When Xu Yang saw the "Four Tiger Girls" jumping out of the battle ring alone to chase Zhuge Yu, he shouted: "Stop leaving!"

The flame wings on his back curled up, red fire flashed, and he was about to catch up with him like wind and fire.

"Boy, your opponent is me."

At this moment, I heard a shout from Tiger Girl behind me. Her body was covered with light golden light, and her body was as fast as a golden arrow. In the blink of an eye, he stopped in front of Xu Yang.

Tiger Girl raised her hand and grabbed it. The sharp wind from her claws was as fast and fierce as a swooping eagle, tearing at the void with a hissing sound. Xu Yang had to temporarily give up chasing the "Tiger Four Girls" in front.

After a pause, he picked up the four-magic long stick in his hand and danced out a piece of purple-gold light that stretched in front of him.

With a "clang" sound, golden light was released. The four magic long sticks firmly held Hu Danniu's fleshy palms.

Xu Yang only felt that his hand holding the long stick went numb, and a mountain-toppling force came from the other side of the long stick. He quickly mobilized the power of the blood soul and injected it into his arms to resist the oppressive force from the opposite side.

"Huh? Boy, if you have a lot of strength, is it possible that you are also a physical practitioner?" Hu Da Niu was secretly surprised by Xu Yang's arm strength.

The five Huniu are all born with supernatural powers, and Huniu is the strongest among them. The "Tiger Technique" combined with her natural brute strength makes her even more powerful. Very few people can beat her in strength competition.

Block the opponent's move and the situation eases.

Xu Yang quickly calculated in his mind that the "four tiger girls" just wanted to steal Zhuge Yu as her husband. Therefore, Zhuge Yu's life should not be in danger in a short period of time. This Youfeng Mountain is the hometown of these Huniu. If they continue to struggle with them here, it is inevitable that they will not recruit other helpers. At present, only by capturing one of them first can this fearless battle be ended.

Xu Yang thought in his mind, and naturally targeted the tiger girl in front of him, activated the blood soul breaking pulse technique, and a blood dragon condensed from the power of the blood soul swam out from the apex of his heart, filling his limbs with power. He also used the Moonlight Technique, and bits of bright silver light flashed on his bones, which were as hard as copper and iron. At the same time, the abilities of muscles and bones are maximized, and the physical strength is comparable to that of a body-refining monk with high physical skills.

This is because Xu Yang's mental power is extremely strong, so he can activate these two secret techniques at the same time. Otherwise, if he is not strong enough, forcibly activating two techniques with similar effects will easily lead to the tearing of the soul.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yang and Hu Da Niu were fighting fiercely.

The four-illusion long stick in Xu Yang's hand was like a dragon out of the sea, and Hu Danniu's fleshy palms were like a pair of wild tigers, refusing to give in to each other, evenly matched.

After a few moves, Xu Yang was secretly surprised. The strength of this tiger girl was considered to be a master among the Tiangui Sect and a true elixir realm monk. He activated the Blood Soul Cutting Pulse Art and the Moon Flower Art at the same time and could only hold on for a short period of time. Time, if you continue to be entangled with it like this, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to yourself.

Thinking of this, flames rolled up behind Xu Yang, and his body flew upside down in a ball of fire a few feet away.

He took the opportunity to activate the flame spirit power of A'Zhu in his body.

"Fire Spirit Break - Suzaku's Wrath!"

He grasped one end of Sihuan's long stick with both hands and slashed it down. On the long stick, a red firework rolled up and transformed into a red fire Suzaku.

The firebird with its sharp beak and sharp claws flapped its wings, raising the flames that burned the sky, and flew straight at the tiger girl opposite.

Seeing this, Tiger Girl didn't dare to neglect, she united her fists to form a tiger head seal, and activated the true elixir in her body. The black spiritual light on both fists flickered continuously, instantly forming a dark shadow of a small mountain on its surface. The shape of this small mountain shadow is like a huge black tiger head, which contains a large amount of wind-attribute spiritual power and rock-earth attribute spiritual power.

"Tiger Roaring Mountain!"

This move "Tiger Roaring Mountain" is the same as what her two sisters used before when they captured Zhuge Yu. But the same trick used by Hu Daniu was even more powerful.

It's like a sacred mountain descending from the sky, with overwhelming pressure.

The big moves collided, the strong wind rolled back, and circles of explosive spiritual pressure stirred the world.

