True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 854 The last choice

Xu Yang looked around at everyone who had returned, and said sincerely: "Thank you all for coming back."

"We are friends." Everyone who rushed back said in unison.

Everyone exchanged glances, which were full of warmth.

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "Boss Xu Yang, just take a rest first and leave this place to us."

Gongsun Zhi held the flame gun across his chest, "This time, it's our turn to fight."

Murong Yu held his stone Buddha orb with both hands and said firmly, "It doesn't matter if we just try it once."

Both the golden bald Buddha and the silver bald Buddha put their hands together and shouted the Buddha's name: "Amitabha!"

Xu Yang touched the wine gourd on his waist, skillfully opened the cork, raised the wine gourd, raised his head and opened his mouth, and a silver thread entered the door.

The spiritual power in the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine spread out within his body like fire, replenishing the energy body that had just been emptied out.

In just a few breaths, Xu Yang's overstretched energy recovered to less than half, his meridians were filled with heat, and the burning sensation disappeared. The three-color vortex in the body no longer rotates in the opposite direction and stabilizes. But under the current situation, Xu Yang no longer has the ability to use his ultimate move.

Xu Yang hung the wine gourd back on his waist, and then said: "If we fight again, I will join you all."

Everyone stood shoulder to shoulder.

Although the golden bald Tutuo, the silver bald Tutuo, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li turned back to help. But each of them knew clearly in their hearts that if they rushed alone to fight the three-headed demon on the opposite side, they would only end up defeated, and they might even die on the spot.

The combined three-headed demon king cannot resist with the strength of any one of them. Before there was Monk Liujin, and later there was Xu Yang. This time, who else can stand up? Perhaps only by everyone standing together can we compete with the powerful enemy on the other side.

The six-gold monk came out of the pit and said: "The three-headed demon master relied on the art of fusion to improve his cultivation to the virtual fairyland, but he cannot maintain this state for too long. And with the skill Due to the extreme load his body has endured, his physical performance has gradually weakened, which gives us the opportunity to continue to fight against him.”

The six-gold monk stabilized his aura and stood among a few people: "Golden Bald Tutu, Silver Bald Tutu, Xu Yang, and three others, please listen to me. In the current situation, my power can only be used to the best of my ability. Thirty percent, only if I borrow everyone's strength can I have enough mana to use the magical power of subduing demons, so that I can compete with these three-headed monsters again. The specific strategy is to use the Stacking Arhat technique of the Golden Buddha Temple to concentrate everyone's skills. On my own. However, due to the different fluctuations of our bodies and the fact that we have not practiced the Stacking Arhat Technique together, we can only use the Silver Light Tutuo to use the Soul Gathering Talisman Array to assist. Although the effect is far inferior to the real Stacking Arhat Technique. But that’s all for now.”

Silver Guang Tutuo immediately responded: "Lord Master, I will activate the spirit-gathering talisman array."

Everyone naturally agreed with Monk Liujin's strategy, clenching five fingers tightly to form a fist.

Monk Liujin took a step forward and said loudly: "Three-Headed Demon Lord, the fight between us is not over yet. Since you insist on continuing the fight, we will all play with you again."

Seeing the Liujin monk step forward, Yin Guang Tutuo immediately took action.

As the first martial monk disciple of Jinyi Hall, Yinguang Tutuo is good at rune techniques, and he can easily cast the spirit gathering talisman formation.

He made wheel-like spells with both hands, and silver runes fell in the air above the head of the six-gold monk like falling stars.

Large pieces of silver runes were connected into pieces, and a circular array of runes suddenly appeared.

Silver Bald Tutuo's eyes were sharp and he said firmly: "Lord Master, please be ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Guang Tutuo fired twenty-four bright silver spells in succession and landed on the array in mid-air.

The magic circle in mid-air suddenly trembled, and twenty-four silver Buddhist statues appeared on it.

"The Talisman Array—Twenty-Four Buddha Forms!"

Silver Guang Tutuo transmitted the message in time: "Everyone injects their own mana into this talisman array, and uses the talisman array as a guide and then adds it to the hall master to complete the secret technique of stacking Arhats."

When Xu Yang and others heard this, they immediately activated their magic power.

Streams of mana poured out from the hands of the five people, including Xu Yang, and fell on the talisman array in the sky like ribbons.


The talisman array high in the sky buzzed, like a bell ringing, and began to spin rapidly.

The next moment, the power of the silver talisman array suddenly came down, and twenty-four Sanskrit silver dragons were sprayed out and landed on the surface of the six-gold monk's body.

It was as if a huge silver dragon cassock was wrapped around him.

A steady stream of mana was poured into the body of the six-gold monk.

