Camilla vaguely felt that this kind of soil seemed to be a fortune, but she couldn't think of how to use it all at once.She quickly arranged a simple sacrificial ceremony around the remnant of the abyssal spirit, and the experience gained was a little less than she expected, only more than 1 points.

Camilla suddenly had an idea and looked at the fertile blood soil.

"Titubas!" she cried.


Titubas cautiously poked his head out from behind the tree, "What's the matter?"

Camilla smiled and said, "You will arrange the ritual of summoning demons, right?"

Titubas blinked: "Yes... Ms. Claudia has taught me a lot."

Camilla pointed to the pool of dirt: "These things must be very popular with mud demons, and they can probably be used as materials for summoning mud demons."

Slime is a type of demon with a challenge rating of about 12. They look like a mass of amorphous slime. This disgusting demon often lurks in fetid mud pools, dirty lakes, or "holy waters". cesspit, eager to drown any unwary passer-by.

Camilla said: "You will send someone to collect the mud later and use it to summon the mud demon. You only need to consume a part of the blood and soil each time. Summon in batches. It is estimated that you can summon a total of thirty or forty... ..”

A mud demon can have close to 70 experience, and [-] or [-] will be [-] million!

Camilla's tail couldn't help but cocked up, and she swung it proudly in the air: "An altar for the sacrificial ceremony can be prepared next to the venue of the summoning ceremony. When the time comes, you summon one, and I'll kill one right away." , and then sacrifice on the spot, one monster eats two, kills on the spot, and performs an assembly line spawning operation...."

Camilla thought about it and sighed, "Hey, it doesn't seem to work."

The devil is an extraordinary creature shaped by the abyss. It is a body and soul. Under normal circumstances, after the devil dies, it will quickly dissipate within a few hours and return to the abyss. Unless it is treated in a special way, the corpse can be left behind. There are piles of demon corpses of all kinds over there like a hill. It can only be said that they have unique fresh-keeping techniques.

If it is summoned to the main plane, the speed of this dissipation will be accelerated by ten times and a hundred times, so once the demon on the main plane dies, it will basically dissipate completely in seconds.So in other words, it is basically impossible to leave the demon's corpse on the main plane for sacrifice.

Camilla pondered for a while, then waved her hand: "Let's do this first! Later, you call someone to come over and dig up all the soil. This thing is also a valuable asset of our clubhouse! If you develop more in the future, maybe it will be able to Get a mud bath service."

Titubas looked at it tremblingly, and felt that there were countless ghosts living in the soil and howling.

No matter what, this thing is not suitable for a mud bath...

Titubas said nervously: "OK..."

After that, things were easy.Camilla possesses the high-level teleportation technique that she can cast at will, and her mobility is exaggerated. She first teleported back to the camp, ordered a group of strong and strong wolf men, and told them to take tools and bags, and then use high-level The teleportation technique flashed back, summoned, pulled all the gnolls over, and started digging.

Her current charm has reached a terrifying 35 points, and the maximum number of summons per day is 17. She can summon them back when these gnolls have dug the soil.

This ability is not bad for logistics...

Camilla patted her head again, falling into hesitation.

Sometimes, situations like "looking for glasses while wearing glasses" and "looking for mobile phone with mobile phone" will happen suddenly. Suddenly forget what to do.

After a while, she said, "Titubas, please remind me, what will I do when I come back?"

Titubas put on his clothes, walked out from behind the tree carefully, and said, "Master doesn't need to do long as the master is here and can protect us."

"That won't work, I can't stay idle." Camilla scratched the dirt on the ground with her paws, and suddenly said: "Hey, I remembered! Titubas, did you mention another wolf man before?" The tribe is coming, have you made any contact with them?"

Titubas looked a little sad, and said: "Yes...or you can say no. I sent an envoy, but the envoy never came back, probably killed by them directly. Your master The reminder is right, they are indeed not easy to deal with. I was thinking of going by myself....."

Camilla said, "Take me there."

She solved the two matters related to Titubas at once today.


In the depths of the dense forest, in a camp built with animal bones.

boom -

There was a sudden explosion, and amidst the smoke and dust, a jackal crashed into the house and rolled on the ground gruntingly.

Ordinary jackals are nearly two meters tall, but because of their hunched back, they look very short, only about 1.6 meters, but that jackal is frighteningly strong, and its muscles are a full size bigger than normal ones of the same kind. Circle, fur color brown red.After the jackal rolled on the ground a few times, he suddenly jumped up, tearing the flesh on his chest with his claws, and let out a wild roar!

Amidst the roar, its already extremely exaggeratedly tall body swelled up again, and soon reached a height of more than three meters, with strong muscles shaking under the skin.The wolf man raised his head to the sky and howled, his body was filled with blood, and many surrounding wolf men couldn't help but become agitated, howling along with it like a pack of wolves.

But the howling sound stopped quickly, as if someone had suddenly pressed the mute button.

Because another figure slowly walked out from the smoke and dust.

