But in theory...

He is still the sole heir of the Black family.

It's just that his personal character and behavior are not very attractive to pure-blood families.Otherwise, with the intertwined in-laws network of the pure-blooded family, there would not be only a few people in front of me——

Narcissa and Lucius;

Arthur Weiss;

And trainee Auror Nymphadora Tonks.

Among them, Narcissa is his cousin, Arthur is the grandson of his great-grandfather brother, and Tonks is the daughter of his cousin (dismissed for marrying a Muggle-born wizard).

"Blake, Mollie and I have been sad for a long time about what happened, and we're really happy now that you've been turned over, except that she's got to stay home with Ginny, so it's just me... oh, Ginny , my youngest daughter, was born after you went to prison." Arthur and Black hugged each other.

Tonks's gorgeous hair fluttered gently, and although he didn't hug Black, he still smiled and said, "Father and the others couldn't come here, but I'm in the Ministry of Magic, so I came here with the minister, uncle, congratulations on getting out of prison. "

Only the Luciuses were furthest away.

They seemed unwilling to stand with Tonks and Arthur.

Hearing this, Lucius snorted.

Although Narcissa was not too indifferent, she still said: "Sirius, it is indeed a good thing that you are released from prison. As the only male in the Black family, you should fulfill the task of procreating children and go back to cultivate for a while. Time, I will help you find a marriage partner..."

"Narcissa, do you think someone will marry a bad old man?" Sirius pointed at himself now, "Whether you get married or not depends on fate, I think you should know that what I want to do most now is not to go home and lie down." Instead, I went to meet my godson, Harry, haha, I heard that I can get out of prison this time, Harry made a lot of effort, what a good boy!"

"Harry Potter? Hehe..." Lucius smiled, "Who told you this? If it wasn't for Shelby, your savior son might not be able to help you find out if you spend half your life. "

"Shelby? Who is this?" Sirius froze for a moment.

It was the first time he heard the name.


What is this last name?

Never heard of it!

Lucius, who is pure-blooded, is so respected?

He was staring blankly.

Arthur on the side grabbed the topic and said: "Yes, Shelby, this kid is really powerful, smart and careful. To be honest, I only found out last night that Shelby used the Marauder's Map...

You can use it as an advanced version of the human trace map. When you observed the boys’ dormitory, you found that our family Ron and Peter Pettigrew were sleeping on the same bed, so you notified the professor to arrest him, and found Peter Pettigrew through the illegal Animag Si turned into a mouse and pretended to be my pet...

Thankfully, the Marauder's Map was originally in the hands of George and Fred, these two little bastards who don't care about their families, and have never used this map to observe their older brothers and younger brothers in two years..."

"Those two are indeed troublemakers!" Tonks was still at Hogwarts when the twins entered school, and immediately added after hearing the words, "But Shelby is indeed amazing, I have seen this child with my own eyes, it is definitely different Anyone's genius, just a freshman, published a professional thesis, and...

Haha, although it doesn't sound good to say it, it's actually quite interesting. He was only in the first grade, and he beat up the whole Slytherin house to bow to him... Uncle, I'm afraid you can't believe it, but now Slytherin house His boss is Ringo Shelby the Muggle-born..."

"Muggle-born? Ringo? Shelby? Slytherin?" Sirius thought he was listening to the Bible.

But the words just fell.

Lucius on the side snorted coldly, "What are you thinking? Shelby is pure blood!"

"Uncle, don't you believe the nonsense of "The Quibbler"?" Tonks finally couldn't help it, "I don't remember Aunt Bellatrix being pregnant..."

"Shut up! Don't mention her." Narcissa scolded, "Also, your mother has been expelled from the family, so don't call anyone casually."

Tonks' hair was pointing a little, but she said nothing, just turned her head away.

see this...

Sirius also shrugged: "Narcissa, I was also expelled from the family, so the Black family is completely gone?"

"Your heir has not been removed."

"I will always be single..."

"How dare you!" Narcissa turned pale with anger, "The Black family will never be cut off from you."

"Then I hope you can change your bad temper..." Sirius smiled again, seeing that his cousin was too angry to speak, he looked at Arthur again, "Oh, Arthur, we still Go ahead and talk about Ringo Shelby, I'm getting more and more interested in this kid from what you're saying."

"Okay..." Arthur was about to start talking.

But haven't spoken yet.

Fudge on the side finally couldn't stand anymore: "It's not very good to talk here. If you have a carriage, since Black is going to Hogwarts, I happen to drop by. How about we go together?"

"The minister is going to Hogwarts too?" Arthur was a little surprised, "What's the matter?"


Fudge smiled slightly: "I'm going to meet Ringo Shelby."

"The minister is also interested in Shelby?" Arthur was even more surprised.

"Interesting... Maybe, but I have to go and see again. This young man has been in the limelight for the past year. It seems that every big event has something to do with him. It's strange, especially in today's situation... Fudge glanced at the Lucius couple nonchalantly, "There are rumors that he is the son of the mysterious man, I have to clarify the rumors."

The Luciuses frowned.

Arthur was also stunned for a moment.

Only Sirius was at a loss again: "The son of the mysterious man? What are you talking about? Shelby is Muggle-born for a while, and..."

"Blake, you don't know, let Wes tell you about it."

Everyone got into the carriage.

