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As Liuping Ginjiro said, running is the nature of a racehorse girl, an instinctive impulse etched in the soul.Even if it is the dark side that was taken away from the soul of Xiao Limao as a Geta line, and the fifth generation who was born as a human in another universe, it is difficult to curb this impulse.However, her natural leg disease prevented her from turning this impulse into a driving force for running, and even in the midst of unfortunate family accidents, she turned this impulse into an iron fist slammed at her opponent on the black field.

It is a dream of women since they are sensible to compete with their opponents in the arena under the sun dignifiedly.That's right, it's a dream, not a dream. With these legs, which are quite difficult to walk, the woman can only daydream boringly, and dare not even think about the possibility of standing on the field.So many years later, when she discovered that she was still dreaming this boring dream through the dream detection device of Ji Lanbo, a weirdo from another dimension, the woman with a broken psychological defense lost her composure and smashed the device in front of her.

If it is said that the five generations really exist, and there is a demon in the heart, then it is this "dream" that still exists after thousands of years.

But now, this dream has come to an end, and it has turned into a "regret" - after all, Godaishin can't stand on the field and defeat his opponent to win the victory. He can only continue to fight against evil as a soldier until the eternal future.But the other self has already relied on his own will and the help of his partners to stand on the green grass and turn Xiao Limao's dream into reality.

''s a pity. If possible, I would like to run with my own feet, but since Xiao Limao has already started running, it doesn't matter if Godai really runs or not.Even if we are separated, we are still the same person, why are we so clearly separated~? '

"X-Oguri hat? Why are you standing here dressed like this—?!"

"Huh? Where's the little chestnut hat?"

After hearing this, Godai really opened his eyes and got up to look at the gate next to him, habitually putting his hands on the cleaned and bagged carrots on his waist.However, the corridor leading directly to the gate of the academy was quiet, not to mention Xiao Limao, there was not even a shadow of a ghost.Wudai really looked at the person who came by, and found that the other person was looking at him with surprised and puzzled eyes. After turning his mind, he finally understood: "Well... who are you? Are you the parent of a student in our school? By the way , although I look very similar, but I am not that child Oguri."

"Eh? Ah! Uh... sorry, I mistook the person."

Realizing that he had made an oolong, Kitahara Rang couldn't help but blush, then put down the luggage bag in his hand and took out his wallet, took out a business card from it and handed it to Wudaizhen with both hands: "I'm from Kasamatsu Treisen School Joi Kitahara, the trainer of the garden, is also the former trainer of Oguri Hat of your school, and this time I am here to visit on behalf of everyone in Kasamatsu."

Wudai took a closer look at the business card handed over by the other party, and then stuffed the business card into the breast pocket of the armed belt on his body: "Joi Kitahara? Oh~ I remembered, you are the Liuping trainer who worked as a trainer in Kasamatsu. The nephew of the trainer, Oguri Li and Guanghui often talk about you, saying that Kitahara Jones/Kitahara Johhs is a very interesting person who is in charge~"

"Let me do whatever you want, please don't mention that name again, please, thank you---!!!"

"Okay, Mr. Kitahara Jones~ Understood, Mr. Kitahara Jones~"

"Hmph, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah——!!!!"

Even if Mr. Tiansuo's voice is uttered, there is no way to change the fact that the name of his self-entertainment may have been widely circulated. After the grayed-out Kitahara Jo registered for visiting, Godaima took him to the training ground.On the way, Kitahara Rangkan secretly looked at Wudaizhen who was leading the way beside him, and couldn't help asking: "That...Miss Wudai, why do you look so similar to Xiao Limao? Even according to the theory of two leaves, it's too strange Alright..."

"Who knows this kind of thing? Maybe I and Oguri are the same person~"

"It's impossible no matter how you think about it, Xiao Limao, a silly girl, can't learn to use other people's nicknames to make fun of her~"

Section 653 613-About Sisterhood


Wudai Zhenwen thought for a while, and directly gave an affirmative answer: "Indeed, with that little chestnut's brain circuit, she can't even tell the location of the dormitory, cafeteria, and teaching building. It's too early."


"Hot くなれ~梦みた明日を~——必ずいつかつかまえる~—"

Kitahara Rang wanted to say something else, when a song that sounded exciting, Wudai took out a newly bought smart flip phone from his trouser pocket: "Uh... sorry, I'll answer the phone first... ...Hello? May I ask who you are?"

"It's me, Rudolph Symbol."

"President Rudolph... where did you get my cell phone number?"

