"Then Qiuyue Mingmeng's lines, please. By the way, the tone should be imitated as much as possible." Hidaka Mana turned her head, and saw those beautiful eyes smiling into a pair of crescent moons.


Seeing this, Tsuchiya Hongliang shook his head helplessly and tapped the keyboard.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: It is really God's will, not a crime of war."

Chapter 140 Six: One of the World Famous Paintings

Although the core selling point of "The Nightmare Girl" is the love and killing between super-powered girls, there is still the term "male protagonist" after all, and the feelings of the male and female protagonists are clearly exaggerated in the play.

In the ending, Qiuyue Mingmeng intends to eliminate all the nightmares by sacrificing herself, and Fujimoto Kai is by her side, wanting to dissuade but cannot ignore her awakening, so she can only silently watch the girl's figure disappear into the other end of the light .

Here is a touching dialogue of farewell and confiding.The performance of the younger seniors is still very exciting. The strength and reluctance in the lines are well expressed, and the sentence sentences are also very elegant. It was also dubbed at the scene until the eyes were red.

The strength of the junior senior is really extraordinary, the junior sighed, and respectfully handed over the tissue, and then he was disgusted.

"Why don't you hold her back and let her disappear just because of her long-cherished wish, you are so cruel!" the heroine complained to the hero with tears in her eyes.

"That's right, it's too hard-hearted. Being too rational is sometimes very cruel." The sentimental audio supervisor also wiped his tears and echoed.


The man who had endured all the evils in this world honestly asked for the tissue back.

You should find the author!

Because of these few episodes, even if there is no life corridor, Master Yin still has a deep memory of this confession.

"Can Staff provide the lines?" Hidaka Mana raised her hand and asked like a student asking for help from the class teacher.

"No need, I'll recite." Yin Ze said straightforwardly.

"Oh, you look handsome with confidence." Hidaka Aina smiled, "Although I know you have the habit of memorizing words, but this time you even remember my part? Then the younger generation said that you are not interested , but you actually have deep feelings for this drama, right?"

"Why is the assistant talking nonsense? I obviously never finish an episode." Yin Ze was displeased.

"Then, let the host reproduce the classic scene in this article." Hidaka Mana said loudly to the camera.

Mori Hiroshi is also well-prepared, and he can catch such impromptu things. With a big wave of his hand, the countdown sound will sound in the live broadcast.It's just a bit hardcore... It's very simple and rude like the notification sound before the start of a car race.

Didi, beep——

Music was suddenly played at the scene. This is the ED of the animation, and it is also the BGM of the two's parting at the end.With the mournful melody and the eloquent singing, the atmosphere instantly brightens, as if the end of the world, when meteors fall and the setting sun is like blood, people have come to the crossroads of life.

All eyes are on the performers, and the host is also working hard to brew emotions.

'If you look forward to tomorrow~ I will give you the sun~? If you look forward to the blue~I will give you the sky~?.Carrying a heart full of joy ~ meeting you again and again~?'

The lyrics of the ending song are the best description, bringing everyone to the sad place where the fetters are stripped away.The cause and effect can finally be eliminated, and the girl who has cut off her fate stands there covered with scars. The ordinary high school students can only look at it from afar, and because of the fulfillment and love, they clenched their teeth and held back the words to stay. language.

'If you feel at peace~ there will be my shadow~? A fragile and unreal thing~a strong and beautiful thing~?'

The girl cut the line of fate, and let out a sigh of relief.After finishing all this, she turned around and looked at the boy who had been staring at her with his lips closed all the time with a smile.

The two people looked at each other through the light and shadow. There were stardust-like fragments in the air, like cherry blossoms withered and scattered.

The host closed his eyes deeply, ignoring the messy barrage.

"It seems that I will be away for a while. Sorry, I can't fulfill the agreement with you."

Whether it's emotions, or the tenacity to bear the pain, and even the vibrato, they are quite restored to the performance of the younger generation.

The sad atmosphere suddenly collapsed.

No matter how humble the man is, he tries to make his voice as close to the girl as possible, making it thinner and thinner, but how can the natural physical barrier be so easily overcome.Although the lips are also red and the teeth are white, what he desperately touches is not the young girl, but the Duke of Dongchang.

In the end, there is no skill at all, only strong feelings.

The barrage immediately became intense.

"It's back, it's all back!"

