True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 169 You don’t deserve it

"Rumble!" the sound could be heard endlessly.

The churning flame spear dragon is extremely ferocious, like a wild fire dragon, showing the peak strike style of a true alchemy realm monk.

The storm hand seal wielded by Linghu Xia was pierced in just one breath, and the power of the gun remained unabated. One of his arms was shattered in the flames.

The Thousands of Feather Swords offered by Lord Dongling were shattered like a flock of moths flying into the fire in front of the domineering spear dragon. The fierce force of the spear penetrated his right knee and he fell to his knees with a pop.

The two knives in Gui Dazui's hands flew away with a clang. It happened that the fire bullets ejected by Fire Monkey Three removed some of the gun power in front of Gui Dazui. A bloody gash was torn open in his chest, and the flesh and blood were blurred. Completely cut off.

The string of Buddhist beads thrown by Jade Buddha was torn apart by the force of the gun dragon with a "crash". The rebounded Buddhist beads happened to hit Jade Buddha's chest like a bullet and exploded with a bang. . Under the heavy blow, the body flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and fell on its back.

The big and muscular body of the silver-backed ape was struck from the air like a child's doll by a gun and fell to the ground. With a bang, it hit the ground hard, creating a large pit.

The third fire ape is a fire-attributed spirit beast. It is slightly immune to fire-attribute attacks and is far away, so the injury is minor. However, the right shoulder was still pierced by the spear edge, and the fire ape grinned in pain.

Bone Monkey Two's hard back armor shrank, like a shield, blocking most of the incoming attacks for Bai Mujin. The master and servant vomited blood, Gululu turned backwards with a series of somersaults, and both fell to the ground.

Lu Qingyu, who was treating Bai Muhua's wounds a little further away, was unprepared and instinctively threw himself on Bai Muhua. The strong wind whipped up by the spear dragon tore his clothes with a rattling sound. The two of them were like paper balls in the strong wind, and they were beaten violently. He fell hard against the wall.

Lu Qingyu spit out a mouthful of bright red and fainted. Bai Muhua, whose condition had just improved, saw Lu Qingyu being hurt, and became furious. His body turned upside down, his eyes darkened, and he lay down next to Lu Qingyu.


Miserable failure!

With just one move, the outcome is determined.

Ning Jing stood upright, holding "Wolf Fire Changying" and stabbing it on the ground, holding his head high, looking down at the miserable people opposite him, with a look of pride and disdain on his face, as if he was already the king of the small world at this moment.

"Ant!" Ning Jing spit out two words.

Linghu Xia covered the shoulder where she lost her arm with one hand, and said loudly and hoarsely: "Ningjing, you still have time to turn around now, please let the eldest lady go, you can still atone for your sin!"

"It's a joke, Lu Wujie has been killed by me, will I let her daughter live? Who else in the entire Xiaoxian world can be my enemy."

"You! You actually killed the princess, I will fight with you!"

Covered in blood, Linghu Xia stood up tremblingly, her eyes bloodshot, and she stumbled forward. A golden light flashed in her lower abdomen, forcibly melting the golden elixir in her body.

The remaining arm was fiercely grabbed forward, and the phantom of a tiger's head in the palm was extremely solid, and the power of the Storm Hand Seal was once again gathered.

"court death!"

Ning Jing waved the "Wolf Fire Changying" in his hand, and the tip of the spear drew a ruthless silver light.

There was a "bang" sound and instantly pierced Linghu Xia's outstretched palm. The flesh and blood were blurred and the five fingers were broken.

The newly condensed true energy turned into a whirlwind and dissipated in the void.

His arms were useless, his power failed, and he fell to the ground, his true elixir shattered, and his power was gone.

A tear of blood flowed from the corner of his eye, and the unwillingness in his eyes turned into confusion and emptiness as his soul dissipated.


Ning Jing looked at Linghu Xia's fallen body and said coldly, without the compassion of his former colleagues.

Linghu Xia was a shrewd and calculating person throughout his life, a man of literary and military skills, and rarely suffered defeats. People gave him the reputation of "Sage Linghu". He has dominated the world of Xiaoxian for three hundred years, and has served as the first assistant of the West County. He has assisted two West County owners in succession, and devoted his whole life to the West County community. In the end, it was a great irony to fall under the gun of General Xijun.

"You all must die, I! Ningjing! I am the only king of the Xiaoxian Realm!"

Ningjing looked up to the sky and shouted, looking at everyone with no mercy in his eyes, only the ruthlessness of an emperor.

He had waited too long for this moment.

In terms of cultivation, he is not lower than West Princess Lu Wu, but he is also at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. In terms of Tao Lue, he is second only to Linghu Xia, the chief assistant of Xijun. He holds military power, takes great credit, and has long had ambitions to usurp the throne.

"You do not deserve!"

At this moment, three cold words came from the exit of the underground palace corridor.

Before he finished speaking, a man came with wings of fire on his back, and it was Xu Yang.


Ning Jing turned around and took a look, and said in surprise: "Didn't that purple fire burn you to death? Forget it, this is just one more dead soul that was shot by this general."

"This Ningjing possesses both gold and fire attribute skills and is extremely powerful. Combined with the spear "Wolf Fire Long Tassel" in his hand, he has the courage to be invincible. His strength should not be lower than that of West Princess Lu Wu.

My physical strength has not yet recovered, and I can only exert three successes at most. The current situation is a bit tricky. "Ye Tu, the black cat on Xu Yang's shoulder, said.

"Please go and take the injured away from here first, and then go to the other side to call for help. I have a way to hold this person down." Xu Yang said quickly when he saw Mu Jin and others unconscious on the ground.