"The employee handbook contains the basic information of all the faculty and staff of the school. Your name and mobile phone number are in the last column of the campus police section. It is easy to find." Rudolph stood in front of the large French window of the student union office, watching the five generations on the Yonglu Road. The figures of Zhen and Rang Kitahara: "Come to the student union office immediately, I have something to see you. Also, remember to bring a copy of Super X's unmodified trial version of the original liquid, I will be useful."

"You want that thing..."


Before Wudai really asked the question clearly, Rudolph symbolized that

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Bian hung up the phone directly without giving her a chance to ask any questions.Seeing this, Miss Wudai couldn't help but grinned. Although she felt Rudolph's symbolic gaze, she couldn't turn her head to look away—who made her set up as an ordinary horse girl with powerful force~?Wudai, who couldn't figure out what the other person was thinking, put away his mobile phone, turned around and smiled apologetically at Kitahara Jo: "I'm sorry, the student union has something to do with me, I can't send you there, and then you just need to go along this road and turn left at the end , you can see the sports field for the students’ daily training and simulation games.”

"It's okay, if Miss Wudai has something to do, please go and do it, don't worry about me."

After seeing Kitahara Rang take her luggage to the training ground, the woman raised her hand and scratched the back of her head, then turned around to find her bicycle and went back to the dormitory to get the unfinished trial Super X.After coming and going for about ten minutes, Wudaizhen, who brought the things, stood in front of the student union office and knocked lightly on the door: "It's me, Wudaizhen."

However, the door of the office opened on its own, and the small head of Qian Ming's representative protruded from the inside: "It's so slow, Miss Wudai, I've been waiting for you for a long time~!"

"Eh? Xiaoqian, you're here too."


"What do you mean 'you're here too'? Although I've only been the president for a year, I'm still a member now!"

"Hiss——Xiaoqian was the student council president of Central Teresan Academy, why did I have such a dream? With your character, you didn't lead the student council into the ditch, which shows that the student council members are really strong~ "

"Miss Wudai, it's too impolite for you to say that. I also did a good job when I was the president... Anyway, please come in first. I have to inform you about something."

Saying that, representative Qianming took Wudai to really bring her into the office, and locked the door behind him.Representative Qianming's actions made Wudai Zhen confused and completely confused: "So what is this going to do? Hey, Maruzen and Sirius are also there. What's wrong with Sirius? He's so slumped. The unhappy face, is President Rudolph scolding you?"

In the huge student union office, apart from Rudolph who called him over and representative Chiaki who appeared here for some reason, Maruzensky and Sirius were also here.It's just that the expression on the face of the symbol of Sirius is not good-looking, and he looks fierce with his ears behind his back. It's like being caught and brought home by his old father.The same is true of Rudolph's symbol, with his ears turned back and his face darkened, with an aura that no one should enter, he is completely an old father who is angry at his unfilial son.

Although it is strange to describe it like this, it is true in perception.

Maruzenski, who was watching the play, saw Godaima coming, smiled and waved to her, then walked around the two sisters who were confronting each other and came to the door beside them: "You are here, Miss Godai, hehe~ Although I don’t talk about it, but I am very concerned about Rudolph~~”

"Don't talk nonsense, I just don't want to be treated as a suspect all the time, and I desperately want to have a good relationship with the president." Miss Wudai ignored Maruzenski's teasing eyes and asked: " So what's going on with these two sisters? It looks like they're about to fight."

"Hey... Didn't the boy Sirius ask for it himself?"

"How to say?"

"Remember the riot caused by Sirius in the daily crown match? The old lady of the symbolist family, that is, Rudolph's grandmother, was very dissatisfied with this, thinking that the behavior of Sirius had affected the image of the symbolic family. But the main house of the symbolic family is sky high The emperor is far away, and the old lady doesn't want Sirius to go all the way back to be scolded because of this matter. No, the job of preaching Sirius falls on Rudolph~"

"Huh? So preaching turned into a quarrel?"

"That's right, whether it's Rudolph or Sirius, they are both masters who take the soft but not the hard, but the two have been in a competitive relationship since they were young, so naturally they don't want to bow to each other first." Representative Qian Ming added, With a light jump, he climbed onto the back of the five generations: "Hey~! But, don't look at the two of them wanting to fight on the spot, in fact, they have a very good relationship, but they don't want to admit it~"

"Xiao Qian, let's talk about it, what are you doing on my back?"

"It's only natural for my sister to recite my sister! Besides, you have recited Rudolph during the sleepover, so why not recite me?"

"You girl~ it's up to you, just don't fall off by yourself."

"Hmph~ The relationship between the two of you is really good~"

"Hee hee~"

Different from the fun here, the atmosphere on the Rudolph symbol and the Sirius symbol has almost dropped to freezing point.In the end, the Rudolph symbol took the lead in breaking the silence: "Sirius, are you still unwilling to admit your fault?"

