"Call Avril to follow me—she will only get in the way if she stays at the station, so it's better for me to watch over her."

"And since there may be a water battle—" the girl's eyes revealed a dangerous light, "it's time for that stupid fish to come in handy."

"I understand." The tiny freckles on Jiana's face suddenly trembled a little, "Senior An, your eyes are so sharp now."

"What's wrong?" An Jiaye looked at her puzzled.

"Just like Gambino, it's a bit scary." The bagpipe girl blurted out her inner feelings, and then hurriedly explained, "Haha, maybe it's my illusion."

Seeing Jana seemed worried about her current situation.

An Jiaye also tried to let go of his mind, recalling the calm and ethereal state of mind when he was enlightened.

The black-haired girl raised the staff of Heartbud, and the vegetable elf was still lying on the mushroom on the staff, looking listless.

So she took out an exquisite potion bottle from her sleeve, poured out a nectar essence, and dripped it on the crumpled yellow corolla on the head of the vegetable elf, which looked like it was about to wither. And look at each other tenderly.

"Little Rapunzel, cheer up and take us to rescue your master."

PS: Seriously, Ms. An, it's very scary!The new September is coming, readers are asking for votes to feed the authors!

Chapter 96 The Eclipse Witch at the Cold Lake, and the Apocalypse in Dark Dreams

If I keep having mushroom-related dreams, then I might as well find a way to make mushrooms take root in the world of dreams.In this way, everyone can enjoy the adventures of the Mushroom Kingdom in their dreams every day. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

The oars planed heavily under the stinking and rotten water, and occasionally accidentally touched the rotten bones soaked in dung at the bottom of the river.

Ronan was propping up an old small kayak, leaning over and shuttling through the dark and cramped waterway space.

From time to time, he met the rotten and swollen faces of the floating corpses—these poor bastards who were bitten by maggots and rats floating on the water, whether they died of alcohol or murder—I am afraid that only those who wailed in the belly of scavengers Only the resentful souls understand.

Amanda was also lying on the back of the kayak. Facing the foul-smelling and turbulent water, she used the water calling spell with a disgusted face and pushed the kayak forward. Therefore, the man was able to navigate the maze-like complex without any effort at all. In the intersecting sewer dark river, rowing forward flexibly.

The rats along the waterway were carefully collecting food in the narrow pipes and water while avoiding the predation of sludge slime and big carnivorous maggots.

This group of dirty bastards with red eyes - even in the dark sewers, they are always the target of predation, and all the residents living in the dungeon, in the eyes of the big shots who rule the city, have nothing to do with them the difference.

Ronan couldn't help covering his nose and sighing—the mouse mask he was wearing was really suitable for mixing into this dark gutter.But when he thought of his companions who died in the gutter, buried in the mouth of rats and insects, his lungs ached.

I have always been so weak.

But ever since he embarked on this road, he has to face the parting of life and death, even if the road is painful, he must bear the lives of those who fought side by side.

It’s not just the mouse mask and disguise at present—he has been wearing the mask of “Ronan Mandir” for too long, as if it has been a lifetime, and occasionally looking back when he is tired and resting, it turns out that he has crossed thousands of years. mountains and rivers.

"Gambino, how did you survive?"

He didn't know how many times he compared his experience with that wolf,

Ronan asked himself, what kind of long and terrible life is it——to turn a person into such a hard-hearted person.

Fear, weakness, pity, greed... All kinds of complex emotions have become the iron surface of the star stone growth, and the impurities are removed, leaving only the unshakable strength.

But on the other hand, Ronan thinks that he and Gambino are lucky after all, they can still draw their swords and fight in the mist-and on Vinland Continent, there are still countless weak creatures desperate for survival, fighting for the dead. It rots and sinks in sewers clogged with smell and mud.

"Amanda, when do you think I can use my faith as a sword to set off a real wave in this dead country?"

Liu Shuiling flicked its soft, snake-like pointed tail, and faced his master's question, flew to Ronan's neck, pressed against him and stretched out his wet little hand to comfort him.

"Don't worry. At least for 'Agani' and the others, I will also make the water in this country clear again."

Ronan smiled and teased Amanda's cute little face.

Yes, the only way to comfort his weakness is to think that the smiles of his wife and daughter and the music of the lute will become a symbol of happiness in the land of Oga in the future.

"Moreover, during this tour, I also met many hopeful hearts."

The man recalled the radiant faces of those girls, like a traveler wandering in the dark mist, seeing the shining souls who kept adding firewood to the bonfire.

As long as there are enough flames to protect them, these young and beautiful souls will definitely be able to grow strong.It must be like Mrs. Stella back then, bringing a different trend to this land.

Thinking of the constant surprises brought by a certain mushroom witch, the man quickly lifted his spirits and left his sentimental weakness in the sewer behind him. He skillfully manipulated the kayak and stopped before approaching a fork in the road.

This is already the third intersection, Ronan couldn't help but scratch his head.

"That one really likes to play hide-and-seek. Is it because he stayed in the study for too long and rarely has the opportunity to hang out?"

