True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 218 Little clever ghost

Hibiscus held the spirit-calling treasure flag and turned back, with Little Red Candle following closely behind Hibiscus.

"I'm here to help." Mu Jin shouted softly, raised her wrist, and the spirit summoning flag was thrown into the air.

Reciting an obscure spell in his mouth, he stretched out one hand and pointed towards the small black flag in the air.

"Little clever devil!"

Hibiscus's voice traveled through the interface through the treasure flag and reached the underworld.

A place with jagged rocks in the underworld.

The little clever guy with cat ears and tail suddenly pricked up his ears and looked up at the sky. The long tail behind him kept swaying, and a girl-like face showed a slightly excited expression.

She seemed to have heard someone calling her.

Black ripples formed in mid-air, the void trembled, and a dark space gate appeared amid a rumble.

A black sun with thousands of bright lights is carved on the dark door.

Amidst a burst of black energy, the door to Heiyang opened quickly with a click. A black light projected from behind the door. Just enough to cover the little clever devil's figure.


In the path of evil spirits.

A faint black light emitted from the surface of the small black flag in mid-air, spinning continuously.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Waves of churning dark ghost aura emerged from the flag, and there were faint creaking sounds in the ghost aura. The sound became louder and louder, like a hundred ghosts chanting. The faint sound of the underworld came from another world of ten thousand ghosts - —Underworld.


As the ghost energy rose, a black shadow jumped out.

The black shadow rolled and landed deftly on the ground, revealing a girl-like supernatural being with cat ears and tail.

She is only as tall as a child of seven or eight years old, with healthy and shiny bronze skin, and neatly styled, dense braids full of primitive wildness. A pair of big blue-gray eyes are as beautiful as the blue sea.

It's the little clever ghost who came from time to time.

With a wave of his hand, Hibiscus took back the "Summoning Spirit Flag".

He looked at the petite and cute Catwoman standing in front of him, and then looked at the domineering sword fields displayed by Yin Feng and Luo Yu on the opposite side. Mu Jin couldn't help but wonder whether the little clever ghost was capable of helping.

No matter what, seeing that the spirit-calling treasure flag was indeed effective, Hibiscus nodded towards the little clever ghost with satisfaction.

Then, he couldn't wait to say: "Hurry and help me deal with the two people in Youji Palace over there. They are a man and a woman wearing blue clothes."

The little clever ghost raised the corners of his mouth, revealing four sharp tiger teeth, and turned his head to look in the direction of Yin Feng and Luo Yu.

On the opposite side, the raging Storm Dragon was entangled with the three-color chain, and Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Chain was gradually showing signs of decline. The Storm Dragon became more and more domineering, and circles of blue-black sword fields continued to squeeze the three-color flame spirit field on the opposite side.

The three-color chains began to be consumed and dismembered inch by inch, turning into wisps of three-color fireworks scattered in the void.

At this time, Xu Yang saw Mu Jin and Xiao Hongzhu suddenly returning to help him. The feeling in my heart is not blame, but gratitude.

"You must not lose! There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, cannot do."

This is the determination in his heart.

Because once he loses, it almost means that the entire army will be annihilated, and the lives of Hibiscus and Xiao Hongzhu will be harmed. This has touched Xu Yang's bottom line.

He endured the overwhelming meridians, burned his blood to condense the elixirs, melted the fake elixirs, and gritted his teeth to withstand it.

The situation is extremely critical.

When the little clever ghost saw this, he shivered like a frightened kitten.

Her ears drooped, her long tail straightened, her body curled up, and she turned around and hid behind Hibiscus.

Before the fight, the little guy was actually scared. Hibiscus looked stunned.

"Oh, by the way, Sister Mujin, I forgot to tell you. This little clever ghost is naturally timid. She probably has the strength of a True Alchemy Realm monk. But she often shrinks when she encounters an opponent with a higher level of cultivation than herself. Unless she can fight with Only when the people who summon her have the same mind can they be determined to fight." Xiao Hongzhu on the side quickly explained.

After hearing this, Hibiscus took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

As an exorcist, she understands the thoughts of spiritual pets very well, especially spiritual pets who are naturally weak and timid, and must undergo countless trainings before they can become brave. Moreover, the owner's emotions will affect the spirit pet's fighting spirit.

Although this little clever ghost is not an ordinary spiritual pet, it should be similar to the personality of a spiritual pet.

Thinking of this, Hibiscus spread out her consciousness and communicated with the little clever ghost behind her.

After discovering that her consciousness communicated smoothly with that of Kitten Girl, Mu Jin smiled slightly, her eyes narrowed, and her eyes showed the determination to win.

I saw that the pressure on her body was overwhelming, her long hair was flowing like a waterfall, and she was dressed in white like a white flower blooming in the wind. She had a heroic appearance and awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Turning his wrist, he held the black short knife in his hand. Activate the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Art, and a trace of blood soul power is drawn from the apex of the heart and pours into the meridians. The fighting spirit of the whole person has reached a higher level. The red light on the blade in his hand kept spitting out, like the bloody mouth of an angry lion.

Turning the other palm over, a dark red dried spiritual meat appeared in the palm.

Then, with a casual throw, the dried meat was thrown into the air.

"Little clever guy, catch it!"

Behind Hibiscus, the shivering little clever ghost’s ears perked up, and his clear blue eyes stared at the dried meat in the air. The cat's tail behind her swayed, her feet kicked off, and she flew into the air. A wisp of saliva slipped from the corner of her mouth in mid-air.


Catwoman accurately took the dried meat into her mouth, then chewed it with a satisfied expression on her face.

"follow me!"

Mu Jin shouted loudly and rushed toward Yin Feng and Luo Yu opposite with the short knife in his hand.

