The next moment, Jiao Du exhaled and rolled... green eyes.

He didn't know what this brat insisted on telling a so-called cold joke every time they met.


Kakuto greeted the waiter at the restaurant.

"A plate of raw beef liver."

"There is also a plate of chestnut yokan~!" Danzo also waved.


Kakuto hammered his fist on the table vigorously, making a loud noise, which attracted the attention of other guests.

"Shimura Danzo!" He stared fixedly at Danzo with killing intent on his face, "I told you, I hate chestnut yokan the most!"

"Uh...uh...well, then don't."

Danzo shrank back.

The name of the underground gold exchange in Kakatsu is "Chestnut Yokan".

But this does not mean that he likes chestnut yokan. On the contrary, Kakudo hates this kind of food very much, just like Danzo hates eating coriander.

"I will go to the underground gold exchange in the future to fool around! The name is "Xiangcai"! "Danzo secretly made a decision.

Soon, raw beef liver slices came up.

Jiaodu picked up a piece of raw beef liver, and stuffed it bloody into his mouth, which made Danzang feel uncomfortable for a while.

This scene is like a zombie eating.

"Let me see your chips."

Kakuto stared at Danzo while eating sliced ​​raw beef liver.

Transactions, red fruit transactions.

On the surface, Kakuto is a partner of Senshou Feijian, but in fact, he is also a partner of Danzo.

This kind of cooperative relationship started from Qianshou Angxing's abnormality.

Before Danzo could come up with chips, Kakuzu took out what Danzo wanted first.

Several exquisite small boxes were pulled out from the body by the corners, and then placed on the table.

Danzo's attention was immediately attracted by the small box.

It was clear that Danzo wanted that very much.

Kakudo was pleased with his reaction.

"What kind of ninjutsu do you want this time..."organ preservation"? "Danzo glanced at the sliced ​​raw beef liver in Jiaodu's hand.

"Function..." Jiaodu asked coldly.

"Preserving organs, Grade E, is used to keep an organ from decomposing for 24 hours... You can use it to store eyeballs, tongues, arms, feet... and other parts... .”

Danzo leaned back.

"You can also keep the raw beef liver. If you're hungry on the road, take it out and have a's guaranteed to be fresh..."


Kakuzu's eating action froze for a moment, as if he was a little moved.

Sometimes, the level of ninjutsu does not represent practical value.

The value of a ninjutsu is completely different for everyone.

The corners can use the B-level Thunderbolt·False Darkness to reach the embarrassment that Kakashi can use double Raikiri to resist.

Although the ninjutsu of "preservation of organs" is only E-level, it is worth no less than A-level or even S-level ninjutsu to Jiaodu.

Kakuto didn't know that Danzo could invent ninjutsu at first.

And when Danzo offered to exchange ninjutsu one day, Kakuzu looked at Danzo differently.

That is the look that can be regarded as a partner.

In fact, Jiaodu's personal talent is very poor, it can be said that it is ridiculously poor.

He is a real good-for-nothing.

After practicing for more than 80 years, in the official formula book, all the values ​​are very miserable.

In the official formula book, "10" is the full value, and the value of Jiaodu is as follows:

Endurance 10, Body 8, Magic 6, Virtue 9, Strength 8, Speed ​​8, Essence 9, Seal 7, the total value is 65.


Itachi Uchiha is 71. Jiraiya is 71.

Every point upwards is a great display of talent.

Chapter 146. People from the old man Kakuto, wenhui, caring and caring

The first Kakashi 66, Orochimaru 70.

Kakashi, who was 66, faced Orochimaru, who was 70, and thought of his fate of being killed in seconds.

Kakuto itself is only 65, which is worse than Kakashi.

If it weren't for the plug-in "Earth Resentment", the basic attribute of only "65" has been greatly improved, one is worth 5, I'm afraid...cough cough...

Of course, the lifespan of a ninja beyond 99.99%, coupled with his sophistication and terrifying combat experience, is also the capital of Kakuzu's arrogance.

From the Sengoku period.

To the end of troubled times.

To [-] miles away, there is nothing to throw in the column of thousands of hands.

To witness Silver Horn's death.

To experience one, two or three ninja world wars.Even know the relationship between Kato off and Tsunade.

People who have such an experience, I am afraid there are only Hei Ze and Uchiha Madara.

The problem is, Heijue and Uchiha Madara have been OB, as spectators.Kakuto ended up in person.