In the end, in this round, the two were evenly matched.

Elsewhere, Drunkard Xiao fights against Tiger Three Niu, Boss Bai fights against Tiger Erniu, and Xiao Yudian fights against Tiger Girl.

Drunkard Xiao showed off his Qingfeng and mastered the unique sword style "Drunk Willow Sword Technique" at his fingertips.

The sword comes out like a thin willow swaying in the wind, seemingly drunk but not drunk, erratic. The sword is full of meaning, and dazzling sword light points are reflected in the void, like pieces of silver willow leaves falling down, but with the ice-cold sword energy, freezing the void.

His cool sword style is just like his signature smile, which is three parts wild and seven parts uninhibited.

The pair of fleshy palms of Hu Sanniu, who was fighting against the drunkard Xiao, had already transformed into the form of golden tiger claws. Her palms shook the wind and were as powerful as thunder. Although her moves may seem a bit messy, they are strange and powerful, like a predatory tiger, eclectic and designed to kill the opponent in the simplest way.

The two sides are inseparable.

The plump Boss Bai fights against the slightly fat Tiger Girl.

The pair of short knives in Boss Bai's hands are like a silver carp turning over water. The knives look light but are actually surprisingly powerful. Every strike is just right and never sloppy. Coupled with its plump figure, it is a ruthless blade that is pleasing to the eye.

Hu Erniu also activated the Golden Tiger Claw Skill. Although she is slightly chubby, her movements are extremely dexterous and swift. Her chopping palms are like rolling golden snowballs, growing more and more powerful.

The two of them were equally indistinguishable.

The remaining Tiger Girl fights against Xiao Yudian.

Although the power of this little tiger girl's moves does not look as powerful as those of her sisters, her agility in movement is unique. She may be called a tiger girl, but she is more like a catwoman. The agile body is like a civet cat, using both hands and feet, extremely dexterous, capable of both offense and defense.

Xiao Yudian's sword moves were taught by Drunkard Xiao, but because his physical attributes were different from Drunkard Xiao's, what he learned was not the "Drunken Willow Sword Technique" that Drunken Willow Xiao was good at using. He has a spiritual vein with dual attributes of water and metal, and he learned the "Jin Tao Sword Technique". Jin Tao Sword Jue has both the fierceness and sharpness of metal, and the femininity and accumulation of water.

I saw the "Golden Wave Sword Technique" unfolding with light raindrops, and the silver light on the sword edge rolled forward, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, endless.

Although Xiao Yudian seemed to have some advantages, the little Huniu on the opposite side had strange movements, jumping left and right, and counterattacking without losing any time.

The two of them are equally matched.

Hu Si Niu looked for the direction in which Zhuge Yu disappeared and chased him behind the big tree that Zhuge Yu had just walked around. She looked around, but there was no trace of Zhuge Yu.

She looked left and right, then held her chin with one hand, thinking.

Logically speaking, if Zhuge Yu was injured, he would not be able to fly very far even if he grew wings in such a short period of time. How could there be no trace at all?

Thinking of this, she called out in a low voice: "Master Zhuge! It's me, Si Niu. Are you around here? Come out quickly. Don't run around until your injury is healed. I will definitely not fight with you this time Use force."

Zhuge Yu sat cross-legged in the open space behind the big tree to regulate his breathing and heal his injuries. He used his treasure fan "Green Butterfly" to activate the secret method of invisibility to turn his breath into the same as the big tree next to him.

Although this secret method of invisibility is wonderful, it takes a lot of effort to perform. It is more effective only when it is not locked by the opponent in advance. Otherwise, during the casting process, the opponent will have caught him before the invisibility is completed. And once you imitate the scent of a tree, you must keep a certain distance from the tree and cannot move.

Previously, Zhuge Yu was chased by Hu San Niu and Hu Si Niu, so he did not have time to use this invisibility method.

At this time, Hu Siniu was standing two feet away from Zhuge Yu. Her back was facing Zhuge Yu, and Zhuge Yu was watching her back.

It was the back view of a healthy girl, with her long hair neatly combed into a ponytail on the back of her head, neat and tidy. Her shoulders are straight and strong, and a close-fitting leopard print dress outlines her elastic waist and plump hips. The straight, long legs are neither thick nor thin.

Zhuge Yu simply held his breath and concentrated, completely ignoring the four tigers in front of him.

"Crazy woman, I won't show up even if your throat is broken." Zhuge Yu thought to himself.

