"Bird egg roast, sweet flower stuffed chicken, and the salad you want to eat." Ning Xia said with his head down, not knowing why he wanted to eat bird egg roast so much today.

"Okay, go wash your hands and eat." Ningxia said after putting the roasted bird eggs on a plate.

"Okay." Mona said happily.

Just as the two were preparing to eat, there was a knock on the door.

Ning Xia went to open the door and saw Qin and a little white-haired girl in normal clothes.

Qiyana looked at Ning Xia with a puzzled face, and she was very sure that what Ning Xia had on her was the breath of life she had dreamed of, or it was overflowing because of too much.

Before Qin could speak, Qiyana immediately pounced on Ningxia's thigh. In her opinion, this was her return to the top, punching the Seven Gods, kicking the golden thigh of the abyss!

"Brother!!! It's been so hard for me to find you! Qiyana misses you so much! Woooooo..." Qiyana didn't give Ning Xia a chance to talk to Qin, and said directly.

"Oh?" Ningxia was confused, he only had two younger sisters, one in Xumi and the other in Daoqi, why suddenly another one appeared in Mengde.

"Ningxia, Qiyana said that she came to Mond to find her brother. We found you according to Qiyana's description. Excuse me..."

Just when Qin was about to tell Ning Xia about Qiyana's background, Qiyana said quickly: "Brother! Sister Qin is a good person! She still treats Brother Ningxia..."

When it came to the critical moment, Qiyana deliberately lengthened the ending, which made Qin feel ashamed and afraid that Qiyana was going to tell what happened during the previous meal, so she turned her head and ran away.

Looking at the fleeing Qin, Qiyana showed a smug smile. Isn't it easy to handle a young girl who is in love?only……

Qiyana looked up at Ning Xia, and Ning Xia also looked down at her.

"Little guy, did you admit it wrong?" Ning Xia squatted down and asked, he dared to swear that he had absolutely no blood relationship or nominal relationship with the cute little girl in front of him.

At this time, Mona saw that Ning Xia hadn't returned to the dining table for so long, so she also came to the door, just in time to see Ning Xia and Qiyana communicating.

"Ningxia! Why is Qiyana here?" Mona asked in surprise. She liked this cute and well-behaved little girl so much that she didn't expect to come to her home.

"Mona? Do you know her?" Ning Xia asked.

"I know you! The child watched by the librarian of the Knights is obedient and cute." Mona rubbed Kiana's head and said.

"Hi sister Mona!" Kiyana said sweetly, she felt that Mona would be the key for her to sneak into this family.

"So, why did you find me, little guy? I don't know you, right?" Ning Xia asked again, although Mona and the others didn't notice.

But as a demon god, he could vaguely sense the aura of Kiyana, which was different from the blackness and corruption of the abyss.

Seeing Ningxia's expression, Qiyana also knew that Ningxia knew that she was unusual. When Mona was not paying attention, she said in a voice that only Ningxia could hear: "Let's talk later, let the little girl talk now." leave."

The expression on Ning Xia's face became serious, this little girl was definitely not as harmless as she appeared on the surface, even he couldn't see through it.

"Brother, I'm Qiyana! You forgot!" Qiyana said while pulling Ningxia.

"Ningxia?" Mona on the side looked at Ningxia with some doubts.

"Ah? Ah! Qiyana! Long time no see, why are you not in Zhidong, but you ran to Mond?" Ning Xia said hastily.

"Because! Because Kiyana misses her brother so much! So I came to Mond to find you!" Kiyana followed up.

Watching the crazy drama of the two great actors, Mona, who was a little confused at first, became even more confused. It was also the first time she heard that Ningxia had a younger sister in Zhidong.

"Brother, I'm hungry." Kiyana said pitifully, she could smell the aroma from the dining table, she hadn't eaten such a delicious meal for a long time.

Ningxia followed Qiyana's words and brought her to the dinner table. I have to say that her acting skills are very good. Although she is just a harmless little girl on the surface, she knows a lot about Zhidong, but some The place is very backward.

It's just that with her superb acting skills, it's enough to deal with Mona. Sitting in Mona Ningxia, while coordinating with Qiyana, while preparing to protect Mona from here in case of an accident, he doesn't know about Qiyana. For Na's purpose, it might be safer to protect Mona away than to kill her with one blow.

Qiyana ate and ate while acting. In her opinion, Ningxia's craftsmanship was definitely not inferior to Vulcan's, and was even much better than Vulcan's in roasting bird eggs.

In the end, with Qiyana and Ningxia's joint drama, Mona went upstairs to take a shower after eating, and she probably won't go downstairs for a while.

"Shouldn't you explain your identity now?" Ning Xia asked seriously, with the grass shaving sword in his left hand and the dragon tooth sword in his right hand, the Gengjin aura surrounds his whole body, and the barrier has already protected him and Mona upstairs.

"Don't panic..." Kiyana said lightly, at this time she completely lost her innocent and lovely appearance before.

