True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 288 Take back the little red candle

Xu Yang, who had just formed the second fake elixir in Wangyou Valley, had greatly increased his power. His sudden addition made the beacon realm summoned by the Red Blood Army Formation more than three times more powerful than before.

The three rising ghost generals who were about to kill suddenly saw a man with fire wings on his back who was good at controlling the beacon realm. The pressure brought by the Beacon Realm made the three of them feel nervous.

"Be careful of an ambush." ​​Ghost General Lijiao reminded.

Immediately, the three ghost generals retreated to a safe distance.

"Little clever ghost, go and save people!" Seeing the right moment, Mu Jin shouted.

The little clever ghost who transformed into the form of a tiger girl heard the words and used all four limbs together, like riding on the wind, and came to the front of the little red candle in just one move.

She knelt down and stretched out her arms to hold the little red candle in her arms. Then, he turned around and ran away.

"Where to run!"

Xingbao from Youxing Palace shouted loudly, and slashed down with the Xinghui Sword in his hand. A life-threatening golden rainbow of several feet in size shot out from the blade, and it landed on the little clever ghost's back.

At this moment, a tumbling silver blade suddenly appeared in the diagonal ground. The blade arrived just in time, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into a scaly dragon with an angry mouth and sharp claws.


The two collided not far behind the little clever ghost, exploding silver and golden stars all over the sky and impacting the void.

"It's a villain's behavior to attack people behind their backs!" Gui Gu Changyang said disdainfully, holding a demon sword in his hand.

"Hmph! Killers never talk about one-on-one duels. Killing someone is the best result." Xingbao said self-righteously.

Huan Sha and Huan Li also took action at the same time, holding the staff a little further away in the air.

A yellow whirlwind swirled at the front of each staff. The two forces merged into one, and a three-foot-sized unicorn sand spurt shot out and struck directly at the little clever ghost's back.

On the opposite side, Gui Gu Zan, with a cold face, promptly activated the Jade Skull. The ghost blade "Golden Bone" in the Jade Skull's palm slashed down. The huge, crescent-shaped blade rubbed against the void, making a ghost roar. Like a squeaking sound, he rushed away.


The sand mang was cut into two sections in the middle by this shocking sword, turning into rain of sand all over the sky, scattering one after another, dyeing the ground yellow.

The remaining power of the sword's power continued to move forward, striking directly at the location of Huan Sha and Huan Li.

Upon seeing this, Huan Sha and Huan Li quickly placed their staffs across their chests and activated the secret technique. The yellow sand beneath their feet flew backwards and flew three feet away.

With a "boom", a straight ravine appeared where the two of them had just landed. Looking at the dark ravine in front of them, the two stretched out their sleeves to wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads, showing their lingering fears.

Yin Feng and Luo Yu also attacked at the same time.


The ancient swords "Child's Horn" and "Qinglin" in the sword cases behind them were unsheathed at the same time. The young horn controlled the wind and the green scale controlled the rain. The two swords merged to create a dragon of wind and rain.

The violent wind sword and the rainstorm blade were aimed directly at the little clever ghost holding the little red candle in his arms.

Seeing this, Xu Yang swept out the red-blooded military flag in his hand.

With a "hoo" sound, a large ball of fire breath billowed out from the military flag, and in an instant it transformed into a giant fire breath dragon of seven or eight feet in size. This giant dragon looks like a dragon, and every dragon scale on its surface is very lifelike. It carries the power of burning the sky and attacks it.


The flame dragon and the wind and rain dragon bite together.

With just one touch, the Dragon of Wind and Rain collapsed, bursting into white water vapor that filled the sky, rolling back and spreading out. The void was like a steamer, and the temperature increased sharply.

There was a flash of fire in the water vapor, and the Fire Breath Dragon stood out. Its momentum continued unabated, and a wall of flames that was several feet high and more than ten feet wide exploded not far behind the little clever ghost. Block the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm who are chasing them behind.

The little clever ghost took the opportunity to hold the unconscious Xiao Hongzhu and came to Hibiscus.

