True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 873 The Spirit of the Magic Whirling

The island of bones in the Hellfire Cave.

Xu Yang closed his eyes and crossed his legs, holding his Yuan and guarding his heart, and his whole body gradually fell into concentration.

Around the island, the magma fire cast red light and shadow onto his face, and his body... was all red.

An hour later, Xu Yang exhaled a breath of turbidity. He pinched the magic formula with both hands and moved a little farther away. The red stream of light transformed from the magic formula exploded in the void above his head, lighting up a circle of fiery runes.

The rune array is operating.

Buzz! Space trembles.

The fire-attribute spiritual power contained in the magma fire came out one after another under the stimulation of Xu Yang's technique, turning into countless red light spots.

These red stars were like fireflies, swarming and jumping, converging towards Xu Yang's location.

As the magic formula in Xu Yang's hand changed, red ghost runes popped up on his fingertips, attracting these red spiritual light spots that were swarming in.

As time went by, more and more red star points gathered around his body, and began to rotate, like a tornado of fire.

This process lasted for half a day.

At this moment, Xu Yang's body was already surrounded by the whirlwind of flames outside him. His body could not be seen from the outside, only a large group of rotating and rising flames could be seen.

Xu Yang felt the heat brought by the power of the fire spirits around him, becoming more and more intense.

The magic formula in his hand changed again, and there was a magic seal in his hands that was only three inches in size and looked like a big ghost.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Heavenly Ghost Seal in Xu Yang's hand popped out.

In the mid-air above Xu Yang's head, the Great Heavenly Ghost's Dharma Seal exploded, the ghost runes flickered, and the spiritual light whirled and turned into the phantom of the Great Heavenly Ghost's Dharma Appearance.

"My soul serves as a guide, restrains ghosts and condemns spirits, and fire spirits transform into forms..."

Xu Yang activated the technique of arresting ghosts and repelling spirits that he learned from "Li Zhen, the Book of Living Ghosts", and combined it with the spiritual veins of the heavenly ghosts in his body to simulate the appearance of the great heavenly ghosts.

In an instant, the power of the spinning fire spirits outside him was immediately summoned, and they rushed to pounce on the phantom of the great ghost.

The Dharma of the Great Heaven and Ghost continues to absorb the fire spirit, becomes more and more solid, and continues to expand.

In the end, the demonic form of the Great Heaven and Ghost expanded to a size of several tens of feet before it could stop.

The ghost in the sky has two wings on its back, a single horn on its head, a belly like a drum, a face as ferocious as a beast, and clusters of fire breath emitting from its body. Especially in the middle of its big belly, there is a bright word "fire", which is very eye-catching.

The spirit of a king is self-powerful without being angry.


Xu Yang popped out the magic formula in his hand.

The Great Fire Ghost Faxiang in mid-air seemed to have heard Xu Yang's instructions. It hugged its big belly with its hands, turned its head back and forth, and opened its mouth to suck it in hard.


The entire Hell Fire Cave area shook.

The rock mass at the edge of the cave collapsed a lot, falling into the underground fire and splashing the fangs of fire. Soaring red light spurted out from the cave, rushing high into the sky like a path of fire.

Less than half an hour later, when the fire demon stopped devouring it, the surface of the surrounding magma and earth fire dropped by several feet, and an unknown amount of the power of the fire spirit was swallowed up.

The island of bones under Xu Yang became more and more abrupt and clear. It was the skeleton of a large ghost king with complete bones. The ghost claws were sharp, the fangs were like hooks, and the skull was like a hill.

"In this way, with the blessing of the Heavenly Ghost Dharma Appearance, the spiritual power of fire will be purer. This is what I want." Xu Yang raised his head and glanced at the full-shaped Heavenly Ghost Dharma Appearance high in the sky.

"My soul is the guide, the ghosts and spirits are restrained, the dharma of heaven and ghosts appears, and the fire spirit enters the body...


