"But before that, there are still a few things that need to be done first. Let's start with killing you!"

On the screen, two scribbled figures wrestled together.

"A brat like you who only knows how to play games! How dare you come here and pull my hind legs...Go to hell!"

In the end, the protagonist grabbed the villain's hair with his left hand and pushed the opponent's head on the door of the van.The aluminum body dented with a heavy thud.

The boy raised the disarmed knife towards the enemy's throat.


The villain stickman who was about to be punished by justice suddenly rolled his eyes, his body limp into a ball like mud.

The man's exquisite and touching mourning also came to an abrupt end.

His part is over.

The follow-up plot was lackluster. The young man overcame obstacles all the way, stumbled to the ward, and finally hugged and kissed his beloved for the first time in the real world.


Recording ended.

"The dubbing work for the last two episodes of Sword Sanctuary is over, thank you for your hard work!" The audio supervisor, Miwa Iwaro, stood up from his seat as if he had relieved some burden, and announced loudly.

The voice actors in the dubbing room also applauded vigorously, thanking and congratulating each other.Kirito's main character was naturally surrounded by the crowd, and was asked to share his experience.

"I came here in the blink of an eye. I obviously feel that Kirito's story has just begun. I don't know how to describe that. It's really like parting with a good friend. It's sad and sad." Matsuda Sincere eyes were flushed, and I tried my best to restrain my agitated mood, "I also received help from many people on the set. Everyone is a very gentle person. I am very happy to be able to reach the end together like this. I hope this work can be given to more people." Let's have fun..."

"Tgtg speaks more and more well now." Maeda Haruka, the heroine, stepped forward generously and gave her partner a big hug.The latter's tactics are stiff, like a sauced duck choked by fate.

"Everyone exploded in the last episode."

"Xuxiang's performance is too good, and the screams are too brilliant."

"The original sound is clear, but it can make others disgusted. I didn't expect you to have such a unique side as a beauty school. Your acting path has broadened."

"Haha, it's just howling on the verge of death. There is no one else, but the mouth is familiar. I also read Hong Kong comics in my spare time, and there is no shortage of such plots of slashing love in it. Over time, I also have many special insights. Sure enough, Art comes from life!"

Master Yin played a lot today to his heart's content, and was humble in the face of everyone's praise.He now points to the extra camera that has been on the sidelines so much.

"By the way, why is this machine kept here? It's never been here before?"

"Oh, that's a new one this time. It's mainly for filming the voice actors' recording materials. It will be used for subsequent publicity and interviews." Miwa Iwaro just walked over from the control room.

"Filming the whole process?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Of course, there are too many materials to edit anyway." Miwa Yanlang said, "Don't worry about small things."


"The wrap-up banquet will be held tonight, and supervisor Ito will pay for the consumption of the audience! You are welcome!" Iwaromi announced with high emotion.

Naturally, everyone cheered vigorously and began to discuss where to eat to turn the supervision into snow-white ashes.

"Boy, you definitely won't be able to run away today. Listen to my uncle's advice, go to the convenience store downstairs and buy a box of milk, and add a layer of insurance to your stomach first." Iwaro Miwa pressed Matsuda's sincere shoulder, leaned over, the devil whisper.

"My requirements are very low. I just hope that there will be no small games, and everyone will have a cup against a cup and fight fairly." Matsuda sincerely looked serious.

"Ha, what are you talking about, young people? Almost all the voice actors will be there in a while. How can we just eat and drink? Of course, we also need to promote our relationship. Usually, it is rare for everyone to chat during working hours. This time we have to improve our relationship." Miwa Iwaro Said, "It's not a bad thing to get to know a few more friends in the same industry. Besides, you have spoken up for the team before, and the big guys haven't officially expressed their gratitude."

Matsuda sincerely glanced at the yin and yang set, hesitant.

"Man, why are you so coy, how can this be a big deal?" Yanlang Miwa met, and said earnestly, "You played Kirito so vividly, why didn't you get influenced by Kirito in reverse? Look again Look at those who play Suxiang over there, even though they are also huddled in a corner like you during the break time, they don’t know what to do, but they can also chat and laugh with the production staff and female voice actors, you still have to learn one.”

Yes, at the reception later, Xiao Bailong from Em Club will also go, and there will be a power leveling by the side, so it's safe.

At this time, the tauren chief was chatting and laughing happily with the new generation of power in Taize.

"We are discussing what to eat, do you have any suggestions?" Hidaka Mana asked.Not long ago, I announced my disbandment in the live show with my junior senior, but we met again on the next set.She also came to make soy sauce today.

"But I won't go later." Yin Ze spread his hands.

"Why? Even though all the cast members are small characters, you are our resident character." Hidaka Mana was puzzled.

