn't debuted for two years. It may not be appropriate for me to entrust the sequel of this world-class IP." Yin Ze added.

"As I said before, the 14th generation is already a minefield, and few people will take the initiative to get involved with it. The dubbing must be the same." Yoshida Tomoki smiled bitterly.

"Well, then who can I give my voice to?"

"Although it's a whim, I think it's very suitable."

On the land in my heart, there will always be a young man with a sword standing in the distance, with his back to himself, bathed in light.Whenever I really imagine Yiqi's face, it is always blurred, just like looking at a figure surrounded by strong light, and I can't see clearly.

Yoshida Tomoki rubbed his palms, with childish beauty in his words.

"The hero who stands in the light of youthful memories—the Warrior of Light."

Chapter 130 Nine

Warehouse Street with harbor facilities separates Xindu from the eastern industrial area.It's pretty quiet here at night.Dim street lights illuminate the street, showing a cold and empty scene.The unmanned cranes are neatly lined up by the sea, looking like huge lifeless sculptures, or ritual statues surrounding the ancient sword arena.

The blond and blue-haired King of Knights walked upright on the wide avenue.And the enemy stood boldly in the middle of the road.It was a man with his long hair pulled back, two guns in his hand, and extremely regular facial features.

Those are two double spears of different lengths. From the handle to the blade, they are all wrapped with a kind of cloth similar to a charm. It must be a countermeasure to hide the real name of the Noble Phantasm.

"It's finally here. I've been walking in this city swaggeringly all day today, but no one dared to come. The only strong person who accepted my invitation is you. Hey, with this clear fighting spirit, it seems that you are Saber. No Wrong?" The storyboard on the screen is still a draft, and Yin Ze is used to it.He aligned the time axis skillfully, held the script symbolically, and chanted in a low but clear voice.

"Exactly, and you are Lancer." The senior voice actor standing next to Mike answered.

"I can't even exchange names with the opponents who are about to fight to the death. What a disappointing bondage." Yin Ze snorted.

"The magic of charm?" The senior made a questioning and harsh voice, "Is such a trick of the small way your reliance?"

"Sorry, it's like a curse I was born with. I really can't do anything about it. If you want to blame it, you can only blame my birth, or myself as a woman." Yin Ze chuckled.

In order to allow the voice actors to deepen the experience of this plot, the script even attached a description from the author of the novel.

"The tall nose bridge, the awe-inspiring eyebrows and the sculpted facial contours. The exquisite smiling lips make people feel sexy and restrained. The gentle and melancholy eyes make people feel his charm as a man strongly. And under the left eye Fang's tear mole made his eyes look extremely charming. This should be a demon appearance."

Nobunaga Shimadzu, No. 1, who was watching the performances of the main actors from the seats on the set, glanced at the actor with "brilliant appearance" at this time, and couldn't help curling his lips in resentment.

For works of the level of "Fate/Zero", one can imagine how fierce the competition is.In short, one radish and one pit.

In the cruel audition, Shimadzu finally got his wish and became a heroic spirit. Although the role of the scene is only modal particles, it is enough to be proud of the 80 people on the moon.


A guy with exactly the same qualifications as him turned out to be Lancer, one of the top three riders!It is an important part of the work!You can shout the real name of the Noble Phantasm!You can even play directly with the King of Knights!


...Thinking about it, this is definitely not a gap in acting skills, it's just that someone's appearance fits the character better.Basically like this kind of incompetent guy who can only rely on his delicious body, his career ceiling can be seen at a glance, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

The performance continues.

"This man has two brushes." The King of Knights whispered solemnly.

"Your armor is generated by magic power, but in front of my gun, you are as if you are naked." The man flicked his hair into the play, and narrated magnetically, "You made a mistake. If you don't take off your armor, you can instead Beware of me, Gae Buidhe (the yellow rose that must be destroyed), next time, I will definitely take your head off!"


The whole episode is a fight between the King of Knights and the handsome guy with tear mole.Counting the time for adjustment and repeated recording, the two main voice actors continued to work for more than 50 minutes. Although they were in a good mood to play with all their strength, they still felt a little tired physically.