The great demonic figure of fire above Xu Yang's head lowered his head and groaned angrily.

Two streams of red fire spurted out from its pair of large nostrils, and the spiritual power of fire within them had become substantial, pure and transparent, like flowing fire jade.

Two streamers of red fire swirled around, twisted into a funnel shape, and poured directly into Xu Yang's Tianling Cap.

Xu Yang quickly activated the four mutated spiritual veins in his body, the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, the Haoran Heavenly Vein, the Buddha Spiritual Vein and the Daoguo Spiritual Vein. Especially the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein was fully activated.

The powerful and pure ghost fire-attributed spiritual power ran like a river through the meridians in Xu Yang's body.

When an ordinary True Alchemy Realm monk advances to the Yuan Soul Realm, he not only has to melt and recast the natal spiritual veins in his body, but also upgrades the True Alchemy Spirit in his body to Yuanying.

Xu Yang's Demonic Whirlpool Realm has evolved from the True Alchemy Realm. If the Demonic Whirlpool Realm is upgraded to the Yuanhun Realm, the Demonic Whirlpool Spirit must be upgraded to the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Use enough fire-attribute spiritual power to refine the three-color vortex, and then inject my original soul into it to achieve the body of the Nascent Soul."

With the judgment in mind, Xu Yang will inject the huge and refined fire-attribute spiritual power introduced into the body into the three-color vortex in the Zifu space through the refinement of the meridians and the four major spiritual veins.

The three-color vortex rotates rapidly, like an underfed calf, constantly devouring these fire-attribute spiritual powers.

A whole day passed.

The devouring action of the three-color magic whirlpool finally stopped.

in the real world.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged on the bare skull of the Great Ghost King's skeleton, motionless. The demonic sign above his head had long since dissipated, and the magma and earth fire around him was baking tirelessly, still glowing red.

At this moment, Xu Yang's cheeks were already covered with sweat drops. The process of breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation was very hard.

"The state of mind settles, the power of the mind is injected, the original soul and soul merge..."

Xu Yang's originally silent and blank state of mind suddenly lit up.

in his conscious world.

Suddenly a beam of bright light hung down, and the light curtain opened, lighting up the world.

Standing in the center of the world is a huge purple gate that can be said to reach the sky.

On the surface of the gate is engraved a figure of a thousand feet tall, with three heads and six arms, lion eyes and fangs, a strong body, and a half-naked Yuan magic figure.

Under the gate, stood a young man in green clothes. The young man's body was outlined by light and shadow, but it was solid and real. The young man's face is exactly the same as that of Xu Yang's original soul. He is exactly the soul body transformed by Xu Yang's original soul.

"How did you get here?"

The young man in green frowned slightly, this was different from what he had imagined. After injecting the original soul, it should be the transformation of the three-color vortex and the body of the Nascent Soul. Why was the soul body transformed by the original soul suddenly brought to this magic whirlpool space?

The boy in green looked around. There was chaos in all other directions. The purple door that reached the sky was the only way out.

"The Gate of the Yuan Demon!" The young man in green looked solemn, "I came here the last time I achieved the Demonic Whirlpool Realm."

The three-headed and six-armed Yuan Magic phase engraved on the surface of the Yuan Demon Gate seems to be looking down at the young man at this moment.

On the door of Yuan Mo, the eyes of Yuan Mo Xiang suddenly lit up, and purple arcs of electricity traveled on the surface of the door.

Squeak, squeak.

The two gates of the Yuan Demon Gate opened on their own.

The rolling purple demonic energy rolled out from the door. These purple demonic energy were like spiritual domestic dogs. They only rolled around the body of the young man in green, but did not infringe on his body at all.

The young man in green strode towards the door of Yuanmo.

The space inside the Yuanmo Gate is filled with circles of purple

A colorful, palm-sized magic whirlpool.

"Your Highness Xu Yang, welcome your arrival."

A strange sound came from the depths of the magic spiral space.

