Gabriel said, "It's my summoned creature."

"Hmph." Camilla let go of the man, took a few steps back, and crossed her arms.

The man who called himself Markrav stood up cautiously, bowed to them clumsily, and explained: "Originally we couldn't survive, but when the undead attacked that day, a knight passed by and saved us. .”

Xi Guang frowned and said, "We, we? You're not the only one here?"

Mark Ruff shrank his neck, swallowed his saliva and said, "It's not just me, there are dozens of people who came to seek refuge nearby and fled all the way here. There is a cellar in this farm, and we have been hiding in it since then. In the cellar, after a few days, the number of undead wandering on the ground gradually decreased..."

Gabriel was shocked and said, "Dozens?!"

Mark Love counted on his fingers: "Anyway, there are...a lot of people, right? I can't count..."

Gabriel took a step back in shock from this shocking fact.

An indescribable feeling slammed into her chest like a fast-moving train.

And...there are other survivors... She and Xi Guang are not the last two of the Last Wall, there are others!There are others! !Gabriel's lips opened and opened again, but she couldn't make a sound for a while, but tears rolled down all of a sudden: "Woo..."

There was a thin choked sob in her throat, and then the choked sob turned into a howl.Xi Guang didn't say a word, but just hugged her, and Gabriel buried his head in her chest, crying heartbreakingly, his body was almost weak from crying.

Markcraft seemed a little at a loss, standing on the side with his head shrunk, not knowing where to put his hands and feet, his throat moved up and down, and he swallowed again.

Camilla leaned aside, looking at Markrav coldly.

In the land where the undead are rampant, will there really be any survivors?

It seems not impossible.

But perhaps because she had read a lot of post-apocalyptic and zombie-style novels in her previous life, Camilla always felt that this sudden emergence of survivors was somewhat unbelievable.So she distracted her mind a little, and asked the main body sitting in the abyss to draw out her own Harrow card, planning to use a card for divination first.

However, it took a long time to perform this divination ceremony, so no conclusion could be drawn right away.

Gabriel came back to her senses and grabbed Markrav: "Where are the other survivors? Take us to see them!"

The strength of her hand was so amazing that the man couldn't help screaming in pain: "I'll go! I'll go!"

He led a few people to the back of the house.On the way, Xi Guang said: "Before you said that there was a knight who saved you, is that knight still there?"

"Not here anymore." Markrav sighed, "That Lord Knight is a real good man! Unfortunately, he was seriously injured in the battle with those skeletons and has passed away... We will bury him later. Are you going to take a look at the back?"

Xi Guang said, "No need."

It was getting darker.Mark Love led them to the back room, then lay down on the ground, and knocked three times: "Hey...the door is open..."

After a few seconds, several planks on the ground slid open little by little, revealing a cellar.Gabriel looked down, and saw a few kerosene lamps burning in the cellar, the orange flames illuminated the surroundings, and amidst the light, one after another silhouettes stood or shivered, looking at them eagerly.Those people looked old and young, and there was even a mother holding a baby, but without exception, they all looked tired and haggard.

"There are really so many people..." Gabriel murmured.

"Yes." Markrav smiled.He stood behind the two of them, staring at them with his eyes, swallowing his saliva.

Camilla's heart skipped a beat.

On the main body side, the divination has just come to the result.

Only two words.


Chapter 430: Masked Demon

The people in the cellar looked up and saw the two of them, all of them showed kind and gentle smiles.This simple scene made Gabriel and Xi Guang almost cry.

"Girl, do you want to come in and sit down?" A kind old lady waved at them.Gabriel's heart softened involuntarily, and when she was about to go down the ladder, Camilla grabbed her suddenly, pulled her back, and then punched Markrav in the face with her backhand!

"Ah!" Markrav screamed, fell backwards, smashed through the rotten wooden wall with a bang on his back, and stirred up a large cloud of dust!

"You!!" Gabriel's mind exploded, "What are you doing!"

Xi Guang was also taken aback by this shock, and jumped aside, the pendant in her hand deformed and swelled, spewing out a raging light, and the machete, the emblem of greed, appeared in her hand in an instant!

Holding the knife in both hands, she said loudly: "Devil! You finally showed your true colors!"

"Idiot!" Camilla yelled, "It's a trap! Let's run!"

"...Trap?" Gabriel was stunned for a moment, "What nonsense are you talking about, do you have evidence—"

Gabriel's words suddenly stopped, and she turned to look at the people hiding in the cellar.

.....Wait a moment.The space in this cellar is not large, and so many people are stuffed in it. How long have they stayed in this confined space, won't they suffocate?Or is there another vent in the cellar?But it's not right...and so many people, what do they usually eat?

Questions floated up from her state of mind, and if she insisted on explaining, she seemed to be able to find the answer, but there was always a feeling that something was wrong.Gabriel's heart sank, as if she was about to fall into the darkness, she suddenly began to feel frightened.

