In fact, it was because Qu Shiai was not too excited right now, so she couldn't see the black ghost standing in front of her.
Although she saw that Hui was just a pretty little girl, Qu Shiai did not let her guard down, because the way Hui appeared and her current expression was very strange.
A person who can face a team with Yu Wenyi without changing his expression is not an ordinary person no matter how he thinks about it.
So Qu Shi'ai had secretly used her ability - Charm when she asked the question just now.
"Oh, this is your ability, mind control using sound as a medium. But, is it useful?"
Although operating from the heart that Hui is not level 5, a starving camel is bigger than a horse, and controlling Hui with the ability of love in a musical form is no less than shaking a big tree.
After Hui finished speaking, the black ghost standing in front of Qu Shiai directly punched her in the lower abdomen, causing her to fly backwards one meter away.
Before Qu Shiai could figure out what Hui's words meant, she suddenly felt as if she had been hit in the stomach by something.
Her body is a real ordinary woman. With this punch, she suddenly felt that the entire internal organs in her stomach were mixed together, as if it was broken, and it was extremely painful.
Aww, Qu Shiai wailed on the ground in pain, taking in more air but less air out.
Qu Shi felt like he was going to die.
However, this is just her illusion.
The strength and angle of the black ghost are well controlled, which is what Hui wants, and Hui doesn't want to just take advantage of her.
Thinking that this woman almost killed Kota, Hui felt that it was really cheap for her to die so easily.
I'm not used to typing on a mobile phone.
Chapter 166 Counterattack
黑色幽灵右爪粗暴地抓起曲世爱的头发,直接拎起对方悬于空中,然后左爪掐住曲式爱的脖子将她抵在墙上。 曲式爱全身重量被迫集中在脆弱的脖颈,不得不双手抓住黑色幽灵的禁锢自己脖子的大爪,已缓解身体重量对脖颈的压迫。 双脚想要踢蹬,但是黑色幽灵的打大脚直接抵住了曲式爱乱动的双脚。 这轮刺激过后,曲世爱这时也能看到黑色幽灵了。 “这,这是什么?!幽···灵?”曲世爱艰难地发出惊讶的呼声。 黑色幽灵的模样直接击碎了曲式爱的三观。 她一直以为自己的存在在这个世界上已经够特殊了。 并且自己的能力虽然bug,但也在现代科学可以定义解释的边缘。 但是,现在自己面前的这个东西,怎么看都不是科学能解释的吧。 同时曲式爱终于知道自己是被什么东西袭击了。 “我们第一次见面,你为什么要攻击我?”曲式爱发出了自己的疑问。 “第一次见面?呵!是啊。你是第一次见我,但是,我可不是第一次见你。” “什么?” 慧没有理会曲式爱的疑问,而是控制着另一只黑色幽灵慢慢抡起斧头。 另一旁。 由于慧刚才的破墙暴力闯入,让绑住濑黑阳麻的架子脚被摧毁。 捆绑着濑黑阳麻的绳索也被破坏,断裂。 不过绑在上面的濑黑阳麻却比较幸运,除了那支被砍断的左手,身体其他部位就只受了点轻伤。 也因此,濑黑抓住了机会,忍着手臂被砍断的剧痛,用仅存的右手解开了遮住自己眼睛,嘴巴,身体,双腿的束缚。 即使一只手刚被砍断,作为警视厅的精英,她的心理素质也远非常人能比。 手臂被完全砍断,能直接从伤口截面看到骨头、骨髓、血红的肌肉、鲜血汩汩地向外冒的裸露大动脉、静脉切口……,普通人看见这样的场景早就被害怕、恐惧、慌张包裹,不知所措。 就算作为警察见惯了血腥能忍受这种场面,但是从伤口断裂处传来的阵阵比拟孕妇分娩痛苦的剧痛,就只能靠意志硬抗了。 然而,濑黑只是经过最初的惊讶,然后眉头一拧,眼神坚定,直接就地取材,用捆绑自己的绳索配合牙齿和右手,竭尽全力地勒住自己断裂的伤口,将大那不断冒血的动脉血管勒得死死的,防止其继续流血。 