Compared with the three-meter-tall giant Wolf Man, the figure that appeared afterward looked very ordinary in terms of body size, only slightly taller and thinner than ordinary Wolf Man.

But the way it looks...

Rather than saying it is ferocious, it is better to say it is terrifying.

It was like a stitch monster in the form of a wolf man.Every piece of its fur seemed to have been cut open and then stitched back together. Pieces of blood scabs coagulated on the sparse hair, a group of foul-smelling mosquitoes and flies were flying around it, and many maggots were crawling on it. come and go.

There was a gloomy aura about that Jackal man. As soon as he appeared, the temperature in the entire camp dropped sharply. Even the direct sunlight in the sky seemed to give off a chill.The giant jackal, more than three meters tall, kept roaring at it, but he didn't dare to move forward, and kept backing away.

The jackal man opened and closed his mouth a few times, making a rattling sound of bones colliding: "You, dare to...challenge me?"

"You..." The giant brown-red wolf man roared in his throat, "You are not a wolf man at all! You are not qualified to lead us!"

"I am!!"

The Gnoll, who looked like a stitch monster, was suddenly enraged.It moved, and rushed out at an astonishingly high speed, its sharp claws tore the skin, revealing its fingertips!With a swishing claw, it came out through the wind, and an unimaginable force erupted from that thin and small body, hitting the huge three-meter-high jackal directly flying backwards!

But the moment the opponent flew out, he kicked his hind legs and pulled it with a swipe, tearing apart the large piece of skin that was stitching the monster Gnoll's chest.It froze for a moment, and looked at its chest. Under the cracked skin, what was exposed...was another layer of scorched brown skin.

The jackal was taken aback, and quickly picked up pieces of broken skin and stuck them on his body.

"I'm a jackal."

It growled lowly: "I'm clearly a jackal!"

Chapter 220: Yenamo

Camilla had just followed Titubas to another Gnoll camp.A thin layer of dark red mist hung over the camp—it was extremely rich abyssal magic power.In this camp, the concentration of abyssal magic power in the air seems to be several percentage points higher than other places.

Before he could speak, he saw a huge body of more than three meters flying out like a shell. It seemed that he was a large wolf man with brown and red fur.

Camilla was taken aback: "Is this a welcome ceremony? So enthusiastic? By the way, what kind of wolf man is this big?"

She immediately activated Blood Fury, flew in front of her body, and slapped that huge body into the air again.

The duration of her blood rage is shorter than that of the dragon, but the blood rage can be turned on and off freely, so it is more economical to use.


The jackal flew out in a whirl, and landed heavily, stirring up a cloud of dust.Camilla looked at it twice, and thought that I didn't come here to kill, right... She was hesitating whether to go up to make up the knife or heal, when she saw the opponent kicked his legs, convulsed and fainted , the body size gradually shrunk, from three meters high to more than two meters high.

Camilla was silent for a moment, then looked at Titubas: "The jackal has passed out. Did you see who knocked him out?"

"...No." Titubas said sincerely.

Camilla said sincerely, "Me neither."

She transformed into a wolf man, and said softly, "Someone is coming."

Titubas looked awe-inspiring.

Camilla narrowed her eyes and looked away.

She was still some distance away from the camp, and she already felt that there was a commotion spreading in it.Under her [Detecting Thoughts] gifted spell detection, the strong sense of fear seemed to materialize, undulating in the Gnoll camp like ocean waves.Immediately afterwards, an extraordinarily strong emotional light spot burning with "anger" approached her.

Gradually, the figure stepped out of the thin mist and appeared in front of Camilla.

Camilla's back was slightly numb.

Titubas was taken aback immediately, couldn't help shrinking back, and subconsciously hid behind her.

That jackal... looks really scary, like a scary doll that ran out from the set of a horror game, its skin was cracked into pieces, and it exudes the smell of rotting corpses.

The monster's eyes paused on Camilla and Titubas, then looked at the brown-red wolf man lying beside him, and let out a low growl of "ho ho ho" from its throat, as if threatening.

Camilla narrowed her eyes, looked at it carefully, and said with interest: "You don't seem to be a jackal?"


The "Gnoll" was furious instantly, howled and charged forward, and jumped up!Camilla smiled slightly, gently pushed Titubas away with her tail, and then stepped on the ground, a strong force suddenly rose up, and moved like an electric current. Wherever it passed, there were muscles all over her body. The crowd began to become active, and a steady stream of power was pumped out, filling the whole body.


Camilla punched out, hitting the wolf man's chest!The ultimate burst of power exploded like a bomb!


The ugly wolf man fell backwards, hit the ground with his back, bounced like a stone in water, and then rolled out with a grunt.

During the friction, the broken skin on its body was torn off piece by piece, revealing the original appearance underneath.

Scorched brown hairless skin, lean muscles, a head resembling a jackal, and a pair of devil horns on top of the head.

Camilla laughed and said, "It turned out to be Yenamo."

