-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


To Gu Yu's surprise, besides the plans that were about to be completed in his hand, the things that deserved his attention recently had problems again.

Styx found him, to be precise, he found the Galaxy Federation, but he intercepted the news in advance.

"God of the Styx, what is your business?"

In the communication terminal built by the Hetu Computing Cloud, Gu Yu connected to Karl who was far away in the Death Song Academy in a hidden state.

When Karl heard this voice, he made some calculations in his heart. Originally, he was thinking of contacting the god-level force behind Blue Star through the Galaxy Federation. Unexpectedly, he actually found the other party directly.

It was a reasonable surprise.

Out of polite contact, Karl said slowly, "You are the patron behind the Star River Federation. I am Karl, the patron of the gluttonous that invaded the civilization you protected before..."

"We know you exist, so we might as well speak up if we have something to say, don't waste time." Gu Yu was too lazy to have a long discussion with the other party.


The other party was silent for a while, and Gu Yu took advantage of this spare time to do something.

"I don't know if you guys know... void?"

"Ultimate fear, existence at the edge of the universe, theory of death?" Gu Yu said calmly.

"It seems that you know a lot about this aspect, and we have something in common." Karl was surprised that the other party knew so much, but at the same time he became more interested, and he became more convinced that this civilization that deviated from the mainstream model of Kamigawa has something to do with it. his layout.

But what he said next moment made Karl frown:

"No, we have nothing in common."

Gu Yu knew clearly that Karl would not come to the door for no reason, just like the gluttonous invasion before, it would not come for no reason.

Ever since he made a series of interventions, leading the Blue Star Civilization into space in the form of the Federation of Galactic Federations, and destroying the gluttons sent to the solar system by the other party, there has been no movement from Karl's side.

It must not have been accidental to find him suddenly again now, Karl must be planning a conspiracy about the void again.

Gu Yu was very interested in Carl's research on the void, but he put everything into consideration. He was not a three-year-old child, so he couldn't see the other party's malicious intentions.

Do not find out the purpose of the other party, what common topics to talk about.

"Oh? Are you not interested in the void?"

"It's just some research, but what does it have to do with you?" Gu Yu said with a lack of interest.

Karl saw the other party's intention to be on guard, and didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to say to himself:

"The life and civilization of this universe are now shrouded in the justice order established by the angels. They advocate the so-called justice, but exercise absurd theocracy, allowing civilization to survive in a very ridiculous theocracy era."

"For a long time, the more I have studied the void, the more I can feel that the majestic power that surpasses all mainstream civilization technology today is real and should be accepted."

"Unfortunately, my research ideas are not liked by those gods, and the angels even define the research on death as heresy, but I know their hypocrisy, even if they have been using heresy to define something, they have to secretly Actively research and use those things.”

"This ridiculous era has lasted long enough, it's time to end it..."

"I want to bring the era of the void to the future of this universe!"

"Before that, we must subvert first, to overthrow some existing things, so..."

clap clap clap!

Before Karl finished speaking, Gu Yu applauded at the other end of the communication, and said in a very interested tone:

"The speech was good, go on, can I transcribe your speech transcript?"

"Cough—" Carl coughed lightly without embarrassment, and continued calmly:

"So, we should cooperate."

"Cooperation? Haha, no need, no need." Gu Yu was also very relaxed


Delighted, he responded coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone:

"The mastermind behind a group of people who have offended our civilization actually wants to rely on an unrealistic speech to seek cooperation with us?"

"Your Excellency, don't you think we are idiots!"

"According to the content of some potential regulations, we have given you a lot of face by not launching a war to retaliate against your galaxy."

Gu Yu's tone intentionally reveals a little anger and coldness, as if his words are flattering and true.

Karl is not in a hurry either. Since the other party can say these words in front of him, it means that they have a lot of opportunities to talk.

"I'm very sorry. Those gluttons who invaded the Chiwu star system are just some civilizations influenced by me. They suddenly crossed the Great Insect Bridge Station to invade your blessed civilization, and they were not ordered by me."

"I'm just a scholar. As far as I am concerned, I don't mean to offend you."

Gu Yu was silent for a while. After careful consideration, it seemed that it was true on the surface. After all, Karl is a god of thousands of years.

Seeing the silence of the other party, Carl seized the opportunity and said:

"Angel civilization has now launched a new round of war with demons in a certain corner of the universe. Demons are the mortal enemies of angels. They are very likely to lose both in this war... This is a rare opportunity!"

After a long silence, Gu Yu slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The devil is also an offender to us!"

"While the angels and demons are busy fighting, you and I should establish cooperation, and cooperate with Styx to welcome the arrival of the void, which is beneficial to both of us." Carl followed the other party's language expression, faintly said:

"Otherwise, when either of the angels and demons wins the war, it will be more difficult for us to deal with one of them."

"Based on the existence and development model of your civilization, no matter whether it is angels or demons who dominate the known universe, you will not be allowed to unilaterally expand in the future. At that time, you will definitely be sanctioned and attacked. In addition, there are still Some other gods exist..."

Carl's words might be very tempting to put on the leader of ordinary civilization, but Gu Yao only listened to them as some witty words when he knew what the other party was thinking.

Gu Yu suddenly sneered and said, "Hehe, even if that's the case, so what?"

"The quarrels and disputes of outsiders have nothing to do with us."

"If anyone wants to offend again, we will naturally respond to those offenders in the most appropriate way."

"The so-called angels, demons, the theocracy caused by justice and evil, and the so-called gods and kings of the gods are just mediocre things created by you mediocre people!"

"Why do we continue to put down our posture and cater to the mediocrity that you mediocrity seek after?"

"For us, and for the endless universe, you are all just moles of dust. From the perspective of a frog in a well, you have prematurely defined the so-called order and era for this vast universe that should be full of miracles and creations of civilization. I have never witnessed the true glory... how can I seek the future?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Dust, rats?