"It's hard work, the effect is very good. This episode is done, and I will ask everyone next time." Iwaro Miwa, who is in charge of the sound supervisor, is an approachable and easy-to-reach uncle. After confirming the sound material repeatedly, he announced that he would leave work.

Yin Ze closed the script for decoration, and after hesitating for a few times, he still shyly greeted the senior in the opposite play, "Chuan Chengsang, thank you for your cooperation, boy, I have little experience, and I am causing you trouble. "

"Oh, not at all." Lingzi Chuancheng is very demure. Compared with Yoko-san, who is only reliable in the shop on special occasions in the same company, this gentle and generous lady in front of me is worthy of the "ideal workplace" Seniors" this praise.

"Really? If I have made any mistakes, please point them out sternly." Yin Ze whispered coyly.

"No, I really think your aptitude is very good. Not to mention the sound quality, as a rookie who has debuted for less than two years, his mentality on the set is very peaceful, and he can respond well to the supervisor's instructions and ponder over the script. It's also very deep, and it must have been a lot of hard work." Lingzi Chuancheng smiled and encouraged, "Keep this momentum, and you will shine in the future, and the future belongs to you young people."

"Where is there, if you want to become an excellent voice actor like Chuan Chengsang, you still have a long way to go." Yin Ze suppressed the tension in his heart, as shy as a girl in Huaichun, "In fact, I can be with my senior in the Fate series." I have always been really scared to cooperate with you... Although I am a little embarrassed, I am a 20-year-old fan of Altria. Whether it is the original game or Yansheng animation and games, I have played and enjoyed it. This time I actually I am really honored to personally participate in the long-awaited work!"

"So the respect for me is only love and affection?" Chuancheng Lingzi put on a straight face, pretending to be difficult.

"Of course not!" Yin Ze straightened his chest, "Senior has many other characters that I like. For example, Yoshida Kazumi in "Red-Eyed Shana", Princess Anli in "Apostle of Zero", Tian in "Whirlwind Butler" State Athena...all beautiful memories!"

"It's really embarrassing for you. They are all defeated characters who were finally defeated by Rie-chan from your office." Reiko Chuancheng nodded seriously.

"...Characters and voice actors cannot be confused." Yin Ze waved his hands awkwardly, "And everyone is a comrade who contributes to the animation industry, and they are all partners!"

"Speaking of which, you have a good relationship with Tai Ze's junior Hidaka Aicai, right?" Chuancheng Lingzi asked suddenly.

"A nodding acquaintance is not worth mentioning. Compared with this... I wonder if I can ask my senior for an autograph?" Yin Ze embarrassedly took out the markers he had prepared earlier and a classic knight royal color that he bought at a high price online. Paper.

"Of course, I'm also happy for her to be loved so much by the younger generation." Lingzi Chuancheng smiled, took the colored paper, and signed her name in a snap.

"Rao is working hard all day for yellow and white things, but when I am free, I always think of the beautiful girl who fell asleep under the tree. From now on, I will continue to fully support it!" Yin Ze was happy like a robber Excited like a rabid fan who went to the front row of an idol concert with limited tickets.

For a while, the seniors and the juniors chatted happily.

"Chuancheng Sanqiemo was deceived by this duplicity villain." Shimadzu Nobunaga appeared quietly like a ghost, and said faintly, "The first and second episodes On the set, he also said to Eda Kana-senpai and Shimoya Sawako-senpai, "I like Rin/Sakura who is independent, arrogant and cute/strong and lovable" the most, and then asked for his autograph. This guy is full of words. His righteousness and devotion are actually no different from the sinister Lord Shen Er, so I hope you can learn from your predecessors."

"Hmph, this is an exchange between the three cavalry. You, a cannon fodder hero who can only cover up with breath, and then sneak attack and speak ill of people at the right time, retreat quickly, so don't make people laugh." Yin Ze disdainfully waved his sleeves.

"Oh, your only highlight has passed today, I really look forward to the moment when you stab yourself with both hands and your appearance collapses." Shimadzu Nobunaga sneered without emotion.

"That's the ambition. When a soldier dies, the first thing the flies see are his flaws and scars. They suck and squawk, thinking they are proud of it." Yin Ze quoted the classics.