Sirius curled his lips symbolically: "My old lady is not wrong, who made them careless."

"Then there is no other way...Miss Godai, give me the prototype liquid of Super X." Saying this, Rudolph extended his hand in the direction of Makoto Godai, and Makoto Godai hurried forward to pretend to be a trial product. The small bottle of type stock solution was placed in her hand.Symbol Rudolf shook the bottle containing the original solution, and placed it in front of the symbol of Sirius: "The symbol of Sirius, whether to admit a mistake frankly, or to dry this bottle of bad-tasting traditional Chinese medicine, it is up to you to choose."

"Choose a hammer, my mother is not wrong at all!!"

Sirius replied irritablely, without thinking, he picked up the bottle that Rudolph put over, unscrewed the cap and put the bottle inside

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Half a catty of trial-made Super X drank it down in one gulp: "Gudugudugudugudu...... tama... how dare you... rua..."

Chapter 654 614-About Horse Jumping

Although it is quite difficult on the surface, Sirius symbolizes absolute trust in Rudolph symbolizing this clan sister.It's just that from now on, even with this trust as a premise, the girl will feel a little bit more about the things brought by the clan sister~

The symbol of Sirius stared at the symbol of Rudolph with a livid face, because it was comparable to the explosion taste of an asteroid hitting the earth, and the girl with chaotic language modules failed to follow up with a series of questions such as "Rudolph, you gzz!" After the swear words burst out, he rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth and fell on the reception sofa, and simply passed away.

Looking at the symbol of Sirius lying on the corpse, the expression of Rudolph's symbol finally returned to normal, and he took on a look of joy: "Sirius, Sirius, you have to admit when you make a mistake, why bother to be stubborn to the end? We are not children anymore , if you don’t correct your unrestrained personality, if troubles arise in the future, it won’t be solved with a cup of medicinal soup~”

Seeing that her nutritional supplements were used by Rudolph as a prop to teach her younger sister, Miss Wudai took off the Qianming representative hanging on her body and put it aside, with an embarrassed but polite smile on her face: "Rudolph will Long, my prototype Super X is not a tool for you to educate your younger sister, and this thing is really not so bad..."

"That's something wrong with your own tongue, Miss Wudai. That thing is not for normal people at all."

"Qian Ming is right, if this thing is used as fuel and poured into the fuel tank, Ta-chan's engine will definitely blow up."

"...I'm really sorry that a good nutrient was turned into a fossil fuel by me."

Representative Qianming and Maruzenski’s complaints made Wudai’s old face a little uneasy, and immediately began to change the subject: “Anyway, let’s get down to business first, calling me here is definitely not just for me to send nutrients. Toss the symbol of Sirius ?Is there anything I can do for you?"

Symbol Rudolph got up from the cabinet next to the wall, took out a blanket and covered Sirius Symbol to prevent her from catching cold, then returned to his seat as the president of the student council, and picked up a document: "Next month is On November [-]st, it’s the annual Halloween again. Our Central Teresan Academy holds Halloween activities every year, as well as a small celebration party, when the whole school’s faculty and staff will put on a show and perform on stage.”

Miss Wudai's heart jumped for no reason: "This has something to do with me?"

"You are a member of the school police team, how could it have nothing to do with you? You also know that the members of the school police team are all retired soldiers and horse girls. It is really difficult for them to perform a show that is popular with students. "Rudolph took a sneak peek at Godaima's expression at the moment, and the corner of his mouth curled into a mischievous arc: "So our student union discussed with the captain of the school police team, and decided that you, a new recruit this year, will perform on stage~"

Wudai Zhen's eyelids twitched. She had already noticed the smirk on the corner of Rudolph's symbolic mouth. She glanced left and right, and found that Representative Qianming and Maruzenski were also holding back their laughter, and she understood in her heart: " girls You really know how to do the whole job, this is determined to make me embarrass myself on stage~"

"How can you be called embarrassing? With the popularity of Miss Wudai on campus, even if you just stand on the stage and say hello, you will get everyone's applause and cheers~"

"Just say hello but don't do anything, what's the difference between that and being punished at the C position? Besides, I don't know how to perform any performances. Do you want me to go up and perform tile splitting?"


At this time, representative Qian Ming stretched out his hand and patted Wu Daizhen on the shoulder vigorously, and gave her a thumbs up: "Don't worry, Miss Wu Dai, we will teach you the unique skills of the horse racing girl~!"


