The seat that was just vacated was filled in an instant.

"My request may be a little too much, it should be no problem...?" The new guest asked worriedly.

"Please say."

"It's like this. A high-cold god was demoted to the mortal world for violating the rules of heaven. At the moment when he was scarred and heartbroken, he was rescued home by a kind-hearted Chai Fu passing by. The initial confusion between gods and humans Gradually getting closer to each other in the gap, every night falls, the candlelight will reflect the entangled bodies of the two..."

"It's a bit difficult." The man frowned, "And it's very empty, can you elaborate more?"

"I think free play is better!"

"What mistake did the god make and get fired?"

"As a ruthless god of war, he has moved all hearts."


"Yes, both he and Chaf are male."



Eiji Sakura finally wandered to the open-air café venue of the Literature Department.

First of all, he was overwhelmed by the long queue, and couldn't help but circle around, wanting to see what kind of marketing strategy he used to achieve such a great achievement.

Then he saw a familiar existence, saying some very strange, even restricted-level words there.

Eiji Sakura was dumbfounded.

"It's an insult to the gentleman! It's an insult to the gentleman!"

A voice shouted.

Not far away, a middle-aged man jumped in grief and indignation, while a man with worrying hair tried his best to stop him.

"Qing Hua, you come and stop the principal too!" A man with worrying hair stopped the middle-aged man desperately while asking for help.

However, the female high school student seemed to have been greatly shocked and temporarily lost connection.

Sakura Eishi covered his face, looked around, and tiptoed away from this devil's land.

——I have to re-evaluate him.

The old father has a complicated expression.

Chapter Seven

She fell from a high cliff, her smooth long hair spread out in the wind, like soothing black wings vibrating.The expression on the girl's face didn't show much fear or fear, there was only confusion and a hint of premonition in her eyes staring at the gray sky.The canary, which has been imprisoned in the cage by the arrogant father's love from the beginning to the end, seems to be free at this moment, wandering in the sky.

Under the dim light of the clouds, the girl fell towards the sea of ​​hydrangeas that glowed faintly.

"Li Ji—!"

"Student Jianggu..."

The eyes of the falling girl and the running boy met from a long distance away.The boy struggled to grasp, but could only grasp nothing.

The cruel reality did not leave them more time.

The deadly gravel and the sharp dead tree cut the girl's soft abdomen, the blood splashed in a straight line, and the slender bird fell into the embrace of the sea of ​​flowers amidst wailing.The blue-purple petals flew like the white roses that the priest sprinkled on the coffin at a funeral.

The boy stood there blankly, his whole body stiff.The air mixed with the pleasant smell of flowers and blood constantly stimulated his sense of smell.The scarlet color gradually spread, dyeing the blue-purple scenery red.

"Li Ji...?"

The boy repeated weakly.The tragic truth was close at hand, the huge wound caused massive bleeding, and even the viscera inside could be glimpsed through the sticky flesh and blood.The fresh life withers and disappears in an instant, leaving only the remaining warmth and vivid memories of the body.

At this moment, her time has stopped, and there will no longer be a lively breath of life in those pupils.Anger, sadness, pain, regret, these emotions gnaw at the heart like worms.The boy felt empty in his heart, he opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, opened his eyes but couldn't stop crying.In the end, he slowly slumped on the ground, clenched his five fingers into fists, and desperately hammered the sticky soil on the ground, crying and complaining that he was unable to vent.


The drawn line is called life and death.This distance of a few steps is the gap between the world and the underworld.


Tiny raindrops hit the thin flower pages, pattering.There is a slight murmur in it.

"Student Gu..."

The boy was stunned for a moment, and after confirming that it was not an auditory hallucination, he raised his head in disbelief. In the hazy light and shadow, the petite silhouette like a delicate doll crawled, struggled to get up, and staggered towards him.

"Student Jianggu..."

That call was filled with endless nostalgia.

The huge amount of blood loss made her fair skin even paler, as fragile as white paper.The wound on the abdomen was still bleeding continuously, and the originally clean and tidy college uniform was also torn to pieces, and the immature body of youth could be faintly seen under the true red that symbolized vitality.The girl kicked off the lady's leather shoes exhaustedly, her wet knee socks clinging to her delicate calves, and she staggered forward.

"Student Jianggu."

The girl finally reached out and grabbed the boy in a daze, her cold body slipped into his arms, she raised her head with great effort, and finally squeezed her voice out of her throat.

"—We have an appointment, you have to be responsible to me."

The boy was stunned and remained silent, as if he was shocked by her resurrection, but also seemed to be carried away by his heartbeat.

