And right now.

From the morning star shines brightly.

No, that is not the light of the morning star.

That is.

The declaration of wings.

Here they come, from among the morning stars.

"No, it won't."

Could it be that this is where they came here after all the hardships, and this is their final ending?

Just at the next moment that this thought manifests.

From the land of the South.

A more scorching light appeared, piercing through the sky and crashing into Qiming.

This is the first shot.

morning light.

Chapter 53 Run Through the Stars!

Near the moon and far away from the earth, Ghidorah's wings spread their wings, announcing their arrival to the world ahead.

They are stretching and announcing their existence to the world and the universe.

Thirteen Ghidorah's wings, nearly a hundred kilometers of golden walls.From the perspective of the world below, it looks like a new star that illuminates everything in the world!

look!The wings of destruction are coming, they will cleanse the earth and end the sky!

Their gestures declare it!

And at this moment, the world below also made its own response!

Morning light pierces the atmosphere, from the Australian outback to the morning star spreading its wings!

The Pava-class laser scatters extremely dazzling light in the atmosphere, and it shines in the atmosphere hundreds of kilometers thick for three full seconds, crushing the early morning in Australia into darkness!

But in the 30-kilometer long time, which took it a full second to reach, this beam of light was extremely concentrated, without any light.

Until it crossed the distance between the earth and the moon, and hit the wings descending from the morning star.

In the sky, the light of the morning star became brighter.

But what wins is not the light that the wings intend to destroy this world, but the light that this planet fights back!

Lasting for 3 seconds, with a power of more than 4 Pawa, the unimaginably powerful laser sniped at the wings of Ghidorah who were in lunar orbit from Australia, across a distance of 30 kilometers!

The beam shot straight at the leader of the fourteen Ghidorah's wings.

In just a tenth of a second, just a tenth of a second after the high-energy laser touched its body, the wings of Ghidorah, which spread its wings and was about to adjust its position, received a fatal blow.

hold head high!

Its painful sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but through light, through perspective.The satellites located around the moon have photographed, photographed this moment of sublimation.

The light beams condensed to the limit penetrated its body, and the chest of this Wing of Ghidorah was burnt out in an instant, a big hole with a diameter of 30 meters, running through the front and back.

The breastplate in front of it has sublimated into high-temperature mist at this moment, Ghidorah's Wing's body is undergoing a violent reaction, and its whole body emits immeasurable rays of light, and this is not over yet!

Because the wings of Ghidorah are moving in space, and they are moving at a high speed of several kilometers per second.

So it is moving while the light is passing through it, and the rays from the earth are not over yet!

Its own movement caused the strike point of the light beam to be misplaced, and it began to shift upwards, cutting upwards from the chest of the Wing of Ghidorah, across its chest and shoulders, and then dissipated into the vast starry sky.

Ghidorah's wings, which were hit by the ultra-high-energy beam, emitted a steady stream of gas from the surface. These gases exuded amazing brilliance in space, forming a magnificent light belt in the empty vacuum.

And at the forefront of the light belt, the body of Ghidorah's Wings has lost its balance.

It fell towards the nearby moon under the pull of gravity, and outlined an aurora heading towards the moon in space.

The extremely high temperature sublimates its surface, and a part of its body boils completely, turning into a pot of boiling hot molten iron, which is constantly sublimating.

There is no doubt that it has been seriously injured.

However, it was only [seriously injured].

hold head high!

In the void, the tip of the other wing of Ghidorah's Wings that can still function spews out the overheated gas in its body, it is not dead yet!It can also adjust its orientation!

Just give it a few hundred more seconds and it can reorient itself back into orbit.

Give it a little more time, and it can even heal its entire body except the pierced chest. The only place the laser pierced here is the chest, and the rest of the shoulder to chest section has been cut but not completely healed. cut off!

Just give it some more time!

call out--

On the ground, a second ray of light suddenly appeared!

Also from the Australian outback, also in a blue-black head.In the innermost part of its laryngeal cavity, it has replaced the focusing mirror.

So, a second strike was made.

Once again, the light illuminated the clouds of the whole of Australia brighter than noon. It passed through the clouds, passed through the atmosphere, and hit the same enemy along another brand new track!

And the result of this hit is...


Although there is no sound, it can be imagined through the screen.

The first Ghidorah's Wing, which was already seriously injured, was hit by light again, and its chest was pierced again, and this time, because the existence on the ground had already calculated its orbit.It makes the displacement of the light when it deviates, but it just cuts the wound that already existed.

This time, the sublimation wound was completely penetrated.

And it runs through far more than one point.

This new light moves forward along the old road, completely penetrating every inch and every point of it that has been burned.Every inch of the original wound was completely cut again.

From its left chest to its right wing, the hundred meter long wound completely split it in two.

Ghidorah's Wing's body can no longer be connected to each other, and its entire wing and its lower body are now completely separated from its upper body!

Its body was completely turned into two halves.

Its melted internal organs turned into water of steam and steel and scattered in space, emitting bright light, and this light shone on the moon.

Let the satellite on the moon capture a gorgeous cloud.

It's so beautiful, so sparkly.

The lower body of the Wing of Ghidorah slammed into the earth, although it had deviated a little from the orbit before.

But the separation from the upper body made him return again, turning into a meteorite and falling to the ground.