她的判断非常正确,像这种大面积并且涉及动脉的伤口,往往致死的原因就是血液流失过多。 所以,做好止血工作的后,濑黑尽管头脑发晕,剧痛,但是已经脱离了生命危险。 也因此,她还能腾出精力,观察周围。 然后,她就看到了只出现在电影里非常魔幻的一幕。 被手臂砍断的剧痛刺激,濑黑的神经一直处于紧绷当中,所以她从一开始就能看见黑色幽灵。 接着,她就看见一个漂亮非凡的女生在和曲式爱说我话,以及…站在曲式爱这个邪恶的女人面前的高大黑色幽灵。 没有五官的脑袋、两米的身高、粗大的四肢、背负一对双翼…… “这,这是什么?” 黑色幽灵那全身上下无不透露着非自然、非常理的模样,震撼着濑黑的三观,让濑黑心里一个哆嗦,全身发冷,仿佛忘记了从伤口处传来的剧痛。 “这…?难道是我失血过多出现幻觉了!” 不怪濑黑有这样的想法,毕竟20多年建立的固有观念不是那么容易被粉碎的。 并且曲式爱对自己面前的东西如视无睹。 这不更印证了这是自己的幻觉吗。 但是,接下来的一幕直接打碎了濑黑的幻想。 只见黑色幽灵一个猛拳直接打飞了曲式爱,并且接下来黑色幽灵直接禁锢住曲式爱的场景更是说明了这不是幻觉,而是真实存在的东西。 …… 另一边,曲式爱被黑色幽灵禁锢在墙上。 然后另一个黑色幽灵形成,捡起了地上那把沾着鲜血的斧头。 慧走到曲式爱身前,摸了摸曲式爱光滑的小脸,然后手掌向下,掀起了曲式爱的上衣,露出了曲式爱完美诱人S型身材。 乳白色蕾丝花边内衣裹胸,一片酥胸如凝脂白玉,半遮半掩,腰如束素,竟不盈一握。 一双颀长水润匀称的秀腿也因为刚才的粗暴裸露着,就连秀美的莲足也在无声地妖娆着,发出诱人的邀请。 慧做这样的事可不是贪恋曲式爱的美色,曲式爱有的慧也有。女人的身体对慧来说早就没有任何神秘的了。 小手摸上曲式爱没有一丝赘肉的小腹,慧说着让人心寒胆战的话:“知道吗,你这里面就有连接上半身与下半身的神经中枢集,也就是脊髓的腰髓。古代酷刑之一的腰斩就是斩的这里。” 说到这里,慧嫣然一笑:“放心,只是一下的事,很快的!” 曲式爱早在慧说到腰斩的时候就吓到了,开始剧烈挣扎,自己魅惑的能力没有效果,于是只好采用最基本原始的方式、但是也是女人最强的武器——眼神。 她强忍着肚子里的绞痛,睁开大眼睛强迫自己含笑含俏含妖,水遮雾绕地,媚意荡漾,小巧的嘴角微微翘起,红唇微张,欲引人一亲丰泽。 这是一个从骨子里散发着妖媚的女人,她似乎无时无刻都在引诱着男人,牵动着男人的神经。 诗经曾这样描写美人:“螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。” “美目盼兮”这个动作,简直是为此刻的曲式爱度身定造。 如果慧是男人的话,绝对不会下手杀她,而是直接征服这个绝代尤物! 再不济也是选择终身囚禁,时常拿出来蹂躏一番! 但是,可惜的是,慧现在是个女人,而且是个有男人的女人。 曲式爱用对付男人的手段去对付慧,那结果自然不言而喻。 “风情万种,我见犹怜!可惜,我更想听你这一双小嘴凄凄惨惨的叫声!” 曲式爱眼看求饶没用,并且,或许是知道自己的接下来的命运了,她不再掩饰恨意。 “你。我知道你是谁了!哈哈,当初在新域厅舍那跳楼的人跳楼时,阻止我就是你吧。哈哈!能让全世界所有人都停顿三秒,我想想,那一定会付出代价吧!哈哈哈!还有,当时我操控的那60个废物里面,我猜猜,一定有你在乎的人吧!” 曲式爱观察到慧眼神微微一怔,明白自己猜对了。 “那是你什么人?我猜猜,那是你男人吧!真好啊,长的飘飘欲仙,还有男人关照,你一定很幸福吧!只是,对方知道你明亮的外表下,那颗阴狠肮脏的内心吗?你这个蛇蝎心肠女人。对方在知道了你的真面目后会怎样做?不被你吓得躲得远——” “够了!闭嘴!” 慧怒吼道。 不得不说曲式爱后面的每句话都说到了慧的心坎里。 慧知道自己在刚来这个世界杀死安田英二时,就已经没有回头路了。 ‘自己从那时就已经和纯洁、高尚、善良、美丽…沾不上边,当初的自己不在乎,觉得自己也不需要外人的认可才能活着。’ 只是,后来连慧都没想到自己会到爱情——这个世纪毒药。 慧可以不在乎其他人对自己的想法,但是不能不在乎耕太对自己的看法。 所以,曲式爱后面说的每句话都在慧心里戳了一道又一道口子。 慧现在只能以对曲式爱的愤怒来掩盖自己的害怕,害怕曲式爱说的话成真。 但是,曲式爱做这些事可不是为了激怒慧。 或者说激怒慧并不是最终目的。 曲式爱趁着慧愤怒,所有注意力都集中在自己脸上的机会。 趁机从自己被掀起的衣服里,掏出了濑黑阳麻的配枪——新南部M60樱花转轮手枪。 双手握枪,在距离慧不到30公分的距离,直接扣动扳机—— “小心!” 濑黑从一旁看清了整个过程,立马出声提醒,在濑黑眼里慧虽然不是正常人,但是总比杀人不眨眼的曲式爱要强。 但是,濑黑还是晚了一步。 砰! 砰! 砰! 砰! 砰! 砰! 六枪连开,一气呵成。 慧只感到一阵剧痛,然后就什么也不知道了……
The author says:
The greatest invention in the history of medicine: anesthesia!
Chapter 167 Kill
"Hahaha! Dead, go die!"
Qu Shi loves to laugh like crazy.
After six rounds were fired, Qu Shiai still pulled the trigger violently.
He kept yelling, "Go to hell! Go to hell!..."
Hui was shot six times with a close-range pistol, three of which hit Hui's head, one on the forehead, one on the left eye, and one on the neck; the remaining three bullets hit Zhonghui's left lung, heart and shoulder respectively.
