True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 265 No. 1 and No. 2

The six-winged golden tiger stepped forward and vowed to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the two-headed Tianpeng opposite.

The tiger's violent mouth spat out bloody murderous intent, and showed its bayonet-like teeth, ready to pierce the enemy's chest at any time, roaring and charging towards him.

"Only by blocking the two-headed Tianpeng for a moment can we give Brother Jinfeng a chance to counterattack." This was the only belief in the six-winged golden tiger's mind.

Don't underestimate this simple bite. As an immortal beast, the Six-Winged Golden Tiger is extremely powerful, and his body is even harder and more powerful than fine iron. In addition, he has the king-level bloodline of the Six-Winged Clan and a thousand years of profound cultivation. , it can be said that the six-winged golden tiger's physical power is no less than a Xuantian spiritual treasure.

The two approached quickly, and the six-winged golden tiger's tall body was still smaller than the two-headed Tianpeng.

Just when the six-winged golden tiger's teeth were within easy reach of the double-headed Tianpeng, a pair of sharp claws under the double-headed Tianpeng took the lead in clamping the six-winged golden tiger's back and one of its wings.

The sharp claws carrying powerful electric attacks penetrated deeply into the flesh of the six-winged golden tiger. The six-winged golden tiger showed no intention of retreating. He twisted his body, shook his head fiercely, and bit the right wing of the double-headed Tianpeng.

An extremely powerful electric current surged from the body of the double-headed Tianpeng, and wisps of purple and black electric arcs weaved into a large net like an iron prison, instantly surrounding the six-winged golden tiger.

The electrical energy released by the power grid is getting stronger and stronger.

With a "bang" sound, the spherical grid suddenly exploded, and the six-winged golden tiger's huge body was ejected by the force.

At this time, one of his wings had been broken, and his originally shiny golden hair turned black, and he fell down with a wisp of black smoke.

What's even worse is that the meridians and blood vessels in his body were completely blocked by the powerful electric attack just now, and his heart stopped suddenly. He was unable to gather any energy or use any brute force, and he couldn't even flap his wings. .

But his fangs were still biting a large piece of wings that had been torn off from the wings of the two-headed Tianpeng. After a moment, the bitten wings turned into arcs of electricity and dissipated in the void.

The two-headed Tianpeng high in the sky had a gap full of tooth marks on its right wing, but soon the gap grew again under the entanglement of a purple arc.

Although the bite just now did not cause major damage to the double-headed Tianpeng, it also prevented its downward dive speed.

"Brother Jinfeng, I have tried my best! Remember to treat me to cold water." After using up his last breath of strength to say a word, the falling six-winged golden tiger closed his eyes and fainted.

At this time, Venerable Youfeng just took the "Underworld Iron Scroll" into his arms.

When I turned around and saw this scene, I couldn't help but feel the circles in my eyes turn red, and tears well up in them. He hadn't shed tears for a long time. But this time, I saw my brother who was a sympathizer being severely injured in order to block the fatal attack for me. It was like a sharp knife piercing my heart, and it was stabbed continuously.

pain! Feeling distressed! Hysterical distress!

At this time, Venerable Youfeng was only three feet away from the double-headed Tianpeng.

The distance of three feet is already within grasp for the two-headed Tianpeng with lightning speed.

"Brother Six Wings, wake up. Brother, I will treat you to cold water." Lord Youfeng shouted, tears falling down his face.


He screamed desperately, out of reluctance, responsibility, and even more to fight back.

But a star-shaped red dot appeared in the center of his originally smooth forehead. The red dot drew a blood-red tiger-shaped rune in an instant like a living thing, and flickered continuously.

In an instant, the pressure on Lord Youfeng's body increased again, and streaks of bloody spiritual light emitted from his body. His eyes were completely red, his temples were bulging high, and there was a wisp of gray on his originally black hair, showing an increasing age in his bulging state.

It was he who activated the secret method of burning longevity and exerted his power beyond his own limits.

I saw Lord Youfeng's body spinning in mid-air, holding up the Golden Tiger Spear with both hands, and pouring all his mana into it crazily. The eyes of the numerous flying tigers on the barrel of the golden tiger gun flashed with red light, and the soul power of the sixty-six ghost tigers was fully activated.

"Bloodthirsty - sixty-six golden tigers arrayed!"

Wisps of red-gold thin threads kept spitting out from the tip of the Golden Tiger Spear.

The tip of the gun is ruthless, the power of the gun condenses the soul, the intention of the gun takes shape, and a furious "One-horned Flying Winged Golden Tiger" reappears among the waves of red-gold thin lines.

One, two, three... are more powerful than every previous one.

Just when the tip of the Golden Tiger Spear in Venerable Youfeng's hand pierced the forty-fifth spear force, a pair of sharp claws of Tianpeng above him had already come closer.

"Bang bang bang..."

Streams of gun power exploded on Tianpeng's body, exploding into bursts of explosive golden light, burning life like bolides moving forward bravely.

Almost at the same time, Tianpeng's pair of hook-like claws also grabbed hard on the shoulders and back of Lord Youfeng.

The golden shoulder armor he wore on his shoulders was torn to pieces by sharp claws in an instant. The tips of the claws dug into the flesh and cut into the bones. At the same time, purple and black electric arcs surged out crazily, like a ruthless and murderous mouth, swallowing up the figure of Lord Youfeng in the blink of an eye.

The arcs of electricity were like sharp steel wires piercing into Lord Youfeng's body, and like greedy snakes devouring his life.

With Venerable Youfeng's current level of cultivation in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, his physical body is also extremely strong. But it is still slightly inferior to the six-winged golden tiger. After all, the six-winged golden tiger is born with the blood of a king-level true spirit. Even someone as powerful as Lord Youfeng could not resist being directly attacked by such huge thunder and lightning power.