The upper body is captured by the moon's gravity, and soon after, it will fall on the lunar surface and become the first corpse on the lunar soil.By that time, human beings will have enough research.

The upper and lower body were completely separated, with Ghidorah's wings, and died like this.

And from the attack of the first beam of light to the present, it has actually been less than 60 seconds.

On Earth, humans are watching pictures from lunar satellites underground.

Seeing the blow that spanned 30 kilometers, seeing the sublimated cloud, seeing the corpse of Ghidorah's wing that was dismembered by the extremely powerful laser.

Their hands and hearts began to tremble together.

In the corresponding cosmic space, the remaining thirteen wings howled silently. During howling, they used electromagnetic waves to connect each other's thoughts, trying to integrate themselves.

Then, a whole new figure appeared.

ps: py about "Kasugano Dome Thinking About Daily Life!" "

Chapter 54 Run Through the Stars!

In the deep black space, the new appearance of the wings of Ghidorah is revealed.

They flapped their wings in a vacuum, blocked their wings in front of themselves, and wrapped themselves in the direction of the earth with their wings.

Then, after all this was done, the huge solar sail wings began to overlap.

Once, twice, three times...

Repeatedly overlapping until the wings were smaller than before, when they were in the atmosphere of Venus.

Repeated overlapping, repeated overlapping, the wings of Ghidorah's wings overlapped repeatedly.

Under constant overlapping, the wings become something else.

There is no longer a width of 900 meters, and there is no longer something that can be called a membrane. Even if the wings of the Wings of Ghidorah are even connected to the shoulders, they are only more than 500 meters wide.

Its overall size is more than several times smaller, and it no longer looks like wings.

Because there is no wing membrane, wing bone, and the fact that the wings of Ghidorah use it to block their front, it is compared with traditional wings...

More like a shield.

And at this time, the shield is still overlapping, trying to make himself more solid.It is also when it overlaps this time, from the earth, the third light beam arrives!

In the inland of Australia, Godzilla pointed his mouth at the new Ghidorah's wings, and erupted with light that completely blackened everything around him.

After replacing the focusing lens and excluding the parts that melted in his own mouth when the laser focused, the third laser strike came!

The hostile radar locked the position, and the laser beam pierced the atmosphere, reaching a Wing of Ghidorah whose wings were deforming!It fought an unprecedented contest with the golden wall made of wing membranes that stood in front of it.

The wing membranes of the Wings of Ghidorah were originally made of special light-reflecting materials, and now they overlap, dozens or hundreds of layers, trying to resist the light beam arriving from the earth and stars!

The light hit its "shield" across the distance between the earth and the moon!All of a sudden!Unprecedented light erupts here, which is incomparable to the last or even the last shot!This is proof that photons are being constantly reflected!

The "Venus" seen on the earth is more than ten times brighter. It flickers with incredible brightness. Although it will not make an extra sun in the sky, it can make the morning look like noon in an instant.

But only for an instant.

Layers of melting, layers of penetration, the wing shields that have not yet completely overlapped are directly sublimated under the terrifying power of this super beam!where

It is afraid that it is made of the strongest reflective material known to the Wings of Ghidorah, but under the rays of the Pava class, they still have the only choice of sublimation.

So in an instant, the inconceivable light disappeared.

The overlapping membranes that were several meters thick were completely burned through within a second, and the remaining rays completely penetrated the shield of Ghidorah's wings and shot into the world behind the wing shield.

The ultra-high-energy laser shot into the world behind the wing shield, hitting the core of the torso of the wing of Ghidorah.

Its surface protection was like ice flakes thrown into a raging fire, it melted away in an instant, unable to reach the attack for even a second like the wing membrane of a shield.

The laser penetrated through, and at that moment, the inside of the entire torso began to boil.What happened to the first Wing of Ghidorah was also seen on the second Wing of Ghidorah, its head bobbing like a howl.

The melted part of the wound is spreading into the pitch-black space!

Its body was twitching, and its wings, which were about to overlap again, no longer overlapped.Finally, with the stiffness of the neck, the monster that flew from Venus fell into a dead silence.

Just one hit, and it was killed by one hit.

Compared with the first one, the luck of this Wing of Ghidorah is really worse.

Even though it didn't eat the full shot, Godzilla's hit landed squarely in its main reactor.It is equivalent to directly destroying its heart, directly causing it to receive a fatal blow.

The corpse floated towards the earth in space, and it would not slow down in the next few hours, and it would officially hit the blue star and become a member of the ordinary meteorite.

The third laser shot is over, there are still 12 Wings of Ghidorah left, and 7 laser launchers left.

The temperature of Godzilla's throat cavity is close to that of the sun at the moment, not only the focused crystals but even the metal itself are melting inside the throat cavity.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can solve more enemies outside this planet, it doesn't matter at all.

The fourth crystal is ready, and the fourth shot locks the target.

The Earth-Moon hostile creature radar can allow Godzilla to lock on to its enemy at a distance of 30 kilometers. The light in Godzilla's mouth shines again, and it locks on to one end of the enemy again, ready to kill it.


This is the sound of light heating the air, causing the surrounding atmosphere to expand and explode.This beam of light started from the earth and headed in the direction of the remaining twelve wings of Ghidorah.

At the same moment, the wings of Ghidorah's wings also completed their final deformation when Godzilla replaced the focusing crystal.The wings in the final form can barely enclose the body cavity directly in front of the Wings of Ghidorah.

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