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, don't be fooled and have no master. Don't care about it like you..." Shimadzu Nobunaga turned his head, his cold face suddenly became warm, "Chuanchengsang, I am actually Xiaoya I’ve been a single fan for 30 years, and I’ve cleared the original game [-] times, and I want an autograph too.”

Lingzi Chuancheng covered her mouth and laughed because of the two high-purity moon people. Finally, they signed autographs and took a group photo before finally coming to an end.

Both Yin Ze and Shimadzu Nobunaga, who have gained a lot from each other, recovered their brother's good condition, and walked shoulder to shoulder and walked to a nearby ramen shop to solve the problem of Wu Zang Temple.

"One serving of classic soy sauce ramen."

"I want miso ramen, thank you."

The two found a place to sit down, and then they obviously came to eat together, and the close friends who can chat about life are close at hand, but they all took out their phones by coincidence, bowed their heads and started surfing the Internet.

"By the way, seniors are very nice." Shimadzu Nobunaga took out his signature again, feeling like treating a treasure.

"Most of them are really gentle and patient." Yin Ze nodded, "But after all, there will be people with different personalities. After all, they are still ordinary people. It's not surprising to be pointed at and scolded when they are in a bad mood. .”

On FZ's studio, there are many seiyuu who have been famous for a long time, and there are quite a few people with old qualifications.For example, Mr. Yamazaki, the servant of Gunge's master, is not well-known, but he has rich experience in the industry, and even served as a sound supervisor. Such a voice actor is one of the important cornerstones of the industry.Others who can get along with him are Brother Tsuruoka Chong, who has a wide range of businesses. In addition to dubbing, he is also a stage actor. He has filmed special shots.After working with a certain Saintess Twisted Kitchen, she also became interested in French history, especially Joan of Arc. After knowing that she was a liberal arts student at the University of Tokyo, especially good at history, she often consulted Twisted Kitchen's background knowledge.

Generally speaking, they are very good at getting along, but there are also very mavericks.For example, a senior seiyuu of the oldest Ji An, the method of eliminating female rookie juniors turned out to be dirty jokes... As for the effect, the beholder has a different opinion.

"Hey, my Twitter account still has hundreds of followers, what about you?" Shimadzu Nobunaga frowned.

"I don't know, it seems to be 11." Yin Ze said casually.

"Why?!" Shimadzu Nobunaga's eyes widened, and he said unwillingly, "Isn't it just posting blog posts and reposting pictures casually? I also share prose and short poems I wrote in my spare time from time to time! Thousands will not work?"

"Your level is too high, vulgar people can't understand the beautiful words like snow lotus." Yin Ze comforted.

"No, it's both elegant and vulgar. I also reposted the pictures of beautiful girls." Nobunaga Shimadzu felt wronged.

"Where do you usually collect materials?" Yin Ze was curious.

"I usually only repost your pictures. Because it saves trouble." Nobunaga Shimadzu said bluntly.

"...Then it would be crazy for others to pay attention to you. Of course they choose to pay attention to me who has first-hand information." Yin Ze was speechless.

"It turns out that my efforts so far are all to help you drain." Shimadzu Nobunaga sighed, "It's just a show for everyone, and I don't ask for anything else. Then can you buy a few thousand yen so that I can eat duck legs at night? Meal? No other meaning, just seeing that you have a lot of fans on Twitter, your career is developing well, and your circle of friends often fights with female colleagues, so I said that, I hope it didn’t spoil your mood bro.”

"Isn't Mr. writing literature? If you are contaminated with too much secular smoke and fire, you may not be able to write about heaven and earth. Then it is a big sin for me, so I can't treat you." Borrow money request.

"Speaking of which, my prologue has been uploaded to the website. Although it is still not very popular, it will definitely explode when the plot enters the middle stage of ups and downs." Is it over?"

"No!" Yin Ze replied immediately.At the same time, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

How many times, how many times have people asked themselves if they have seen anything, and they have always lied against principles and morals, and even this is not enough, they have to whitewash the lies.

But today, I can finally say no out loud!

"It doesn't matter if you don't read it, it's the same now." Shimadzu Nobunaga was not angry.