Among gods and mortals, no one has more combat experience than Jiaodu.

But it's a pity... This still can't change the fact that Kakuzu is following the "bad wood style".

Formula book, 10 is the full value.

Numerical analysis of Jiaodu:


Tolerance 10.

Represents ninjutsu proficiency and mastery.Horns can release five attributes, surpassing most ninjas.

body 8.

Represents physical skills, this can only be said to be average, because even Xiao Li in the first part has a physical value of 8, and the corners rely more on experience, as well as the offensive changes brought about by the earth grievances... ..Of course, the classic "Earth Dungeon·Earth Spear" strengthening BUFF is also a powerful weapon.

Magic 6.

On behalf of illusion, Kurenai Yuhi is 10, Orochimaru is 10, Uchiha Itachi is 10, Sarutobi Hirazan is 10...Kakuto's phantom 6, it can only be said that it is difficult to say.Fortunately, there are masked monsters on the corners that can help him undo illusions, so it's not a big problem.

Yin 9.

Represents experience and IQ.Shikamaru Ken is 10, Tsunade Ken is 10, Orochimaru and Jiraiya are all 10...Kakuto's virtuous value is based on more than 80 years of experience, not his own natural mind. Kakuto is not a top student.

Force 8.

Represents strength.Akai's power is 10, ghost shark, Asma, Xiao Li in the later stage...not to mention all kinds of characters, power 8 can only be said to be on the passing line.

Super 8.

In the first part, Xiao Li, who unloaded the burden, has a speed of 8, the first Kakashi speed 8, Shippuden Kakashi speed 9.

But the problem is, Xiao Li has eight Dunjia, and Kakashi Leitun speeds up plus the bullet time of Sharingan.

Unless Kakuzu has enhanced BUFF ninjutsu, otherwise this speed value can only be said to be a passing line.

fine 9.

Essence represents the amount of chakra.Jing 9 seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not too much.To cultivate the Immortal mode, you need to be 10 fine.

Jiraiya, Scorpion and Prince are all fine 10.

Tsunade 9.

According to Danzo's guess, this is why Tsunade does not have a fairy mode.

Chakra is still not enough.

Otherwise, there is no need to invent the Yin seal. [Note: The original work was invented by Yin Seal Tsunade.Please clearly distinguish between the original and the second design. 】

Namikaze Minato exits the sage mode in 3 seconds, which is also an example of not being "fine" enough to defy the sky.

Print 7.

Represents the printing speed.After more than 80 years of printing, it is only 7...

It can only be said that it is a benefit that mask monsters do not need to seal.


To put it simply, if the character is a MOBA game character, it is a character with extremely poor attributes and relies on skills for a living.

Such people, in the long years, if they can master more ninjutsu, their combat effectiveness will soar.

And it just so happens that in order to get what he wants, the ninjutsu that Danzo uses in exchange are all suitable for Kakuzu himself.

"One ninjutsu is exchanged for one box."

At the corner of his hand, he stretched out his fingers and pointed to the three small boxes that were taken out on the table.

"You are too dark~!"

Danzo jumped on the spot.

This is already a black man of Chiguoguo!If there is a consumer association, I want to report it, do you understand?

Kakuto shook his head, ""Organ Preservation" is just an E-level ninjutsu after all, and an E-level ninjutsu is not worth that much money. "

After that, Kakuzu leaned forward slightly.

"I also want your two E-level ninjutsu, "Acid Splash" and "Detect Poison". "

"How do you know that I know these two ninjutsu?!" Danzo opened his eyes wide and was stunned.


Jiaodu sneered.

"If you want to be unknown to others, you have to do nothing... If you want to pretend to be B, you must consider the consequences of being seen by those with ulterior motives..."

——From the life experience of the grandfather Kakuto.


Danzo was silent.

He understands Jiaodu's hint.

It must be the stuff from the Shimura clan who ate inside and outside, and exposed his information.

It seems that his keeping a low profile is extremely correct.

Since the Naoto incident, Danzo has basically stopped using ninjutsu created by the ninjutsu invention system.

That is to say, outside information currently only knows about the E-rank ninjutsu he invented.

I don't know anything about D-level and C-level, because Danzo has never used it, at least not in front of people.

"Your answer..." Kakuzu urged.

"No, no, no..." Danzo's head shook like a rattle, "I can only give you one of them, you must know, these ninjutsu of mine are very precious...all of them are my original creations. Yes, even my teacher can't..."

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