Due to their ugly appearance and a strong fishy smell, the locathians are disgusted and rejected by most land creatures.But the Loka murlocs are not evil creatures, they always show a kind of pure kindness to surface creatures.They provide safe waterways for sailors, mark dangerous reefs, and even trade sunken treasures to surface creatures for pottery, metal tools and weapons, and certain tubers they consider quite a delicacy.

Although this kind of kindness is often taken advantage of by others, perhaps because of their relatively simple minds, as long as the Lokafish get a little insignificant reward, they will be satisfied.


A loka murloc suddenly let out an exclamation, and crouched down in fear.Immediately afterwards, a huge fish with half-rotten flesh and blood swam past above its head.

The other loca fishman didn't know if he was frightened, his mouth widened, and he stared blankly at the big fish. The neck around his neck suddenly tightened, causing it to gurgle and spit out bubbles.A corpse demon with the upper body of a human and the lower body of an octopus swam over dragging the iron chain, and cursed, "Don't try to be lazy!"

Look away.

Head after head of rotting aquatic organisms swam in the same direction as if they were migrating.A large number of roca murlocs, like a colony of enslaved ants, walked towards a dark abyss.


It is said that in many magic academies, professors will warn young students who have just come into contact with teleportation magic like this:

There are tens of thousands of magic, safety first.The transmission is not standardized, and the relatives cry in two lines.

Young magicians will slowly realize two things in the teleportation experience again and again:

First, never teleport yourself into solid objects.

Second, it is best not to teleport into the liquid.....

Camilla had already experienced what it was like to be transported into a stone, and now she was experiencing what it was like to be transported into water.It's like someone lifted the lid of the sky, and then poured a bucket of water down, the whole person was almost washed into a fool, and his brain was about to be soaked into tofu soup. When he came back to his senses, he felt rushed There is a rush of water flowing through the seven orifices.

The magic field with only bubbles spread out, creating a bubble area on the bottom of the water that was big enough to accommodate her activities.Camilla shook her head vigorously, opened her mouth, and spit out a lot of bubbles.

Her dragon shape still hasn't disappeared, her long neck twisted, and she looked around.The dark night wave was thrown away by her magic for about 1000 meters, and it floated on the water in a daze, as if it hadn't found her position yet.

Looking down, there is a deep darkness.With a teleportation technique, Camilla went directly to a depth of 500 meters underwater. In this place, the natural light was already extremely thin, almost invisible. If it wasn't for the devil's excellent dark vision, she would have become completely blind.

Camilla is not afraid of the dark, but she still has an inexplicable fear of this bottomless depth.

Probably this is deep-sea phobia.

Camilla's heart trembled, she slid her limbs, and cautiously swam towards the water.The abyss dragon is a dragon that lives on land. Her thick limbs are not suitable for swimming, but with the blessing of life-support bubbles and freedom of movement, her swimming speed is unexpectedly fast. The life-support bubbles opened up a gas void The cavity makes her seem like a torpedo in a supercavitation bubble, and with a slight movement of her limbs, she can jump a long distance.

The boundless darkness awaits her ahead.There is a chilling alien magic power in the environment, and Camilla is more and more convinced that there must be a portal to another world connected to the dark void at the bottom of the water.

She suppressed the shudder that crept up in her heart, gritted her teeth, and swam downstream.

It was getting darker and darker.

Camilla's speed is so fast that she can jump tens of meters with one kick, and soon reached the deep water area of ​​more than 1000 meters.The body of water already absorbs almost all light, and many of the fish that live in this place have even evolved lighting systems.

Camilla's demon eyes lit up like two torches, and some strange-looking ugly fish were attracted by the light and approached her. Camilla happened to be a little hungry, so she opened her eyes Longzui sucked hard, and swallowed all the small fish into his stomach.

Continue down.

The boundless darkness.

Camilla couldn't help beating the drum quietly in her heart, and she didn't know how long she would go downstream.The surroundings had become 24K pure black, without a trace of light, and the frightening chill in the environment became more and more intense. From all directions, it seemed that there was an invisible pressure rolling towards her.