"The Internet in this store is not very good." Yin Ze made an excuse.

"Use my phone."

"Everyone's physical distance is not much different, and the impact on the network is estimated to be similar. Even if you can watch it, the reading experience is not good if you refresh intermittently."

"It's okay, I have local files in my phone, the battery is sufficient, and the screen is not worn out. Maybe you still need some music assistance? I have five-figure quality headphones here." Shimadzu Nobunaga smiled, showing his white teeth.

"I see. That's really great. In fact, I'm also looking forward to Gongzhi's masterpiece." Yin Ze held his nose in resignation, took the phone, and started to read.

Title: "The Legend of Pluto in the Magical World"

Introduction: 10 years ago, the gods collapsed, and the world was flooded by the endless light of the end. In times of crisis, the sage activated a god-level summoning magic, and summoned a brave man who could save the world from other worlds...

Keywords: epic, fantasy, harem, time travel, sci-fi, abilities, star sea.

"Why is there still a sci-fi element? Isn't this a high magic setting?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"That's too monotonous. In fact, the origin of the villain is the evil invasion army in the universe. They are driven by an emotionless holy god, and their purpose is to wipe out all the planets." Shimadzu Nobunaga chuckled, "Of course, the later stage It will jump out of a single world and enter the magnificent interstellar stage, where the forbidden curse of annihilation and the starship cannon will be bombarded, it is exciting to think about it, isn't it very ingenious?"

Yin Ze did not comment for the time being, but read the text carefully, and was soon completely attracted.

"The jagged and undulating Yecang Shenglong is like a mighty god. Looking at the panorama from a bird's-eye view, in the southeast direction, there is a silver-orange transparent fairyland that looks like a pancake. Looking up, the scenery there is vivid. It looks like a dancing steel water pipe. In the back, there is a bright gray-blue coconut grove that looks like a piece of ice. Looking into the distance, the scenery there is like a ethereal squirrel.”

"He has a rough figure and fashionable bright purple skin, with strange dark gray mailbox-like floating hair on his head, a flat light blue hat, and a dark white smoked goose-like gold scale armor with a feather on it. , wearing water-blue bread-like plastic tube misty shorts, and beautiful bright gray bamboo basket streamer boots. The whole image is extremely rare."

"At this time, the Apostle of Time let out his final roar and used his unique skill "Holy Light Explosion". I saw a gust of blue glowing wind suddenly burst out from his legs, and went straight to Yecang Shenglong... "

"The orange-like chest of this monster is shining coldly, and the butt is like a sweet potato. It has strong thighs like a lion and claws like a racket. The five tails that are as powerful as a peacock are extremely strange, with a kind of barbaric domineering. It smells like sulfur. The horns on its head are very rare."

"How is it? The rhetoric is not inferior to Kawabata Yasunari, right?" Shimadzu Nobunaga blew on the hot ramen and asked leisurely.

"This aesthetic is beyond the level of life. At least carbon-based organisms basically don't expect to understand it." Yin Ze rubbed his eyes and said deeply.

"This is just the prelude to my rebellion. Writing novels is just a personal hobby, voice acting is the main job, just wait, I will succeed in the next stage, I will not be behind you and Matsuda, and I will also be the main character. "Shimadzu Nobunaga's fighting spirit is like a raging fire.

"Oh? Which work is recruiting again? Tell me?" Yin Ze threw a peanut into his mouth.

"Don't you know? The rumor is even bigger than your "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy" production."

"Sorry, I finished one episode, so I can't feel more."

"I know, that's why I mentioned that."


"I don't know if it will be changed when it is officially broadcast, but the name seems to be "Sword Sanctuary"." Shimadzu Nobunaga ate the noodles.

Chapter 140

Today, Bojing Yiping came to the office as usual to handle some chores.As always, you can see a lot of high-spirited and fighting new voice actors wandering around. When you see the seniors, you will greet them enthusiastically. If you have any errands, you are obliged to go all out.

Although the society as a whole has entered an aging society, it does not mean that young people are lazy. On the contrary, the flames of struggle are sweeping the entire era.

After all, except for a few lazy people, most people still yearn for success in their hearts. Who hasn't had that kind of brilliant dream?

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