"Is this my fate? I can't be defeated!" This was the thought in Lord Youfeng's mind.

The pain was no longer important to him at this time, he still had many unfinished wishes. He wanted to take his wife out of Fengdu, unblock his son Xiaoliu, and reunite his five daughters as a family. He also wanted to treat the Six-winged Golden Tiger brothers to a delicious cold water meal...

Venerable Youfeng felt his eyes go dark, and his whole aura suddenly became restrained, but the Golden Tiger Spear was still held tightly in his hand.

Under the fierce attack of Lord Youfeng's "Bloodthirsty - Sixty-Six Golden Tigers Formation", the double-headed Tianpeng's flying feathers were messy, and there were several large holes on the pair of wings.

Just listen to it let out a sky-shattering cry, and the claw hook that clamped on Lord Youfeng was instantly released, and Lord Youfeng fell down like a kite with its string broken in the sky.

But the two-headed Tianpeng had no intention of giving up. Its intention is simple, it represents the will of the interface god to obliterate the individual in front of him who is going against heaven.

No compromise!

Show no mercy!

No mercy!

Although the two-headed Tianpeng was severely damaged, it was not a real life form, it was just a pseudo-life form evolved from energy. To it, heavy damage is just a massive consumption of its own power. Only when all the energy in its body is exhausted will its life end.

The damaged wings healed quickly with the supplement of its own electrical energy. The double-headed Tianpeng spread its wings, its eyes revealed a fierce light, and swooped down, its target still being Lord Youfeng.

At this time, the six-winged golden tiger that had fallen earlier hit the protective light shield outside the platform. The light mask seemed to recognize that he was one of its own, and did not launch any blocking force against the six-winged golden tiger. The purple light flashed, revealing a gap for it to pass through.

"Plop!" The six-winged golden tiger's body fell hard to the ground of the platform. The entire platform shook and a big hole was made in the ground.

Above the building platform, the falling body of Lord Youfeng is getting closer and closer to the building platform.

Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang, who were near Zhutai, had a panoramic view of what happened above. Shock was their common experience at this time.

At this time, the life and death of Lord Youfeng was not directly related to the three of them. But if the two-headed Tianpeng above directly fell on the platform and exploded, its power would probably tear off a section of Youfeng Mountain, and the lives of the three people might not be saved.

It's too late to run, counterattack, a desperate counterattack may have a glimmer of hope.

When Lord Youfeng rushed up to grab the "Underworld Iron Scroll".

On the other side of the platform, a person stood silently. Because the battle just now was too fierce, no one noticed this man's existence.

This person was dressed in green, with two playful little braids on his head, and a cute baby face. He was none other than Youfeng Waiter No. 1, the girl in green with a surly temperament.

The girl in green was staring intently at what was happening above Tsukudai. When she saw Lord Youfeng rushing out alone to catch the fallen "Underworld Iron Scroll", she seemed to have guessed the outcome.

She had an anxious look on her face, but she didn't say a word as her hands quickly drew out the magic formula. Strands of white filaments flew out from her wide cuffs and spun around the outside of her body, layer by layer like threads on a spinning wheel.

In just the blink of an eye, a white silkworm cocoon as tall as a person was formed outside her body. The speed is so fast and the movements are so skillful, it seems like they have practiced it hundreds of times.

Strange runes appeared on the white cocoon, and a dense white air emitted. Her body hiding in the cocoon makes it difficult to guess the next evolution.

At this moment, a figure flashed out of the entrance to the top of the mountain.

This person has thin eyebrows, a straight nose, thin lips, a black cloak that reaches the ground behind him, and an obvious "two" on his forehead. He is the No. 2 Waiter of Youfeng.

Youfeng Waiter No. 2 just glanced at the battle situation in the sky, and then locked his eyes on the cocoon transformed by the girl in green.

"No. 1, you are here as expected, and you have also used the secret technique of "Cocoon Transformation". You and I are both good at the "Art of Dark Silk", and I know your weaknesses best. When you crawl out of the cocoon, you will be the best." A moment of weakness. Hehe, I finally waited for the day of revenge." No. 2 whispered, the muscles on his cheeks trembling, like a robber preparing to commit a crime.

He stretched out his right hand, and a furry eight-legged black spider crawled out from his cuff and stopped on the back of his hand.

"It's time for us to close the net, little black thief, come and bite me."

The black spider seemed to understand the words of Youfeng Waiter No. 2. A pair of sharp mouthparts stabbed into the back of his hand, and two drops of black blood overflowed from the wound.

After a moment, the black spider swayed back into the cuff like a drunkard.

The blood vessels on the back of the bitten hand of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 quickly swelled and turned purple-black, like strips of disgusting large earthworms.

Number 2's body trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He forced himself to calm down and stretched out his left hand to touch the scar on his forehead.

"This painful feeling is really surprising, but it is nothing compared to the pain you left in my heart No. 1. No. 1, I will immediately repay you with double the pain I have endured." No. 2 His belly swore.

Immediately afterwards, a dense black mist rolled out from the surface of No. 2, covering his body.

When the black fog dissipated, No. 2's figure disappeared, leaving a hunched-over, dark spider-shaped man in place. This strange creature has eight long spider-like legs, a distorted and ugly face, and a clear "二" on his bare forehead, with a straight scar underneath the "二".

"Hey." He let out a weird laugh that was worse than crying.

Immediately, his eight long spider-like legs kicked hard on the ground and rushed towards the place where the girl in green turned into a cocoon.

His strange-looking figure was extremely light, leaving no trace wherever he passed, like an assassin haunting the night.

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