Godzilla turned to look at them.

This is a robot?No, not like robots, more precisely they are not just robots.

Because Godzilla can see that these gushing guys have muscles like ordinary life attached to their bodies.

But at the same time, they are also covered with mechanical skeletons.And it can also be seen that many limbs are used to build and carry certain things.

They are robots, but not all robots.

Thousands, thousands, hundreds of thousands of such things came from all directions.

They are not equipped with any guns, and they are not equipped with any missiles.

They just rushed towards Godzilla without any weapons.

What the hell is this going to do?

Godzilla, who saw this scene, was confused.

This group of "animals" is what is going to attack him?What ability do they have to hurt me?

If that's the case, it won't be a problem even if you let them get close, right?

But thinking about it this way, Godzilla still has no plans to let them get close.

Its dorsal fin emits laser light, sweeping the sky behind it, while the tail beam strikes the robots emerging from the forest.

Sweep through hordes of incoming enemies.

On the mountains in front of Godzilla, many robots are rushing down, and some flying machines are also trying to approach Godzilla from the sky.

Now Godzilla can only use his own breath.

For the first time in Australia, Godzilla reveals his breath.It aimed at the mountains in front of it, and used a breath that was several times stronger than before.

The hot plasma crashed into a mountain where a large number of machines were descending, and then a fiery fireball enveloped the entire mountain.

Then came powerful shock waves, which rushed in all directions, smashing all the machines in the sky in that direction that were trying to approach Godzilla.

Is it just that?

The machines on an entire mountain were completely wiped out by Godzilla, and they were destroyed by Godzilla without any resistance.

But at the same time, Godzilla destroys only the machinery of such a mountain.All over the mountains, more machines are on their way.

Including behind it, the left, the right, and the sky in the other three directions.There are countless machines coming.

The dorsal fin ray changed direction one after another, sweeping away the sky warhawks who tried to get close to it.

The tail dragged from the ground, from left to right, and then from right to left, and wiped out all the machines behind it that tried to approach it.

Godzilla in front breathes, and its breath is like a standard line drawn by God when it judges, once it sweeps a certain place.Next is a fiery wall of fire that envelops the entire mountain.

A wall of firewalls completely cut off the possibility of the machines coming from the mountain range, and Godzilla's tail laser power increased again, destroying the machines in a wider range.

The drones in the sky were all shot down by the impenetrable laser net, and they were all destroyed by Godzilla's beams before they even had a chance to fall from the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of robots were wiped out by Godzilla in this way.

Standing in front of the burning red mountains, Godzilla at this moment is like the devil in hell.

After destroying all the enemies coming at this moment, Godzilla continued to advance towards the inland of Australia.


[The number of remaining engineering robots in Australia - 1 million. 】

[Progress of logical analysis of Godzilla's behavior: 4%]

Chapter 18 Superintelligence

The second wave of machinery?

Godzilla headed inland towards Australia just as it was preparing to head up the Great Divide region, skirting the surrounding forest.

On the distant horizon, there was another slight tremor.

And Godzilla saw them again.

The robots surrounded him from all directions, and this time there were more of them, surrounded by millions towards Godzilla.

The sky swoops down from a height of [-] meters, and the forests in the west and the mountains in the northeast of the Great Dividing Range area on the ground surge together.

Like a colony of ants on the march, these robots charge Godzilla together in every direction.Millions, nearly tens of millions.

What exactly are they going to do?

Godzilla really couldn't understand the thinking of these robots.Is this preparing to consume his breath?

But don't humans know that they are already useless?

It couldn't understand why these little robots came to die one after another,

But that doesn't stop it from destroying them all.

Back lasers and tail rays swept across the forest and the sky above it.

The powerful breath destroys the mountains in the east.

While destroying the robots, Godzilla marched along the Great Divide.

The robots didn't cause him any trouble, and Godzilla destroyed them as he advanced.

And while facing the robots, Godzilla is also dodging the shells of the super electromagnetic gun.This is probably the only thing that bothers it about these machines.

After the soldiers stationed on the rail guns were all evacuated, Godzilla could no longer find them through human radar.

In the past, human beings could be found with human radar, and the position of the electromagnetic gun around them can be known through people.

In this way, as soon as it enters its range at any time, it can hit the target.

but now.