Hui didn't know which bullet she died from, it could be her forehead, her eyes, her heart, or the aorta of her neck...
In the end, Hui's 15 or 6-year-old petite body fell to the ground, causing a burst of dust, and the two ghosts around Qu Shiai also disintegrated and disappeared.
Qu Shi'ai continued to pull the trigger until her fingers became numb.
The song-style love of the rest of life after death has the ecstasy of a gambler who overwhelms everything and wins the bet, with madness shining in his eyes.
a long time,
Qu Shiai stopped smiling.
The high head, revealing the slender neck, bowed his head.
After standing quietly for a while, she threw away the useless pistol that was still smoking, and took two steps forward to pick up the bloody axe.
With the handle of the ax in hand, Qu Sai'ai returned to Hui's body.
Hui's body lay quietly in a pool of blood, her black hair loosened from the shackles of the headband, spreading like a cloud.A few blood holes stained the beautiful face with mortal dust, and the other beautiful eye was opened, and one could still see the shock and astonishment of the beauty before she died, the eyelashes like a butterfly resting slightly, and the lips as red as a begonia. Shen's exposed fragrant shoulders, skin as white as milk, and slightly messy hair tips, even the pearls in the museum can't match the radiance of his complexion.
Qu Shi'ai looked at Hui's uncooled body, and suddenly had the idea that she hadn't died. Her beautiful eyelashes seemed to be still trembling slightly, as if she would suddenly wake up in the next second!
Thinking of this, Qu Saiai's eyes flashed madness and ferocity again, and without hesitation, he raised the ax and slashed down on Hui's body.
again and again,
Hui's body was beheaded and limbs chopped off...
Have fun!
Work tirelessly!
After I don't know how many chops,
Qu Shiai suddenly turned her head, and said to Seguro who was sneaking out of the house: "Where do you want to go?"
"By the way, what happened just now was interrupted by this woman. I almost forgot about you. Let's continue."
At this time, Qu Shi'ai's body was covered with Hui's blood, and her whole smile was distorted, like an evil spirit crawling out of hell, it was horrifying to watch.
After Qu Shiai said this, she dragged the ax towards Seguro.
The blood-stained edge of the ax left a long line of blood on the ground, and the friction between the ax blade and the concrete floor made a "squeak..." sound.
In Se Hei's eyes, this voice is a death talisman.
