Dozens of Destoroyahs, alien monsters composed of a dozen completely different strange structures.

After they appeared together, the fog became much thinner.

This is Destoroyia's current full strength. All the resources they have on the entire British island have been integrated and invested here.

There are still a lot of them.

Godzilla looked at these monsters, and they also looked at Godzilla, and then, one of them, Destoroyah, stood up.

"Squeak, squeak...Godzilla, stop, we shouldn't be enemies..."

Destoroyah, who had taken the initiative to attack it just now, began to deny that they were enemies again, which Godzilla really did not expect.

It didn't pay attention to the words of Destoroyah in front of it, but started the whole-area radar and began to observe the surroundings, wanting to know what Destoroyah and the others were trying to do.

click! !

At this moment when Godzilla used the whole-area radar, all the Destoroyians in the fog in front of Godzilla suddenly


All Destoroyas attack together, from the sky, from the ground, and from the ground.

A total of ten Destroyas rushed towards Godzilla at the same time. They wanted to tear the giant beast in front of them to pieces, and Godzilla's response to this was.

A tail with a mass of more than 8000 million tons and a tip speed far exceeding Mach [-].

Bang! ! !

Accompanied by an unimaginably huge impact, all the Destoroyans who were charging forward were swept by their tails, and were instantly sent flying to unimaginable heights!

A Destoroyah in the sky did not escape unharmed, it directly hit the Destoroyas who were photographed.

These monsters hundreds of meters high were swept into the sky by this tail, and what awaited them was Godzilla's breath.

Not very powerful, but enough to cover the line of sight.

Every Destoroyah at a height of several thousand meters understood what Godzilla was going to do next, and they detonated their backs urgently, allowing the explosion to stop their retreat.

But by this time, it was too late.

The breath hit the Destoroyahs, and the fireball created by the powerful explosion engulfed all the Destoroyas.

Immediately afterwards, countless streams of light roared out towards each Destoroyah.

The Destoroyians had already dispersed when their breath exploded, they avoided Godzilla's beam of light, and formed a huge swarm of insects like a black cloud in the sky.

The swarm roared down and approached Godzilla against the light beam, but it was only close.

Instead of clinging to Godzilla as before, they formed a tornado of insects, surrounded Godzilla with just the right size, and then aimed at Godzilla who was trapped in their cage, spitting out The largest and most powerful weapon available exclusively to Destoroyia.

It was a series of white jets.

The gas compressed to the limit is ejected at super high speed, and ejected from the mouths of thousands of Destoroyan dispersions.

The endless white jet rushed towards Godzilla, and Godzilla had expected this.

With a heavy foot on the ground, as Godzilla's huge force erupted, a huge shock wave spread outward, directly colliding with the jets of white mist.

Godzilla understands what those fogs are. It is a poisonous gas that is more terrifying than human oxygen destroyers... It is the same as the inner layer of electronic materials that make up Destoroyah and its body, and the inner layer of electrons participates in the reaction composed of supermatter.

Moreover, there is more than one kind of substance that makes up it.It is a kind of super poisonous gas composed of plural super substances.

On the way here, Godzilla has already come into contact with such it from the fog.

As a result, it had to give up the skin that had come into contact with this poisonous gas.

This is more toxic than Oxygen Destroyer.

The collision between the impact and the fog flow ended with the impact winning.The small Destoroyah cannot accelerate the gas to a speed too fast, such as more than ten Mach or something.Therefore, in the confrontation between jet flow and impact, they can only fail.

The Destoroyians are aware of this, and they want to unite again!

However, waiting for them is Godzilla's all-round breath.

From all directions, flames spewed out from Godzilla's whole body, and these flames slammed into the swarm with a powerful impact, knocking apart the swarm that was trying to regroup, and slammed into different directions.

However, this can't stop the Destoroyans. Part of the individuals that were not smashed apart recombined during the impact to form a larger swarm, and then use the stronger defense of the larger swarm to detonate a part of the swarm behind them, resulting in a powerful attack. The counterforce strikes again.

At the same time, countless flying insects were shot down to the ground, and they did not choose to attack Godzilla.Instead, they changed their forms one after another and began to drill deep into the soil.

