Not long after Bronya entered, the confident Morax also came to the door of Ningxia's house, and she knocked on the door of Ningxia's house pretending to be sad.

This time it was the confused Kapaqili who opened the door. Originally, she was very irritable and dizzy because of Ning Xia's disappearance, and she subconsciously wanted to close the door when she saw Morax.

However, Morakes pressed Kapaqili's cap first, and then greeted him with a 'kind' face: "Long time no see, Kapaqili~"

Sara, who was comforting Bronya, noticed the movement outside the door, said something to Bronya, and came to the door to check.

"Miss Zhong Gui, why are you here too?" Sara looked suspiciously at Morax who was hanging shoulder to shoulder with Kapaqili.

"Miss Sara, I recently came to Mond to do business because of the Yaedo, but I lost my wallet because of those monsters just now, and now I am in Mond... Sigh!" Morax looked sad. Said.

"And I happen to know that Miss Sara lives here now, so I have the cheek to want..." Morakes said, and touched Kapaqili's spine with one hand.

"That's right, it's so miserable for Zhong Gui. She still has to work here, so I decided to take her in for a few days." Kapaqili said with an awkward smile.

"In that case, Miss Zhong Gui, please come in, we still have a guest room, I just want to thank you for your help in Liyue." Saluo nodded and said.

"Thank you and Kapaqili very much." Morax said with a grateful face, and then let go of Kapaqili's hand.

Although I don't know what she did with Ningxia in the past, but it was definitely a very close relationship, otherwise she wouldn't be so attached to Ningxia.

Chapter 485 The Days When Ningxia Was Absent 4

Ying looked at Bronya, who was frantically playing, and Morax, who was playing the favor card and threatening to enter, with a dazed expression. Why didn't she think of such an operation.

Then came Wendy who was the least worried. She patted Ying on the shoulder lightly, winked at Hua Sanli, and led Vanessa away.

This time Wendy didn't knock on the door, but took out the key and opened the door lock, and then went in with a greeting.

"Hey! Mona, did you miss me these days when I was away?" Wendy greeted Mona.

"Wendy, are you back?" Mona, who was sitting on the sofa to see if there was any precedent for this situation in Ningxia, was a little surprised.

"Hehehe, why are there so many guests today? Where is Ningxia? Oh, this must be the gentle and beautiful sister that Ningxia mentioned, right?" Wendy said enthusiastically.

"Who are you?" Sara asked suspiciously, why did everyone come to her house one by one today.

"We, we are good friends of Ningxia. He saw that we had no place to live in Mond, so he let us live here temporarily. Here! This is the key that Ningxia gave me, right? Mona." Wendy He shook the key and said.

"Yeah, Wendy and Vanessa are indeed..." Seeing Wendy blink suddenly, Mona also said, she didn't understand why Wendy didn't confess her relationship.

Obviously Sara is very tolerant now, as long as he speaks straight.Could it be that he was afraid of Saluo's anger?

Thinking of this, Mona felt that she had to help Wendy to confess, after all, she was only able to succeed with Wendy's help.

Wendy glanced at Morax and Bronya who were drinking tea, and felt a little relieved when she saw that they didn't doubt her.

If what she did was known by Morax or Bronya, she was designated to be hit by the two like badminton.

"Actually, Wendy, she..." When Mona was about to tell Sara about Wendy's affairs, Wendy quickly patted Mona, and showed a pleading expression to Mona in the blind spot of Ershen's sight .

Mona nodded inexplicably, not knowing exactly what Wendy was afraid of.

"Since this is the case...please...please sit down..." Shaluo stretched out his hand and said, why both of them went to her house today, and there was a reason why she couldn't refuse.

Just like that, Wendy and Vanessa also sat on the sofa, but Wendy glanced casually, Bronya's Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, Morax's Qingyunding, Vanessa's Reaching the Stars, Mo Na's little Ozangshan, look at yourself again, Masamune...

"Damn it, what's the matter with this inexplicable frustration?" Wendy clutched her chest and thought.

"Sister Sara, are you back?" At this time, Tianli, who had changed back to Qiyana, came down from the stairs. She had already prepared a set of excuses, and she should be able to fool Zhusha by cooperating with that very clever fox girl later. Ro.