From the leather pocket under the cloak, Ronan took out a small iron box engraved with a delicate devil's face pattern - this is the token left by him and the target person, and it will be convenient for him to find the whereabouts of the target person at any time.

As a specially processed spell tool, only those with spiritual vision can see the mystery contained in it.

Because of his contract with Amanda, Ronan also obtained a considerable degree of spiritual vision.

He carefully opened the thin iron box cover, and a crazily shaking trident pointer immediately fell into his eyes, and a tiny monster with sharp horns and deformed wings was also clinging to the pointer inside the box.It was only half the size of a finger, its eyes were blind, it was as thin as a stick, and its bluish-black thin skin protruded densely. It was actually a demon that was only sealed on the compass.

Under Amanda's distasteful and vigilant look down on this ugly and terrifying living little ghoul, he hoarsely screamed a few times, then flicked a pair of four-toed claws, and adjusted the pointer of the trident to the narrowest dark alley of the waterway.

Ronan once again got into this dark alley that was difficult to turn around. If it wasn't out of respect - he would have wondered if the lord was deliberately teasing him.

Fortunately, as the boat moved forward, the space of the waterway gradually expanded, and finally arrived at a wide vaulted underground space, where we saw familiar people again.

Under the gaze of those indifferent and dangerous eyes leaning on the cargo box and the corner of the wall, Ronan walked briskly close to the pier, and he instinctively felt a sense of crisis approaching him.

This dock area is considered a remote corner in Slippery Corner. For an outsider like him, he must speed up his pace to leave the circle of malicious scum. As long as he reaches the position where the owner of the pointer is, it is absolutely safe. place.

Luo Nanbian secretly watched the devil's pointer, and under the guidance of the little ghoul in the box, he came to a shop with a wine glass signboard.

The storefront is built in a hidden space behind a hole in the wall—this is a cheap tavern that can be seen everywhere in the dungeon, a dreaming place for the drunk and dreamy garbage to vent the last residue of desire in their desperate lives.

During his traveling life, Ronan often wandered in such places, and even many of his companions were picked up from such taverns everywhere.

Dim oil lamps are hung on the mottled stone walls. In the damp and musty environment, the food and drink here are often difficult to drink. It is not surprising to find cockroaches and spiders in the food, mixed with chopped rat meat.

Carefully stepping over the puddles of unidentified vomit on the ground, Ronan passed a few rows of greasy and messy wine tables at the entrance, and walked around into the tavern.

The obese boss with a big round belly is drowsy behind the bar, with a huge snot bubble on the tip of his nose.

The other guests lying on the wine table or on the floor were also snoring rudely.

In the strange drowsiness of all the staff, Ronan collected his mind and walked towards the only sober guest by the wall.

It was a gray-robed woman in a black gauze cloak, and in front of her was an empty goblet, a rare luxury in this kind of tavern—a pair of traveling glasses leaned against the table. The wooden civilized staff, but there is also a deformed and ugly little demon lying on the head of the staff, which looks like a pair with the sealed demon he points to in the needle box.

The woman's loose gray robe, which still reveals part of her beautiful figure, is embroidered with simple but solemn astrology and runes. It seems that she is just an ordinary itinerant witch.

And a female bartender with a beautiful figure took the empty glass like a puppet with empty eyes, put two glasses of special cocktails on the small round table, and then stiffly stepped back to the table to wait for the service.

Ronan saluted and sat down in front of the round table where the witch was. He lowered his head and sniffed the smell of alcohol on the table—it was just a cocktail of low-quality base wine mixed with fresh fruit juice, which was really not suitable for the noble person in front of him, but look at her The attitude of holding a cup to taste, but it seems to be enjoying it.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb your pleasure."

The witch moved the swaying goblet from her lips, and looked up at Ronan, who was slightly restrained——her posture was plain but elegant, and on the deep face covered by the cloak, there was a seemingly invisible The thick gray mist only vaguely reveals the contours of curvilinear and three-dimensional beautiful facial features.

"Hehe, I'll buy you a drink." The witch's mysterious gaze hidden behind the mist seemed to be looking at Ronan's true face through the mouse mask. "The disguise I put on seems to be working well."

Ronan snapped his fingers lightly, and Amanda, the flowing water spirit, who couldn't hold back for a long time, immediately jumped out of his arms, got into the wine glass and drank happily.

"I have notified the pilgrims. In accordance with your request, the news of your arrival has been withheld."

"That's great. My dear Miss Vanna Marshall, and Rudy's little Kassapa, should be coming over."

The witch's gentle and pleasant tone seemed to have found something interesting to entertain her drunkenly.

"As an impromptu assessment, let me, as an ordinary bystander, see how far my favorite students have grown."

Noticing that the noble lady in front of him seemed a little drunk, Ronan nodded and reminded: "My subordinates have already assembled at the 'Bloodfly Pit', before planning to suppress the 'Apocalypse'—Madam, do you notice What's up?"