Yenamo is a demon that looks like a wolf man—to be precise, this demon is basically transformed from the soul of a wolf man who fell into the abyss.Most of the Yenamo instinctively worship the Mother of Monsters. After all, the image of the goddess is a three-eyed pregnant woman with a big belly. She is inextricably linked with the Yenamo and even the entire gnoll group. connect.

"What? I'm not! I'm not!!"

Nayenamo was called out in one breath, and he panicked.It half-kneeled on the ground, desperately trying to collect the broken skins scattered on the ground, trying to stick to itself, but after the half-rotten flesh fell off once, most of its stickiness had been lost, Yenamo After working hard for a long time, I couldn't paste a few pieces of broken skin.

Its movements gradually stopped.

"I'm not a demon..."

A red light gradually appeared in Yenamo's eyes.

Its teeth rubbed against each other, making a chilling sound, its eyes fixed on Camilla, and it said fiercely, "I'm a jackal!"

The Nayena Demon jumped up and flew towards Camilla almost frantically, but Camilla just retreated deftly to avoid its attack.Yenamo was in a frenzy, waving his sharp claws desperately, and roared: "I'm going to tear your skin off! Then wear it on me!!"

"Really?" Camilla didn't even bother to open the buff, she just moved lightly, avoiding all its attacks, and her figure was as nimble as a fluttering butterfly.While dodging, she smiled calmly: "Then let me tell you a little secret!"

She jumped back lightly, with her arms open, and the wolf man hair on her body sparked like burning.Amidst the light, a pair of demon wings spread out behind her.

"I'm not a jackal."

Camilla proudly said: "I am a devil!"

"...Eh?" Yenamo was stunned for a moment, and his expression froze for a moment. His appearance was so stupid that it made people laugh.

"Punch me!" Camilla took the opportunity to fly forward and punched the demon in the face fiercely, causing it to fly upside down and roll on the ground, stirring up dust.

——In addition to its own demon level, that Yenamo seems to have some professional levels such as fighters or rangers. In his eyes, he was no longer a serious opponent.

With her current strength, there was no need for a sneak attack at all, but she just couldn't help it because of the good posture she put on just now.

Yenamo got up from the ground in embarrassment, his jaw was crooked by Camilla's punch, the corners of his mouth were torn, and saliva flowed out from between his teeth.It let out a "ho ho ho" howl, raised its claws, snapped its jaw twice, twisted it back to its original position, and was about to attack when it suddenly froze.

Camilla had fought it all the way back from outside the camp to the camp.At this moment, those jackals from the same tribe stood around as if they were stupid, looking at it with eyes full of fear.


There seemed to be an unbearable weight in those gazes, slashing at it like a scorching light knife.Yenamo trembled all over, hugged his head and howled, "Don't! Don't look at me!"

The next moment, Yenamo turned into fury without warning, and roared: "What are you looking at! I'm going to eat you!!"

The jackals fled in terror.Yenamo jumped up furiously, crushing one of the gnolls to the ground, about to tear its throat, when Titubas's trembling voice suddenly came from the side: "Jiasha? Is that you?"

Yenamo paused for a moment, as if frozen.It raised its head little by little, and there was almost a crackling sound between its neck.

It stared at Titubas.

The big fox hid on Camilla nervously, and said cautiously: "Do you remember me? I'm Titubas..."

Camilla asked in surprise, "You know him?"

Titubas nodded, and said softly, "Jiasha used to be the strongest warrior in the tribe. Later, the Zhuoyan tribe split up, and she was the leader who took away most of the young and strong gnolls..."

Gnolls are a matrilineal society. Female Gnolls are often larger than male Gnolls. They not only control fertility, but also violence.


Jia Sha looked at her deeply, her eyes were blood red, and her eyeballs were so big that they almost seemed to burst out.After a while, it didn't know why, as if it had been greatly stimulated, it suddenly started screaming crazily, scratching at its own face with its claws desperately, tearing the skin to bloody pieces, the flesh and blood rolled up, almost revealing the white skin underneath. Bones come.

Titubas was taken aback, and was about to stop her when Camilla stopped her suddenly: "Back up. Don't go up. It's gone completely crazy."

"I'm not crazy!" Yenamo screamed, clasped his skull fiercely with his claws, stabbed it, and tore off his own skin with his claws going down.Its face was covered with blood, and it howled half in pain and half in guilt: "Titubas...I...I failed!!"

Chapter 220 Second Foretelling Death

"... What did you say?" Titubas was taken aback, then looked at the terrified gnolls around him, his expression suddenly relaxed.

Before the tribe split, there used to be more than 200 gnolls in the Cloudy Eye tribe.

Later, the squeeze of spirits made the wolf man more and more unbearable, so Jiasha left with nearly two-thirds of the wolf man in the tribe.The total number of Gnolls who ran away with it was about 150. It stands to reason that after so many years of reproduction, the number should have exceeded [-].

But with a glance, Titubas only saw a few figures.She couldn't tell at once how many gnolls there were in the camp, but it must have been less than a hundred, maybe not even seventy or eighty, less than her dying cloudy-eyed tribe.

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