At this time, Xiao Hongzhu was still holding the blood-red heart in her hand, which was Mo Ling's true body.

Hibiscus stretched out her fingers and probed gently, and found that Xiao Hongzhu's pulse was very strong, but she was still in a coma.

"Fortunately, Xiao Hongzhu's life is fine. But the heart is Mo Ling's body. I don't know if it can be saved." Mu Jin said, looking at the blood-red heart that had stopped beating.

When Xu Yang heard this, he understood the secret.

From the first moment I met Mo Ling, I felt that Mo Ling was very strange and mysterious. There were no vital signs on his body, and there was not a trace of spiritual energy fluctuations. At first, it was just thought that he had practiced a special skill to hide his body. Now, it dawned on me.

What amazing and unimaginable puppetry this is. The vitality of the body is only kept in one heart, and the zombie ghost body is used as a shell puppet to hide the eyes and ears of others.

"Let me take a closer look."

Xu Yang said, a red light flashed in his eyes, and he used the Flame Spirit Eyes to carefully examine the heart.

"There is still a ray of remnant soul on it that has not yet disintegrated. I can try to save it first."

As he said that, he turned his hand over, and there was a dark, heavy wooden waistband about an inch in size.

This waist pendant is tied with a delicate golden string, and its style is simple and simple. It is the "Ghost Wood Waist Pendant" given to him by Venerable Youfeng.

As soon as the magic power was activated, an ink-dyed spiritual light shot out from the waistband and fell on the heart.

After a moment, Mo Ran's aura was wrapped in a faint white soul, which was put back into his waistband.

At this time, Mo Ling's soul had collapsed. Perhaps because he was very worried about Xiao Hongzhu, the only remaining strand of it had not dissipated.

The Ghost Wood Waist Pendant is indeed a strange and rare treasure.

As soon as the remaining soul of Mo Ling entered it, the ghost tree automatically released a trace of three-color tribulation thunder with appropriate benefits to wrap it up.

This remnant soul began to beat under the stimulation of the power of thunder, like a resurrected heart.

"Plop, plop."

He had a glimmer of hope again.

"With the warmth and nourishment of this treasure, it depends on the Mo Ling's own good fortune." After saying that, Xu Yang carefully put away the belt.

"Boss Bai, Hibiscus, you two take care of Xiao Hongzhu first. The enemy is strong and we are weak, so we can only hold them back first. Maybe reinforcements from the Tiangui Sect are on the way."

After saying that, Xu Yang held the flagpole of the Red Blood Army Flag with one hand and said loudly towards the opposite side: "The little red candle is here with me. If you want to snatch it away, just come over here."

"Who is this person? It seems that his cultivation level cannot exceed the Yuanhun realm, but he is so arrogant." Ghost General Qingniu said.

"This person can control the Beacon Fire Realm so powerfully and freely, and he does have some skills." Ghost General Li Jiao said.

"This kid is just bluffing." Ghost General Zi Shi said unconvinced.

"Report to the three ghost generals. These people are also disciples of the Tiangui Sect. They have repeatedly prevented us from chasing the prisoner." Xing Hu on the side explained quickly.

"It's another disciple of the Tiangui Sect. Two brothers, let's kill this person first. Once the beacon realm is broken, these people in front of us are lambs to be slaughtered." Ghost General Qingniu said.

"If you don't resort to some means, you will really think that I am a vegetarian." Ghost General Zi Shi said with a fierce look.

"Looking at how confident he looks, be careful of fraud." Ghost General Lijiao reminded him in time.

"This mission must not fail. We can't bear the blame for Master Mingjiang. Let's go together and kill this person." Ghost General Zishi said.


The three ghost generals roared and surrounded Xu Yang.

The old village chief Lin Badi, the blacksmith Sledgehammer, the hunter Dali, and the butcher Laohen quickly took up positions and assisted Xu Yang in launching the Red Blood Army formation.

The power of the Red Blood Army Formation has increased again.