The Six-Gold Monk suddenly felt that his energy was full. He activated his magic power, and a band of purple-gold light swirled and spread out around his feet, accompanied by countless golden Sanskrit characters.

The golden belt spins, the golden talisman flies down, and the golden Buddha shines in the world.

The soul power has become substantial and transformed. The six-gold monk's physical attainments are indeed powerful. The golden monk's robes outside him flew like waves, and the powerful soul domain that a monk in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm should have spread out instantly.

As the Six-Gold Monk gathered the power of his soul, purple-gold runes appeared on the surface of his arms and fists, which were the "Vajra Demon-Conquering Magical Powers" that he was good at.

The Six-Gold Monk has raised his magical power of Vajra to subjugate demons to the ninth level, which is also his current limit. The purple-gold runes on his body kept wandering around, exuding the aura of the holy flower like a magic weapon. The physical performance has almost reached the limit of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. It seems that if it goes higher, it will be comparable to the Void Fairy Realm.

The height of the six-gold monk also suddenly increased by more than ten feet, standing like a golden tower between heaven and earth.

Although the current Six Gold Monk once again displayed his specialty technique - the magical power of King Kong Demon Subduing. But because it was assisted by external forces, the pressure on his body was even greater than last time.

The Liujin monk's eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. He thought to himself: "Maybe there is only this one chance. But this time, we must let the three-headed monster on the opposite side know the difficulty and retreat. Otherwise, not only will I die here today, but also Even Jin Guang Tuo, Yin Guang Tuo, Xu Yang and others will be killed by the three-headed demon. This is an outcome that must never happen."


The six-gold monk stood in front of everyone and stared at the three-headed demon. A new round of competition was about to begin.

The three-headed demon king on the opposite side couldn't help showing surprise when he saw this.

The head of the Purple Blood Demon Lord said: "This six-gold monk gathered the power of everyone and transformed again."

The head of the Purple Shadow Demon Lord said: "It looks like the coercion exuded by him is no worse than the last time he transformed."

The head of the Purple Wind Demon Lord said: "This kind of technique that relies on the power of others to transform, I'm afraid the burden is much greater than our fusion technique. Let's give this six-gold monk another punch, and we will definitely be able to defeat him. The fight broke up."

"Take the move!" The three heads of the Three-Headed Demon Lord shouted in unison.

The demon king with three heads and six arms took a step forward, folded his six arms into three huge "iron hammers", and hammered them down.

"Fist technique - Demon Hammer!"

When the fist came out, three hundred-foot-long fist figures suddenly appeared.

Above the shadow of a fist, a huge purple lion's head appeared. The purple lion's head was solid and real, with an angry mouth and bloody teeth, as if it came from the devil's realm, causing the surrounding void to faintly collapse.

Above the shadow of a fist, the head of a two-horned monster suddenly appeared. It looked like an ox but not an ox. Its tyrannical energy leaked out, spinning out circles of purple magic whirlpools, filling the void with darkness.

Above the shadow of a fist, the head of a wind monster with a leopard face suddenly appeared. The powerful wind-attribute spiritual power creaked, as if thousands of swords were clanging in it, which was particularly harsh.

Just as the three-headed and six-armed Demon Lord on the other side was attacking, the Liujin monk's eyes were as angry as bells. He also took a step forward, and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, the body of the six-gold monk and the body of the three-headed and six-armed Yuanmo Vajra appeared in the same place in the void.

Monk Liujin clenched his fists tightly and smashed them down.

"Fist technique - diamond hammer!"

In an instant, a fist of a hundred feet struck down. On the surface of the fist, a golden storm swirled, and countless Sanskrit characters spewed out.

Where the fists collide, an extremely bright little sun rises and expands rapidly.

Half of the little sun is extremely golden and has golden Sanskrit blessings. The other half of the little sun is splashed with purple light, accompanied by countless purple magic runes.

Boom boom boom——

A series of thunderous crackling sounds were heard, and the world shook.

At the collision point, the void collapsed into a huge black hole, and immediately exploded a circle of strong wind visible to the naked eye, sweeping across hundreds of miles.

After a while, the power of both sides' moves was exhausted.

The two tall figures are suddenly separated.

Monk Liujin knelt on one knee, and the spirit-gathering talisman array above his head collapsed, and everyone behind him was also affected.

Silver Bald Tutuo, Golden Bald Tutuo, Xu Yang, Gongsun Zhi, Murong Yu, and black boy Zhang Li were backfired by the collapse of the formation. Like fallen leaves in a strong wind, they were lifted dozens of feet away and fell to the ground one after another.

Everyone's mouth was red.