The pupils of the girl in front of her really did not have agility, but a scattered crimson.Against the backdrop of the beautiful black hair, his face was pale to transparent.That kind of scars, but the beauty is so shocking.

The drizzle abates.

The sky is gradually clearing up.

The boy put his arms around the vulnerable girl.

"it is good."


The timeline came to the end, and the camera stopped at the scene of the two embracing in front of the sea of ​​flowers.

The lights in the recording studio were fully turned on, and it was very bright at once.The recording of the third episode is over, and the audio supervisor announced zero feedback that makes people feel happy.The two young protagonists first closed the script, and expressed their hard work and thanks to the senior colleagues present.

The male protagonist seems to have a bit of arrogance and complacency of a big-name artist because his career path is too smooth. He only bows at 45° and speaks in a very easy-going and relaxed tone.The female lead is the complete opposite. Her attitude is as upright as a gold-medal employee in a large bank's head office. Her tone, posture, and polite and respectful smile are all impeccable.

After recording an episode steadily, Mari Haneda breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help stretching, and did a few stretching exercises.

"You don't have to face the enemy like this every time." Yin Ze instinctively glanced at the slightly barren chest of the younger generation, and then immediately faced it, "It's not real-time, just do it all over again if you make a mistake. .”

"It's a mistake anyway, it can be avoided, who would want to cause trouble for everyone?" Mari Haneda shook her head.

"In fact, the requirements put forward by the sound supervisor should be regarded as references, not regulations. Only in this way can there be more chances of unexpected performances, and clinging to the rules, although there is no fault, it is also useless. In the performance industry, if there are fewer on-the-spot Shining, there is always something missing," Yin Ze said.

"It's not as good as my predecessors. It's my first time to play a leading role, and the lower limit has not yet stood firm. You explain to me how to break through the upper limit..." Mari Haneda snorted softly.

"Don't belittle yourself, I think you are still talented." Yin Ze paused, "Well, although you are a little clumsy, hard work more than makes up for it."

"I've never seen you talk up and down like this." Mari Haneda pouted slightly, turned around to pack her things, chatted casually, and brought up a topic, "But you have also met many people, who in your opinion has the best talent? ?”

"Myself." The man said in a deep voice.

"What about the others?" The girl disagreed.

"In fact, the scope of this concept is relatively wide, and the evaluation criteria are also vague. Anyway, in this issue of ours, if you see who is gradually becoming famous and rising, his quality must not be bad. Being able to take on the protagonist's work continuously shows his ability It’s really not weak.” Yin Ze rolled up the notebook, put it in his butt pocket, and finished packing at the speed of light.

"In that case, there are only a few people." Mari Haneda counted with her fingers.

"Do you count yourself in?" Yin Ze joked with a smile.

"You thought I was you. I was lucky to have this opportunity, how dare I expect to be the main character continuously." Mari Haneda muttered.

"You really lack self-confidence... I really want Shimadzu, whose heart is higher than the sky, to give you a little bit."

"I'm not a very good person."

"Then you can also ask your brother for some experience, I think his arrogance is not inferior to Haruki Shimadzu." Yin Ze nodded.

"You really hit the point. He really wants to be a voice actor. He talked to me before. A few days ago, he officially signed up for Niboken." Mari Haneda said seriously.

"Sure enough, I have a good eye for seeing people." The man understood it, and immediately began to analyze, "Yuma-kun is not bad in appearance, the voice quality is not bad, and the philosophy of life can be learned the day after tomorrow. The important thing is that you are young, and there are countless possibilities. Well, strictly speaking, he is simply my low-cost castrated version of the people, haha, everyone is so familiar, after he debuts, just call himself "Little Takizawa", and follow in my brother's footsteps honestly, the achievements will definitely not be good Too low!"

"It will take a year or two at the earliest to leave him. I didn't expect noble people to pay attention before entering the industry. Let me thank you for him first." Mari Haneda laughed.

"Hey, it should be, it should be." Yin Zechun smiled gently.He has never loved the culture of superiority and inferiority in the Japanese and Korean workplaces so much. In two years, he will be a senior in the third year of junior high school. At that time, Yuma's brother will become Yuma's younger brother, middle younger brother.Men have already begun to imagine the good times when they used power to overwhelm others.

"Shall we drop by for dinner?" Haneda Mari hesitated for a while, and offered to invite.

"Yes." Yin Ze readily accepted, "What do you want to eat?"

