"By the way, why don't you go and see that little sister named Mona? She has been suffering from insomnia recently, and she's worried because you didn't come home all night~" Shenzi showed a wicked smile.

"Um, let's go." Ning Xia looked at the wicked Shenzi with some confusion.

Mona in the room yawned, since she saw something she shouldn't have seen, how should I say it...

Mona, who has a high thirst for knowledge, can't hold back to explore the refreshing knowledge of Ningxia and Shenzi with the use of divination...

The following is the psychological change of Mona:

The first time to use water divination: Mona!You do this with great astrology!How can you be worthy of yourself!

The second use of water divination: Mona!How can you do this! ?How kind is Ningxia to you?He treats you as a friend, with food and lodging included, yet you do this to him! ?Must stop!

The third time to use the water divination technique: the last time, just the last time, I will never peek again after using it again.

The fourth use of water divination: really the last time!No matter what you say, you can no longer do things that are sorry for Ningxia!

The fifth time to use water divination: Mona!Mona!You can no longer indulge in this kind of thing, start today, quit pornography!

The sixth time to use the water divination technique: It seems that the proficiency of the water divination technique is higher...

I don’t know how many times I used the water divination technique: Ningxia, forgive me, this is really the last time, forgive me, it’s because your figure is really...

When Mona confessed to Ning Xia and Astrology again with a sense of guilt, Ning Xia gently knocked on the door of her room and said, "Mona, are you awake?"

"Ah!!! Ningxia! I didn't do it..." The panicked Mona shouted indiscriminately, almost saying everything she shouldn't have said.


"Um... sorry, just now, I was writing a column just now, wait for me to tidy up!" Mona tidied up the room in a hurry, and opened the door after confirming that there was nothing that would be exposed.

Ningxia twitched the corners of his mouth when he looked at Mona, who had a pair of national treasure-level dark circles under her eyes. With such strong panda eyes, even he who had died of overwork in the Tianshou Pavilion would be willing to bow down.

"Did you sleep well recently? Are you not used to the environment of Mond?" Ning Xia asked.

"No! No, just, just... ah! I've been busy with the column recently! So, so!" Mona said while looking at the column she had already written.

If Ningxia found out about her doing this kind of thing to Ningxia, then she might not even be friends with Ningxia?

"Well, if you have something to tell me, I'll help you." Ning Xia sniffed, the smell in Mona's room was a bit strange, but Mona had covered it up before, so Ning Xia didn't smell it.

"One more thing, I bought a house in Mond yesterday, and I'm going to check out and live in the new house today, would you like to stay with me or stay here, if you stay here, I will follow The boss said, you don't have to worry about the room fee, it's just a trivial matter." Ning Xia said.

"Oh? Have you bought a house yet?" Mona looked at Ning Xia in surprise. She has been coughing for the past two days.So not sure about this.

"Yes, the house is quite big." Ning Xia said thinking about the house he visited yesterday.

"I, if I go, will I bother you?" Mona asked hesitantly. After all, she did that kind of thing to Ningxia just now, how could she have the nerve to...

"Oh, my little sister, I went to see my sister, the house is very nice~ especially..."

Miko walked slowly to Mona's side.Said softly: "The sound insulation is very good~"

"Gudong~" Mona blushed and looked at Shenzi, she really wanted to die now, but someone else found out, and judging by Shenzi's appearance, she obviously knew about herself a long time ago.

"So~Sister Mona~you can live together~" Shenzi said with a smile, she likes to bully this kind of little girl who dare not show her feelings.

"I, I..." Mona looked at Ningxia who didn't know why, and then at Shenzi who had a wicked face, and a sense of guilt suddenly surged up.

In the end, under Shenzi's teasing and flickering, Mona agreed to move into the new house together inexplicably.

Looking at Shenzi holding Mona's little hand, although Ning Xia was a little puzzled, she didn't care when she saw that they got along very well.

Then Ningxia left the hotel and walked in the somewhat depressed Mond City. When she arrived in the upper city, she happened to run into Wendy who was fooling her sister and Yingmei who had been limp after being fooled.

"Yo! Wendy!" Ning Xia greeted her.

"Ningxia!" Wendy waved.

"Hi!" Paimon warmly greeted Ningxia after hearing Wendy say that Ningxia was very rich.

"Hello." My sister said softly.

"Ningxia, you can have fun in Mond for the rest of the day, I have found a solution." Wendy said confidently.

"...If you have no choice, you can come to me." Ning Xia looked at the confident Wendy, and always felt that this guy was unreliable.

"No, no." Wendy said with a look of reassurance on my face.

"Then I'll go to the Knights first, you continue." Ning Xia glanced at Yingmei sympathetically and said, why do these gods like to find tool people?

"Slow down~" Wendy said, waving her little hand.

But as soon as Ning Xia walked to the Knights, he felt that Twalin was coming again. Ningxia turned to look at Twalin who flew from afar.