After it pierced through the mountains in the southeast, the humans who learned that the electromagnetic gun is useless have all evacuated.Only the most basic artificial intelligence is left to maintain there.

And the super electromagnetic gun that only relies on artificial intelligence is much more troublesome than when there are humans.

At least when they're not firing, their location is an unknown.Godzilla doesn't have a satellite positioning system.

The robot army distracted Godzilla, and then sniped Godzilla with a railgun.

Under the overall coordination of artificial intelligence, the power of this battle is far better than the battle planned by humans.

But still no use.

How many times stronger is the combat commanded by artificial intelligence than the combat commanded by humans?

1.5 times? 2 times?more than.

2.5 times? 3 times?should?

3.5 times? 4 times?This is all too much.

Anyway, no matter how you count up, there is no order of magnitude difference between the command of artificial intelligence and the command of humans.

Even with the most extreme algorithm, the trouble for Godzilla is only 4 or 5 times more trouble than it was in the Far East.

And how much stronger is Godzilla now than at that time?

Body shape, weight, body strength, breath...

I am afraid that 20 times and 30 times are calculated as less.

So no problem at all!

The super electromagnetic guns fired at Godzilla, and the robots around the feet surrounded them from all directions.

In this regard, Godzilla's actions are...

Legs accumulate strength, and Godzilla takes off for the first time after completing evolution!

Its body weighing 1400 million tons jumped to a height of more than 3000 meters under the extreme power of Godzilla!

Godzilla is floating in the sky, and the speed at which its 400-meter-high body falls can only be described as "slow".

Is the acceleration due to gravity constant?

Godzilla, who jumped into the sky, naturally saw the scenery on the horizon, and it recorded the positions of the super electromagnetic guns.Then one hand grabbed a nearby mountain and used it as a buffer to land.

Then it's time to aim.

Using his tail and dorsal fin to clean up the robots who wanted to get close to him, Godzilla began to concentrate on destroying these human creations.

The super electromagnetic gun was smashed by Godzilla one by one, if the human plan only relied on the super electromagnetic gun.

It was just too disappointing.

Then wipe out the last super electromagnetic gun in the mountains in front of you, and Godzilla also wiped out all the incoming robots.

Next, it only needs to push inward along the Australian basin, then it will be able to reach the first super metropolitan area established in the interior of Australia.

But it's a pity that the humans in that super metropolis have run out.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the city circles are pushed over.One day, human beings will be wiped out by it.

Godzilla is pretty sure of that.

Proceeding along the edge of the basin, Godzilla also saw a lot of things along the way.

It found that the distribution of plants in Australia is better than that in the Far East.

There are more types of plants and trees here, and in addition to the basic green, a variety of dwarf shrubs are also added.

The vitality here is stronger than that of the Far East.

Godzilla is very happy to see this, although it has nothing to do with it.

But it is still very happy, as long as it can see more life in this land, its mood will always be good.

Godzilla roams the plains of Australia, and he doesn't go very fast.Instead, calm down and appreciate this piece of nature.

Although it has no animals, although it is dead.But in this piece of nature, there are still many lives that are struggling to live.

Thinking about it, Godzilla thought of the two waves of robots that attacked him before.

To be honest, those robots don't feel like a machine, but more like some kind of life.

It has seen robots made by humans in its natural memory.Most of them are extremely rigid, without any vitality.

But the guys who attacked it this time are different, they have some kind of vitality.They're not so much pure machines as some kind of—

machine life.

Godzilla's breath has a strong electromagnetic pulse, and even the most advanced weapons of human beings will be burned by the super strong electromagnetic pulse.

But these machines will not, they are not like ordinary robots at all, more like a certain type of life.

Is this an illusion?

Godzilla is thinking about it.At the same time, in the circle centered on Godzilla, millions of robots gathered again.

They once again launched a death charge on Godzilla, although Godzilla didn't notice them until the group of guys came within 20 kilometers of him because they were too small.

But this distance is already beyond their reach.

The mouth exhales and emits, the laser beams behind the back are staggered, and the tail beams are swept away.

The robots in front of them were destroyed by the terrifying impact, almost completely wiped out.

And the rear of them.

Then only a small part is lost?

Robots, jumped up.

The moment Godzilla swipes his tail.

They jumped up.

Life evolves.


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