True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 228 Zhuge Yu is captured

In a woodland near the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

Zhuge Yu, dressed in green brocade clothes, appeared in the intricate forest. His clothes were hunting, and his figure moved with the wind like a swaying willow branch.

He let go of his consciousness but found that the two people chasing him were getting closer and closer to him, and he couldn't help but frown.

Zhuge Yu's grass-walking wind movement technique is known for its dexterity and weirdness, but speed is not his strongest point. In addition, the trees in the forest are messy and the terrain is complex, which affects the speed of movement.

However, the two sisters who were chasing behind him did not know what kind of secret movement skills they had used. Their flying figures were not hindered by the surrounding woods and rocks at all, like tigers emerging from the forest, extremely fast and fierce.

As time goes by, the distance between them becomes closer and closer.

Seeing that he could not get away from the two people behind him, Zhuge Yu flipped his wrist and held the precious fan "Green Butterfly" in his hand. While running, he urged the treasure fan in his hand, and wisps of green light poured out from the treasure fan, splashing on the ground he just passed by.

Green light flashed on the ground, the soil rolled, and strong vines grew out. The long vine stretches its slender figure, swaying like a spiritual snake.

Not long after, the two sisters who were chasing behind arrived here. These long vines were like spiritual snakes that had seen their prey, twisting their branches and wrapping themselves around them.

When the two sisters saw this, they didn't look timid at all.

The "Fourth Sister" with an animal bone necklace around her neck flashed red in her eyes, spread out her fingers with one hand, and a colorful and sharp tiger claw appeared on her palm out of thin air. Immediately afterwards, it raised its hand and swung several times towards the entangled ivy under its feet.

Brush brush brush.

The sharp claw wind left silver traces in the void, like knife cuts.

When the green vines blocking their feet touched the wind, they were as fragile as paper, and were immediately torn into pieces all over the sky.

The two of them were not slow at all, leaving a trail of lifeless sawdust wherever they passed.

Gradually, the two of them saw Zhuge Yu's back.

"It's a man!"

"Looking at his back, he should be a young talent."

"We are very lucky."


The two chatted freely.

Seeing the two people behind him chasing after him, Zhuge Yu was heartbroken and simply stopped.

Turning around, facing the two people behind him, the precious fan in his hand waved slightly, his expression unchanged.

In a blink of an eye, the two people behind him were in front of Zhuge Yu.

Seeing that Zhuge Yu no longer ran away, the two sisters stopped chasing.

"Wow, Third Sister, he is a handsome man." Fourth Sister said through the voice transmission.

"Such a handsome young man, I can't bear to catch him." The third sister replied via voice transmission.

"Brother, why are you running away? We sisters don't eat people." The third sister raised her beautiful eyes and said loudly.

"Yes, you cast a spell just now to peek at us sisters. What did you see? Did you do something bad and wanted to run away after we found out?" said the fourth sister.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of taking action directly, Zhuge Yu rolled his eyes and replied cautiously: "Zhuge Yu, a disciple of the Tian Gui Sect, is here to participate in the trial organized by the Tian Gui Sect. Several people with me are here. The senior fellow apprentice just disappeared in the previous place. Therefore, when I cast a spell to find them, I accidentally disturbed you. I did not mean to offend you, so please forgive me."

After saying that, he cupped his hands and gave a slight salute.

"Giggle, Zhuge Yu, what a handsome name, there is a word for it, sister." Fourth sister giggled.

"A person is as his name implies." said the third sister.

"That's right, he is as his name suggests, and he is what I like. Please be my husband." The fourth sister said without any secret, with a face full of joy and no sense of strangeness.

"Ahem, sister, please be reserved." The third sister coughed on purpose and reminded in a low voice.

Although she said she should be reserved, she secretly screamed in her heart: "Master Zhuge Yu, he is so handsome and talented. I have read more books than my sister, so the gentle and gentle Master Zhuge Yu is still It's more suitable for me. Fourth sister, don't blame me." I couldn't help but imagine spending time with Zhuge Yu under the moon.