"Hidaka Mana CV: Takizawa Satoru"

"Hahahaha Nightmare Tapir"

"It's clear that it's an anti-series seiyuu"

The host seemed to know what the reaction would be, and kept his eyes closed, refusing to accept reality.

Hidaka Mana still covered her mouth, and the staff at the scene showed joyful smiles as if they saw a sow jumping into a ditch, regardless of the camera.

The host made a sobbing sound after finishing speaking, and then paused.

He is waiting for a handshake.But there was no response for a long time. The man opened his eyes angrily, looked at the indifferent assistant who was meditating and practicing closed mantra, and pouted at her to signal.

Hidaka Mana pretended not to see, and cut her hair on her own.

"... "

The host wept again helplessly, and then repeatedly made the Come gesture

Hidaka Mana lowered her head and took a sip of water, then began to read the script seriously as if doing reading comprehension.


The host felt sad and angry, repeatedly imitating the sobbing of the girl, and simply gave up the idea of ​​the scene, intending to finish the talk alone.

"I don't know..."

"For the time being, how long is it for the time being?" Mana Hidaka finally disconnected and reconnected successfully, hurriedly said the hero's words in a thick voice.To be honest, unfairness arises.Women's voices are more varied. As a young acting school, the younger seniors naturally have the "young voice" card in their hands. Not to mention the wonderful ones, they can compete for the king's way, but at least there will be no big ones. sense of violation.

"I don't know." Yin Ze took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down the tumbling mood, and squeezed his throat.

"Is the contract over? Do you no longer need me?" Hidaka Mana quickly entered into the mood and asked in a low voice, lost in spirits.

"No! It has nothing to do with the contract. You rescued me, listened to my request, gave me warmth, and brought me the starry sky. You were obviously just an ordinary person, but you supported me to this point, and you even gave up for my willfulness. Life—these have nothing to do with the contract."

Yin Ze retorted loudly, then his tone fell sharply, and he spoke slowly and solemnly.

"I really want to say that I like you. When you are hurt, painful, and troubled, including now, I really want to hug you."

'If you look forward deeply~? May I give my thoughts to you~?'

The singer is still singing affectionately.

The Dugong, who tried his best to become a girl, stretched out his hand and looked affectionately at the boy on the other side of the light wall.

"Finally, at this moment when all the shackles are gone, I can say it. I like you. This feeling has nothing to do with the contract, appearance, hobbies, past, future... It's just, I love you. "The man whispered.

"It has nothing to do with the past or the future. This kind of statement is really cunning." Hidaka Mana answered quietly, "I like you too, Mingmeng."

"Promise me to live positively in this world." Yin Ze made a request.

"Okay." Hidaka Mana agreed easily.

"Treasure your body and have a good dream every night."

"it is good."

"Laugh every day."

"it is good."

"Wash your hands before eating, and wear more clothes when the weather is cold. If you have a kind girl you like, be brave enough to strike up a conversation."

"it is good."

"……I love you."


The light gradually spread to every place, drowning the two of them, and all they could see was a piece of holy white.

The song is also over.

Boom, boom, boom — the notification sounded for the end of the theater.

The staff patted their bellies one after another and gave warm applause.There are also a bunch of words like super touching and tearful eyes floating wildly in the barrage.

"You did a good job, junior, you see everyone is praising you!" Hidaka Mana returned to her lovely original voice, laughing flamboyantly.

"Hehe." Yin Ze, who knew that the scene just now had been transmitted to the entire island country through the Internet, was expressionless.

"But it seems that we just changed roles to express our love. Didn't we agree to give benefits to the audience? Would you like to stop saying a few words?" Hidaka Aina said seriously.

"Oh, I love you guys."

"What a great read, it's so perfunctory, you should bring a smile and blessing."

At this second, the photographer was very dedicated and quickly took a close-up. A handsome face instantly filled the entire live broadcast screen. Everyone could clearly appreciate his distorted mood at the moment through the twitching corners of the host's beautiful mouth.

"I love you all--"

"Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fans Group"

"F1ve of the golden pickup: My noble brother Takizawa has become a puppet of love in front of thousands of people."

"Austrian boyfriend: Hey~hehehehe~"

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Why hasn't this person been kicked out of the group yet?"

"Brother Dang: Sure enough, he is more considerate than his predecessors in the same period, so don't be discouraged, we will definitely fight back in the future."

"Brother Dang has withdrawn a message"

"Kong Ming of Heisei:?"

"Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potato:?"

"Ye Ye Ye God:?"