Because Silver Bald Tutuo is the controller of the talisman formation, which is equivalent to the formation eye of the stacking Arhat technique, he has received

The backlash was the strongest, and he was knocked directly to the ground, lying on his back, unable to stand up for a while.

The golden bald Tutu got up from the ground, ran over unsteadily, half-lifted the silver bald Tutu, took out a golden pill, and said anxiously: "Brother Yinguang, you are seriously injured, take this pill quickly." "Golden Light Transformation Pill".

The silver bald Tutu opened his lips slightly and said: "Junior brother, this Golden Light Transformation Pill is used by you to break through the bottleneck of cultivation. Even you only have one..."

The golden bald Tutu did not wait for the silver bald Tutu to finish his words. He stuffed the pill into the silver bald Tutu's mouth. He said without any doubt, "Take it."

The silver-bald Tutuo swallowed the golden elixir, his eyes were filled with tears, and his gratitude was beyond words.

Murong Yu was half-kneeling on the ground, holding the stone Buddha orb in his hand, with a look of panic in his eyes.

Gongsun Zhi used the handle of the flame gun in his hand to support the ground to prevent him from falling.

The black boy rolled away from the spot and jumped up. Being good at the angle-struck technique, he was able to remove a lot of the backlash and was the least injured.

The black boy Zhang Li patted the dust on his body and said, "What a big bear, the fists of these three-headed monsters are really fierce."

Xu Yang swayed before he stood firm. He first looked at the other people beside him, and then looked up at the opposite side. He couldn't help but feel worried in his heart, "Everyone has some internal injuries. Although they are not life-threatening, their combat power is small." Next, I’m afraid we won’t have any trump cards.”


The three-headed demon king on the opposite side was also impacted by the power of the collision just now. His big body stepped back continuously, and his pair of big feet made a thumping sound on the ground. He retreated more than ten feet away before standing firm.

On the surface of the three-headed demon king's body, purple light patterns visible to the naked eye appeared, shaped like leaf veins.

The head of the Purple Blood Demon Lord said in surprise: "What a powerful force."

The Purple Shadow Demon Lord looked a little flustered and said: "Our combination is already unstable."

There was a ruthless look in the eyes of Zifeng Demon Lord, and he looked at the opposite side and said: "They are even worse, and they have no room to fight back. Since we have reached this point, why don't we stop fighting."

The Purple Blood Demon Lord said with a ruthless look in his eyes: "Yes, we still have the power of blood."

Purple Shadow Demon Lord said: "This is our last powerful trump card."

Zifeng Demon Lord said fiercely: "This trump card is enough to determine the outcome. No, it is to send the three thieves and monks on the opposite side and the four little guys who just surrounded me and beat me to the west."

But he saw the three-headed demon master pinching out a strange magic formula in his hand, and blood lines were wandering on his fingertips.

Then he pointed his sword at the heart acupuncture point on his broad chest.

puff! Fingertips dipped in a little. In an instant, the three-headed demon king's heart was stimulated and beat violently, and the powerful blood power filled his body.

The purple cracks on the three-headed demon's body disappeared instantly, and his aura returned to its previous level in the blink of an eye.

The head of the Purple Blood Demon Lord said: "In terms of physique, the Yuan Demon bloodline of our Three Demon Lords of the Western Region is invincible."

The head of the Purple Shadow Demon Lord said: "If we punch them again, they will only die. None of the opponents who have seen our combined appearance before can leave alive, and this time is no exception."

The head of Zifeng Demon Lord said: "I have said before that if you hurt my arm, you will have to pay with your life."

The three-headed demon master used the secret technique of blood to force him to instantly recover his vitality before launching another attack.

The six arms of the three-headed demon were raised high again, and they hugged each other tightly. Three huge "iron hammers" hung high in the air. The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the purple clouds rolled back, as if the thunderous thunder was about to fall.

At this time, Monk Liujin's magic power of subduing demons receded, and his body returned to its original size. He stood up and clasped his hands together.

"Amitabha..." Monk Liujin first shouted a Buddha's name, and then said through a message: "I didn't expect this guy to have such a powerful method. Today we were defeated by the three demons of the Western Regions. He destroyed us and others." Be determined. In order to save everyone's lives, you guys should run away in different directions and let me take another punch from this guy."

Xu Yang and others listened and naturally understood what Monk Liujin meant at this moment. Based on the current situation of the Six-Gold Monk, it is simply impossible for him to withstand the powerful punch of the Three-Headed Demon Lord.

Everyone at this moment was injured and could no longer organize an effective confrontation. Perhaps turning around and running away was the only correct choice.

But even if they choose to escape, how many of Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi, black boy Zhang Li, Jin Guang Tuo and Yin Guang Tuo can really save their lives due to the terror of the Three-Headed Demon Lord?

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