The deepest part of Lake Enkatan is more than 2000 meters.

During the Cold War on Earth, a U.S. military thresher shark nuclear submarine accidentally encountered a seabed cliff. The seabed cliff is not a cliff on land, but the junction of two seawaters with different densities. The buoyancy of the two places is different. Adjust it, and it will fall into it as if being sucked in—and then fall to a depth of more than 2000 meters. The whole ship is instantly crushed by the water pressure, just like a soda can crushed by a hydraulic press.

Fortunately, she has a vitamin bubble.

Camilla thought to herself, otherwise she would have been crushed by the water and turned into a two-dimensional succubus.

She continued to swim downstream.

The darkness engulfed her from beginning to end without causing any waves.An absolute silence surrounded her.Camilla suddenly found that she couldn't even hear her own breathing and heartbeat, and the only thing she could feel was the piercing cold.

Camilla felt that her courage began to waver, and the fear of the unknown quietly cracked a small crack in her heart, and a cold gaze watched her quietly from behind.

As she swam, she thought: Wait a minute, what the hell am I doing?

That's right, I'm going to close the door to another world that might exist.A gate to another world connected to the night shadow's lair can definitely become a disaster for Golarion. The weakest night shadow creature has the ability to destroy a small town. The night wave is probably just a vanguard. When more night shadow creatures When coming from across the plane, the area around Lake Enkatan will definitely be devastated.

...but what does it matter to me?

Camilla was a little confused.Although she doesn't mind doing good deeds in most cases, in fact, she doesn't have much heroic feelings. Camilla even feels that she is a timid person who can't see tragedy and tragedy. If you don't do it well, many people will die", she will just run away in fear, and then throw these things out of her mind, pretending not to know.

As long as you don't know, it has nothing to do with me. People will use such small reasons to deceive themselves.When it comes to self-deception, Camilla feels she's pretty good at it.

How about turning around and running away now?Let’s just say I’ve tried my best, but in the end my ability was limited and I didn’t succeed.No matter what kind of tragedies happen afterwards, as long as I don't take the initiative to understand, it has nothing to do with me.Yes, just like that, no one can blame me for this, and I can face myself with peace of mind, hide on my own island, and be a numb spectator...

Camilla was thinking about these things in a panic, and suddenly felt very irritable.So she speeded up and swam even more vigorously towards the depths.Then, lightless darkness suddenly surrounded her.

Can't see anything.

The devil's eyes can glow by themselves, like a flashlight, as long as it is naturally dark, she can see clearly in no matter how dark the environment is.

But here, she became completely blind.

This is supernatural deep darkness.

Something is absorbing the light here...

The surroundings became colder and colder, and Camilla was keenly aware that she should be very close to the gate of the other world.But she really didn't know where the portal was, so she could only float in the water blankly, looking around in vain.Darkness, silence, coldness, and nothingness, Camilla couldn't bear to imagine what was in the darkness. Perhaps at this time, in a place she couldn't see, there was a powerful shadow creature swimming past her quietly.

No, wait a minute, I'm a succubus!

Camilla woke up suddenly, so she closed her eyes, and the power of her mind spread along the invisible ripples, scanning everything around her like a radar.

Detect thinking.

The surroundings were empty, and in the distance, a small spark of thought flashed through her perception - there was indeed something!Camilla couldn't tell what it was, but the other party seemed to have noticed her detection thinking, so she hid in a panic, as if hiding behind some kind of bunker, blocking her "radar wave".

Camilla's heart was greatly shaken, and she quickly jumped out in that direction.


A vast killing intent rushed from a high place.In her induction, a huge mountain-like light group of thinking suddenly appeared, approaching her at high speed from above.

Dark Night Waves! !

Chapter 230 Seven Rescue the Little Murloc

The movement of the waves in the dark night was astonishing, and the water flow brought by it was like a giant hand that overwhelmed the mountains, crushing towards Camilla.However, Camilla still has the ability to move freely. Let alone a stream of water, even a tsunami cannot wash her away, so she is almost completely unaffected. She swung her body nimbly and immediately moved towards the front. The position of the little light spot jumped over.