"Pfft!" The three gods who were drinking tea couldn't help but spit it out. The Tianli who destroyed the world and regarded the seven gods like ants actually called a mortal sister! ?

"What's the matter? Is the tea not to your taste?" Mo Na wiped her face and said, thanks to her out-of-print orphan copy, she bought it with all the manuscript fees last month.

"No, it's okay, it's just too hot." Morax said in astonishment, is this a natural law?That harmless and cute little girl is the law of heaven! ?

"Yeah, this tea is indeed a bit hot..." Wendy nodded and said, she had already begun to wonder if she would be silenced by the law of heaven.

"..." Bronya looked at the coquettish and cute Qiyana. Although she didn't say anything, her frightened expression also showed her emotions.

"Qiana! Where's your brother!? Where did he go?" Sharo asked anxiously.

"Brother... He was asked to do something by a long-haired big sister, and Qiyana doesn't know the specifics~" Kiyana said with a cute face.

At this moment, the three gods sitting on the sofa began to doubt whether they could live through today. Tianli's appearance shocked them no less than suddenly knowing that Ningxia likes men. (This is a metaphor, the male protagonist Tie Zhinan)

"Big sister with long hair? Is it possible? Does she look like this..." Sha Luobi asked the general's appearance.

"Yes, she suddenly stopped her brother to do something, and then sent Qiyana back." Kiyana nodded.

"That's it...that's great..." Sara suddenly felt the stone hanging in his heart be let go, since it is a general, then there is no problem.

Since the general came all the way to Monde to find her brother, it must have her own deep meaning, right?

Finally, Ying who came to the door of Ningxia's house stood hesitantly. Hua Sanli beside him had already done some ideological work for Ying just now, so it shouldn't be a big problem... right?

"General..." Ying found the general again, she is not very good at this kind of thing.

"I really can't do anything about you, so I'll come up." The general said helplessly.

After the general got on the number, he knocked on the door several times.

Qiyana, who was waiting for Ying to come to the door, took the initiative to open the door, and then took the initiative to lead the two of them in before the general and others could react.

"Sister Sara, this is the elder sister who entrusts my brother's work." Kiyana said with a wink at Hua Sanli.

Hua Sanli immediately understood that Tianli wanted to fool Shaluo, so she must help.

"Master General, did you arrange for your arrange for General Ningxia to go out to do something?" Saluo asked respectfully.

The general looked at Sha Luo with a calm face, and tens of thousands of emergency food rushed away in his heart, she didn't know!

"Big sister, isn't it you who asked your brother to do something?" Kiyana reminded, not feeling that this would lower her dignity at all. After all, the majesty of heaven has nothing to do with her.

"I..." The general was about to speak when Hua Sanli stopped him.

"It's actually like this. The general has something to discuss with the wind god Barbatos recently, so he will stay in Mond for a while. It happens that there are some urgent matters that need to be dealt with by General Ningxia, so I didn't tell you, General Sara..." Hua San Li quickly explained.

"So it's like this..." Out of trust in the general, Sara believed what Hua Sanli said, and finally let go of his worries about Ningxia.

And he readily agreed to let the general live in his own home.

And Qiyana also heaved a sigh of relief, a golden light flashed in her eyes, as if she was threatening the Seven Gods who knew her true identity, and then began to rejoice that she had survived the most difficult first night.

(Okay, let’s go back to the protagonist’s perspective)

Chapter 486 Maxius?Barbatos?

"Master Ningxia!" When it was time for lunch, Maxius took the initiative to bring a few dishes learned from Ningxia to the house.

"Master Ningxia, it's time to eat." Maxius said as he put the dishes on the table.

"I didn't speak for Moraxus and the others. The two demon gods suppressed by Moraxus are not bad, so the suppression will take some time, otherwise she would have come to thank you long ago." Maxius said to help Ningxia with food put away.

"Well, I don't care about this kind of thing." Ning Xia yawned and said, his body has already recovered half after sleeping, which surprised him a bit.

"Although the master has only been here for more than a day, based on your achievements, I don't think I can just be my sous chef." Maxius sat across from Ningxia and said, because Morax and the others were not here today, so it only became itself With Ningxia Baimeng's share.