The purple magic swirling soldiers who were approaching the young man in green lined up neatly and made way for a passage as if they had heard the order.

A huge group of purple spiritual light converged, revealing a purple magic spinner that was five or six feet in size.

"It turns out it's this guy again." The young man in green took a closer look, and then asked sharply: "Spirit of the magic whirlpool, was it you who summoned me to this magic whirlpool space?"

The spirit of the magic swirl said: "You still remember me, His Highness Xu Yang, please calm down."

The young man in green clothes looked puzzled and said: "Why do you call me your highness? That's not what you called me last time."

"Don't be anxious, Your Highness Xu Yang, let me explain to you. The last time you came here, I felt that you were different. Because although you have the power of the Yuan Demon Interface and the aura of the Yuan Demon Purple Lion Family, But you are not of the Demon King's bloodline at all. At that time, you had a different kind of three-color true pill in your body. I wanted to help you achieve the Demonic Whirlpool Realm, but I didn't expect it to succeed. And it was the third one with three gates to other worlds. Body Demon Spin. In the Yuan Demon Realm, anyone who has mastered the mutant Demon Spin Realm such as the Three Body Demon Spin Realm will automatically be listed as one of the candidates for the Yuan Demon Demon King. Therefore, I will change my name to you according to the rules. For His Highness Xu Yang, also known as His Highness Mozi.”

After a pause, the Demonic Whirlpool Spirit continued: "However, there are many people who have become His Highness Demonic Son in the entire Yuan Demon Realm, and the fate of most of them is to be buried on the road to fight for the Demon King's throne. And just now , your Demonic Whirlpool Realm has reached its peak, and you are about to break through to the Yuanhun Realm. I summoned your soul body here to remind you that as your Highness, if you achieve the Yuanhun Realm, you must form a Yuanmo. Nascent Soul, here comes the problem.”

"Speak quickly." The young man in green became angrier as he listened. What he wanted to give birth to was a human Yuanying, not a demonic Yuanying at all.

The spirit of the magic whirlpool said: "If you want to form a Yuanmo Yuanying, you need enough Yuanmo power to support it. The original purple electricity power in the three-body magic whirlpool in your body contains a lot of Yuanmo power. But I don’t know what adventure you got. The purple electric space has turned into a golden thunder space, and the power of the Yuan Demon is gone. This way you can’t produce Yuan Demon Yuanying at all. If you are willing, I can use some of the Yuan Demon Yuan Ying. I will give you my strength. If one day you can achieve the position of Demon King, you might as well give me another job. This Yuan Demon Space is really boring."

"I don't need your Yuan Demon power at all, and I don't want to become a Yuan Demon Yuanying, let alone become a Yuan Demon Demon King." The young man in green looked fiercely, "Remember, don't mention Yuan Demon in front of me. Two words, I am a human being, not a demon, my name is Xu Yang.”

"Cough cough cough cough." The magic whirling spirit coughed violently and was choked by the words of the green-clothed boy and was speechless.

A red fire breath suddenly ignited on the body of the young man in green, and his body gradually disappeared in the fire breath.

The Demonic Whirlpool Spirit looked at the empty opposite side and said, "What an ungrateful guy. He actually forced himself to burn his life fire and left here. I haven't even had time to ask him for some drinks. Let him go. In the Yuan Demon Realm, There are thousands of His Highnesses, one less than him is a lot, and one more than him is not much. However, the remaining elemental demon aura in this boy has been completely exhausted in this summons, and I want to summon him here again. It's impossible to do it here. Huh! How many sons of Yuanmo would never have a chance to come to this Yuanmo Gate. If it weren't for the fact that the wine he gave me last time was really good, I wouldn't be able to do it. I won’t summon him here. I haven’t had enough wine..."

The Demonic Whirlpool Spirit stuck out its tongue, and a group of purple mist enveloped it.

"What's this guy's name? He was the first person to refuse my infusion of the power of the Yuan Demon."

He is Xu Yang.

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