"Okay." After Black Cat Ye Tu finished speaking, a blue mist formed around him and his figure disappeared.

If Xu Yang and Black Cat Yetu had said before that they wanted to fight against a cultivator at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm alone, they would have been thought to be just talking nonsense.

However, the two had just experienced the Purple Flame Disaster together. Although Xu Yang's cultivation realm had regressed to the realm of transformation, the coercion and spiritual perception emanating from his body were many times more powerful than before. This made Black Cat Ye Tu attack him. I have to look at it with admiration.

Coupled with the divine bird aura on Xu Yang's spiritual pet A'Zhu. I am afraid that Xu Yang's current strength is very close to that of an ordinary True Alchemy Realm monk. This is Black Cat Ye Tu's understanding of Xu Yang's current strength.

And Ning Jing had just finished using the Dan Killing Technique, so Xu Yang should be able to protect himself.

After a while, blue mist rolled up around the seriously injured people lying on the ground, and their figures disappeared from the ground.

This strange change was instantly captured by Ning Jing's consciousness.

"I still want to play tricks in front of this general."

As he said that, he waved the long tassel of wolf fire in his hand, and was about to stop the black cat Ye Tu.

"Your opponent is me."

Xu Yang said coldly, flipping his wrist, he held the Four Fantasy long stick in his hand. The golden flowers were flowing on the long stick, and he was as powerful as a mountain. He took a step forward and stopped in front of Ning Jing.

"There are a few dead people. Even if they can't escape from the hands of this general, I'll send you, a junior who doesn't know life and death, on your way first."

At this moment, Xu Yang heard another message from Black Cat Ye Tu: "Mu Jin, Lu Qingyu's injuries are minor, Mu Hua, Jade Fozi, Gui Dazui, and Dong Lingjun are seriously injured. I'll take care of them right away." They sent him to a safe place for treatment and will notify Shangguan Aoyun to come and help you as soon as possible. You have to be careful."

Knowing that Ye Tu had succeeded and hearing the news that Mu Jin was fine, Xu Yang felt relieved.

"Your Excellency, you must be too confident. It seems to me that you have just used the Dan Killing Technique once, and I'm afraid you won't be able to use it a second time in a short period of time.

A true elixir realm monk without the elixir-killing technique was so arrogant. As long as I persist for a moment, General Dong Shangguan Aoyun and others will come. Let me see if you are still so arrogant. "

"That guy from Shanggong Aoyun was not burned to death by the purple fire?" Hearing what Xu Yang said, Ning Jing was shocked.

"Yes, this result will disappoint you. Your dream of becoming the king of the Xian Realm will soon be shattered."

Ning Jing's face turned gloomy for a while, and he made rapid calculations in his mind, and then smiled slightly.

"Stop talking nonsense to me, General. I think you are just using words to delay time. Your cultivation has obviously dropped from the previous cultivation realm to the virtual transformation realm. I am afraid it is due to the gift of the purple fire. I will experience it with you. The situation of the others in the Purple Fire Tribulation must be worse than yours, otherwise, why didn’t Shangguan Aoyun and the others come with you?”

"Void Transformation Realm, you are mistaken, this little immortal has just advanced to the True Pill Realm."

Although Xu Yang's current cultivation level is indeed at the Void Transformation Realm, his strength is even worse than that of the Peiyuan Realm where he could not exert his full strength before. Plus A'Zhu has returned. Xu Yang is confident that he can fight with the opponent.

The reason why Xu Yang said this was firstly to delay time, and secondly to disturb the other party's thoughts so as to catch him off guard.

Taking advantage of the time to talk to Ning Jing, he quickly gathered the power of the blood soul in his body, because Xu Yang was going to use the blood-burning elixir condensation technique to imitate the blow of a true elixir realm monk, causing Ning Jing to retreat in the face of difficulty.

The blood-burning and pill-coagulating technique is a life-saving secret technique that consumes life span. The last time Xu Yang used this technique to block Linghu Xia's pill-killing technique.

But that time, she was forced to perform this technique by consuming the volcanic power retained and absorbed in her body, causing her meridians to be overwhelmed and her body to almost collapse. If Miss Hibiscus hadn't sacrificed her life to use the technique of blood soul to help her, the consequences would have been disastrous.

This time is different. In the past few months, Xu Yang has continued to practice the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art. Coupled with the newly practiced Moon Flower Art, his physical strength has long been different from what it used to be. It is enough to bear the burden of the Blood-Burning Pill Art. Come the pressure.

Coupled with the return of A'Zhu, using the power of A'Zhu's Nirvana Flame Spirit as an assistant can greatly reduce the side effects of the blood-burning pill-coagulating technique in reducing lifespan. This is also the reason why Xu Yang decided to stay alone to fight against Ning Jing.

"Xiaoxian, I'm ready."

A'Zhu's voice came from Xu Yang's mind.

As Xu Yang's natal spiritual pet, A'Zhu already knew Xu Yang's intentions.

She is the body of a Suzaku. Although her cultivation level has only been improved from the Spiritual Realm to the Void Realm, it is not the same as an ordinary human monk.

Each stage of the Suzaku body's breakthrough is much more difficult than that of a human monk, but the power brought by each level of cultivation is extremely exaggerated.

Ning Jing's consciousness moved and he confirmed again that Xu Yang's cultivation was only in the realm of virtual transformation.

"Are you a True Alchemy Realm monk? What a big joke. I don't know how you managed to sneak into the position of the leader of Tsinghua Mountain City. But your bragging skills are probably the first one I have ever seen. You are just a virtual person. Realm monk, you arrogantly said that you are a true alchemy monk. I think your head was burned by the purple fire just now."

"Peace thief, keep your eyes open and watch!"

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