"I have another appointment." Yin Zejing casually rolled up the script book into a book stick and put it in his hip pocket to finish packing.

"Oh?" The girl raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is there another date?"

"Hey, today is also the day when another world is born, I have to go and see."

The man snapped his fingers handsomely, and walked away impatiently. His back was as chic as a swordsman going to another country.

It's a pity that a certain main character is about to fight alone.


AQUAREENIX, Final Fantasy 14 Division.

Business, operations, production teams, almost all relevant personnel put down their work today and crowded here.The big guy's face was full of tiredness, but his eyes were burning with flames, shining brightly.

Satomi Yoshida, who is the chief director and producer, sat at his station, clasped his hands on his forehead, and breathed deeply with his head down, as if devoutly praying.

After a long time, he stood up resolutely and walked towards the direction where everyone was.

It was like waiting for a trial. After so many years, the sword of Damocles hanging above his head was finally about to fall.

The bosses of each production process are all leaders in the industry and the makers of the norms, but at this moment, no one is not nervous, and the fat and fat old man wiped off a pack of paper towels to wipe off his sweat.

"We have done our best, and the rest is up to fate." The leader of the 2D art team, Yoshimoto Mihiko patted Yoshida Satomi on the shoulder and handed him a bottle of cold beer.

"It is already a success to be able to get to this point and stick to it. In any case, this will be the most memorable battle in our career. As for the ending, I will leave it to players all over the world to decide." Music Director, Zu Jian Zhengqing rubbed his big black eye sockets, half-jokingly, "Not to mention anything else, at least after this day, I can sleep late."

"Where's the president?" Yoshida Satomi looked around, at this juncture, he was still calm, he deserved to be the boss.

"I hid in the office and didn't dare to come here." Natsuko Orikawa, one of the story editors, said embarrassedly, "I wanted to call him, but the door was locked in advance."

"...If I can, I would like to be an ostrich." Yoshida Satomi sighed, "Okay, how are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready, the server is still warming up, just waiting for the vermilion moon to descend on the earth."

"What's the situation in the game now?"

"Just look at it."

Mihiko Yoshimoto dragged the laptop over.

in the screen.

The adventurer wearing leather and carrying a mottled longbow is standing on the mountain, and the sea of ​​clouds in the distance is boiling, as if it has been ignited, turning into a red one.The thunder and lightning were handed over, the storm roared, and the scarlet shadow was behind the clouds of flames, revealing only the huge shadow of the disillusionment.

The city walls were scorched black, the vast woods lost their life and turned into continuous withering and deserts, and the springs were filled with blood.The monsters gathered in groups to attack the last line of defense. All the towns were ringing the doomsday bell, echoing sad songs, and the birds were also fleeing in a hurry.

The remaining warriors were still resisting, the heavily armored guardians fell and died one after another, the archers shot their last arrows, and the magic power of the mages was exhausted, and the irrational and raging beasts stepped on the corpses of these people and continued to charge .Even so, there are still people on the regional channel talking, constantly encouraging others, telling everyone not to give up.

"There are still people who regard this as a special event." Yoshimoto Mihiko said, "...Everyone is calling for friends to protect this continent, but the monsters killed will be resurrected by the programmers. Yes To them, we are like the demon king who destroyed the world."

But it is your simple persistence and love that allows us to come here.

Just when people are immersed in the disaster in this fantasy world.

Someone finally arrives long overdue.

"Did I catch up, did I catch up? You won't have destroyed the mainland, right?!" Master Yin raised his hands and ran away, looking like an unlucky office worker who didn't squeeze into the bus and ran after the exhaust.

"The leader of the outsourcing group has finally arrived." Some colleagues in the art group joked.

"Hahaha, he is the only one in this group, the team member and team leader, right?"

"Good guy, this is the SuperWorker who handed over 120 man-days a month? Seeing him today, he is really extraordinary! It's a pity that this ass is not locked in the work station."

"I didn't come at the right time?" Master Yin leaned over.

"No, you came at the right time." Yoshida Tomoki seemed to have made up his mind, surrounded all the companions standing here, and said in a deep voice, "It's time to clear away the ashes of the past, let's start, untie Bahamu Very restrained!"


Tsuchiya Hongliang sat in front of the computer as usual, the keyboard was still clattering.

But today is not writing a manuscript, nor is it discussing the world situation with heroes from all walks of life in the group.

It's a conservative and devastated world in expensive, large monitors.The swordsman controlled by Ah Liang was once again overwhelmed by the tide of beasts. He resurrected in vain under the crystal in the main city, and was immediately whipped to death by Hua Hua, a passing elite demon.There were no people in the bustling commercial street in the past, the shops were empty, the flames were rising, only monsters walked through, and NPCs were thrown down and bitten.From the heights of the belfry bards sang desperate verses.