Just kidding, the dark night wave is definitely impossible to fight.

Camilla suppressed all her breastfeeding energy and swam fast, like a torpedo flying at high speed.But after swimming a short distance, a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged.

Dark Night Waves opened its mouth.

instant!Ice Cone!

Although this spell sounds a lot like condensing an ice cone and shooting it out to stab people, the ice cone is actually a cone-shaped large-scale exhalation of extreme cold.An extremely icy cold current formed in an instant, blowing forward, and wherever it passed, the lake water directly froze!

Camilla was overtaken by the cold current at the moment when she felt bad, and her whole body was frozen into an ice lump, and her thinking almost stopped.However, she was able to move freely, but she didn't lose the ability to move directly. She immediately burst out with the power of bleeding anger, and the muscles on the dragon's body swelled up one by one, and she struggled hard!


She shattered the solid ice and escaped from the icy cage, shivering from the cold.Succubus are immune to fire, not to ice, so they are very afraid of the cold.

Heavy currents surrounded her from all sides.The surrounding water pressure increased sharply, and the outer shell of the life-support bubble seemed to feel a little pressure, and was slightly deformed by being squeezed.Camille moved, and felt that what was surging beside him was not water at all, but cold and hard iron.

The waves of night approached.

This powerful night shadow creature has a natural ability called [Darkest Abyss], the effect is similar to the plane assimilation of the plane dragon.Where it swims, the water will become dark and cold, like the deepest ocean, bringing terrifying pressure and extreme coldness.If Camilla had a manometer, she would find that the readings on that manometer were soaring rapidly.

It's not scientific, but it's magical.Regarding magic, the principles don't need to be so clear.

Camilla was sweating.

With my wife's ability to cast spells, the ultimate water pressure that the life-support bubbles she casts can withstand is about 6000 meters, which is more than 500 times the atmospheric pressure, which is equivalent to the size of a fingernail. A polar bear stands.And the surrounding water pressure is obviously slowly but firmly approaching this limit value.

She is not a fish in the deep sea, and she cannot balance the internal and external pressures. She is fully supported by the life-support bubbles. Once the life-support bubbles collapse, she will be instantly crushed by the surrounding water pressure.

Damn, although I also like Two-dimensional, but use this method to become Two-dimensional or forget it!

The extremely heavy water flow around changed again. Although Camilla couldn't see things, she read the shallow thoughts of the waves in the dark night through the perception of thoughts-this monster wanted to slap her flat with its tail!

Camilla's soul raged, and without hesitation, she cast an instant high-level teleportation technique.


The bottom of the water seemed to explode a deep sea bomb.The astonishing impact spread in all directions.

Camilla appeared in the distance, feeling like she was going to throw up.

She can only cast three instant spells at most every day, which is extremely precious. If possible, Camilla will try to hold these three instant spells in her hands, but just now, if she doesn't run away, she will definitely be shot broken!She flashed more than 200 meters with an advanced teleportation technique, and was still hurt by the impact of the spreading water. One can imagine how terrifying the tail flick of the dark night waves was.

Taking advantage of the fact that the giant monster couldn't find her for the time being, Camilla once again cast a sweep of detection thinking.

The little thought light spot that was hidden before was indeed nearby, and Camilla felt the fear in its heart: It's over!was found!

The spot of light moved quickly in her perception, and Camilla flew over, and hit the rocks at the bottom of the water with a bang, smashing a large piece of the lake bed, making a rumbling sound.The little thing panicked even more, as if it was trying to find a crack in the ground to get in, and the waves in the dark night in the distance also heard the sound, turned around, and rushed towards this side.

"be honest!!"

Camilla frantically cast a hint spell.The little thing was stunned immediately, and fell into a daze. Camille stretched out his hand, grabbed the opponent in his palm, and felt it with his paws.

Hmm...it's slippery, with scales, and you can vaguely feel the opponent's limbs.Appears to be a murloc.

Camilla once again felt the direction of the waves in the dark night, kicked out her hind legs violently, crushed the rocks at the bottom of the lake, and a recoil force rose up, causing her to jump out at high speed like a sea mine.