I saw "Third Sister"'s pretty face blushing for a while, her eyes showing a little excitement, and she said softly and softly: "Master Zhuge, I also like to read on weekdays. Do you think I am more suitable for you?" Lady?"

Although it is said that men and women in the world of cultivation are not as rigid in etiquette as the secular world, Zhuge Yu has never seen such two fierce women chasing and teasing men in broad daylight. She couldn't help but blush from ear to ear.

Seeing Zhuge Yu's shyness, the faces of the two people opposite him burst into smiles.

"Master Zhuge, have you thought about it? Let me be your wife. When the time comes, we can spend time together, chant poems and love each other, and love my concubine. Wouldn't it be beautiful?" said the third sister.

"Sister, you are bullying me. I know you are more educated than me, but I can't defeat you. I think it's better to let Mr. Zhuge be the husband of both of us." Fourth sister said.

The words of the two sisters became more and more straightforward, but in Zhuge Yu's ears, their words were like whips lashing his heart.

Zhuge Yu, who was arrogant and arrogant, looked slightly cold and cursed in his heart: "Huh! Where did these two wild girls come from? Do you think that I am a cabbage for sale in the market? You can choose from them."

However, due to the strong cultivation of the two people opposite him, Zhuge Yu still suppressed the anger.

"I don't know where the two young ladies came from. We are strangers to each other. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to talk about men and women when we meet." Zhuge Yu said.

"We live in Youfeng Mountain. We are sisters. I am the fourth eldest child in the family, and my name is "Hu Si Niu"."

"I am her third sister, and my name is Hu Sanniu."

"Youfeng Mountain? Is it that high mountain with a black mountain body?"

"Yes, it's that mountain. The biggest house on the mountain is my home."

"I didn't expect that there are still people on Youfeng Mountain. This has always been a place for training for Tiangui Sect disciples. I have never heard from the seniors in the sect that anyone lives here permanently. I came here to hunt high-level Youfeng Beasts, and I don’t want to have anything to do with you two by staying here, so I can only live up to your wrong love.”

When the two sisters heard that Zhuge Yu actually rejected their request in person, their faces were like flowers that had bloomed in the spring and were covered with frost when they encountered the sudden cold. Without the spring feeling, they were completely cold and stiff.

"Hmph! You ungrateful boy. If our sisters like you, you can't run away. Sister, there's no need to talk nonsense with him. Let's take him back and talk about it later."

"Master Zhuge, don't blame us sisters for being ruthless."

After saying that, the two figures turned into two gusts of wind, and in a flash they came to Zhuge Yu, and they both grabbed Zhuge Yu like hungry tigers pouncing on food.

Seeing this, Zhuge Yu quickly activated the "Stepping on the Grass Wind Movement Technique". A green light flashed under his feet, and his figure was like strong grass in the wind, swaying without breaking, and his elegant figure was unpredictable.

At the same time, the precious fan "Green Butterfly" in his hand was always placed in front of him to block the joint attacks of the two sisters.

No matter how much the two sisters grabbed him, they couldn't even touch the corners of Zhuge Yu's clothes. Suddenly, the anger on their faces became even more intense, and their attacks became much more ruthless and violent.

The tiger fists performed by the two sisters were fast and hard, hitting the treasure fan that Zhuge Yu came out to greet, making a clanging sound of metal colliding. The agitated residual power caused Zhuge Yu's figure to retreat continuously. He was almost caught by the two of them several times, and it seemed that failure was only a matter of time.

"Master Zhuge, it's still too late to agree to our sisters' conditions. We don't want to break your arms, legs, especially your little face. This way, it won't look good when you go back to worship heaven and earth." Fourth sister said.

"Yes, our sisters know how to show mercy to each other, but you don't appreciate it. It's really heartbreaking."

The two sisters were like two big cats teasing mice, forcing Zhuge Yu to retreat steadily, but they did not use their killing moves.