Ah Liang gave up. He took off his earphones, quit the voice of the rescue team, looked at the black and white picture, and looked at the burning sky.

Final Fantasy 14 has been regarded as a disgrace to the series since its release. After changing the producer, the game's situation improved for a while, and a steady stream of patches barely protected this huge sailing ship from being destroyed by the storm. Overturned and fell apart.

But this time it seems to have stumbled.

A few days ago, an ominous red star began to flash in the sky in the game, and it got closer and closer. Finally, the player could even vaguely see the complicated lines on it.

Immediately afterwards, the invasion of the imperial army and the rampage of the monsters, almost in just a few days, the originally peaceful and peaceful world fell into a vortex of disillusionment.There is basically no "safe area" in the game, there is maliciousness from the enemy everywhere, it is almost impossible to hunt and gather normally, and there are battles everywhere.

The official response to this extremely bizarre situation has always been ambiguous, and players in the community spontaneously organized teams to fight against the disaster. In this game, various media slammed it badly, and they were the only watchers left.

But it is clear that no one can stop this disaster.The battle was so fierce that there were no repair workers in the commercial street. A Liang glanced at the equipment with all red durability in the equipment column, and decided to lie down.

I don't know what's going on this time.

Server crashed?

Retaliation for disagreement between the business department and the agency?

A purely active numerical black hole accident?

In any case, it seems that the 14th sequel of this legendary series is finally going to sleep.

As an important freelance ACG writer, Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi is already thinking about how to write about this incident. This operation can be called an unprecedented disaster.In all fairness, as a game lover, he was a little sad to see such a tragic situation.

The black-and-white picture of death is getting darker and darker, the sound of the game, and the sad song are all fading away.The screen just fell into endless darkness.

Ah Liang was not surprised. He took out the chocolate bar on the table, clamped it between two old-fashioned fingers, and held it in his mouth like an entrepreneur smoking a cigar.

Finally got cut off and started server maintenance?How to remedy it?Is it a rollback or what?

a long time.

In the darkness, a cold and quiet voice responded.

——"It's not over yet."

Tsuchiya Hongliang suddenly trembled.

Why is this voice so familiar...?

Ah Liang quickly recovered from a relaxed posture to the state of a top player, and he put on the earphones in surprise.

In the darkness, accompanied by the sound of cracking firewood, there was a thick and epic crooning, kicking off the prelude to the war.

Confused people looked up helplessly at the blazing meteor piercing the haze-covered sky.The ancient phantom dragon and the huge war machine fought in the sky, and finally fell into the lake together.The steam hummed, the high-temperature fire lit up the plain, and the remaining legions collided together, splashing out a sweet and bloody smell.

That's all they've ever done, that's all the fights they've organized themselves.

During the melee, the illusionist's healing light flashed, and the young adventurer, who was half kneeling on the ground, had the strength to stand up again. He was covered in dust, and when he raised his head, his blue eyes were very clear, and there was perseverance in them.

"Thank you." The adventurer struggled, and only had time to say this to his companions before rushing into the ruthless battlefield roaring again.

Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi, who was listening with his headphones on, almost screamed out.

This voice, he could never hear it wrong, it was that man.

Against the backdrop of the sad female aria, the adventurer's battle cry is extremely exciting!

And when the war was at its most intense, the red moon full of mysteries finally descended, and the complicated patterns were lit up, accompanied by a roar that shook the sky, the huge shadow shattered the confinement wrapped around the body surface, and spread its wings completely. .

Lava-like flames spread from its body, and the soldiers and adventurers fighting on the plain were all swallowed up by the natural disaster.

In the dark night, it seemed as if a round of burning sun was born!

There is no emotion in the long and narrow eyes. Its strong dragon body gallops across the ground, and the pressure crushes everything in an instant. The unrivaled dragon god hovers in the air and looks down on all beings. It vents its anger and violence wantonly, even ten The seal of the two gods will also be fragmented before this strength.

The endless scorching power is gathering, in the video, the dragon god is singing the poetry of extinction, and in the background music, the female singer is also roaring to his heart's content.

Everything points to the word end.

In the end, a series of azure blue radiance symbolizing hope rose and penetrated the heaven and earth.

The young adventurer was among them, and he turned his head hard, only to see the warm light.

Pain, wounds, murmurs of war dead, roars of dragons are all diluted and receded by the light.


A green fallen leaf gently fell in the palm of the adventurer.

He raised his head, and the grand and bright sunlight passed through the lush dense forest and hit that delicate and clean face.The chocobo snuggled up to the side, tilted its head in a simple and honest way, and then gently rubbed against the owner's chest.

"...it's not over yet."

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