True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 150 Gluttonous Turtle

Several people did not move forward or retreat, but quietly waited for the opportunity. In the face of a powerful opponent, hasty attack and panic retreat are both fatal.

After a while, except for the still rumbling sound of running water, there was no other sound.

The pair of pointed long ears on Black Cat Ye Tu's head trembled for a while, and two groups of ink-colored spiritual energy swirled out silently. Immediately afterwards, the black spirit breath twisted and turned into two spirit breath ghost cats of the same size jumping on the ground, with sharp ears and sharp teeth, sharp claws and fierce eyes. From time to time, wisps of dark aura emitted from the body surface, which was strange and agile.

The two spirit breath ghost cats moved forward quietly, like two moving black balls of cotton, without a trace of sound, gradually skirted the stone wall and disappeared around the corner.

At the other end of the stone wall, two dark ghost cats poked their heads out, following the direction of the river and searching forward unnoticed against the wall.

Ten feet away from the rolling white water, a huge rock lies in the middle of the river upstream. The white water is squeezed into a fan shape in the gap under the rock and gushes out.

The two ghost cats continued to move forward, one on the left and the other on the right, gradually approaching the rock. Just when they were still three feet away from the rock, they suddenly rolled backwards, as if they had hit an invisible iron wall.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force came like lightning. The two ghost cats had not recovered from the tumbling just now, as if they were suddenly clamped by an invisible big hand.

"Pfft, pfft!"

They were squeezed and exploded by this invisible force, turning into two black mists that rolled up and disappeared into the void.

Everything the two ghost cats had just seen and encountered had already been reflected in the green eyes of the black cat Yetu.

At the same time, the black cat Yetu on Xu Yang's shoulder let out a long breath and said: "There is indeed a huge rock-like spiritual object lying across the river in front of us. The interception of the river water is probably related to it. The spiritual object's I'm afraid Dao Xing is also a demonic beast that has formed a core. The good news is that this spiritual creature is in a deep sleep state. Let's go and take a look first. Remember not to alert the snake. "

Everyone held their breath and stepped lightly, turning around the stone wall. Sure enough, they saw a huge rock lying across the center of the river, and the river water came out of the gap under the rock.

"Stop, the civet I released just now was attacked at this distance." Black Cat Ye Tu reminded him in time.

Everyone stopped moving forward, not daring to easily detect their spiritual consciousness. They only relied on their eyes to carefully observe the situation on the other side, but did not see any spiritual objects. The huge rock mass almost filled the river space on the opposite side. The surface was covered with patches of moss, and the oily green added a bit of vitality.

Xu Yang patted the spiritual pet bag, and a slender mink with golden fur jumped out. It was Xu Yang's spiritual pet "Pan Tao".

"Are there any defensive formations around here?" Xu Yang called Pantao.

The little beast understood, and turned its body in a circle. It raised its two round ears as if listening, stretched out its pointed nose and sniffed. Then, the golden hair on its body exploded, and there were circles of milky white spiritual patterns. It overflowed from the body surface and dispersed in the direction of the opposite rock.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak."

After a while, the little beast retracted its spirit patterns and stood upright like a bear, waving its forelimbs continuously and making a rapid cry from its mouth.

"My golden mink discovered the situation. The huge object opposite was not a rock, but a huge spirit turtle. There should be a powerful magic circle within its range." Xu Yang said.

When the others heard this, they all cast their eyes on the rocks opposite, carefully searching for information related to the turtle.

The "boulder" is so big that everyone can only see a corner of it. If you look closely, the appearance of the rock does look like a huge turtle shell that is hiding in its neck.

Just when everyone was sighing at the huge size of the giant turtle opposite, a ball of golden light appeared in the void in front of the giant turtle.

The golden light condensed, and a golden tiger head about ten feet in size suddenly appeared. The next moment, the tiger's mouth opened angrily, and countless golden lights condensed, and several straight golden lights shot towards the location of everyone like flying arrows.

Xu Yang, who was standing at the front of the crowd, could see clearly that although the golden light opposite was powerful, the spiritual pressure released was within the range that he could bear.

Rapidly rotating, the power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit is injected into the golden-winged flying knife in his hand, and the golden flames are puffed out from the flying knife.

With a wave of his arm, the golden-winged flying knife drew a circle of golden fireworks in front of him. The golden fireworks rolled, and a golden flame shield about ten feet in size appeared in front of him. The power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit came from the golden-winged flying knife. After gushing out from the tip of the knife, it was continuously poured into it. The flame shield became more and more solid, and the three-legged golden crow's shadow was looming, and the golden light was gorgeous.

"Ding Ding Dang", in the crispy sound of a rapid metal collision, the golden light rain point on the opposite side fell on the flameling shield. A snake-like purple arc popped out.

Xu Yang only felt that the purple arc contained a power far more domineering and powerful than the golden light arrow itself, which was eroding his flame spirit golden light shield, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

He quickly used the Wheel Flame Spirit, and a round-headed earth-gold ghost baby trailed a long flame tail around Xu Yang's knife-holding arm, and climbed onto the Flame Spirit Shield extremely quickly. Black-gold ghost energy immediately rolled up on the surface of the Flame Spirit Shield, and the weird purple arc was gradually suppressed.

