"Well...do I want to show you?"

Claudia seemed a little proud, raised her hand, and patted her tattoo.The next moment, a stream of light leaped out from her butterfly tattoo and turned into a little fairy Lila.

The goblin looked like a little girl the size of a palm, with a slender figure and a delicate figure, with exquisite butterfly wings on her back, surrounded by dots of starlight and gentle rainbow arcs.As soon as she saw her, she brandished a small toothpick-like sword, and shouted righteously: "At your service, my lady! Is there any evil for me to deal with...Ah!! It's the devil!! "

Camilla smiled and said, "It's still a demon lord~"

"Wow!!" Fairy Lila screamed in horror, flying around, and suddenly hit the glass with a plop, and immediately fell down, unconscious.

Chapter 440 Call God to Protect the Contract

"Get up." Camilla squatted beside Fairy Lila, resting her chin in one hand, and looked at her with a smile: "I know you are not unconscious."

Although it is often mistaken for a fey, Lila Fairy is actually an emissary from Elysium, or it can also be called the Aita Celestial Clan.These little guys usually appear as messengers and singers of the gods. They like to explore and visit beautiful scenery, especially those places with wonderful rainbow, moonlight and star scenery. Their singing can help travelers dispel fatigue and refresh themselves.

On the main plane, Lila Fairy usually appears in the form of a spellcaster's familiar.

As a naturally powerful alien creature, although Lila Fairy's figure is very small, her physical attributes are not low at all, and after being strengthened by the [Guardian Spirit] template, the overall physical attributes of this little guy should have reached 20 points , among human beings, it is a body of steel that has been tempered and tempered. It is obviously nonsense to say that it can be knocked out in such a short time.

Fairy Lila carefully opened her eyelids a little, and seeing Camilla squatting next to her, she immediately closed her eyes even harder, and after two seconds, she stuck out her tongue and tilted her head: "Wow! I Die!"

"Dead?" Camilla poked her twice with a smile: "That's just for soup!"

"I'll fight with you!" Fairy Lila jumped up in grief and anger, and poked forward with a toothpick and sword: "Sanction strike!"

Sanction Strike is a mark effect similar to [Sanction Evil], except that it ignores the prerequisites of the faction, as long as the target and its guardian are in a hostile relationship, it can take effect.But as soon as the sanction strike was cast, the light suddenly dimmed like a extinguished flame, and the little goblin couldn't help being stunned: "Huh??"

Her eyes were wide open, she looked at Camilla in disbelief, and then at Claudia who was leaning on the bed, her face was stunned, and her voice trembled: "You... You guys actually...is this kind of relationship..."

Fairy Lila showed a desolate look of being betrayed, clutching her heart and stepping back, bitterly said: "The spellcaster who signed a contract with me, actually has shameless sex with the demon lord! I am really unkind, see I will explain here today! I hope that my fellow clan can take me as a warning in the future, and don’t just believe in the casters of the main plane. Those who seem harmless to humans and animals may be believers of demons behind their backs. …”

Camilla flicked her brains out.

"Wow!" Fairy Lila flew out, panicked at first, then suddenly regained her composure, with an expression of sacrificing herself for justice on her face.

"I'm dead today."

With a miserable expression, she gestured at her neck with a small sword: "Why don't I commit suicide, so that I can still maintain a little bit of dignity..."

Camilla said angrily and amusedly: "Dia, you're not going to explain to her?"

"This is Camilla." Claudia coughed and said, "As an Aita family in Elysium, you should know."

"...Oh!" Fairy Lila blinked, and suddenly became more courageous, and a look of excitement flashed in her eyes.She tapped Camilla's finger with her toothpick sword: "I know you! Many sisters in Elysium are talking about you!"

"Oh?" Camilla said with great interest, "You know me?"

"That's right!" Lila said in high spirits, "You chaotic and kind demon lord! We are all discussing when you will come to Elysium. Speaking of which, you are a succubus, right? You succubi are really strange. , first there was Lord Aluzalei, then Lady Redemption, and then you. Aren’t you succubi really the spies of our good camp who went into the abyss?”

Camilla smiled and said, "Maybe it can be."

She held out her palm.Fairy Lila immediately understood, jumped onto her hand naturally, and then lay down comfortably in her palm, with her little butt arched and her head resting on her thumb.

"How did you become Claudia's guardian spirit?" Camilla asked.

"Hmm..." Fairy Lila tilted her head, "I don't know either!"

"Let me tell you." Claudia smiled and said, "I have mastered the spell [Oath Binding], and I can call some alien beings as my allies. When I tried it for the first time, neither I know why, maybe it's because my camp matches the Elysium, so I summoned a group of twittering emissaries, and this little guy is one of them. She doesn't know why, but she likes me very much, so she signed a guardian contract with me Spiritual contract."

"Eh?" Fairy Lila asked in surprise, "Is that so?"

Claudia couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't you remember what happened a few days ago?"

Fairy Lila seemed a little embarrassed, her eyes wandered around: "I...I secretly drank the fruit wine made by a sister..."

