True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 243 Youfeng Waiter No. 9

As soon as he finished speaking, a black cloud rushed behind Xu Yang and the others. From time to time, there are wisps of purple lightning moving in the rolling black clouds, like the fury of thunder, which is obviously a high-level lightning escape technique.

This black cloud came to Xu Yang and others in the blink of an eye. There was a flash of purple light on it, the black cloud disappeared, and an old man in black robe descended gracefully. His beard and hair flew upside down, his black robe swayed, and he had an extraordinary momentum. After landing, he stopped in front of several people.

This old man has sunken eye sockets, slender eyes, a face like a withered bone, a goatee under his cheeks, and his sparse hair tied into a simple bun on his head.

"You are so courageous. You four intruders killed two of my Youfeng Mountain attendants and then escaped, but you still didn't just surrender." The old man in black robe said sternly.

Xu Yang carefully put aside the drunkard Xiao behind him, and took a step forward without changing his expression.

"Looking at your extraordinary abilities, you must be the Youfeng Attendant on Youfeng Mountain, right?"


"We are disciples of the Tiangui Sect, and we accidentally entered this place during the trial. The two Youfeng attendants were indeed beaten to death by me just now, and it has nothing to do with the three people behind me. Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If If you want to capture me in Youfeng Mountain, please do it.”

"What's your name? You're quite brave at such a young age."

"Xu Yang."

"I remember, when you die later, I will give you a good time."

Xu Yang smiled coldly: "Then you must have this ability. Let me see how you are better than No. 13 and No. 14 just now."

Xu Yang's attitude was very tough, which immediately made the old man in black robe opposite him lose his heart.

"Is this Xu Yang really so capable? If he could deal with No. 13 and No. 14 by himself, I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort to do it himself."

He didn't respond for the time being, and glanced at the drunkards Xiao, Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai, and then carefully looked at Xu Yang opposite.

"I wonder what your rank is among the Waiters of Youfeng?" Xu Yang suddenly asked.

"It's only No. 9, but it's enough to deal with you guys."

"It turns out that you are only No. 9. I thought you were No. 3 based on your tone. What a coincidence. The waiter at No. 13 just now told me that the one he was least convinced of was No. 9 and the one he was most afraid of was No. 3. As for No. 1 No. 9 and No. 2 are both far away. I guess you are not much better than No. 13," Xu Yang said deliberately.

"What? Did No. 13 really say that? How arrogant. After all, I am also a monk on the second level of Yuanhun Realm. How can I be comparable to No.13's first-level cultivation of Yuanhun Realm? I don't know how high the world is. It’s not a pity to die on the 13th.”

Hearing what Waiter No. 9 said, Xu Yang's heart suddenly tightened. As expected, this No. 9 was really at the second level of Yuanhun Realm. Not to mention that he had just fought with all his strength against No. 13, and his body had not yet fully recovered. Even if I encounter this No. 9 on weekdays, I dare not say that I can escape unscathed.

Although Xu Yang was a little nervous, he smiled casually.


"Xu Yang boy, why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you that you only look at people's cultivation level, but you don't know that winning a fight requires various means and magic weapons. I know why the venerable Lord on Youfeng Mountain seals the mountain whenever the disciples of the Tiangui Sect are undergoing trials. He is just afraid of us. The capable Tiangui Sect disciples have killed all of you Youfeng Servers, so the Lord will be left alone, and my methods are enough to kill No. 13 and No. 14. "Xu Yang said more and more. big.

When the waiter No. 9 heard Xu Yang's boast, he even murmured in his heart: "Does this person really have such strength? The waiters at Youfeng Mountain are ranked below. They can challenge the ones above at any time. The ranking numbers are always competing with each other. The battle is constantly changing. If this person named Xu Yang is really so strong, even if he wins, he will not be injured. There must be other waiters coming here if he is not injured. It would be troublesome to meet No. 10 by chance. This No. 10 was defeated by me not long ago and fell from No. 9 to No. 10, while I was promoted from No. 10 to No. 9. "

Thinking of this, he stroked the beard under his chin with one hand, and then said: "Can you kill No. 13 and No. 14 on your own? It seems that the three people behind you must have been seriously injured in the fight just now. . On the other hand, although your aura is a bit disordered, there are no signs of injury. I don't believe that you, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect in the fake elixir realm, can fight with No. 13 and 14 who have the first level of Yuanhun realm. He escaped with such ease, so the four of you must have taken action just now."

"Your analysis is sound, but you are still wrong. I am enough to kill the two waiters No. 13 and No. 14. If you don't believe it, you and I can fight alone. My other senior brothers are nearby, and there are also Many ghost beasts are coming here. In order not to be disturbed by others, how about you and I move to another place and use our abilities to verify it?" Xu Yang said without changing his expression.

Xu Yang said this just because the No. 9 Youfeng waiter did not take action as soon as he came up, so he concluded that he must be a timid person who likes to be suspicious. Presumably, if he could kill No. 13 and No. 14 at the same time, he would also have some scruples. A strong enemy is in front of you, so be smart about it, stabilize your position, and act according to the opportunity.

"This person is probably just blowing nonsense and is eager to get the three people behind him out of danger. Whether it is true or not, I will know after a try." No. 9 thought about it in his mind, and then said: "Okay! You want to compete with me one on one. , No need to go anywhere else. Here, within three moves, you will be convinced."

Seeing that Youfeng Waiter No. 9 was not fooled, Xu Yang had no choice but to continue the fight.

"A'Zhu, you and I will fight with all our strength, so we can be sure." Xu Yang sent a message to A'Zhu in his body.

A'Zhu is not only Xu Yang's spiritual pet, but also his natal spiritual pet. Only when she and Xu Yang are of the same mind and have the same fighting spirit can they exert their combined combat power of one plus one which is greater than two. Otherwise, if one party is too timid to fight, the combined force will weaken.