No, can't think about it.If all these people have problems, doesn't that mean that she and Xi Guang are really the only two survivors?

She didn't want to believe it.

But Xi Guang suddenly raised the holy emblem: "There is a very simple way to verify whether it is true or not."

"No, no, no——" Markrav who was blown away suddenly stood up from behind the shattered wall, and rushed towards them in horror: "Don't—"

Channel positive energy! !

The light of strong positive energy erupted from the holy emblem, and there were screams all around!

"Wow ah ah ah-"

The dim space suddenly lit up, and all the villagers hiding in the cellar backed away in horror. Their bodies melted and turned black as if they were being burned by flames, and their flesh and blood quickly melted under the positive energy!

Yes, positive energy is the source of life and will not harm any living things. There is only one thing in the world that can be harmed by positive energy——

That is the undead.

Mark Rough also let out a painful cry under the light of positive energy.The flesh and blood on his body dripped down like melted wax oil, and under the disguise of that human skin, a strong, cold evil aura erupted unabashedly.

A monster with half-rotten green skin and slender limbs appeared in front of several people.There were no other organs on the monster's face, only an exaggeratedly large bloody mouth, and the huge mouth split opened to both sides, revealing a disgusting smile.

Camilla took a step back, and said solemnly: "Masquerade..."

Masked Demons are the undead remnants of the craziest, most perverted, most sinful beings, born of utter obsession and twisted inhuman proclivities.

These filthy undead are able to drain the flesh of their victims, thus wrapping themselves in a twisted, life-mocking guise so that they may continue to pursue their perverted desires.

The challenge level of this kind of monster is generally above level seven.

No wonder the hint of the Harrow card is to run quickly...a masked demon with a group of evil undead, what else can it do if it doesn't run?Camilla couldn't help but sweat from behind. Fortunately, the divination came in time. Otherwise, if they entered the cellar and the masked devil closed the door outside, they would really be dead!

The masked demon backed away slowly, and said with a smile, "It's a pity... how did I get exposed? I'm really curious..."


The sound of restlessness came from the side.Gabriel turned her head to look, and couldn't help but her blood was cold. The group of "survivors" crawled out of the cellar one by one, looking crazy, holding various weapons in their hands, clearly intending to put them in the middle of nowhere. Death!For a moment, Gabriel felt that her heart was about to shatter. It wasn't the anger after being cheated, but an indescribable despair.

These guys are all undead in disguise!

Were all the smiles you showed before fake?Are you not survivors?Are you all fake? !

How can you be fake! !

Gabriel's face was pale, and she felt as if the strength in her body had been taken away, and she was almost unable to stand still.Xi Guang glanced at her with concern, and raised the flaming long knife in his hand. The radiance of positive energy was like flowing water, entangled on the long knife, and turned into a glorious holy flame rushing out!With a swirl of the saber in her hand, she blatantly slashed towards those undead, like cutting through waves!

At the same time, the masked demon suddenly jumped up, clinging to the wall like a gecko, and then quickly climbed up!Camilla chased after her with a stride, stepping on the wall and jumping upwards, but the masked demon was extremely fast, and she scrambled to the side to avoid her attack, and then quickly sprinted along the ceiling. crawl!

Camilla felt a chill in her heart: "Xi Guang—"

The target of the Masked Demon's attack was Xi Guang!It jumped down from mid-air with a grinning grin, like a goshawk killing a hare, and rushed towards Xi Guang's back. Obviously, this evil undead creature possesses a high degree of intelligence, and it can be seen at a glance that the most threatening one is Xi Guang. Priest.

Xi Guang's waist twirled violently, and he swung the saber like a long eye behind his back!The long knife was wrapped in the wind, and made a fierce noise in the air. The masked demon was about to be hit by the knife, and Xi Guang suddenly staggered!

—The floor was suddenly broken.

Ugly and disorganized limbs protruded from the floor, grabbing Xi Guang, Gabriel, and Camilla tightly. Xi Guang was caught off guard, and the light of the knife in his hand suddenly became chaotic, and he brushed shoulders with the masked demon. Pass.The Masked Demon laughed wildly, and landed on her back like a bat, with two steel claws deeply embedded in her body!


Xi Guang snorted and coughed a mouthful of blood onto the ground.

Masked demons have an evil ability called [squeezing flesh and blood]. Their claws are like straws inserted into the victim's body, which can directly plunder the flesh and blood.When the claw came down, Xi Guang felt an indescribable pain, the negative energy dissolved the flesh and blood near the wound like a spider's venom, and the masked devil's claws seemed to open small mouths , sucking greedily in her flesh.

Under the broken floor, a group of ugly creatures squirmed, quickly absorbing the blood sprayed out by Xi Guang.