Although she still looks like a little girl, she has the majesty of a judge on her body, staring at Ning Xia ruthlessly with star-like eyes.

"I am the maintainer of the law of heaven and the manager of Tivat. Now I have some physical problems because of some things. Now I hope you can contribute some strength."

"After I regain my strength, I will definitely give you supreme glory. Even if any country within the seven countries is your territory, it is not a bad idea to let you be one of the new world's seven deacons." Tianli said majesticly, as long as But with her cute appearance, there is a kind of cuteness in contrast.


Ningxia looked at Xiao Tianli in front of him with a confused expression. From his point of view, this is no different from a little Zhengtai who suddenly came to him and said to him: "I, Qin Shihuang, pay money."

"Hey! I've already introduced myself! Don't you have something to say!?" Tianli asked with his arms akimbo, his original majestic appearance disappeared instantly.

"...Who is Tianli?" Ning Xia asked after thinking for a while, but he didn't know Tianli, who knows what Tianli is.

"Hmph! Ordinary people don't even know the manager of Tivat, so it's okay~" Tianli said helplessly.

Chapter 327

A well appeared on Ning Xia's forehead. If he didn't know the origin of this guy who called himself Tianli, he would give her a shudder.

"The so-called Tianli..." Tianli Balabala said a lot. The general content is that she is the manager of Tivat. Because of some unexplainable reasons, Ningxia needs to contribute some life breath or something.

"Oh...I refuse." Ning Xia nodded in understanding, but I refused.

"Hey!? Why? I'm a man of heaven!"


"After I regain my strength, you can choose whichever one of the Seven Kingdoms you want!"


"I, I can give you powers that even the Seven Gods don't have!"


"Hey!!!" Tianli puffed up her face and looked at Ningxia. She had confessed everything and was willing to give Ningxia so much power. Why did he still refuse?

"What you said is very good, but I'm not interested." Ning Xia said lightly, "Tianli, I don't even know your background, so why should I believe you?"

As for managing one of the Seven Kingdoms?He still vividly remembers the days when he died of overwork in Dao Wife!As for the power above the Seven Gods?That's not to work, so fight!

"Then what do you want!? I can give it to you!" Tianli asked, she really didn't understand the mind of the guy who had no desires and no desires in front of her.

"Remember to close the door when you go back to the Knights, I'm going to take a shower." Ning Xia stretched her waist and said.

"I, I'm your sister in name now! Shouldn't you let me raise me?" Tianli said hastily, it's not a problem that Ningxia doesn't want to now, but if she leaves Ningxia's house, then she might not be so next time Simple is back.

"Okay." Ningxia stretched out her hand and said.

"What's wrong?" Tianli asked suspiciously.

"Rent, food expenses." Ningxia said lightly, he would not just take care of someone who doesn't know why, he took care of either an acquaintance or a friend.

"This, this..." Tianli took out some snacks from his pocket with a distressed expression.

"Huh?" Ningxia looked at Tianli's expression of reluctance, and he admitted that he was attracted by Tianli.

"I, I only have these..." Tianli said pitifully, she didn't act this time, she really only had these, and under the influence of children's bodies, her behavior would always be biased towards children intentionally or unintentionally.

"..." Ningxia looked at Tianli who was afraid that he would drive her away. Although he knew that she might be an old woman of hundreds or thousands of years old, she was too cute, which made him feel a little guilty for no reason.

"You..." Ningxia looked at Tianli and said.

"Don't, don't throw me out! I can do the housework!" Tianli said, she was really in a hurry this time, she didn't have any acting skills, she really needed Ningxia's breath of life to restore her strength, otherwise she would be in the lower realm for nothing up.

Now if passers-by who don't know this scene see it, they will definitely think that this big man in Ningxia is bullying the little girl of Tianli.

"Forget it, you stay here..." Ningxia covered his face and said, he knew that Tianli didn't act, but it's nothing to do with it, Wendy just left, another Tianli came, he became a god Is there a special meal ticket for you?

"Thank you brother!" Tianli smiled through tears, sweetly called Ning Xia brother, and hugged Ning Xia's thigh and began to secretly absorb the breath of life scattered outside.

This made Ningxia doubt the origin of Tianli even more. Even Wendy is not so unscrupulous. How can Tianli be regarded as the superior of the Seven Gods, how can he be even more unscrupulous.

At this time, Mona, who was wiping her hair, looked at Qiyana who was hugging Ning Xia's thigh, with a doting look on her face.

"Little Qiyana! How about sister taking you to take a bath?" Mona asked, rubbing Kiyana's head.

"Thank you, sister Mona~" Kiyana immediately turned into a well-behaved look, and was not dissatisfied with Mona for taking her away, but instead let Mona take her to the bathroom.

Ning Xia narrowed her eyes, wiping the Kusanagi sword casually in her hands to warn Qiyana.

Taking advantage of Mona's inattention, Qiyana made a face at Ning Xia.