After all, Zhuge Yu is a rare genius in the Zhuge family. It can be said that he is the most talented among the younger generation of the Zhuge family and has a natural arrogance. If he was beaten to the ground, Zhuge Yu might be convinced that he had lost. But being teased like this by two strange women, he was really furious.

"Don't force me."

Zhuge Yu shouted, and then he swung a move fiercely and fell back three feet away.

Before the two sisters on the opposite side could catch up, they turned their palms over and found the family's secret "Green Wood Ying Dan" in their palms. Quickly hold this elixir in your mouth and quickly activate the fake elixir technique.

Suddenly, his originally fair skin became as green as green leaves, and his aura was rising steadily, even more so than the two sisters opposite him.

Madly pouring mana into the treasure fan in his hand, a beautiful green-feathered peacock appeared on the originally white fan.

"Green Peacock!"

The next moment, a flash of light flashed above the precious fan, and a green-feathered peacock with green fluorescence all over its body spread its wings and flew out, like a divine bird descending from the sky, with extraordinary aura and overwhelming pressure.

When the two sisters opposite saw this, their eyes showed surprise. I didn't expect that Zhuge Yu, who was only at the Peiyuan realm, could be so capable. This made the two sisters feel even more happy. Zhuge Yu was so handsome and good at martial arts. He couldn't be a better husband.

Although I am happy in my heart, I dare not neglect my actions.

"Hu Roaring Mountain!" The two shouted in unison.

I saw her two fists united into one, forming a tiger head seal, and their magic power was activated. The black spiritual light flashed above the fist wind, and each formed a small mountain shadow. The shape of the small mountain shadow was like a huge tiger head, which contained a massive amount of wind-attribute spiritual power and rock-earth attribute spiritual power. The two spiritual powers are intertwined and borrow each other's strength, becoming stronger and stronger.

As the two punched out fiercely.

The shadows of two roaring mountain peaks suddenly fell.


The two sides collided with each other, and the center of the collision ignited circles of energy like the blazing sun.

After all, there are two people on the other side, and their overall strength is very different. After a few breaths, the green peacock was no match for the two Tiger Roaring Mountains on the opposite side, collapsed suddenly, and turned into green stars all over the sky and disappeared into the void.

The residual power of the move immediately fell on Zhuge Yu. At this time, Zhuge Yu was like a piece of paper thrown by the strong wind, and his body flew backwards quickly.

Just when Zhuge Yu was about to fall to the ground, two shadows flashed. It turned out to be the two sisters opposite, both reaching out to catch Zhuge Yu who fell in mid-air.

"Husband, let's go." The two tiger girls said in unison.

Then he stretched out his fingers and put a little bit on Zhuge Yu's shoulder, temporarily sealing Zhuge Yu's meridians, preventing him from resisting.

The two sisters, one behind the other, easily carried Zhuge Yu on their shoulders, turned around and headed back towards Youfeng Mountain.

At this time, Zhuge Yu's body was full of energy and blood, and the corners of his mouth were dyed red. He could no longer activate the power of the fake elixir, and his skin had returned to its original white, tender and delicate color. Suddenly, the opponent cast a spell to seal his meridians. He wanted to resist, but was unable to do so. .

Zhuge Yu was angry and annoyed, and shouted: "Let me go, you two crazy women."

The two tiger girls ignored him and strode away with him on their shoulders.

At the foot of Youfeng Mountain, there are dense trees and weeds.

At this time, four figures, three men and one woman, were sneaking towards the mountain along the foot of the mountain. They were Xu Yang, Drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, and Xiao Yudian.

"Be careful, someone is coming from behind!" Xu Yang suddenly reminded.

With the power of Xu Yang's flame spirit perception, he explored the widest and most detailed area among the four. He was the first to spot someone coming quickly towards this direction.

The four of them quickly held their breath, concealed their aura, and hid behind a big tree.

Not long after, I saw two young women in leopard print clothing carrying a man in green on their shoulders, striding towards Youfeng Mountain from the side where the four people came.

Xu Yang glanced sideways and recognized the man being carried, and secretly shouted in his heart: "Zhuge Yu?"

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