"It's almost time to enter the formal stage." Yin Ze let go of his clenched fist and said lightly.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry everyone, I've been tinkering with irrelevant things for so long at the beginning, and the time allocation suddenly became tense. According to this flow, can it end well?" Hidaka Mana was a little worried.

"It's okay, the big deal is to stop the broadcast."

"Don't say such terrible things casually, won't you be scolded by your manager for sabotage?"

"Fish dies, net breaks, retires together, each is wonderful."

"I'm really sorry, the host seems to be getting angry. Let me push it forward." Like a worried mother, Hidaka Mana apologized for her child's immaturity, and then said crisply according to the script, "Then first, Let us, as usual, hear from audiences everywhere."

Hiroshi Mori tidied up his hair in a timely manner, entered the scene in person, and delivered the letter.

Chapter 140 Seven

"The first letter, a letter with the radio name 'Gasph D'."

Hidaka Mana opened the manuscript paper.

"Takizawa-kun, hello, Ms. Hidaka. I am a student studying in Japan. I watched the animation of "The Nightmare Girl" on the recommendation of my roommate. Time flies, and the story of this article has been told in the blink of an eye. It's over, and the happy broadcast will also end. For me, it is already a living habit to relax on Saturday night while listening to the interesting conversation between the two of you. When I think that there will be no more updates on the broadcast on the Yinquan website in the future, I felt very empty. Although Ah Hai chose to separate in order to fulfill Ming’s dream, I firmly believe that there will be a day when they will meet again, just like the two will cooperate again someday in the future and present wonderful performances for the audience. I will still give my best support. Also, I met Takizawa-kun in the qualifying match of "The Last Fist 4", do you still have any memories?"

"There are still overseas fans. It's really unexpected. Thank you very much for your support. Indeed, I also feel that time flies so fast. I can still vividly remember the scene of the first episode of Mingminglu, and now I am working on the final episode. It’s broadcast.” Hidaka Aina said with emotion, “This program can achieve such a good result, it really cannot do without the strength of everyone. It’s just me and the younger generation who are teasing and making things difficult for each other, but we can gain something. With so much enthusiastic support, I don’t know what to say other than thank you.”

"Is it finally on the bright side?" Yin Ze suddenly added, "But I was just teasing, and she was making things difficult. We all know that."

"In fact, we don't have much experience in doing radio programs, but this time we made a mistake." Hidaka Mana ignored someone's resentful gaze, and continued to smile, "Of course, this kind of good luck must not always exist. Yes, so when I encounter difficulties in the future, I will probably miss the luck of this period very much, and envy the current self. By the way, junior, have overseas fans really played games with you?"

"I have an impression. Presumably this is the Haifeng DD who said 'I'm your fan!' in the chat channel, and then frantically rubbed his moves, trying to eat my points after all the hardships?" Yin Ze calmed down. The answer, "It's the same type of Boshengliu player as me, not bad."

In a certain university dormitory, the young student was very emotional, and he tapped on the keyboard vigorously.

"Hayate·DD·Alexander: Huh, life is worth it!"

"Austrian boyfriend: Tsk."

"F1ve of the Golden Pickup: What a great opportunity, why don't you talk about some key things, just mention fighting games? Half annoyed.JPG"

"Then the second letter. The broadcast name is 'Xiuwen's Zhongda'."

Hidaka Mana continued to open the letter.

"Mr. Takizawa and Ms. Hidaka, hello. I probably paid attention to Takizawa-kun when he debuted. At that time, he just played a royal knight with few roles. Although there were few words, I was deeply impressed. At that time, I thought, this excellent person should be able to achieve something, and sure enough, he starred in "The Nightmare Girl" soon. Ha, it's a coincidence, the heroine's voice actor is also the guard object of the knight in the debut work Is the industry so small? When I was half puzzled and half emotional, Ms. Sakura from Ichikawa, my childhood friend, joined the broadcast as a guest and shared an interesting story with Mr. Takizawa. I know that Ms. Sakura is Mr. Takizawa has also co-starred in the same period before. By the way, Takizawa-kun is really good. He can quickly become friends with colleagues who have worked with him. If it were me with weak social skills, it would definitely not work. I wonder if it will be possible. How about imparting some skills for reaching out to people and expanding your social circle?"

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

"Chewing thick phlegm: God, this is our group leader?!"

"Snow Black: I activate the Field Magic Card - Wuzhangyuan of Sad Autumn. Zhongda must second Kong Ming!"

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