"Ningxia?" Amber, who had just finished reporting to Qin, saw Ningxia standing on the steps of the Knights Order.

"Amber, hurry back to the Knights!" Ning Xia said as he opened the barrier to resist the rising tornado.

Although the tornado was extremely powerful, Twarin obviously still had some old feelings for Mond, and did not specifically destroy the Aeolus statue standing in front of the church and its surrounding buildings.

But Yingmei was unlucky enough to be sucked into the tornado. Under the action of the strong wind, Yingmei had already been blown into the clouds.

Chapter 284 Serving Three Gods Alone

Wendy gritted her teeth and drove the thousand-year-old wind that has been resisting climate change in the clouds to protect Yingmei. She was going to let Yingmei get the zither from the sky and then try to communicate with Twarin, but the plan was disrupted before it even started. up.

The millennium wind resonates with Yingmei's wind element, forming a wind element wing to maintain it in the air. The reason why Wendy is so weak is that she has not opened the magic costume, and most of her power is used to maintain the sky of Mond used to combat climate change.

Yingmei, who was temporarily assisted by Wendy's power, kept chasing Twalin's wound under Wendy's command.

The wind elemental energy bomb hit Twalin's wound again and again, making Twalin, who was already irritable because of the wound, really couldn't help turning around and killing Yingmei.

Wendy controlled Yingmei to avoid Tewarin's attack, because she hadn't used her power for too long, she couldn't completely control Liufeng for the time being, and she was already powerless to control Yingmei, otherwise she could subdue Tewarin with her power in the sky Valin is still fine.

Because the attention was attracted by Yingmei in the sky, the tornado in the square and surroundings slowly disappeared, and Ning Xia squinted to watch the battle of one man and one dragon in the sky.

Suddenly, Twalin's wound shone with a strange light, centering on Twalin's neck wound, the glowing purple runes slowly spread all over Twalin's body.

Although the abyss did not succeed in transforming Twarin into a biological weapon, the power of the abyss has begun to affect its body, and the ominous power mixed with the roar of the wind element blasted at Yingmei.

Wendy, who was originally powerless, really had no way to dodge this attack, so she could only let Liufeng protect Yingmei's body and resist this attack.

But this sudden attack also caused Wendy to temporarily lose control of her power. Yingmei, who had no wings of wind, immediately fell from the sky, and Twarin, who was in the sky, was very rude when she saw that Yingmei had lost her strength. Chasing after the fallen Yingmei.

Seeing that Yingmei was about to fall, Wendy could only helplessly shout: "Ningxia!"

Ningxia sighed helplessly, as if it was a reward for thanking Wendy for making him a demon god level, Ningxia jumped lightly, and the hurricane breath formed a pair of wings and flew towards Yingmei.

In the middle of the fall, Yingmei only felt her head buzzing, and the strong wind made her unable to open her eyes, and she could barely see Twarin who was killing her.

"Are you going to die?" Yingmei couldn't help thinking, is she going to die before she finds her brother?

At this time, a gentle wind enveloped Yingmei's body, and then Yingmei felt as if she was being lifted up.

Yingmei, who had been resigned to her fate, opened her eyes and looked at Ningxia floating in the air in disbelief.

Ningxia glanced at Twalin casually, and the coercion from the demon god made Twalin stop immediately. Even if he lost control of his emotions, he could clearly sense the terror in Ningxia, and quickly fled away with wings flapping.

Then Ningxia slowly landed on the ground, and put down the younger sister who was lifted up by him.

"Ying! Are you okay!" Paimon asked with a worried face. When she saw Yingmei being swept into the sky by the strong wind, she was so worried.

"Ningxia! Ying!" At this time, Amber also hurried over from the Knights. She was very worried about Ningxia's safety after seeing Ningxia flying into the sky.

"I'm fine." Yingmei said, looking at Ningxia who saved her life.

"Thank you." Yingmei said.

"Small things, I'm used to it." Ning Xia said helplessly. It was very common for Dao Wife to help Thunder God deal with national affairs, Li Yue to rescue Yan God's relatives, and ask Feng God to drink to save people in Mengde. What a 'blessing' he is to serve the three gods.

Clap clap clap!

At this time, Kaiya came clapping and said with a look of admiration on his face: "As expected of Brother Ningxia, he defeated the dragon easily, and this traveler actually has the power to fight the dragon Dou, you are really skilled, so, are you our guest, or a new storm?"

"Kaya, you kid have been peeking around just now, right?" Ning Xia ruthlessly pierced Kaiya's sense of mystery.

"Hahaha, brother Ningxia, it's not like you don't know my strength. If I help, I'm afraid it will only be a disservice." Kaiya said with a laugh.

"Forget it." Ningxia moved his hands casually and said, since he joined in, he might as well simply help Wendy solve Twalin. In this case, it can be regarded as repaying Wendy's favor.

"It's just that this is the second attack of Fengmolong, and it's inside the city..." Amber said with some concern.

"Kaya, let's hurry up..."