"Xiaoxian, I am always ready to work with you to deal with this powerful enemy in front of you. I believe there is nothing that you and I, Xiaoxian, can't do." A'Zhu's secret words of encouragement came from his mind.


Xu Yang is preparing to give A'Zhu a try.

Suddenly, a strange demonic wind blew up in the forest behind Xu Yang and the others.

The trees were rustling, and the light gray wind carried a slight fishy smell.

I saw a man striding out of the forest.

This man was dressed in gray clothes, his face was as sharp as a knife, his blue-gray eyes were as deep as the sea, his complexion was as gray as a demon, and he wore an eye-catching long sheathed sword at his waist.

The surface of the scabbard is inlaid with many gray cat's eye gems, and a faint gray mist is emitted from time to time, like pairs of vicious beast eyes hiding in the dark, waiting for prey. The exposed hilt was covered with gray scales that seemed to be moving slightly.

The strange scabbard.

Weird knife.

Monster people.

The visitor was none other than Guigu Changyang, who Xu Yang had met once before in this "evil ghost path".

At this time, Guigu Changyang was full of energy and calm, and it was obvious that the previous injuries were no longer harmful. The demon sword "Rainy Night" he wore on his waist shook slightly like a living thing, making a "buzzing" sound, and almost broke out of the scabbard. The intention of the sword in it seemed to be unbearable.

Gui Gu Changyang gently held the handle of the knife with one hand, and the demon sword "Rainy Night" gradually became quiet.

"Brother Guigu, you came just in time." Xu Yang was overjoyed when he saw Guigu Changyang arriving.

This Guigu Changyang is the most famous swordsman among the younger generation of the three major families of the Tiangui Sect, and is also one of the cultivation geniuses that makes the Guigu family proud. Now, working together with Gui Gu Changyang, they will definitely be able to fight against the Youfeng Waiter No. 9 on the opposite side.

"Hello, Junior Brother Xu, who are these three?" Gui Gu Changyang glanced at the drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian behind Xu Yang.

"These three are my new friends. I will explain the details later." Xu Yang replied.

Seeing the seriously injured appearance of the drunkard Xiao and the others, Guigu Changyang understood the general idea.

He took a step forward and stood in front of Xu Yang. A pair of blue-gray eyes stared at the Youfeng Waiter No. 9 opposite, with a faint murderous look in his eyes.

"Master, the man in black robe opposite should be at the second level of Yuanhun Realm. I can faintly smell the Nine Nether Crystals in his body. It seems to be very delicious. Why don't you bring it over and give it to me to enjoy? ." The weapon spirit "Scale Jiao" on the demon sword "Rainy Night" on his waist sent a message to Gui Gu Changyang.

"You have quite an appetite. A monk at the second level of Yuanhun Realm is not that easy to deal with."

"A mere Yuanhun Realm monk, if my true body hadn't been sealed on this sword, I wouldn't have been able to exert 1/10 of my power. I would have swallowed him in one bite."

"Okay, I'll give you the demon crystal in his body."

"Hehe." The weapon spirit scale dragon smiled happily, as if he didn't take Waiter No. 9 seriously at all.

Naturally, others could not hear the conversation between Gui Gu Changyang and the Qi Ling Scale Jiao.

"I didn't expect that the ghost beast could evolve into a fully human form, and it would also be brave enough to see the disciples of the Tiangui Sect not running away, but still dare to stand here and block the way. Let me see the difference between the demon crystals in your body. ." Guigu Changyang said sharply.

When the waiter No. 9 opposite heard this, his beard suddenly became angry. The moment Guigu Changyang appeared, he saw clearly that his realm was the True Alchemy realm. On this day, the disciples of the Ghost Sect were louder than the others. When disciples in the True Alchemy Realm meet themselves in the Yuan Soul Realm, one of them wants to fight him one-on-one, and the other wants to take his demon crystal. I really don’t take myself seriously.

"A mere cultivator in the True Alchemy Realm and a monk in the False Alchemy Realm are so arrogant. I'll just let you live a little longer. Other waiters are already coming here. Let's see if you can still make such a noise."

Thinking of this, Youfeng Waiter No. 9 did not have an attack, because he is a cautious person and never takes action easily without complete assurance.

"This is all a misunderstanding. I am the Youfeng Attendant No. 9 of Youfeng Mountain. I was just ordered to patrol the mountain and happened to meet this fellow Taoist Xu Yang here. I know that you Tiangui Sect disciples are here to obtain high-level demon crystals. I'm old, and the demon crystals in my body are not suitable for you to use. There are many ghost beasts near Youfeng Mountain, you can hunt them."

Hearing what No. 9 said, Xu Yang responded first without waiting for Gui Gu Changyang's reply: "Since you said so, then let's just forget about the past and let everyone go their separate ways."

Guigu Changyang, who was preparing for a big battle, didn't know why Xu Yang said this, and was slightly stunned.

"Senior Brother Guigu, you don't know something. Someone in front just released the Youfeng Order, and there are probably many opponents who are as tough as the one in front of me coming here. The three friends behind me are injured. Timely treatment is needed and it is not easy to be delayed here." Xu Yang sent a message to Guigu Changyang in time.

"No. 9, please give me, Junior Brother Xu, some face this time. Next time I see you, I, Guigu Changyang, will definitely take the demon crystal from you." Guigu Changyang said unceremoniously.

After hearing this, Waiter No. 9 suppressed the anger in his heart and looked embarrassed.

"This? Easy to say, easy to say." He replied incoherently.

Just then, the situation changed again.

A powerful spiritual pressure rolled in from the opposite side like a storm, causing the world to change color.

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