"You, this evil woman, I will not surrender even if I die. You will definitely be brought to justice."
Se Hei had lost too much blood, her brain was dizzy, and her body was slightly convulsed due to the massive blood loss. Her legs couldn't use any strength at all, so let alone running away, she even had trouble standing up, and she had to bear it all the time. The sharp pain from the amputation site.
As a result, facing the coming crisis, Sehei now has no room to resist at all, and can only wait for the choice of fate.
"Really! I hope you can still yell so calmly after a while."
As she said that, Qu Shiai got closer and closer to Seto Heiyangma, and slowly raised the ax in her hand.
At this moment, Seguro's expression froze suddenly, and he was stunned when he looked in the direction of Qushi Ai, his pupils gradually dilated, as if he saw something unbelievable!
The only remaining right hand tremblingly raised, pointing behind Qu Shiai, fingers still trembling slightly.
Qu Shiai thought that the other party was referring to herself, so she sarcastically said, "What's wrong with you, where did the awe-inspiring righteousness just now go?"
However, after careful observation, Qu Shiai also found that something was wrong, the other party was not looking at her.
'No way! Qu Shiai suddenly had an absurd idea, "Impossible, I have already killed her and chopped up her body, she can't die anymore!" '
Although the song-style love is full of thoughts in an instant, as if it has passed for a long time, in reality it is only an instant.
When she realized that Seguro's eyes were not looking at her, she immediately turned her head to look behind her.
Something truly incomprehensible appeared before her eyes!
I saw the monster whose body was broken into thousands of pieces just now, her shattered body began to be filled with black mist, and then the shattered body began to regenerate rapidly and rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye?
Qu Shi'ai didn't know if this was rebirth or something else, because it was more like reappearing out of thin air than rebirth!
What will happen next, even Qu Shiai's junior high school education level can know.
After all, living in the two-dimensional country of Neon, who hasn't read a few superpower novels and comics these days.
However, the "returning from the dead" that only existed in comics appeared in front of his eyes.
Bring back to life!
What a beautiful word!
The cruel thing is that humans spent tens of thousands of years only to prove that "resurrection" is impossible. Not only humans cannot do it, but all known creatures cannot be resurrected, let alone chop you into pieces Still alive and intact!
A basic and cruel law of nature is: if you die, you are really dead!Death is irreversible, just as the entropy increase of the universe is irreversible.
However, now this thing that only appeared in fantasy happened before his own eyes.It severely slapped all contemporary biology, physics, and particle science in the face.
only because:
There has been a reversal!
"Don't think about it!"
After experiencing the initial shock, Qu Shiai quickly reacted.
Raising the axe, he rushed to Hui's body, ready to hack Hui who was being resurrected to death again.
Only she took two steps,
Stab it!
With a piercing sound, Qu Shiai only felt a burst of unimaginable pain, and she lowered her head in a daze, only to see a big black claw the size of an ordinary person's foot directly piercing her chest cavity, piercing from behind, from behind. The short milk on the chest protrudes.
Qu Shi loves to spit out a mouthful of blood.
He turned his head slightly to look at the black ghost behind him.
However, the ghost behind Qu Shiai made a strange voice with a hollow voice: "Don't think about it?"
From the timbre of the ghost, one can vaguely tell that this is Hui's voice.
This is indeed wisdom.
After all, Sato in the subhuman world can temporarily live on the black ghost with consciousness, let alone Hui.
Because Hui's brain is always occupied by tearing pain, Hui's thinking is "sluggish", which is similar to that of normal people, so Qu Shiai is caught off guard.
And because the distance was too close, the body couldn't react at all, so he was shot directly.
But this time Hui will not give Qu Shiai another chance.
"Just now you seemed to have a great time chopping!"
"...It's so cool!"
At this time, Hui's body, which was lying in a pool of blood, had been revived under the action of black particles.
There is no trace left on the beautiful body, and it is still as white as milk.
If it weren't for the blood on the ground and Hui's torn clothes, who would have thought that the stunning little beauty in front of her died once and was flogged!
The voices of the revived Hui and the black ghost sounded at the same time!
Qu Shiai turned her head and looked at the Hui who was a corpse a few minutes ago but had been revived intact in front of her.
She knew that she had really failed this time, because of the unreasonable ability of the monster in front of her.
Qu Shiai vomited blood again, tremblingly said the last words: "This, this... monster, I'll wait... below..."
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