Claudia said helplessly: "Maybe it's a little unreliable."

He added: "But it's still quite powerful."

Camilla nodded.

Although Lila Jing is small, with the blessing of the guardian spirit template, her level and attributes are not low, especially her charm is high enough, and the [Sanction Strike] she casts is quite powerful.

And after possessing the specialty of [Surrogate Summoning], Claudia can also imbue this little guy with various magical strengthening effects, and his combat effectiveness is absolutely guaranteed.Among other things, just a [Blood Tentacle], combined with a sanction strike, can cause quite astonishing damage.In addition, the guardian spirit template can also give a series of spell-like and special abilities, which is a very versatile assistant.

Damn it, Sanction Strike is really easy to use, it can greatly improve the attack and defense ability of summoned objects!If my phantom avatar can have a sanction strike...


Wait a moment?

Lila Fairy herself won't release the Sanction Strike. This ability is brought by the [Guardian Spirit] template, and the template of the Guardian Spirit comes from the specialty or contract of [Calling God to Protect]... No, it's not right either. , the essence of the contract is just a channel for the circulation of power. The power source of the guardian spirit is actually the spell slot consumed by the caster when summoning the guardian spirit. Therefore, the higher the spell slot ring consumed, the stronger the summoned guardian spirit. .

That being the case, is it possible for her to bypass the restrictions of this contract and directly obtain the power of the contract through spells?

She is a demon lord, she is qualified to create her own spells!

If it is possible to create a spell... and then use this spell to directly confer the [Call God Protection] contract, even if it is a time-limited contract, is it feasible?

Camilla's eyes gradually brightened.She looked at Claudia and said excitedly, "Dia, show me the contract of guardianship between the two of you!"

Chapter 440 The Pain of Bakbato

Camilla got the contract and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't understand it.

The magic contract itself is still written with a large number of arcane runes. Camilla lacks professional knowledge in this area, and it gives her a headache just by looking at it.She asked Claudia again, but although Claudia signed the guardianship contract with Lila Fairy herself, she didn't really understand this contract very well—this kind of guardianship contract is similar to that of otherworldly creatures. Like your "real name", it is naturally generated.

Not to mention Lila the Fairy, this little idiot doesn't even know how he signed the contract.

"I guess... this should belong to the mysterious knowledge."

Claudia said embarrassingly: "But I don't know much about this kind of knowledge... I am more familiar with some plane knowledge, whether it is inherited by blood or later, it is more in this aspect."

Camilla thought about it: "It seems that I have to find a contract expert..."

Talk about playing with the contract... isn't the devil?

Camilla immediately asked Alisa, who was fishing on the main plane, to come over to do research.


Alyssa hesitated and said: "I'm not very familiar with the contract...Although I used to act according to the contract, I did sign the contract myself. You want me to analyze what this contract says I can still talk about it, but if you ask me about the deep-level magical structure of this contract, I can't tell..."

Camilla said angrily, "You are a devil!"

Alisa spread her hands: "I used to be an erinia!"

Desperate Demon, also known as "Furious Demon".These irascible old ladies are only responsible for killing people.

"Okay... let's go!"

Camilla was dizzy with rage.

Then I have to find another devil who is proficient in contracts... But she is really not familiar with devils... No, wait a minute, according to the impression that she did deal with devils in her previous life - in her previous life, Commander Stallontu once met the devil who descended from the real body, and Mephistos, who is under one demon and above all demons in hell. I forgot what I said. Anyway, the end result is not very happy. Commander He beat Mephistos to death with one punch, and he was beaten back to hell and resurrected.

Camilla's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.


Thinking about it carefully, when she was still very weak, she seemed to have dealt with a devil... Moreover, she had signed a contract with that devil at that time...

Camilla's eyes moved slightly.

Would that devil be a suitable candidate?

Camilla is a man of action.Thinking of this, she immediately stood up and said, "Opal—"


Nine layers of hell.

Bakbato came out from the portal, dragging his sharpened machete, walked forward for a long time like a walking corpse, and then found a place in the corner, and sat down wearily.

Hell is an evil kingdom sunk in darkness.Some mortal stories say that there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood piled up in hell, like ugly and dirty slaughterhouses, nonsense, that is the style of demons.In fact, the city of hell is grand and vast, and everywhere you can see majestic giant towers connecting the sky and the earth, like sunflowers blooming in the doomsday, its magnificence can make angels weep.

The demons on the upper level live in these clean and beautiful giant towers, and there are luxurious wine ponds and meat forests built in the rooms, and a large group of obedient servants are domesticated in them.

But that has nothing to do with the lower devils.

If you look down from the giant tower, you will see that everything on the ground is submerged in the sea of ​​flames.However, devils are creatures immune to flames. This sea of ​​fire is where the lower devils live. The buildings here are low and crowded, the streets are dirty and narrow, flames are erupting everywhere on the cracked ground, lava flows, and they look like shitty demons. Crouching in corners to be trampled and mocked, many "the damned" howled in the flames.