The Masquerade is also known as the "Flesh Sculptor" because the undead can create creepy "art" by reshaping the flesh of its victims.They spend hours, days, or even weeks reshaping the skin and organs of their victims, and can even fuse multiple creatures into one.

The end result of this horrific process could be furniture made of still living and breathing flesh, completely imperceptible "sculptures" of human form, or something even more twisted and depraved than that.

And now, the "masterpiece" of this masked demon is being displayed in front of several people.

— the house itself.

Chapter 430: Get Out!

Xi Guang's face was pale, but he still squeezed out the last bit of strength and showed his holy emblem.

"Positive energy!" The masked demon was quite afraid of the priest's move.Although, as a necromancer creature of high level, the positive energy guided by this priest would not cause too much damage to it, but the feeling of being burned by the holy fire is absolutely uncomfortable.The masked demon quickly retreated, and the next moment, the surging positive energy radiance broke out again, forcing the undead that surged up around them to retreat one after another!

"Hiss, ah, ah—"

The flesh and blood limbs that grabbed several people squirmed for a while, and convulsed and flinched under the burning of positive energy.Xi Guang swayed and almost fell to the ground, but Gabriel quickly stepped forward to hug her: "Xi Guang! How are you?"

"not too good....."

Xi Guang's face was as pale as a piece of paper: "It's no good..."

The negative energy of Masquerade remained in her body, like a cold snake crawling.Blood was oozing from her wounds and from between her nose and mouth.Gabriel was about to burst into tears, and carefully helped Xi Guang up: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it's all my fault... Are you feeling better now?"

Xi Guang's consciousness was already in a trance, and he murmured: "Gabriel...don't worry about me, you have to escape..."

"What nonsense..." Gabriel supported her with one hand, and the handle of the emblem of greed with the other: "How can I leave you like this? If you die, then I won't alive..."

"Don't even try to run away, you will all become my trophies!"

The masked demon laughed wildly and jumped down from the midair like a bat, and it was about to land on the heads of Xiguang and Gabriel. Pulled and fell out together, rolling in the corner of the wall.

"Let's talk about the provocative words later!"

Camilla turned over from the ground, without saying a word, she clenched her fists and punched the Masked Demon.But the evil undead creature moved extremely quickly, and avoided her fist with a sway of its body, and backed away with a smirk - it also saw that Camilla was a summoned object, so it didn't intend to fight Camilla at all, just wanted to hurry up Solve the Summoner himself.


The wall continued to shatter, and twisted "tentacles" protruded from the cracks, grabbing Camilla.Those pale "tentacles" were distinct human thighs and arms, which were grafted together by the masked demon with evil innate abilities, rolled like a mad snake, and turned into a disgusting thing.

Countless hands and legs protruded from the floor, walls and ceiling, blocking Camilla's body, shaking like seaweed.Camilla knew something was wrong, and was about to back away, but unexpectedly, arms and feet stretched out from behind, trapping her!

The ugly smiling face of the masked demon loomed behind countless tentacles: "You are here, watch how I transform your master, right?"


Camilla roared, desperately mustering the strength in her body, and was about to rush forward!But those damn big hands held her tightly, making her struggle like a bug caught in a spider's web, unable to escape at all!

The surrounding walls were shattered more and more, and the true face of the flesh and blood monster was constantly being revealed. Camilla looked at the arms around her and thought to herself:

How many people did this ghost thing kill?

Could there be a group of survivors in this place, but they were all killed by the masked demon?

An indescribable feeling rose up in her heart, causing goose bumps to appear on Camilla's skin.She tried her best to twist her body, but it was useless, completely useless, what appeared here was not her real body, but a mere fourth-level phantom, even a broken version of phantom!

Camilla almost roared to the sky.Gabriel, the summoner, has been upgraded to level four, and the phantom of the chain-like summoner happens to be strengthened every four levels. Logically speaking, this should be a huge improvement to her strength, but...

But the fuck, the upgrade obtained by the demon phantom at level 4 actually strengthens the resistance to strong acid and cold damage?What's the use of this!What I want is combat power!It's direct, rough, strong and powerful, the combat power that will allow me to blow this ghost thing away!

I have to break through.



in the abyss.

Camilla's main body stood up slowly, and stretched out a hand.

The scepter obtained from Elusalei came roaring immediately.

A secondary artifact, [Scepter of the Plane Walker].

Camilla flew out with the scepter, and came to the branches of the World Tree planted in her garden—no, it should be called "World Tree Seedlings" now.

A day passed, and the seedling grew a little taller visible to the naked eye, with several small green leaf buds growing on it.

"I need to use your power to save someone." Camilla said softly

A gust of wind suddenly swirled around her.The World Tree seedlings swayed gently in the wind, and one of the leaf buds on it suddenly grew at a speed of tens or hundreds of times. In the blink of an eye, a green leaf grew.

Camilla smiled and said softly, "Thank you."

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