Seeing no one answered, Hu Si Niu stared blankly in one direction, sighed and said: "Master Zhuge, I know you are nearby. You can definitely hear me when I speak. I have something to say to you. explain."

Speaking of this, Hu Siniu's little face turned red. However, her back was facing Zhuge Yu at this time, and Zhuge Yu could not see the expression on her face at all.

After a pause, Hu Siniu continued: "I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you. Although I said that I would capture other Tiangui Sect disciples to become the husbands of me and the third sister. , In fact, I am afraid that Third Sister and I will steal you. The small space in my heart is now occupied by you, and there is no room for anyone else. Master Zhuge, are you listening..."

Zhuge Yu looked at Hu Siniu's back and shouted in his heart: "I won't listen, I don't want to hear it. I, Zhuge Yu, am determined to become an outstanding monk, how could I indulge in the affair of my children so early. Let alone a crazy woman like you. , she doesn’t look like a woman in any way.”

"I know that you think that I don't read enough, but I can learn to read, at least like the third sister. I know that you think that I am not gentle, but I can learn to be a well-behaved girl, and I can learn to be a female celebrity with my mother. Then I will embroider the most beautiful purse for you... I know that you dislike me for being unreserved, that's because when I see your appearance, I feel like I have a scratching kitten in my heart, and maybe I can't calm down at all. You are too charming, sir. I know that you dislike me for snatching your bride. But, do you know? If I don’t snatch you away, you will be snatched away by another girl. Maybe I’m not pretty. , are you avoiding me? But my father, mother and several sisters have always praised me for my good looks... Mr. Zhuge, I don’t want you to go.”

"How can you say such disgusting words? A crazy woman is a crazy woman."

Zhuge Yu murmured in his heart. Somehow, deep down in his heart, he didn't seem to hate the Hu Si Niu in front of him so much.

Perhaps, being loved can make a person tolerant and easy to forgive. It's always nice to be loved, even if you don't accept it for a while.

As she spoke, Hu Siniu suddenly turned around and walked towards Zhuge Yu.

Zhuge Yu was so frightened that he almost screamed, his eyes widened, and his heart was beating loudly.

"Did she find me?"

Hu Siniu stepped forward gently. Although her steps were not light steps, each step was very clear and cautious, for fear of missing something if she took a wrong step.

Suddenly, Hu Siniu stopped when she was less than ten feet away from Zhuge Yu.

At this time, Zhuge Yu could clearly see Hu Siniu's eyes. This was the first time Zhuge Yu looked at Hu Siniu so seriously.

He saw those clear eyes, as spotless as a pool of autumn water.

The look in her eyes was dazed, confused, timid, and at a loss, like a quiet little girl lost in the forest. When I first saw her, her eyes were no longer full of enthusiasm, concentration, heroism and determination, just like a lioness in heat.

He saw two lines of hot tears slipping from her moving eyes. The crystal teardrops were like broken beads, falling heavily on the soil on the ground, splashing fine dust and tear marks. The feeling seemed to fall into Zhuge Yu's heart. His heart was gently stirred unconsciously, and a seed was planted there in his opened heart.

He saw it and she cried.

Zhuge Yu was stunned. He opened his mouth wide and was stunned. A tiny ray entered his mouth. The tip of his tongue couldn't help but twist, and when he pursed his lips, a salty taste reached his taste buds.

Those were Zhuge Yu's tears. He didn't want them to flow down, but he couldn't do anything. Whether it was moved or pity, Zhuge Yu couldn't tell clearly.

Zhuge Yu is the man who hates seeing women cry the most.

Although, Zhuge Yu is said to be the direct disciple of the Zhuge family. In fact, her mother was just a concubine of her father, while his father was the eldest son of the Zhuge family. Her mother was only betrothed to her father in a marriage between the Zhuge family and another small family. In his memory, her mother was never well-liked because she was a concubine and could not live in a refined society, and his father did not think much of her mother. Her mother often cried behind her back, and she was discovered by him at a very young age. He vowed that he must stand out in the Zhuge family and fight for his mother. He wanted to prove that he was the most outstanding young disciple in the Zhuge family. She didn't want her mother to cry anymore. Sure enough, with Zhuge Yu's modest achievements, her mother's status in the family gradually increased.

At this time, Zhuge Yu suddenly felt in his heart that Hu Si Niu also had her cuteness, but he couldn't tell where it was.


She cried with him.

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