"Wait a minute, it seems that there are still people here who don't know each other?" Kaiya looked at Yingmei with one eye and said. At this time, an unknown person who can fight the dragon suddenly appeared in Mond, which is not a good thing.

Amber slapped his head and almost forgot to introduce Kaiya to Yingmei.

After listening to Amber's introduction, Kaiya became even more wary of Yingmei. She only knew that she was a traveler from afar?

Then Amber told Kaya the reason why Yingmei came to Mond.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Kaiya immediately said in an apologetic tone: "I see, welcome to Mond, traveler, it's just a pity that it's at such a bad time."

"I understand the pain of the separation of blood relatives. Although I don't know why you are looking for Fengshen like this, but unfortunately, Fengshen Barbatos has not shown up for hundreds of years. Although I really want to help you, in this matter, I just can't help it."

"However, first of all, I would like to thank you and Ningxia on behalf of the Knights."

"Is there any reward for that?" Paimon asked beside him.

"Well... How about Mond's special carrot fried meat in honey sauce?"

"Amber has already said that he wants to invite us."

"Then if I have free time, I'll invite you to the Deer Hunter Restaurant for a meal." Kaia said while rubbing her chin.

"Are you full?" Paimon's eyes lit up when he heard the treat.

"That's natural." Kaiya reckoned that a small flying object and a girl wouldn't be able to eat much, so she readily agreed.

"The two of you fought against the dragon just now. I and the guarded citizens witnessed it with my own eyes. I think the acting leader should be very interested in you, Traveler. I hope you and Ningxia can join the Knights at the Knights headquarters. A story."

"Brother Ningxia won't refuse, right?" Kaiya looked at Ningxia and said.

"Of course not." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, since he has made up his mind to join the team, there is no need to deliberately avoid it.

Under the leadership of Kaiya, Ningxia and Yingmei came to the headquarters of the Knights. The surrounding environment was a bit bleak because the green leaves of many trees were blown away by the tornado just now.

Kaiya chatted with Yingmei enthusiastically about some things, consciously or unconsciously trying to find out Yingmei's origin.

This made Yingmei hide behind Amber and Ningxia in disgust, she felt that the smiling man in front of her was a little strange.

Chapter 285

Qin in the office is a little anxious. She has been too busy recently. She cleaned up most of the monsters outside the city on her front foot, and then went back to meet the foolish executive lady. During the period, there were various trivial matters of the badminton festival.

When she was finally able to lie down at night, Twalin came. She had been busy maintaining order since Twalin's first attack, dealing with fools, and so on. She finally had time to squint, Twalin Here we go again.

But fortunately, there was a traveler from afar who made a move against Ningxia, so that no greater loss was caused, but this also made Qin feel that she had neglected her duty.

Lisa on the side persuaded helplessly: "Qin, you are too anxious. Didn't you agree to meet the person who fought the dragon and your pen pal here? Sit down and rest for a while."

"The Wind Demon Dragon seems to be still active outside the city. When I see her, I want to..."

"Don't worry, I'll help later." Lisa said helplessly, as if she was helping her best friend who was dying from overwork.

"Master acting head, I'll bring someone~" At this time, Kaiya brought Ning Xia and Yingmei to the office.

Seeing the arrival of Ningxia and Yingmei, Qin Qiang, who was originally a little anxious, looked at them energetically.

Then Kaya told Qin about what happened just now.

After listening to Kaiya's explanation, Qin pondered for a moment, and said to Yingmei: "Welcome to you, travelers with the wind, I am Qin, the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, and this is Lisa, Librarian of the Order."

"Oh~ are you two kind-hearted children who came to help because of the shortage of manpower?" Lisa was more casual than the serious Qin.

"It's just a coincidence. Since the two attacks of the Wind Demon Dragon, the flow of elements and the circulation of the earth's veins in Mond have become like balls of thread that a cat wants to touch."

"If you don't get disturbed by these, the Knights will have a better way to help you than the Missing Person Notice. Now please stay in Mond for a while, and let us West Wind Knights solve the problem." Qin said, she herself did not I don't want to bother travelers and Ningxia.

"Mr. Ning Xia, thank you for your help in the matter just now, otherwise, Feng Molong might have caused even more irreparable damage."

"Similarly, I'm also sorry. In Mond City, I actually asked you to personally help the Knights. This is my dereliction of duty." Qin said guiltily.

"It's okay, I'll help you later." Ning Xia said indifferently.

"This, what's the matter..." Qin just wanted to refuse, but Lisa came over and stopped Qin.

"How dare I bother you, but if you really want to help ~ sister, I won't refuse ~" Lisa said with a smile.

"Yeah, with the Ningxia brothers, I think things will be much easier." Kaiya said, although he has not seen Ningxia's full strength, but he must be more aware of Ningxia's strength than other people present. Horror, things would be easier with him around.

"Well, I will help too." Yingmei said, she also wanted to solve this matter quickly so that she could find her brother.

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