Godzilla's giant tail sweeps, and the shock wave formed is even stronger than the shock of a nuclear explosion.The Destoroyan individuals that were pounced on realized this in advance, and they had already grown "tails" before that, and the front end was tightly connected with those Destoroyan individuals on the ground.

Shock is useless!Based on the earth, the Destoroyians blocked Godzilla's unscrupulous attack by virtue of its own large mass.

Under the ground, countless Destoroyas decomposed into tiny worms and shuttled underground at an incredible speed.It wasn't until hundreds of meters underground that those worm-like Destoroyahs joined together to form a kilometer-long pipeline.

And the mouth of the pipe was aimed directly at Godzilla on the ground.At the end of the pipe, a huge pressurized device is formed.

The pipe is not straight, it is tortuous.This will prevent Godzilla from using the flow of light to destroy the entire pipeline at the same time, which is the wisdom of Destoroyah.

Pressure began to build up, and the poisonous gas called oxygen destruction was being compressed by high pressure!

At the same time, those Destoroyians on the ground who turned themselves into kites with their tails also stood up from the shock wave.They turned into beasts on the ground, turned into four-legged postures, and attacked from all around like insectized cheetahs. Like Godzilla, they are trying to rush in!

Countless light beams spread out from Godzilla's body again, streams of light cutting the earth and the incoming Destoroyah.At the same time, another burst of Godzilla's breath exploded in front of it, and the shock wave along with the flow of light pressed against the attacking Dai Mo.

There was another change in the sky, and those Daimos who had been knocked away before finally readjusted their postures and reassembled themselves.

This time, they no longer attacked Godzilla in the form of swarms.Instead, imitating human beings, using large-mass individuals as cannons and small-mass individuals as bullets, filling them with destructive poison, and attacking Godzilla by shelling.

Cannonballs shot all over the sky, and Godzilla took a deep breath at this moment, and then burst out the roar of the largest life form in the history of this planet.

That was a roar that was powerful enough to form a super impact.

The destructive sound wave swept over everything around, directly shattering the incoming shells in the air, blowing them all away.

Although the group of cannonballs did not suffer any major damage after being blown away, and the cracks were refilled by Destoroya's tiny bodies, it still gave Godzilla time to lock in the time of each fort that day. .

Without the acceleration of the turret, the cannonballs could not approach Godzilla at all based on their own flying speed. They would only be washed away by the impact a few times when they came.

Countless beams of light shot directly into the sky, and at the same time, many wearing demons in the form of cheetahs on the ground were also killed by the beams.But Dai Mo is immortal, even if it is cut and melted by the light beam, only a small part of Dai Mo will die.

Most of the others turned into more small Daimos and fled underground.

Countless pipes were built around Godzilla, and the gas pressurized to an unbelievable level was finally released.These supersonic airflows erupted from the depths of the ground and attacked Godzilla together.

This time, the shock of the nuclear blast couldn't shake them apart.

In this regard, Godzilla directly slapped a piece of ground with his tail, wrapped several huge stones with the tip of his tail, and threw them towards the eruption port where the poisonous gas was ejected like throwing darts.

At the same time, I also adjusted the focus, using light to collide with the incoming air currents, intercepting them in mid-air.

The stream of light erupting from Godzilla's body blocked almost all the attacks of the Destoroyans, no matter whether they came from the ground, the sky, or the ground.

None of this can get close to Godzilla, and can't cause the slightest harm to Godzilla.

Crowds are useless to Godzilla.

The Destoroyans understood this, and they began to gather again, from all directions, gathered underground to form a huge existence.


Lifting the ground, the new Destoroyah with a height of 600 meters appeared. It seemed to have integrated the characteristics of all the previous Destoroyah's small bodies, and turned into a brand new monster covered with various weapons.

Wings, sickles, horns, giant feet, tough tails...

Destoroyah - large body, officially born in the whole world.

When it was fused and assembled, Godzilla just stood in front of it, quietly waiting for its birth.

"you will die."

A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the large Daimo, and its four legs took steps at the same time, rushing towards Godzilla with fury at this moment.

The larger the body size, the more difficult it is to avoid the breath, and the more useful the breath is.

Godzilla should have used his breath to deal with its aggregated volume.