Ningxia sighed helplessly, got used to it, was tired, let it be destroyed.

After taking a shower, Ningxia carried Mona back to her room, because Mona moved to Ningxia's room, and she happened to give Mona's room to Qiyana.

When the two were about to go to bed, Qiyana knocked on the door outside.

After Ningxia opened the door, Qiyana immediately hugged Ningxia's thigh and said, "Brother! I'm scared! You can sleep with me!"

"Don't push yourself too far!" Ning Xia whispered, he and Mona have a lot of things to discuss!

"Isn't it normal for a brother to coax a sister to sleep?" Qiyana said proudly. She is the breath of life in Tu Ningxia, but she must be close to him or let Ningxia hold the heart of God to absorb it, so she can How long does it take to stick it on Ningxia?

"You!" Ning Xia really wanted to hit Qiyana's head right now, it was too much.

"Sister Mona! I'm afraid to sleep alone!" Qiyana immediately shifted her target to Mona.

Chapter 328 Encounter with him by chance, making him shy

In the end, Ningxia was very upset and let Qiyana sleep between the two of them, as if she had raised a daughter.

When he woke up the next day, Qiyana was already clinging to his body, muttering something delicious, and her saliva dripped onto his clothes.

Ningxia put Qiyana on the bed carefully. This little guy is cute when he sleeps, but he is very annoying when he wakes up, preventing him from being with Mona.

Ningxia was cooking breakfast as usual, and Qiyana woke up soon after she didn't know whether it was because Ningxia wasn't there or because she was attracted by the scent.

Feeling the vitality coming from her body, Qiyana showed a smile on her face, and she really followed Ning Xia's side, even just sticking to it could restore her strength.

Although not much, it is useful. As long as it continues, she will be able to repair her body that is about to collapse in half a year at the latest, and Sky Island will be able to return to its original state by then.

When the time comes, I, who will regain my strength, must completely get rid of the group of guys in the abyss and the losers overseas who are about to make a move this time.

Thinking about the future, Qiyana bounced downstairs, then hugged Ningxia's leg and shouted: "Brother! Good morning!"

"Don't be like this, I'm panicking." Ning Xia said lightly, he was still brooding over Qiyana's bad things about him yesterday.

"Hey! Anyway, I am also your sister in name now, can't you respect my identity!?" Qiyana said dissatisfiedly, she is willing to recognize you as a brother, but you still despise me for being so cute younger sister?

"Is that so..." Ning Xia thought for a while, then lightly tapped Qiyana on the head.

"Ouch! What are you doing!?" Kiyana said dissatisfied.

"Go brush your teeth now, I'll prepare it for you, the pink one is yours, don't take it wrong." Ning Xia said flatly.

"You did this to your sister!?" Kiyana asked angrily.

"You are the most unlovable and disobedient of my three younger sisters." Ningxia said as she arranged the satisfying salad and toast with jam.

"Hmph!" Kiyana covered her head and went to wash, isn't she just clinging to you at night?It didn't prevent you from sleeping.

"Morning, Ningxia." Mona said with a yawn. She successfully experienced taking care of children yesterday. How should I put it, she is looking forward to the future with Ningxia's children, who will definitely be as cute as Qiyana.

"Wake up, hurry up and brush your teeth, I'll make breakfast for you, and I'll pack up the notes you need for you, don't forget to check after you finish eating," Ning Xia instructed.

"I, I see..." Mona replied sweetly, if Ning Xia was here, many of her things would be contracted by Ning Xia, this feeling...

In Liyue's Liuli Pavilion, in the early morning, Wendy ordered several bottles of Liyue's good wine and blew it on.

Anyway, today is Morax's treat, so Wendy will not save money for her, and she can drink as much as she wants with the mentality of being a big eater.

"So... you came to Liyue just to find me to eat and drink?" Morax asked while sipping tea. Yesterday, she had become an editor of the Yaedo Liyue branch under the full recommendation of Araya.

Although she is not the editor-in-chief in name, the treatment Araya gave her is almost the same as that of the editor-in-chief. After all, a talented person who is highly educated and Liyuetong is exactly what Yaedo needs now.

"No way~ I didn't miss you, so I just came to Liyue to visit you~" Wendy said with a haha, even though she said she was trying to test Morax.

But when she really talked to Morax, she didn't know how to ask so that Morax would not suspect that he backstabbed her.

If this grumpy old woman notices, Wendy thinks that she should be able to book a gift ceremony at the Hall of Rebirth.

During the first meeting of the Seven Gods, she was drunk and mad, but she was beaten by Morax afterwards, and she recovered after lying in the Whispering Forest for decades.

Compared with Morax, who used to throw rock spears at every turn, and was so domineering that he didn't look like a woman at all, now the strength of Morax beating her can be said to be gentle.

But when it comes to Ning Xia, she is not sure whether Morax will suddenly revisit her old relationship, blood stain the wind and so on.

"Did you know that too?" Morax said suddenly.

"What?" Wendy asked suspiciously.

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