All this happened in just a few breaths, and all the golden arrows were stopped by Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Shield.

The menacing golden tiger head on the opposite side turned into a ball of golden brilliance again, rolled backwards and turned into a little monkey. This monkey has round eyes and plump lips, nostrils pointing to the sky, a long tail on its spiritual palm, golden flowers flowing all over its body, and a heart as big as a fist. The shadow of the purple holy mountain is deep and distant.

"What a cute monkey." Bai Mujin blurted out.

"This monkey is not a real thing, nor is it a flame spirit. Could it be?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

"This monkey should be a weapon spirit. If there is an owner behind it, we will probably run away."

At this moment, Xu Yang heard the voice of Black Cat Ye Tu.

Weapon spirits are psychic treasures that are born out of spiritual wisdom by chance and under the support of heaven and earth. Or the master of weapon refining forcibly casts a powerful demon spirit or spiritual object with intelligence into the spiritual weapon.

The former is caused by nature and can be encountered but not sought.

Although the latter is man-made, the demon spirits, spiritual objects and spiritual weapons required are all of the highest quality. In addition, the success rate of fusion is extremely low. To successfully refine a spiritual weapon with a spirit weapon is more difficult than for a monk to break through to the true elixir realm. Be difficult. Therefore, treasures with weapon spirits are highly sought after by monks, and often only some top monks will own weapon spirit treasures.

Once a weapon spirit is born, if it does not recognize its owner and is allowed to grow freely, its devouring nature will often cause it to grow into an evil spirit, which is extremely harmful.

Once the weapon spirit recognizes its owner, it will not betray its owner, but it needs the owner to constantly nourish it with soul power so that the weapon spirit can grow and become stronger with its owner.

At this time, the golden little monkey on the opposite side shook his head as if he was drunk, staggered, stumbled, and fell to the ground. The golden light all over his body converged and turned into a golden ball the size of a fist. On the surface, simple and ancient lines were faintly visible. The purple spirit pattern outlines the shadow of a sacred mountain towering into the sky.


Suddenly, the surrounding space shook violently, and the stalactites originally hanging on the dome swayed like undulating strings. Several of them broke and fell to pieces.

I saw the huge "rock" on the opposite side trembling and giving birth to a small mountain-like turtle head. The eyelids on both sides slowly opened, and a pair of dark, dry eyes glanced downward.

"Who is here? Is it Lu Qingyun who came to let me out?" The giant turtle's deep words echoed in the space.

"Ahem!" The giant turtle coughed twice and said sternly: "It turns out it's not Lu Qingyun, who are you? You also injured the golden monkey and ran wild on my territory. Do you think I am old and weak and useless?" "The huge sound wave spread like a bell, shaking the whole space with a rumble.

"If I read correctly, you should be the Taogui from the true spirit world. We are not here to fight with you." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"The talking cat? There is a disgusting aura on him. He is from the spirit race from the evil spirit world. Tell me, what are you doing here?" said the giant turtle.

"The underground river here is the source of the Taihe River outside. It seems that your body has blocked the outlet of this water source, which has led to a decrease in the amount of water flowing outside, which has led to drought and famine, and an outbreak of competition for water sources. war."

"You are talking about the Xiaoxian Realm outside, right? I know this. It was all created by the man named Lu Qingyun who set up formations and messed up. This guy never does anything from beginning to end. He may have had good intentions at the beginning. He is an isolated paradise. It will turn into hell over time.”

"Your Excellency seems to have some misunderstandings about Immortal Master Lu Qingyun. I wonder how you got here?"

“Back then, I was only the size of a flowerpot and lived a carefree life in the true spiritual world.

One day, Lu Qingyun was wandering in the real spirit world and saw me while washing my feet by the river. He said that he could predict rainy weather just by looking at the sweat on my back. For this purpose, he took me in at will. His spiritual pet bag will be in this cave when he takes me out again. "

The giant turtle paused and continued: "Lu Qingyun told me that he would give me a fortune. Now that I think about it, he is a liar who made promises at will. Did you see the little golden ball turned into a golden monkey on the ground? It's a Taishan gold Refined.

This space is a powerful water-gathering formation set up by Lu Qingyun. Gold generates water. The Taishan Golden Essence is the holding treasure that Lu Qingyun placed at the eye of this formation.

Metal is born from the earth. I am a spirit turtle with dual attributes of rock, earth and water. He asked me to constantly nourish this Mount Tai gold essence with my own power of rock and earth. When it gives birth to a weapon spirit, it will be the nine thousand nineties connected by this water gathering array. This formation will be finally successful when the one hundred and ninety-nine underground water veins are completely penetrated. The benefit I get is that I can continuously absorb the rich water spiritual power in the water source to strengthen myself. Lu Qingyun also cast a confinement spell on me, I couldn't leave this place. The time limit promised at that time was three hundred years. He said that he would come here again after three hundred years and take me back to the true spirit world.

But three hundred years have passed, and you are the first people I have seen. "

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