Carl, who heard the other party's remarks, became more interested in this god-level force that has always concealed its true posture.

What kind of civilization is the other party to have such a tone of contempt for god-level civilizations like angels and demons as rats?

The corners of Gu Yu's mouth raised slightly, it seemed that his speech was more advanced. Seeing that the other end had not moved for a long time, he knew that the tiger skin banner was almost finished, and the trick he wanted to set would soon be completed.

"When the real glory comes to this universe and we bring the real civilization, you will see what kind of progress and sublimation it will be!"

"That day is approaching, and you will surely witness it, Motes!"

Seeing that the other party finished his rhetoric, Carl sorted out some of the information he could get, and asked with interest:

"So, you don't belong to the civilization of the known universe? Or, you are from the unknown universe..."

"Or other universes?!"


Gu Yu stopped talking, he was only in charge of pulling the flag, what the other party thinks has nothing to do with him, in short, it is to ensure that it is beneficial to him.

When Karl saw that the other party went silent again, the thoughts in his heart also enriched. His thinking never stood on any civilization, rigid ideas or conservative ideas.

From observing the development model and civilization form of the Galaxy Federation before, he could vaguely see some alternatives of the opponent's civilization, and the appearance of the technologies they used was too abrupt.

It's as if those powerful technologies that far surpassed the aerospace-level standard of this universe were produced out of thin air without any years of accumulation.

In addition to the guess that the other party is a god-level civilization hidden deeply in the known universe, Karl is more inclined to the authenticity of the guess that the other party is an alien descended from other universes, because it is more likely to be corroborated .

If this is the real situation, then everything makes sense, not only these speculations about the other party make sense, but some of his theories also make sense!

Karl's heart, which has been silent for thousands of years, can't help but feel waves. What is the purpose of his study of death, void and ultimate fear?

Is it purely what the gods see, perverted, who only loves the horror and heresy of death and void?

No, he studies death to seek the ultimate shackles of life, studies the void to pursue the long-term future, and studies ultimate fear to seek the truth of the universe!

He is a scholar, a scholar who will use all means to achieve academic research, and will not hesitate to be defined by layers of horrible labels.

If the god-level force behind the opponent is really a visitor from another universe, this does not indirectly prove that the marginal universe can be broken through!

What is the purpose of breaking through the marginal universe?To explore the wider unknown universe and break free from the cage of the so-called known universe today is what he hopes and desires most as a scholar.

"If you want to bring the progress and sublimation you think of to this universe, then we should cooperate even more, shouldn't we?"

Regardless of whether the other party is a civilization from another universe or not, Karl has never had any mentality of lowering his status to talk to him from the beginning to the end. He said calmly:

"We all want to change this universe into what we want. Although the worlds we each want to create may be different, the direction we are heading towards is the same."

"Because we are bound to meet the same resistance, face the same difficulties."

"Since this is the case, it will be beneficial to both of us to reach a cooperation within a certain period of time."

"You should have also encountered those angels and demons. You may not know that these god-level civilizations, well, maybe their god-level titles may seem unrealistic to you, but this is what we call them. "

"Once these god-level civilizations launch nebula-level wars, their power and destructiveness will be extremely terrifying. With the Star River Federation that you have cultivated now, it should be possible for the time being.


I can't stand the baptism of war..."

"I don't know you guys, what do you think?"

There was no response from the other side for a long time, and Karl also waited patiently. His meaning was already very tactful, and he believed that the other party would not be moved by the cooperation intention he threw out.

Minutes and seconds passed, and Carl's patience didn't diminish at all. He thought the other party was seriously considering it.

On the other side, Gu Yu who secretly ordered XT-489 to bring a cup of boiling hot tea patiently waited for the temperature of the tea to drop to a kind of lukewarm before taking it up leisurely and slowly described to the other party of the communication:

"Before we came to this universe, we went through a great battle. The universe we were in was extinguished..."

"It was a real doomsday battle. Countless lives and civilizations were lost in eternal silence. Those who are stronger than me can only shoulder the mission. Under the endless pursuit of the "Hunter", we are endlessly fleeing, and we have gone through all kinds of difficulties to arrive. here……"

In just a few words, the image of a tragic singer of a lost civilization who has undergone tremendous changes without losing pride was established in Carl's thinking and understanding.

Karl's expression changed drastically. Is the other party telling the experience of the unknown universe?

The universe... extinguished? !

In his mind, a large number of star systems emerged out of thin air... No, it was a terrifying scene where all the star systems in the entire universe suddenly disappeared at the same time. Only in this way could it match the description of extinguishing in the other party's mouth.

Otherwise, how can a universe be described by the vocabulary of extinguishing?

There are also shocking words such as "hunter", "hunt", and "escape", which made Carl frown.

What do you mean?

Could it be said that the other party is a civilization that escaped from destruction, and they were hunted down by the existence called "Hunter", and they were forced to flee endlessly, only to reach the known universe they are in by luck?

Before Carl could identify the authenticity of the information, he heard the other party say in a cold tone:

"Reaper, let's call you like this for now, the so-called god level and civilization in this universe are not even as good as a speck of dust that can be crushed into nothingness at will in front of the "hunter" and the real civilization. "

"A group of ridiculous people who can't even jump out of time can only die sadly on the ridiculous stage they built!"

"Fortunately, before any "hunters" stare at this universe, you still have time left to continue surviving..."

"But if the sublimation is completed before then, maybe there is still a chance to resist, so that you won't be powerless to wait for nirvana..."

"As fugitives passing through this universe, I advise you...to wake up as soon as possible, before it's too late."

"For the little ones, there is never enough time. A little wasted and a little is lost forever."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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