The cursed is a kind of petitioner. The souls who believe in hell will be transformed into this form after entering the Nine Hells after death. They look almost exactly the same as they were in life, but they are scarred by the punishment of hell.All the cursed are immune to flames, but although the flames can't actually hurt them, they can make the cursed suffer unbearably, so for the cursed, walking in hell is a huge burden every moment. torment.

The damned are often the souls of wicked people who suffer in hell, waiting for a chance to become a real devil.But they are punished here, not for atonement, mainly because the devils at the top are really bored, watching others suffer is the little pleasure left for the devils.

Some of the cursed looked at Bakbatol with envious eyes.In their view, the devil is very good, and the devil will not be afraid of those deadly flames.

Actually the devil has something to fear.

The devil is not afraid of the flames of hell, but the devil is also afraid of the cruelty of hell.

Hell is a kingdom ruled by the God of Darkness, who works overtime to death.Every resident here is not engaged in production, but is endlessly desperately squeezing, involving each other, the devils bragging about their abilities, how many souls are plundered by someone today, how much wealth will be cheated by someone tomorrow, Many devils like to disguise themselves as well-intentioned angels in front of mortals, using the name of help to defraud them, only waiting for the day to deceive poor mortals into bankruptcy, and then take away everything from them, even their souls.

All devils take pride in oppressing others and firmly believe that this is the way the world should be.

Long ago, Bakbato also felt that this was right.But during the long period of hesitation, Bakbato began to have some doubts... But it didn't dare to think about it, because every devil must be absolutely loyal to His Majesty the Dark Supreme Asmodeus, and what it thought Those things would shake its allegiance.


A sharp shout suddenly came from the side.Bakbato looked up and saw a rebuke flying over.The upper body of the devil was like a chubby human baby, but the lower body was an ugly fly.Logically speaking, no matter which race the baby is, it should look cute, but the appearance of the rebuke has nothing to do with cuteness, and his small face is full of annoying meanness.

It put its hips on its hips and said bitterly: "Bakbato! Last time, didn't you say that you solved the summoner who kept summoning our legion? Now he's coming again! Have you figured out how to explain it to the officer?"

Bakbato was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to realize what was going on, hesitantly said: "... again?"

"Your year-end award is about to fly away again!" The Accusing Devil laughed sharply.

Bakbato's face darkened: "I'll solve it."


In the teleportation array, a barbed demon walked out slowly.

Camilla turned her head to look at Opal next to her: "Is it it?"

"Yes, it should be it..." Opal was a little afraid of the devil that had almost killed him, and timidly shrank behind Camilla.If it wasn't for the master's request, she would never summon the devil again.

Barb Demon Bakbato's face was gloomy.It looked at Camilla carefully, and then at the little succubus hiding behind her. After staring at it for several seconds, it finally confirmed its target.Although I don't know how the little devil turned into a little succubus...but it doesn't matter!

Bakbato said in a deep voice: "Succubus, get out of the way! According to the contract, you can't stop me from killing that summoner!"

Camilla laughed and said, "What if I violate the contract?"

Bakbato's eyes glowed red, and an illusory chain emerged from Camilla's heart.It grabbed the chain and said loudly: "Then you will—"


Snapped!The phantom chain suddenly snapped.

Bakbato was stunned for a moment, and looked at Camilla blankly.

Camilla smiled.

Demon Lord, immune to any instant death effects.

Camilla stepped forward, and a holy flame quickly rose from the palm of her hand.She held up the light of redemption in her hand, walked in front of Bakbato in two or three steps, and said with a smile: "Long time no see, devil. I'll give you a gift—"


A big fight.

Bakbato flew upside down on the spot for more than three meters.It rolled on the ground several times, raised its hand with a dull expression, covered its face, and thought: What's the matter?

Chapter 440 The counterattack of the social animal demon!

"How do you feel?" Camilla said with a smile.

"..." Bakbato opened his mouth and raised his eyes to look at her, but he couldn't say anything for a while.

The divine power of the touch of redemption stirred in his mind.Bakbato recalled every bit of his past, and suddenly felt ridiculous.The harshness and cruelty of hell, in his past view, was justified and unquestionable, and it was political correctness that could not be doubted even a little in his mind.

But at this moment, it suddenly felt that these things were so ridiculous.Why do we have to endure such oppression?

It's like an elephant tied with straw.It turned out that what bound it in the past was nothing but itself.

Those once indestructible ideological stencils are now like a crumbling broken wall, which collapsed before it even had time to reach out and push.

Bakbato stood up, let out a breath, and said slowly: "I... feel good."

It looked at Camilla, its lips squirmed for a while, and finally squeezed out two words with some embarrassment: "...Thank you."

Camilla smiled and said: "Do you have any plans to escape from hell? Do you want to work under my hands? The real names of your devils should be in the hands of your boss, right? Do you need my help? I mean... ...Although I can't rush to hell to grab your real name, I can use other means to help you get rid of the shackles of the devil's real name."

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