"No, no, I think the sous chef is pretty good." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, being a sous chef can catch fish and get the freshest ingredients, no better than a fairy who patrols every day.

Hearing Ning Xia's words, Maxius, who was originally mild-tempered, was unhappy, and angrily patted the table and stood up.

"Master! I don't like it when you say that! Look at your culinary skills! Who in Liyue can wrestle with you!? What qualifications do I have to be the head chef? Although I know you have no intention of fighting, the position of the head chef You have to sit!" Maxius said angrily, it cannot accept people who are better at cooking than itself.

"So you're talking about this... If you don't mind, I don't care." Ning Xia said looking at the fierce and cute Maxius.

"That's it, that's good, I'll go and tell Moraxus later, master, you are our return to Liyuan, no, Liyue's number one chef." Maxius sat back with a smile on his face Location.

"By the way, my name is not rice cracker, but Maxius." Maxius corrected.

"Okay, Barbatos." Ning Xia suddenly wanted to tease Maxius in front of him.

"It's Maxius, not Barbatos." Maxius corrected with a serious face.

"Okay, Prometheus." Ning Xia said with a smothered smile. Maxius's appearance is naturally cute, and it's fun to tease him occasionally.

"Forget it, let me call me rice cracker." Maxius said helplessly, rice cracker is just rice cracker, it sounds at least appetizing.

"Ningxia!!!" Just as the two were preparing to eat, Baimeng, who was brought back by Fa Nan, flew into Ningxia's arms, and because she was worried that Ningxia's wound would hurt, she hugged Ningxia's neck very carefully at the end.

"Bai Meng, where did you go just now?" Ning Xia asked, looking at Bai Meng who was hugging her neck tightly.

"I, I just... woo~" Baimeng couldn't help crying when he thought of the appetizer that almost became a big bird just now.

As the god of time, Istaru, Baimon could only watch anything before he cheated on time, just like watching an endless TV series after another. He didn't take the trip with Ningxia seriously at first.

It wasn't until she got in touch with it that she deeply understood what a sense of security was. She had lost the power of time and was originally a large Pymon.

The only function is to help Ningxia freeze Gurnhilde, but the price is to change from a large Baimon to a small Baimon.

And Ningxia was really good to her, whether it was treating her when she was a big girl or when she was a small girl, this gave the timid Baimeng a sense of security.

"Why do you like acting like a baby all of a sudden?" Ning Xia comforted in a low voice. Ning Xia was very aware of the sacrifice Bai Meng made for him, although he complained about coming to the past when he first arrived in Mond.

But after witnessing the collapse of the old Mond with his own eyes, Ning Xia deeply understood the heavy feeling from history, which almost made him breathless. Before returning home, he still had a long journey to go, and Bai Meng would be The only travel companion who remembers everything.

"It's nothing, nothing, it's just me, I'm a little scared, so don't leave me, okay?" Baimon said, wiping away his tears.

"Of course, I won't leave you." Ning Xia comforted.

Maxius on the side held the chopsticks with thick bear paws, neither with food nor without food. Under such a touching atmosphere, he should buy the bottom of the table instead of the front of the table.

"I'm sorry, Guoba, I made you laugh." Ningxia said with his fingers to comfort Baimeng's back.

"It's okay, it's just that Baimeng wants to try my cooking, right?" Maxius said, waving his chopsticks.

"Okay, Bai Meng, he cooked a table of dishes, all of which you like, don't cry." Ning Xia said softly.

"Oh..." Baimeng rubbed his eyes and floated in front of Ningxia. She was too young, and Ningxia hated Baimeng's oily body, so when Baimeng ate vegetables, he usually fed them with toothpicks or Ningxia. .

Ning Xia looked at Fa Nan who was standing at the door and asked, "Won't you come in and sit down? Fa Nan, I am very grateful for you bringing Bai Meng back."

"No, Lord Ningxia, I still have a job, so I'm leaving." Fanan refused, and she would continue to patrol the seaside area in the south of Guiliyuan.

Ningxia doesn't force them to stay, after all, they have jobs, and if they want to thank them, they still have a lot of time later.