Fudge still had a superior attitude in front of outsiders, sat in a seat without speaking, and watched Arthur explain Ringo's deeds to Sirius.

In particular, it focuses on the speculation of "The Quibbler".

And some school deeds.

How to change from a mudblood that everyone laughs at to the boss of the academy - even a pure blood snake respects the anomaly.

After listening...

Sirius fell silent.

There was a slight resistance to this child who was full of gratitude and expectation just now, but he said: "No way, I don't remember Bella being pregnant..."

"It's really not, it's slander, Bella is Lai Strange's wife, it has nothing to do with the mysterious man!" Narcissa snorted coldly.

Tonks also said: "Shelby was born in an orphanage, and he also agreed that he was a Muggle-born. "The Quibbler" is just to attract people's attention..."

"But the possibility cannot be ruled out, right?" Fudge looked at the crowd, "Obviously, if it is, you will have one more talented junior, why do you seem so resistant..."

"You have crossed the line." Lucius looked at the fat minister, "Fudge..."

"If you can't pass the line, you have to check it." Fudge lost the smile before, and his face was a little gloomy, "Now it's a special situation, so naturally it needs special treatment. There is a technology in the Muggle world that can detect whether it is a parent-child relationship. It's very simple. , each person can take a hair to detect, it is really a convenient technology..."

Everyone stared at the minister in front of him dumbfounded.

Others are fine.

Arthur and Lucius, who often saw him, frowned. For some reason, they both felt that Fudge in front of them had a sense of "taking risks" to save themselves.


Voldemort is coming back under his rule, and there are rumors that he asked to suppress the news in the first place to continue to create a false sense of peace...

"Even if it's true, the mysterious man is the mysterious man, and Shelby is Shelby, you can't arrest your son just because the father is guilty." Sirius looked at the strange minister, "There is no such thing as a crime in the magic world, right?" ?”

"Just to check, what kind of expression do you guys have? Could it be..."

Fudge grinned widely.

But the words were not finished.

A knock came from the front of the carriage: "Minister, today's "Daily Prophet", I think you'd better take a look for yourself."

"Bring it in." Fudge opened the small window and took a roll of newspaper.

Then expand as if nothing had happened:

"The Story of Sirius Black: The Murder of the Potter Family and the Arrest of Peter Pettigrew"

Barty Crouch, Director of the International Department of Magical Cooperation, Suspended

Newspapers are not small.

The people next to it also have good eyesight, and they can see the headlines clearly across a few seats.


Looking at it, Tonks let out an exclamation.

next moment……

The ink on the newspaper began to twist and swim as if it had come to life. After a few breaths, the handwriting on the newspaper was completely new: "Warning: That Mudblood is not the son of my lord!"

"138" purifies subordinates

Below the big characters is a wriggling Dark Mark.

The meaning is obvious.

It was so obvious that everyone present immediately knew who and who was talking about-the things they discussed just now were false, and Voldemort took the initiative to send his men to clarify that he and Ringo Shelby were not father and son!

"How is this possible?" Fudge's hands were shaking.

Arthur on the side breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that Shelby really has nothing to do with the mysterious man."

"I've said it a long time ago, Shelby is just an ordinary Muggle-born." Tonks nodded in agreement, while looking at the Lucius couple aside.

Both Lucius and Narcissa were shocked.

But it soon faded away.

They just looked at each other and didn't comment on the matter.

On the contrary, Sirius became happy again: "Are the Death Eaters so rampant? They even infiltrated the "Daily Prophet". Oh, Minister Fudge, your situation seems to be not very good..."

"Impossible! This is intentional!" Fudge's tone gradually strengthened, "Yes, what kind of person is the mysterious man? If it really doesn't matter, how could he care about an ordinary child? Send someone specially for a child who doesn't matter The risk of manipulating the parent newspaper of the "Daily Prophet"... Hehe, he and that Shelby are playing double pornography, and he wants to protect his children..."

"It's also possible that he really didn't care at first, but he did it because of Peter Pettigrew's case, which came into his sight. Even if he doesn't care much about mosquitoes on weekdays, if he really wants to be bitten, people will fight back. Right?" Tonks said quietly.

"That's right. After all, the Minister of Magic is making a big show of using Muggle technology for a child. It's not a big deal for the mysterious man to do so." Sirius winked at Tonks, and then teased.

Lucius on the side also sarcastically said:

"Fudge, what else are you explaining? You can use your status as the Minister of Magic to forcefully put Ringo Shelby under house arrest, and announce to the public that he is the son of the mysterious man, using this as a threat. Even if the mysterious man disowns the relationship, his subordinates Definitely have to worry about it.”

"Do it, I support you."

"A child under house arrest can suppress the clarification of today's newspaper, and even stabilize his position..."


Fudge knocked on the carriage, interrupting Lucius.

He glanced at the crowd expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have something urgent to deal with...stop the car, I'm going down."

The carriage stopped.

Fudge's chubby body quickly got out of the car, Apparated and disappeared.

see this...

Lucius said calmly, "Then Narcissa and I are leaving too."

"I'm going too..." Tonks said.

Arthur also sighed: "Forget it, then I will go too. The ministers are gone, so I have no reason to be absent from work."


"Forget it, you all go, I'm going to see Ringo Shelby alone!"


"And my godson..."




There were exclamations one after another:

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