True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 143 United as one



Concubine Dongjun and Yetu stepped forward quickly, their eyes facing each other, full of love in their eyes. Both parties reached out their hands in unison, and Ye Tu took hold of Princess Dongjun's jade hand. Although the palm was not as wide as before, the warmth and tenderness conveyed by his hands were still the same as before.

Ye Tu showed a rare smile on his baby face and whispered, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

Princess Dongjun Yingyue's eyes were wet, and she felt heartbroken when she saw Ye Tu's look. She felt angry and aggrieved when she thought that she had been deceived by the villain who murdered her husband.

Fortunately, after Yu Tianzhi used the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to transform, he used the excuse of being injured to never have sex with Princess Dongjun. Because the time for daily transformation using the Moon Magic Dzi Bead is limited, Yu Tianzhi used the excuse of repairing his body to hide in a secret room every day and use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to perform the next transformation.

"I didn't expect that you are the real Princess Dong. That pretender is really greedy and ruthless. He will not let go even his junior brother for the sake of power. Only ruthless human beings will do such shameless things. We are in love before our eyes. People, I will let you be together forever in the belly of this snake, where there will be no more deception. All the people here will be used to fill my belly as punishment for hurting this snake just now. Devouring Yu Tianzhi's soul power and the power of the golden elixir, Qian Snake's strength greatly increased, and his tone of voice became more arrogant and ruthless.

"Jie Jie Jie", and then let out a strange laugh.

Qian She's abrupt words broke the tender scene of the two reunited after a long absence. His amber pupils kept staring at the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in Ye Tu's hand, showing both greed and fear.

"Everyone, please don't act rashly. The Thousand Snakes now are more difficult to deal with than before. I will try to persuade them to retreat with words. If it fails, when it shows its flaws, I will use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to control it, and then everyone will take action together. "Ye Tu's secret message reached everyone's ears in time.

When everyone heard Ye Tu's message, their angry eyes showed determination, and they each took out their weapons and stood ready to act.

"Qian She, don't be pretentious. I know you are afraid of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in my hand. The Yu Tianzhi you swallowed just stole the Moon Magic Dzi Bead and was unable to exert its due power. In my case, Only by holding it in your hand can you exert its greater power. If you want to swallow everyone present, you must first ask if the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in my hand agrees." Ye Tu said sharply, his eyes turned cold. , showing the style of a king.

Qian She rolled her eyes and glanced at everyone, but did not launch an attack immediately. Among the seven people on the opposite side, there were only two who were strong in the True Alchemy Realm, and the other five were only in the Peiyuan Realm. If he hadn't swallowed Yu Tianzhi before, it would indeed be a bit tricky. But he had just swallowed Yu Tianzhi's blood soul and absorbed part of his golden elixir power. He was confident enough to defeat the seven people in front of him in one fell swoop. But the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in Ye Tu's hand was really powerful, and he had just suffered a loss from this bead.

Hearing what Ye Tu said, Qian Snake couldn't help but feel fear and hesitation on his face.

Seeing Qian She's hesitation, Ye Tu said calmly: "Before you take action, we might as well talk."

"What to talk about?"

"Listening to the previous conversation between Your Excellency and the fake East Princess, the purpose of your coming here today is simply to snatch the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in my hand. If I guessed correctly, it must have been informed by Linghu Xia from West County. You, this Moon Magic Dzi Bead can help you improve your realm, that’s why you’re here.”

"You are really smart. It was indeed Linghu Xia who told me that my goal is the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in your hand." Qian She replied simply.

"I know that you just swallowed Yu Tianzhi's blood soul and golden elixir, which greatly increased your strength. Do you want to swallow mine and Lord Dongling's golden elixir too?"

"Exactly." Qian She said without any secret.

"Your Excellency may have overlooked one thing. If you take the golden elixirs of three true elixir realm monks into your body at once, and you don't have enough mental strength to control the power they bring, the golden elixirs may backfire and your body may explode. It's possible. Although your mental power is extremely strong, you may not be more than 50% sure."

Hearing what Ye Tu said, Qian She took a breath of air. Indeed, as Ye Tu said, with his increased strength and eagerness for revenge, he actually neglected the pressure brought by storing three monk golden elixirs at the same time.

"Just say what you want, don't beat around the bush with me."

"Seeing that you were seriously injured today, and we are already at war with Xijun, we can't afford the next losses. Why don't we put down our war for the time being, and you and I will agree to a duel on Beihuangpo in three months. If you win Yes, I will offer you the Moon Magic Dzi Bead with both hands, and I will tell you the correct way to use it. "What do you think?" Ye Tu suggested.


After a moment, Qian Snake said sternly: "Ye Tu, how old do you think I am, Qian Snake? The Confucian sect in your Xiaoxian world is the same as before. You can't even tolerate other casual cultivators. Can you tolerate me, a cannibal?" When the time comes, you and those guys from the West County will set up a trap on Beihuangpo, and I won’t wait until the Moon Magic Dzi Bead is taken.”

"Thousand snakes are indeed monsters. Their minds are so cunning. Today's fierce battle may be unavoidable." Ye Tu thought to himself.

Without changing his expression, Ye Tu continued: "In this case, I will give the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl to you now. I have only one request."


"I request you not to use force against a few of us today. Instead of losing both sides, how about you take this Moon Magic Dzi Bead for nothing?"

Qian Snake heard what Ye Tu said and said proudly, "Cunning humans must be afraid of this snake. If you get the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, you must die too."