"Oh, listen to this, does this mean that you are planning to treat guests?" Mari Haneda breathed lightly, then raised her eyebrows, "I heard from others that you have always been stubborn."

"It must be because Nakajima-san lost to me in mahjong, and secretly spread bad remarks outside, destroying my reputation. I didn't thank you for getting drunk last time. Now that I think about it carefully... only Yuma is the only one. The picture of the little brother making trouble." Yin Ze is rare and generous, "Japanese food or self-service? Western food or Chinese food? You choose the place, I consume!"

"That's what you said."

"I said."

The two walked out of the recording studio talking and laughing, and came to the rest area outside.

It just so happened that the audio supervisor was also passing by with water, and the increasingly fat little old man laughed when he saw the young man, as kindly as Maitreya Buddha, "Are you leaving now?"

"You have worked hard." Mari Haneda replied seriously.

"The work is over, of course I'm leaving. The supervisor is still busy, thank you." Yin Ze waved his hands in greeting.

Why does this sound so aggrieved?

"Forget it, why don't you smoke a cigarette together?" Nagasaki Yukio took out the cigarette case, this closeness is nostalgic.It's like the deskmate who invited you to go to the bathroom together in middle school, or the roommate who invited you to skip class and cheat.

"No, no." Unexpectedly, the man waved his hand and refused.

"Okay, excuse me, I'm too lazy to go downstairs to buy it." Nagasaki Xingnan did not doubt that he was there.

"I don't even smoke, where do I get the cigarettes from?" Yin Ze had already had a withdrawal reaction, and he was at a loss for words.

"Quit?!" Nagasaki Yukino was taken aback, as shocked as if he saw Tokugawa Ieyasu take off his clothes and transform into Sanada Yukimura rushing to the front line to fight side by side with the soldiers.

"Recently, I'm smoking mint flavor, gradually reducing my dependence on nicotine." Yin Ze said modestly.

In the past, the old-fashioned and pedantic smoker who shared the same interests as animation supervisors, sound supervisors, etc., sat at the wine table, patted his chest, and yelled the declaration "Mint cigarettes are also worthy of screaming cigarettes?!", but said Such contradictory and outrageous words.

What exactly happened? !

Yukino Nagasaki frowned.

His many years of rich experience in life has come to the conclusion that if a man wants to change his habits, it is inseparable from important events such as getting married, going bankrupt, winning the lottery, and being diagnosed with a serious illness... It’s not that he doesn’t listen to the old man’s words, after all, men are always stubborn .

Well now.

The little old man's eyes shifted, and he couldn't help looking at the new female voice actress.

The difference in height between the two is reasonable, their looks match, the man is confident and calm, the woman is gentle and introverted, the picture is very harmonious, there is nothing unreasonable or different from the painting style.

As a sound supervisor, he is naturally aware of all the situations on the set.

Since the recording of this animation, the male and female protagonists have been able to chat very well. They seem to have known each other for a long time, and there is no strange and awkward performance. The cooperation is smooth and they both take care of each other and adjust their acting skills.More importantly, on this set, the number of male protagonists squinting and dozing off in the corner during breaks has dropped significantly. He pays more attention to the status of the heroine, and he will pass on his own little experience to deal with others in other studios. modes are different.

And it is also rumored that he actively cooperates with the promotion of the drama, and writes and promotes it himself on Twitter.

What is this concept?

I think back then when I played the role of El Redo, who changed his career and has been shining so far.The debut work "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy" has not enjoyed this kind of publicity resources.

Could it be.

Nagasaki Xingnan frowned, and his eyes moved faster and faster from side to side.

Could it be...

Could it be that this guy talks nonsense when he sees people, and talks nonsense when he sees people?In fact, he didn't quit smoking at all, he just fell in love with this girl?

I knew that growing up like this must be due to constant careful thinking.

"It's a good thing that your acting skills are gradually improving, but in contrast, your artistic ethics must also keep up." The sound supervisor said heavily, "To be a human being, you still have to focus and be single-minded. By the way, do you know what it means to be single-minded? What is it, let me hear it?"

"Single-minded?" Although Yin Ze felt strange, he still gave a detailed and thoughtful answer, "It doesn't mean that you like someone forever, but that you love someone wholeheartedly."

Yukino Nagasaki had a serious expression on his face.

Good guy.

The first half of the sentence can be called the essence, it is simply the controversial vocabulary and widely discussed interpretation in the contract.

"Do you have a lot to do? If not, why don't you come and eat with us?" Yin Ze asked.

"...There are so many things, I won't go, you go." Nagasaki Yukio slowly shook his head.

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