"This dark city is so dirty." The witch grabbed a pair of thin leather gloves with black and red patterns on the table, and flapped them in front of the tip of her nose, jokingly said, "It's like a mixture mixed with huge demon feces. The little lemur was clumsily knocked over and exuded a smell that made me sick."

"Is it a dangerous demon lurking?" Ronan summed up the meaning of the witch.

"Ma'am, in accordance with the covenant, under the chaos, the survival of the Lenghu Territory and the safety of the kingdom's people are an obligation worthy of our attention."

"Trust my students, if they fail to meet the assessment goals, I will take action."

Ronan sat upright and nodded respectfully to the witch.

"Thank you for sending you to fulfill the covenant."

The witch raised her head and drank the rest of the cocktail. She held her cheeks and looked sideways, looking at Liu Shui Ling who was still playing in the glass with great interest.

The veil of mist covering her true face has quietly dissipated, and under this bleak and filthy dungeon—her face illuminated by the candlelight has a gentle and smooth ivory color.

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful and elegant face will be stained with a slight drunkenness by cheap cocktails.

The witch shook the empty wine glass while smiling nonchalantly.

"Sir, as I said, the camouflage technique I applied was good, and I successfully attracted the cockroaches that smelled of devil's excrement."

The witch's sudden hint didn't surprise Ronan. He knew that the "mouse" who was supposed to die went deep into the magic cave and swaggered through the market, which would naturally attract minions lurking in the shadows.

The voice just fell.

The underground tavern suddenly plunged into darkness like an abyss, except for the candlelight in front of the woman, which still reflected the small wine table.

However, in the darkness behind the witch, where the wall should have been, a pair of monstrous and huge eyes appeared.

Those are not the eyeballs that mortal creatures should have. Driven by cruel desire, the blood-red and deep double pupils rolled around.

The prey stared at by the pair of magic eyes behind the witch——

It was a group of assassins who had escaped into the shadows and sneaked into the tavern without sound.

They are having a little commotion over unexpected events.

Under the protection of the dark monster, the woman's smile remained unchanged and she let go of the wine glass—it was a frozen smile as if the statue was not affected by the wind and frost in the world.

In her emerald green pupils like fireflies, a pair of gorgeous runes drawn by a hexagram flashed, making people ignore her beauty and show a more solemn and stern majesty.

The wine glass protruded from the slender fingers, fell to the ground, and broke crisply in the dead silence filled with murderous intent.

Ronan suddenly turned around, raised his cloak, and drew out his hidden Hidden Blade and Dagger with a clang, his face coldly contemptuous of the annoying bedbugs in the sewer.

"I'm counting on you, Witch of Thousand Wings—Ms. Bird."


"I've done what you guys said, it's a good seed."

"Kenny, great job."

"Don't you really treat her as an ordinary sacrifice? Can she really become the incarnation of the benefactor in the dream?"

"Of course, she will become the belief of the people of Lenghu, so that the shivering lambs in the mist can feel the protection of peace again."

In front of the man who was powerless kneeling and moaning in pain amidst the vomit, the slender black figure was about to leave with his hands behind his back.

"Your debt is canceled."

Kenny struggled to his feet like a worm.He remembered that lively and kind smiling face.

In the dark narrow alley full of ditch rats, the pure light radiated from the child's face, like the angel of the Redeemer in the legend, rekindled the fire of hope for those who were ashamed of their hearts.

"Hey, what's in that stone statue?"

Kenny's weak call made the shadow stop.

"Since I got that stone statue, I can't hear the murmur of the dream."

"Don't be too curious, old guy." The black shadow turned around and looked down at him, sneering.

"Where is 'Ouroboros', I want to see him."

The black shadow was silent for a while, then lifted his foot contemptuously, stepped on Kenny's head with the hard leather sole, and forced him to lie on the vomit.

"My lord's dedication to the great cause, is it something you can bother?"

Kenny struggled under the shadow's feet like a bug with all its limbs cut off, and screamed nervously.

"Ouroboros, he and I... We used to be friends and comrades in arms! Without me, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is now!"

The black shadow picked up a potion bottle that shone with a sticky blue light from his pocket.

"This is a rare treasure that can't be seen on the market. The Lord reads the affection in the past and specially left it for old friends."

"It's a pity that 'Apocalypse' is used on you trash."

Kenny struggled even more frantically when he heard the words, "Give it to me, give it to me!"

The black shadow contemptuously let go and dropped the potion bottle in front of the man's face, and stepped back a few steps, as if admiring the stray dogs grabbing leftovers.

Kenny immediately threw himself on the shattered glass shards. Even though his hands were cut, he was still squeezing out his last strength, desperately gathering up the magical potion that was submerged on the floor.

"Drink it, you can hear the revelation again after drinking it, just don't die."

Seeing that it was difficult for Kenny to hold the potion with his hands, Kenny lowered his head in despair and licked the faint blue fluorescent liquid. He let his tongue and dry lips be cut by glass shards, and the rusty blood mixed into his mouth and swallowed together. He didn't care either.

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