Maruzenski also reached out and patted the woman on the other shoulder vigorously, and gave her a wink: "Although it's only ten days before Halloween, I believe that with the ability of Miss Wudai, I can definitely learn that~"

"So, what is that thing?"

Under the increasingly restless eyes of Miss Wudai, Rudolph took out a pair of flat glasses from nowhere and put them on his face, and pretended to be the old father of an autistic teenager: " That's the situation, Miss Wudai, on the Halloween stage on the [-]st of next month, let's go to perform "Legend of Horse Jumping"."

"I reject!!"

Without any hesitation, Wudaizhen directly refused - what are you kidding?Go to the stage to perform "Legend of Horse Jumping"?That is absolutely impossible!

For the regular stage performance "Legend of Horse Jumping" after the end of the previous Arima Memorial, Ms. Five Generations still watched the video, and without hesitation, she liked the performance of the winning horse girls, and gave a special coin to someone Saved.But if it was her turn to take the stage by herself, 1 Miss Wudai would be unwilling.Not to mention that she can't dance and sing badly, just imagine yourself singing the line "Today's Goddess of Victory, only kisses me" and at the same time, making a shy air kiss pose...

Daba! !My brain started to tremble ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

The cold sweat on Miss Wudai's head was dripping down, her head was shaking like a dial

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Like a wave drum: "I don't want to go on stage to sing that thing! That thing, you little girls, just go and play by yourself, and the old lady of my age will not follow up to join in the fun!!"

Seeing that Goshiro was really unwilling to give in, Rudolph narrowed his eyes symbolically: "That's not acceptable. I have already applied to Chairman Akikawa and the captain of the school police force for this performance, and obtained permission."

"Damn! Such a big matter, those two guys didn't even mention it to me?!" Thinking of the expressions of the legal loli and the almost two-meter-tall team leader waiting to see the fun, Wu Dai really The nose was almost crooked: "In short, I will never agree, at worst, I will run away with a bucket!!"

"Really disagree?"

"Don't! I don't even want to dance with that thing!!"

"Then there is no other way, I thought I could convince you with words." As he said, he took off his eyes and put them on the table: "Maruzen, Qianming-senpai, please avoid a little, I have a few words I want to have a private chat with Miss Wudai."

Representative Qianming tilted his head in doubt when he heard the words: "Rudolph, you want to have a private chat with Miss Wudai, what else do you want to hide from us...Maruzen?"

"Okay, okay~ Since we want to talk in private, let them chat in private, let's go and prepare something for teaching Miss Fifth Generation to dance~" However, Maruzenski, who 'sees everything', stopped Representative Qianming from questioning , directly opened the door to pull someone out, and closed the door intimately.

Chapter 655 615 - Losing


With the departure of representatives Maruzenski and Chiaki, in the huge student union office, there are only symbols of Goshiro Shin and Rudolph, and a symbol of Sirius whose consciousness has been shut down.Seeing the symbol of Rudolph walking in front of her as she got up and left, Miss Wudai couldn't help swallowing her saliva: "Gudu... I sent Xiaoqian and Maruzen away on purpose, what do you want to say?"

Rudolph looked carefully at the tall, gray-haired horse girl in front of her, her purple pupils reflected the woman's slightly panicked look: "Miss Wudai, do you really count what you said to me during the sleepover?"

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"Miss Wudai... Heh~ What a stingy woman, I thought you would promise me three things~"

"It's not impossible, but I'm too disadvantaged in that case, so it's still one."

Thinking back to the parting conversation that night, the corners of the woman's eyes twitched crazily: "You girl, are you planning to use the opportunity to let me dance "Legend of Horse Jumping"..."

A smile of successful mischief appeared on the girl's face: "Although it's a pity, it's meaningless if you don't use it when it's time to use it, isn't it? Besides, I really want to see what kind of beauty it is when Miss Wudai performs on stage." what~"

"Then can I apply for something else to do? It's really hard for me to perform on stage."

"Hmm... Actually, it's not impossible, then I will list three things, Miss Wudai, you can choose one to do."

There was hope in Miss Wudai's eyes: "Which three things? Quickly tell me!"

Rudolph symbolically smiled and raised his right hand to Wudaizhen and stretched out three fingers, as if showing the prey the bait to lure him into the trap: "The first option is to obey the decision of the student union and perform "Horse Jumping" at the Halloween party. "Legend"; the second option, you don't have to perform "Legend of Horse Jumping", but you have to sing "Majestic" a cappella; the third option is to tell me where you come from. Of course, it is not your identity The false birthplace of the information, but the real place of origin."

"This...President Rudolph, did you learn your negotiation skills from Humphrey Appleby?"

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