Camilla pinched the little murloc, and said telepathically, "Be honest, or I'll crush you to death!!"


The murloc was caught by her hinting technique, completely defenseless, and yelled in horror: "Don't kill me!"

Camilla didn't talk nonsense, she just used telepathy to interrogate her.Spiritual communication was far faster than words, and she figured out the origin of this murloc within a few moments, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic for this little guy.

This murloc is called Babolu, and it is a Loka murloc.The roca murlocs are as common in the water as the goblins on land, and they are also weak in strength, but they are not as evil by nature as goblins. Their tribe has always maintained a peaceful relationship with the sailors on the shore. A relationship of mutual help.

About two months ago, a group of "rotten-smelling" people appeared, captured the leader of the murloc tribe as soon as they came up, and then enslaved all the murlocs by violent means.

The Roka murlocs are pure-minded. At first they thought their human friends had made a joke with them and tried to communicate with them, but those people were relentless. They regarded the murlocs as weak slaves and cheap flesh and blood. Materials are often killed, and the more powerful murlocs are killed directly, and then transformed into undead creatures.

In a short period of time, less than one-third of Babolu's people were killed.These days, those people have enslaved more murlocs, and then drove them to build altars deeper in the Great Lakes, and then began to slaughter murlocs one by one, held evil rituals, and used murloc flesh and blood to open a Portal - Babolu didn't know what the portal was, only that it was terrifying.

Because there were too many murlocs gathered together, there were inevitably omissions in management, so Babolu took the opportunity to escape and wanted to run to the shore to ask for help, but he ran into Camilla.

Camilla's heart moved: "So, do you know where that altar is?"

Babolu said cautiously: "I know."

After the portal was opened, thick darkness descended.The Roka murlocs do not have the ability to see through the darkness, nor can they do anything about the surrounding deep darkness.But their sense of smell is almost as good as that of sharks, and they can smell a drop of blood several kilometers away. Babolu uses his sense of smell to identify directions.

Camilla said: "Where is the location? Take me there! I will save your people!"

Babolu was overjoyed: "Really?"

It quickly pointed out the direction in its memory.

Camilla swam at a fast speed, and the huge dark night wave chased after her. The water flow caused by the movement became Camilla's boost instead.She is getting used to this underwater environment more and more now. With her dragon wings spread out, she flexibly stretches her body in the turbulent water, riding the waves forward. It is clear that she is changing into a clumsy abyss dragon, but her movements are graceful Like a blue dragon in good water, it always keeps a fixed distance from the waves of the dark night.

The color of anger burned in the light cluster of thinking in the waves of the dark night.

It opened its mouth wide and let out an angry growl.

Sound travels three times faster in water than in air.

The roar of the waves in the dark night is like the whale song in the sea. It is melodious and ethereal, but full of destructive power. The extremely penetrating roar "嗡—" swept over, shaking Camilla's brain, It made her feel that her brain was throbbing, her internal organs were churning, and she almost wanted to vomit.

She was stunned for a moment, and finally came back to her senses, when she felt Babolu in her claws vomit blood profusely.The little murloc exhausted his last bit of strength and grabbed her paw, thinking intermittently: "I beg you...you must...save..."

Camilla gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Don't die! Come back to life!"

A radiant golden light erupted from her claws, a light that even the deep darkness technique could not suppress.The holy positive energy bees poured into Baboru's body, repairing its injuries.

medical technique.

Chapter 230: Camilla, Go straight to Huanglong!

Suddenly, a ray of light flickered in the darkness ahead.In the dark field of absolutely no light, that light is simply shockingly dazzling.

nasty light.

Dark Ye Botao was extremely angry, he swam forward at a faster speed, and gave a head-butt to the ray of light!


Large swaths of the lake bed collapsed, and the squeezed water flowed out like anti-aircraft guns towards the surroundings.

But the golden light is still shining.The pure positive energy burned Yeying's body like a torch, and the dark night waves couldn't help but let out a roar of shock and anger.

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