Then, Ning Xia took a mouthful of braised pork and put it in front of Bai Meng. Although Maxius learned it well, Bai Meng opened his mouth after taking a bite. Ningxia, who made dumplings, still ate the braised pork Ningxia fed her honestly.

Chapter 487 Seeing feet is no different from...

It wasn't until evening that when she changed into formal clothes, she came to Ningxia's house anxiously. After spending so long in Liyue, it was the first time that a man saw her feet.

Regardless of how she seems to be able to get acquainted with everyone and get along with everyone, she is too conservative in this regard. In her opinion, being seen with her feet is no different from...

Moreover, Morax also told about Ning Xia's attack on Balam and driving Sidi out of Liyue. It can be said that Ning Xia now is the hero of Gui Li Yuan.

The area north of Jueyunjian that originally belonged to Sidi has been taken over by them, and Balam was seriously injured because of this time, because the superior demon god who was in charge of guarding Shimen and the mine (that is, Mingyun Town) was suppressed by them Because of this, Balam had already given up the mine, barely guarding Shimen and Wuwangpo to prevent them from killing them.

All of a sudden, Liyue North, which has been disturbed for hundreds of years, has no one to stop the unification of the North, except for the most vicious Chi, who has not moved.

And all of this is largely due to Ningxia's choice to take action in the Morax ambush.

"Ningxia..." After all, she patted her delicate face. She had already taken down the fake thing that was used to make up the Aozang Mountain. After all, Ningxia already knew that she was Zhengsan, so there was no need to pretend for others to see. up.

After sorting out his mood for a while, he finally knocked on the door and said, "Ningxia, can I come in?"

"Okay, please come in." Ning Xia who was taking off the bandages in the room said, Maxius had wrapped him up too much, which had already affected his actions. (Don’t ask why Tivat had bandages 3000 years ago, Liyue fought every day, it’s reasonable to have bandages)

After all, when he opened the door, he saw Ning Xia who was taking off the bandages, and he was inexplicably moved. If Ning Xia was a spy from outside, and at the cost of two top demon gods getting seriously injured and walking away, the price would be too high. big.

So after all, I already believed that Ningxia had no ambitions, and after all, who was good at brainstorming, I also thought that Ningxia should be a demon god similar to Maxius who didn't want to fight.

This is a good thing for Gui Liyuan. Originally, there were only six top-level demon gods in Liyue. Although the Ruo Tuo Dragon King is Gui Liyuan's ally, it also needs to watch its own territory. Except for the fact that other forces really want to go to war, Ruo Tuo mainly stays in the rocky abyss, and there are not many such visits.

But Ningxia is different, he admits that he is Gui Liyuan's person, it doesn't matter if he is strong, he looks good, he has a good figure, he cooks deliciously, and he still cares about her...

After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of something weird. How could she think of Ning Xia touching her in the morning...

"Finally? What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia asked while taking off the bandage. The originally open wound had already formed a thin scab of blood, so there was no need to continue bandaging.

"Are...are you okay?" After all, he looked at the wound on Ning Xia's body and asked. The wound from the top demon god is extremely difficult to heal, and the elemental force contained in it will always erode the wound. In addition to being extremely painful, it will also prevent the wound from healing. , the most terrible thing is that the elemental power of the top demon god is difficult to disperse, the only way is to wait for the elemental power to dissipate naturally.

"It's okay." Ningxia said in his clothes. Although he knew that the breath of life was very strong, he didn't know how tempting his breath of life was among the top demon gods. Ningxia doesn't fight, he is as popular as a baby daddy.

"It's great that you're fine. We're all worried about you. It's just that the Demon God's affairs are a waste of time. I'm very sorry." After all, he said embarrassingly.

"It's okay, since I'm from Guiliyuan, seeing my leader being besieged, I naturally want to help." Ningxia waved his hand and said, thinking that he should be able to fish with confidence in the future.

"Yeah, you are from Guiliyuan..." Gui finally said with a smile. Originally, she was happy because she picked up a demon god for nothing, but she didn't expect to pick up a three-year-old with strength, talent, and good looks. There are demons.

"So what do you want from me?" Ning Xia asked.

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