"It seems that the opponent's three ghost generals should all have Dao Ming Realm cultivation. Right now, the power of the Beacon Fire Realm is far from enough. We must find a way to increase the power of the Beacon Fire Realm again in order to compete with the opponent. "

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's consciousness moved.

A emerald green light shot out from Xu Yang's arms, and after landing on the ground, a fat, white, big-headed ginseng baby with pigtails and a red bellyband appeared.

"Dudu'er, use your wood spirit power to wish me to enhance the power of the Beacon Realm."

Dudou nodded, and the green light around him flashed, turning into a green light and sinking into the red-blooded military flag in Xu Yang's hand.

Wood-assisted firepower is the essence of the Red Blood Army Formation. The Red Blood Army Formation looks like fire on the surface, but it is actually a special Five Elements Formation. The five elements are interdependent and endless.

Dudou'er is a ten thousand year old ginseng that was cultivated by Xu Yang using the "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" given by Ning Tianqi. Possessing endless quintessence of wood spiritual power.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz."

The red-blooded military flag buzzed and suddenly doubled in size. The six fire-breathing dragons on the flag rolled out, stirring the heaven and earth, shaking the surrounding areas, and the Vulcan was furious.

For a time, the power of the Beacon Realm was greatly increased again. The beacon fire soldiers and generals in the beacon fire territory were also upgraded.

The Fire Breath soldiers put on their armor, and their horses wore outer armor. Countless Fire Breath flying feather arrows appeared out of thin air, shooting like a torrential rain at the three ghost generals who invaded the territory of Beacon Fire.

The three ghost generals transformed into ghost spirits, and the three ferocious beasts charged left and right, extremely powerful. However, within the territory of the Beacon Fire, Fire Breath soldiers and others kept pouring out. The three of them were trapped in the midst of thousands of troops, making it difficult to get close to Xu Yang in the formation.

On the other side, Gui Gu Changyang, Gui Gu Zan and Drunkard Xiao each used their skills to bravely fight Huan Sha, Huan Li, Xing Hu, Xing Bao, Yin Feng and Luo Yu from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm.

In front of the Wangyou Valley, the two sides fell into a melee, and it was difficult to determine the outcome in a short period of time.


a few days ago.

Inside the small black stone house at the bottom of Youfeng Mountain.

This small black stone house looks like it is made of rocks from Youfeng Mountain from the outside, but inside it is an alien space transformed from the belly of alien silkworms from the underworld.

The unconscious Cheng Luyi was still lying quietly on the stone couch. White silk threads continued to overflow from the stone couch, wrapping it up and turning it into a cocoon.

The warm and nourishing power brought by the underworld silk was injected into the seriously injured Cheng Luyi, repairing the damaged meridians and meridians in her body, and the essence of her soul.

If Waiter No. 2 of Youfeng hadn't sacrificed his life to transfer his life essence to Cheng Luyi through the secret technique of Mingsi, I am afraid that Cheng Luyi would have been wiped out long ago.

Time flies, a few days later.

There was a rustling sound inside the white silkworm cocoon.

"Chichi!" The seemingly hard cocoon shell turned into a large ball of white mist.

After a while, the white mist dissipated, and Cheng Luyi sat up after recovering from his injuries.

At this time, she returned to her original appearance of the girl in green.

Cheng Luyi, who was sitting on the bed, had complicated eyes, and the scene of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 risking his life to save him flashed in his mind. I couldn't help but feel sad and heartbroken, tears fell down my face, and I whispered: "So you are number 18, thank you."

After a while, Cheng Luyi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Then, he carefully checked his body. Although it cannot be compared to its peak, it is at least no problem.

Seeing that Gong was fine, she walked down from the bed.

"I wonder how Lord Youfeng is doing? Now that I'm here, he must have survived the catastrophe safely. He can't stay here. Let's go out and take a look first."

Cheng Luyi pushed open the door of the small black room, only to see Lord Youfeng wearing a golden tiger cloak standing outside the small room with his back turned.

It seemed that she had been waiting there for a long time.

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