No matter how powerful its opponent is, it can't withstand the determination in Hibiscus's heart at this moment.

Catwoman behind Hibiscus was heard roaring to the sky.


The bones all over his body creaked, and his body swelled up in circles, reaching a height of about ten feet.

The petite seven- or eight-year-old Catwoman disappeared, and a mature tiger woman in her twenties with a strong physique appeared in front of her.

The cute girl turned into a tomboy in the blink of an eye.

Her face also became hardened, and the three black marks on her cheeks were full of wildness. The curves of the tube top are as round and plump as the black sun. The transparent nails on the fingertips of a pair of broad palms are several inches long and as sharp as blades. The long tail swaying behind him swung in the air like a steel whip.

The next moment, the fierce tiger girl jumped out.

With just one step, he surpassed the hibiscus in front of him.

"Is this okay? As expected of my sister, I really have a way." Xiao Hongzhu behind her clapped her hands.

The tiger girl who charged forward raised her tiger claws, and a black spiritual light formed by spiritual power condensed in the palm of her hand.

The next moment, the black spiritual light turned into a black energy ball as big as the mouth of a bowl. The spiritual power in the energy ball was compressed into substance and creaked.

Throw it hard, and a ball of black energy comes out. Toss it again, and it’s another ball.

Bang bang bang, five or six black energy balls were thrown out like cannonballs, aiming directly at Yin Feng and Luo Yu.

As soon as the energy ball entered the blue-black sword field cast by Yin Feng and Luo Yu, it was resisted by the soul power of the sword field.


The energy balls exploded one after another, burning out large black fireworks.

The energy contained in this black firework is exactly the same as the energy in the black sun in the sky. It is the power of the underworld coming from the underworld.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The sword domain became unstable under the burning of black flames.

Unexpectedly, this black flame has the special effect of burning the opponent's soul power.

Immediately, the Storm Dragon released by Luo Yu and Yin Feng was affected and lost its power.

Xu Yang on the opposite side also immediately got rid of the decline, and the three-color chain of the flame spirit began to swallow the storm dragon, gradually turning defeat into victory.

"You're doing a great job, little clever guy!" Hibiscus from behind encouraged her loudly.

The tiger girl didn't stop for a moment and rushed into the sword area released by Luo Yu and Yin Feng in the blink of an eye.

Although he was restricted by the trapped sword area, he couldn't rush forward immediately. But the tiger girl's claws were like two shovels, swinging like wheels, and black flames ignited wherever they struck. The soul power on the sword domain is constantly being consumed.

The soul power of Yin Feng and Luo Yu is gradually declining. For a moment, the edge of the sword domain buzzed, and there were signs of collapse.

Seeing victory in sight, Little Red Candle also ran over.


On the other side, Star Leopard and Star Tiger, who were trapped in the ghost realm where the moth spirit was released, had already seen all this.

Although the two of them are not close friends with Yin Feng and Luo Yu, they also know the abilities of Luo Yu and Yin Feng. The sword domain is the limit of the strength of Luo Yu and Yin Feng. Now, the sword realm is facing collapse, and the next step is the failure of Luo Yu and Yin Feng.

Once Yin Feng and Luo Yu were defeated, they were next. Not to mention completing the mission, I'm afraid it will be a problem to escape intact.

At the critical moment, Xingbao narrowed his eyes and swung out his sword. The starlight was floating, golden light appeared, and his body did not advance but retreated. Xing Hu, who was on the side, understood this and jumped up to block Xing Bao with his sword.

I saw Xingbao suddenly retract the Xinghui Sword in his hand. Turning his wrist, there was a golden seven-story pagoda in his palm.

"Please treasure "Star Soul Tower"!"

Xingbao shouted, raised his hand, and the seven-story pagoda was thrown into the air.

The "Star Soul Tower" in mid-air kept spinning, and in an instant it became several feet in size. Thousands of golden lights are comparable to the stars.

Each floor of the pagoda has six sharp corners, and a golden and exquisite tower bell hangs on each sharp corner. There are a total of 42 golden bells in the seven-story pagoda.

Immediately afterwards, the forty-two golden tower bells rang in unison. Circles of golden ripples rippled.

The next moment, the entire sky suddenly darkened.

A golden light shot out from the Star Soul Tower, covering Hibiscus and Little Red Candle below. An overbearing star soul force suddenly suppressed him.

Suddenly, Hibiscus and Xiao Hongzhu vomited blood, collapsed to the ground, and fainted.

Without the control of Hibiscus, the tiger girl turned into a phantom and disappeared, returning to the underworld.

"Hahaha. How does this Star Soul Tower taste?"

With that said, Xingbao will control the Star Soul Tower to continue attacking Xu Yang.

Just then, the sky lit up. The black sun in the sky showed its solemn face again.

The world shook violently, and a black thunderbolt as thick as a large wooden barrel fell from the sky.

Jie Lei twists and turns, like an angry black dragon, with overwhelming force, the void gives way. The target turned out to be "Star Soul Tower".

It was already too late for Star Leopard to control the "Star Soul Tower" to avoid it.

With a "boom", the calamity thunder fell on the Star Soul Tower.

The golden Star Soul Tower trembled, and countless black arcs shot out, cracks appeared on the surface.

This Star Soul Tower was originally a secret treasure of Youxing Palace that was lent to them by the Chief Commander of Youxing Palace before they set out here. It contains the power of the star soul from the Nether World sealed within it. The power of star soul can be said to be a kind of interface power.

"Ouch! Not good."

Xingbao yelled that it was not good, and thought to himself, as expected, as the Chief Commander of Youxing Palace said before setting off, you must be careful when using treasures in the Forgotten Land. Will be restrained by Hei Yang, but he didn't expect it to attract thunder.

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