"Okay, I will agree to your request and let you people here go free today. However, after I use the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to improve my body, I will still come back and swallow you all. Everyone in Xiaoxian World People, if you want to live, become the slaves of this snake; if you don’t want to live, just feed this snake.” Qian She said unscrupulously.

When the seven people present heard this, their hearts boiled with anger and their eyes breathed fire. Such a bloodthirsty monster must never be allowed to exist in the world.

"Your Majesty, you are so straightforward. The Moon Magic Dzi Bead is right here. Take it."

After saying that, Ye Tu raised his wrist and threw the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in his hand.

Qian She stared at the Moon Magic Dzi Bead thrown over, but did not snatch it immediately. A red light flashed across his body, and circles of blood-red simulated soul realms quickly spread out from his body. When the Moon Magic Dzi Bead entered the red area, Qian Snake opened its mouth and swallowed the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

At this moment, black mist rolled around Ye Tu, and the shadow of a black cat with sharp ears and claws appeared on his body. The blue light flashed in the black mist, and his body disappeared in place.

The next moment, blue mist suddenly appeared next to the Moon Magic Dzi Bead that was thrown into the air.

The Moon Magic Dzi Bead was firmly held in Ye Tu's hand again.

Ye Tu silently recited the spell in his heart and activated the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in his hand. The clear sphere of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead suddenly shed red, yellow, blue, green and purple multicolored rays of light, and the brilliant and dazzling rays of light rolled forward towards the thousands of snakes that were rushing over.

"Take action!" Ye Tu shouted.

"Elixir Killing Technique - Moonlight Massacre!"

At the same time, Ye Tu showed off his strongest martial arts. The outer core of the golden elixir in his body melted rapidly, and the long-awaited mana turned over like an ocean, frantically pouring into a pair of black three-pronged ghost forks in his hands.

The ghosts intertwined and erupted into a dazzling silver light, like the cold moon in the middle of the night, extremely bright and radiant.


The cold moonlight above the double forks suddenly exploded, and large swaths of moonlight dispersed, spreading white gauze to cover the surrounding large space. Immediately afterwards, the two ghost forks transformed into two black cats with sharp ears and sharp teeth and claws. Under the cover of the cold moonlight, they stabbed Qian She's eyes at a speed close to teleportation.

After receiving Ye Tu's command, everyone launched their strongest attack.

"Elixir Killing Technique - Guangling Qianyu!"

Lord Dongling was dressed in a gray robe and hunted and danced. Regardless of his lack of mana, he forcibly used the Dan Killing Technique. The long sword in his hand was swung out, and countless splendid swords appeared. Thousands of flying feather-like blades were as powerful as a domineering sword array. Dong Lingjun, who used the Dan Killing Technique, was trembling slightly, a trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with perseverance.

"Burning Blood Flame Spirit Breaking!"

Xu Yang held one end of the Three Fantasy Pestle with both hands and injected the power of the Blood Soul, the Flame Spirit of the Chakravartin and the Flame Spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha into it.

"Bang!" The power of the blood soul was ignited, and red tongues of fire spurted out from the tail of the long pestle. With a roar, the three-illusion long pestle passed through the sky like a sky-high fire dragon, seeming to break through the shackles of the void. On the long pestle, a three-legged golden crow with its head held high and its wings spread out was emitting a solemn Buddhist golden light. A ghost baby with two horns and a round head hovered over the long pestle dragging a golden flame tail.

Jiang Sanfeng's originally handsome face was now full of anger, and he slammed down a pair of eight-edged black gold hammers in his hands.

"Whale waves turning over the sea!"

The blue spiritual patterns on the dark black gold hammer vibrated violently, setting off a huge wave out of thin air. The rolling blue black gold hammer turned into a ten-foot-sized black gold hammer like a giant whale leaping out of the water, and the ocean overlord came.

Meng Guang's monkey-like figure sprang out.

"Spirit Monkey Phantom Body Slash!"

He held a thin-edged dagger in his hand, with the tip forward. Three identical phantoms of his body appeared in the air, as fast as the wind. It was impossible to tell which one was the real body, and they slashed them together.

Li Fei's leopard eyes widened and he shouted: "One strike with the domineering sword."

A large ring-shaped knife with a curled tip slashed down in his hand. A huge and solid knife shadow was several feet wide, and the pressure was overwhelming. The sharp silver light kept spitting out from the knife shadow, and it was unparalleled in dominance.

Even though Dongjun Fei Yingyue was only at the first level of Peiyuan Realm, she showed no sign of weakness. She glared with phoenix eyes and slashed down with a silver dagger in her hand.

"The shadow of the moon swings into the clouds!" A sharp sword light was like the moonlight piercing the clouds, slashing down.


The moment Qian She saw the Moon Magic Dzi Bead spilling out the colorful brilliance, she understood in her heart. The simulated soul realm released violently shook, but the snake head that rushed out could not be taken back at all, and its body was unable to move at all.


The various attacks launched by everyone violently hit the body of Qian Snake. For a moment, sword light, knife light, hammer shadow, and stick shadow were intertwined, and the surging pressure turned the void into a furnace.

"Bang!" Qian Snake's whole body ignited with red flames, and its huge body was burned under the flames, making a hissing sound and motionless. On the ground, circles of fiery red ripples in the simulated soul realm released by Qian Snake flickered and then dimmed.

Without the restrictions of the soul realm, everyone's breathing suddenly became much easier.

The seven united people stared at the motionless Thousand Snakes in the flames, all with doubts on their faces. Could they just kill the Thousand Snakes like this?

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