But Godzilla didn't do that.Because it understands that once it does this, it is really doing what the monster in front of it wants.

Facing Destoroyah, Godzilla's choice is.

Fight it head-on!

The impact of billions of tons exploded under its feet, and Godzilla's larger body than Destoroyia rushed forward at a faster speed than Destoroyia!

The two bodies collided together!

Haoran's impact swept everything, even the nuclear fireball blasted out by Godzilla was knocked away by the impact of the collision of these two giant bodies.When the flames dissipated, what appeared was Godzilla surrounded by lightning, and Destoroyah who pressed his sickle against Godzilla's body and continued to advance.

It learns to be smart.

Realizing the fact that he couldn't get close to Godzilla, Destoroyah changed his strategy in time.Before Godzilla rushed, it grew several ridiculously long claws, and used them to hold Godzilla's body, so that Godzilla could no longer approach it.

The structure of the claw limb is fixed, even if all the Destoroyan tiny bodies in it die due to the electric current, it will not collapse.

A few claws pressed against Godzilla in this way, and dense holes suddenly appeared in Destoroyah's body at this moment, the number was so large that even the light flow from Godzilla's body could not completely cover and intercept it.

After all, no matter how the focusing crystal on Godzilla's body surface adjusts its direction, the range it can aim at is only a huge cone.

It can't hit anywhere except the cone!

Going into close combat with it was a completely wrong decision by Godzilla, which greatly limited its firepower.

So the outcome of the battle is decided.

Yes, it's decided.

Thinking of this, Godzilla's back sprayed endless light at this moment.

【I've been waiting for this moment. 】

The light shot towards the sky, and in Destoroyah's puzzled eyes, these lights that could not have attacked it originally.

【This moment when you bring all of yourself together, close to me. 】

Attacked it.

An unimaginable torrent of light irradiated Destoroyah's whole body, and in an instant, all its carapaces were being dissolved and penetrated.

It wants to decompose itself and escape, but it finds that its surroundings and every place it can touch is filled with unimaginably hot light. This should not be the light that Godzilla can emit. Its front The focusing crystal shouldn't be able to emit such a powerful stream of light at all!

why why?

Destoroyah didn't understand that its eyes located outside the body couldn't observe at all because the light flow in that area was too violent.

Humans too, and their satellites can't see exactly what's going on there.

The torrent of light has been going on, it is so bright that it suppresses the sun in the whole of Europe, no matter whether it is southern Europe or northern Europe, eastern Europe or western Europe, all people who are still outside can see the dazzling light, dazzling Light.

oooooooo! !

The aggregate of Destoroyah howled angrily. A part of its body resisted the light flow and came out of the light flow, but it was slapped back by Godzilla's tail. It could only gradually melt under the light. .

gradually melted.

Chapter 150 Seal

When the flow of light stopped, there was only a deep pit that was unknown how many kilometers deep and pierced the earth's crust on the ground illuminated by Godzilla's light.

Now the collective of Destoroyah is wiped out.

Not even a single cell was left, and the light stream blasted by Godzilla completely evaporated it. The energy required for this is unimaginable. Logically speaking, Godzilla's focusing crystals simply cannot withstand such a powerful energy.

In fact, it really can't bear it.

Obviously, this optical flow is not a beam focused by a focusing crystal - it is impossible for a single focusing crystal to withstand such a huge amount of energy, and it cannot make the optical flow cover such a large area while still being powerful. so strong.

So this can only be the result of multiple focusing crystals used together on Godzilla, and these multiple crystals are more than two or three, or even more than ten or twenty.

It's more, more...for example, hundreds of Godzilla's body.

Yes, this blow is the joint product of hundreds of focusing crystals all over Godzilla's body.

And only this, Godzilla can bombard such a powerful light beam.

As for why crystals in different directions all over the body can attack Destoroyah at the same time, this is due to the quantum locking system.

Just make some refraction crystals for refraction, and then install patches covered with second-type superconductors behind them.

Then they can levitate near Godzilla.

And also relying on this method, and adding devices such as pulleys that can adjust their own directions between the crystal and the patch, and allowing them to receive Godzilla's brain signals, then it can rely on this refraction. Crystals are used to allow the focusing crystals that could not attack the target to attack it together through refraction.

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